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Everything posted by Windappreciator

  1. @zazen you could really benefit listening to emerald with a bit humbleness
  2. @Heinrich Faust "Der Sozialismus ist die Zusammenfassung der fortgeschrittensten Ideen und Errungenschaften der Menschheit. Er ist kein ausgedachtes Schema und schon gar keine Gleichmacherei, sondern erwächst aus dem vielfältigen Leben und Kampf der Massen. Er ist der nächste notwendige gesellschaftliche Schritt vorwärts, in dem der revolutionäre Fortschritt der Produktivkräfte zum Nutzen der ganzen Gesellschaft in Einheit mit der Natur angewandt wird." This is not a stage blue statement. Quote from MLPD. DiB is not very green if it lacks veganism, which is presented in Die Grünen for example. From the little I have seen it seems they have a strong focus on humans. The heads of DIE PARTEI make green politics. I wouldn't take their satire for face value. And actually if you look closely you will see that their satire targets stage orange.
  3. @zazen You are wasting your intelligence pointing at women or trying to correct them. Look inwardly.
  4. @zazen Again, It's not our biology, but your psychological development.
  5. @zazen It's not our biology. Neither women's nore men's. It's the level of psychological development you radiate.
  6. No party that doesn't include green morality is really yellow. It would be nonsensical to even be one. Yellow should see the green value needs for society and hence further those. The party closest to it as far as I know by members is DIE PARTEI even though the majority of their members are green/orange. DiB is probably also more green/orange. MLPD is also not blue, but a reddish version of green.
  7. @zazen animals are conscious of their existence. That comparison was unnecessary to your point and of weak reflection.
  8. @zazen Listen here boy. Don't bring animals into your nonsense. Animals have heart and emotions. Otherwise we have a problem.
  9. Please stop this egojerking.
  10. @Blackhawk You got this don't worry about it too much
  11. Maybe his model lacks the Love part.
  12. @Endangered-EGO Noh ♪~(´ε` ) I am waiting for the video
  13. Hopefully it's not demoralising, but I don't think many people here watch Naruto.
  14. Well, whatever comes up to your mind by my posts, if you have read any.
  15. @Atb210201 He has sime pretty good songs scattered throughout his
  16. By having such a profile picture as @ndm678 has