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About jordankingbn2

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  1. The thing is, 9-11am I work on the life purpose, and then from 4-8pm. The reason I structure it that way is because of my circadium rhythm, from 11.30/12 - 2 or 3pm I have an afternoon slump so I naturally feel tired for LP / Personal development type work, which is why I use that time to apply for jobs, and to the gym. And then around 3 or 4pm - 8pm is when I continue the work I was doing at 9-11 This is broken up by food in between etc, so I’m not working the entire time Also because a lot of my work is deliberate practice, I work in really short bursts doing drills and have lots of mini rests in those 4-8pm periods
  2. When working on something like a personal development project or life purpose. If I schedule a rest time at the end of the day, say at 8pm i clock off and relax, whether it be watching a movie, going for a walk, listening to music, reading a book or researching something, Also, when I have the 8pm clock off time, it makes me want to work even less because now it feels like my day is just about enduring through to 8pm til I can. (it creates this distinction of work (not fun) and rest (fun). i've also tried scheduling those times during the middle of the day, but then I never want to get back to working again after taking one of those rests so that does't work By the way, I go to the gym during the day and cook etc, so it's not like i'm working the entire time til 8pm but i feel like I should have some kind of rest, but don't know how to incorporate it
  3. Looking to get a countertop reverse osmosis water filter system but haven't found any available in U.K yet, any of you guys know where I can get one? Needs to be countertop, I can't have one installed Secondly, I know the recommended one is APEC, but if I can't find an APEC one for the U.K and have to resort to a different brand, how can I determine if it's as good as the APEC one? thank you
  4. like these ones: thank you
  5. I feel I used to be more of an ambivert when I was a lot younger but I can't really remember, but nowadays I'm much more of an omnivert thank you
  6. 1: Could someone please link where Leo got his urine test from? Doctors data says it has to be ordered from a physician 2: I read brown rice is bad for heavy metals? is it better to eat white rice in this case? or is brown rice still fine to eat if doing the chelation? (I eat a lot of rice) thanks
  7. I used to have a metal filling but it was removed about 6 months ago. Does it mean I can never do chelation at all? Or would I have to get it checked first to ensure there's no metal still in my tooth from the filling? and if I would need to get it checked, do you think a doctor could do that or would that have to be done by a doctor? thanks
  8. It might take me 5 - 10 years before my life purpose is in a position where i can work for myself. Is it possible to remove the social construct of weekends / weekdays, as i find it pretty depressing? I want to approach life with the mindset that every day feels like a summer holiday, or that life is one big adventure. So even if I've got to go to work for the next 5 years, and on the weekends when I know I've got work on Monday, I still want to be able to see the magic of life. I was thinking that vision would help with this a lot. In the past I've tried to change my perception of my working week and try to make it feel like a summer holiday, but it didn't really work and was exhausting, i'm guessing it has to be changed more at the subconscious level. I struggle a lot with tapping into my highest self and my vision, but I thinking that tapping into my vision and higher self could be one of the best ways of making every day of my life feel like a summer holiday. Like throughout the day just taking on that identity and acting as i'm already living in my vision, although i'm still not sure how that would work exactly. Appreciate any suggestions or advice! Worth noting: I haven't covered any of the spiritual or metaphysical personal development topics yet, i'm very much a stage orange with hints of stage green.
  9. When I first come up with a vision it feels exciting, but when I spend 20 minutes visualising every day, or just visioning throughout the day, after doing it for a few days the vision starts to feel repetitive and boring. I've tried breathing techniques, centering myself, tapping into my higher self, but the vision still feels boring. Does vision not work the same way music does, where if you listen to a song enough the novelty wears off? Btw everything in my vision is intrinsically motivated, e.g mastering my life purpose, having a big impact on the world etc.
  10. I'm working on my life purpose but I suspect it will be 5-10 years before I can generate income to quit my job. I've noticed that I try to do the bare minimum in my 9-5 finance job because I don't want any extra responsibility at work. This preserves my time and my energy which I need to focus on my business, but it also makes me feel less confident, more guilty, and more insecure at work, because i'm not applying the higher consciousness values that i'd apply in other areas of my life, like excellence etc. Should I really apply myself in my career until I can start up my own business, or should I do the bare minimum? Or somewhere in between? I've really been trying to use my intuition on this one but i'm so unsure.
  11. At work I care what people think so much, it stresses me out so much and I feel so worried. I'm constantly scared about looking stupid and getting things wrong, and i'm also worried about being annoying other people by making mistakes and being a burden by asking stupid questions. When I introspect over the weekend, I find good techniques for overcoming this problem and not care what people think. I then go into work and not care what people think for the first hour of being in the office, but then I begin to slip back into my old thought patterns. I think because my ego doesn't want me to change, it comes up with excuses for how i'm not mentally strong enough to stop caring what people think, and it comes up with lazy interpretations to keep me in this negative cycle. In James clear’s book atomic habits, he talks about using identity to make changes. I made a change in my own life where one day I just decided that my identity was going to be a healthy person. From that day forward I got my nutrition sorted and have kept that up for 1.5 years to this day. Do you think it would be possible to do the same with not caring what people think at work? Develop an identity of someone that doesn't care what people think and then consistently think that way? (I know that it won't be 100%, i'll still get triggered because it's deeply rooted in my subconcious, but do you think that if I was able to change my identity fairly easily with nutrition, I would be able to do it with not caring what people think? thank you