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Everything posted by Windappreciator

  1. not if you are whole food plant based vegan
  2. maybe we just don't listen to the delusions of an egomaniac by the name elon musk? that kid has no clue, all he wants to preserve is his capitalistic techno utopia of low emotions.
  3. it's a right brain half dysfunction leading to less capabilities to be in the moment, just let things happen, be intuitive, feel into stuff, so you overly analyse and neuroticise
  4. sometimes the loving approach can hurt them, but only for a while.
  5. I don't know, I don't think you are doing yourself a favour giving these things all these names.
  6. @Zedman Chicken is a big phthalate source
  7. Just study
  8. find the belief that is giving you this judgment and look at it as clearly as possible
  9. I can imagine. What was your initiation into?
  10. Despite being anxious about not being able to come back, do you actually prefer not knowing what you know now?
  11. @Yali Can we get a study on that?
  12. nothing wrong with cutting your hair, you guys
  13. Just a little appreciation coming you way
  14. @Yali I suppose you are also looking for a study to find dangerous levels of punches to the face?
  15. Just a ittle de/identification, nothing wrong with that, you guys. happens even to the best of us
  16. @Blackhawk ok but what do you expect them to say then? which do you think is the better position, the one which is telling a suicidal teenager to jump of the bridge because "all is hopeless or the one which is trying to safe ?
  17. any reason would be wasted because you are hardly able of doing so. you keep making the excuse that you need a reason, when it is your mind's flexibility that is the blockage not any external ignition.
  18. that is just inability to change your view point from the status quo disguised as humbleness scumbaggy move, but whatever
  19. but you are taking your words on blind faith
  20. honestly be careful with that entity stuff, you may lose sanity for good.