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Everything posted by Growly

  1. @Tanz 'im saying meeting women by walking up and talking to them ' Only works if you're 6+/10 'there are also obscure Hispanic apps out there in developed countries....'
  2. @Tanz I guess what you're implying is go to third world countries and use dating apps.
  3. @Bando Nah, I know that it's over for most non white men, especially indian people because of the stereotypes. What do you mean by High quality pic? Like frauding your face by finding the best angles?
  4. @museumoftrees I don't know because I never had a chance to know but maybe i'm hispanic. I look kind of liked Tyson Ballou because of my eyebrows n' midface. My skin is light skin sadly. 5,10 18yrs old
  5. "I am on my knees, god I ask you, the universe, PLEASE love me once and for all"
  6. Just compare yourself to low status men and you'll feel better
  7. @Peter Miklis Maybe, but I rather wait till I fix my failed features so I can feel like a god to these people yayayayayaay
  8. 18 Yrs old, non existent education with massive amounts of childhood trauma. The only thing I've gotten from school is bullying and lost 2-3k dollars from just bullying alone. I'm so sad how I have to deal with all the effects from my past and now I'm trying to relearn English because It's so fucking broken. Just to make it worst, I'm now an Incel and adopted their ideology which just compounded my situation ffs. I'm now fixated over my height, face, race and most importantly dick size yipeee. I use to wish I was white occasionally but I got rated 4.5PSl/8PSL from which made me happy a little bit but with ethnic tax 4PSL/8PSL because I'm ethnic. I looked up to when i was 16 yrs old and i was actually ascendning literally and I've gotten so close to astral projecting but digress from it because of these intrusive thoughts i get everyday. I stopped watching when someone criticized him and that made me skeptical about him and then eventually stopped watching him completely and that was probably the most regretful thing i ever did because it was the only thing that kept me motivated about life in general. Effects from my unlucky life: Intrusive Thoughts, Nightmares about my bullies(7-8 bullies in total) No education, Probably low IQ because I can't critical think anymore, Social anxiety, perpetual depression( Usually distract myself by playing games or learn english) Incel Ideology which gives me more reasons to just rope. What should I do? I just want to smoke spiritual related drugs so i can get away from this fucking sadness :(.
  9. @Bando That's how I cope, by looking at average-below average people. I try to stop going on there but it became a habit now because I rotted for 8 months just browsing there. But at least I learned facial attractiveness. YIPEE!!! I try to be proactive now by learning phsyiology and English because those two alone can ascend any person's life yayaya. All these bluepill advice is good if you're above average only btw. I already woke up when I adopted the blackpill and made me more serious about my age and my knowledge which was a double edge sword but it was worth it(not really tbh) 'I know youve seen people who look worse than you get good results with women and appear confident, that should give you a hint that you can change your circumstance.' Solely depends on where you live sadly.
  10. @Jacob Morres You're right about self love but I don't think I can love myself after I realize being ethnic ascribes you inferiority. I'm native american maybe but don't know for sure since my mom n' dad got divorced long time ago. I'm 5,10 thankfully yipee!!! I just wish I didn't discovered the blackpill or the redpill because that was very insidious and I used to think it was a joke until I saw the statistics. I discovered it when I was 17 and after, I started rotting for 8 months and that was detrimental to my cognitive abilities. Probably lost some IQ points maybe. I need some spiritual related drugs and nootropics to give me a boost in life and to finish up things because time is indeed running out for me. It is true that average-below average looking man can get gfs but that depends on the location and how they grew up. My school consist of mostly ethnic people and little bit of whites in California so it was easy here to get one maybe.
  11. @Jacob Morres Yes but looks trumps all maybe height. Fashion and confidence is false because most people will generalize just by looking at his/her face which you probably know by now. flirting? Seriously bro? you need to be slight above average to make that work and they’re gonna think you are using PUA tricks so it’s not gonna work.
  12. @Enlightenment I meditated when I was 16 and stopped a year later because It didn’t work tbh. Maybe it did or not but it just wasn’t worth it because I was mundane everytime I did it. i don’t go on those websites anymore because it’s insidious and it made me even more depressed than I was before I discovered the blackpill. Blackpill is truth maybe
  13. @roopepa You right tbh. I think I know what i'm gonna do. I'm just relearning english for now and I'm slowly getting out of this incel mindset since I already lost friends from having this mindset. I don't know how people cope in life despite being average especially being low IQ. Yeah, I'll take those drugs in low doses but the problem is that I don't even know where to get them. I remember they are in the process of legalizing them in the US but that's going to take forever.
  14. @Peter Miklis I wish it was that simple to deviate from this. I don't think it's weird for knowledgeable people to rate my face and I used to rate people's faces as well and recommend them practical surgery .I think it's good to get surgery If you're average since you can ascend quickly because you have a good base to start with unless you have severe recession. I know education is useless but It's bad that I have no good foundation to start with since I haven't gotten the knowledge for certain subjects like I'm literally at the bottom of the barrel and I thought Spiritual related drugs would help me ascend faster than if I was doing it without it. I was thinking of just popping an addy(adderal) or any practical nootropics to give me a boost but I don't know if it's worth suffering the consequence for it tbh. It's just painful to realize that I'm far behind in life. Maybe if I was born with good cognitive abilities then maybe I wouldn't in this position.
  15. @Nahm what do you think of this youtuber, Andreas Carlund He has his own teachings and it’s called Timeless Education ?
  16. @Preety_India How is that suppose to help? that's the most generic self-help advice ever no offense. Give me the most practical spiritual related drugs that will help me