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Everything posted by 132faces

  1. A lot of people do know what happens after death it's how you accept the answer that's the problem. I experienced death...but you wouldn't believe me.
  2. It's true! Nothing but vast darkness and echoes...it is beautiful but very lonely....enjoy your human lives everyone! That's why you're here! Why be stuck in your head when you do that already for an eternity; enjoy the opportunities of L-O-V-E!!! Being human is awesome!
  3. Consciously and spiritually speaking, yes death and life are the same. But we will not be able to experience the senses any longer in death (that's how you know you're dead). Our five senses are the only thing that makes us a human person. It's the entire point of our experiences here. To experience the energy of all that is.
  4. I like your PS...that is actually the reason why you must take this test. In many forms we must be convinced we're not God, because if we knew...the world would change
  5. I agree! I wish everyone could see it clearly. Everyone is stuck in their illusions of society which is how the elite keep this machine running. God is within us all and everything else. Before these elitist came along, the plan was simply to experience a physical form of the energy of all that is. It didn't even matter how long our journey on earth lasted as long as you were able to experience that of a human...it was meant to be incredible. What a shame what it has all turned into. The collective conscious mind has been scattered so badly...no one can understand a word we're saying to one another