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About Growly

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    Long Beach California
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  1. It is a privilege to get good sleep. Be grateful
  2. @Hojo the things you write is too abstract for me to understand Can you answer my question
  3. You identified with everything rather than one thing? You become god?
  4. @Hojo So seperating your identity by awareness made you have panic attacks & after you felt like everything?
  5. @Hojo , I thought once you seperate yourself from your identity by shifting awareness You are not afraid of anything anymore
  6. I will do this, I remember doing this as a teen but didn't work. I'll try again
  7. @Hojo in other words years of introspection?
  8. And if that's the case, my awareness has shifted where I'm aware of awareness
  9. @Hojo this is too abstract for me Did your awareness shifted that you no longer identify with yourself anymore?
  10. @Ishanga I searched up ajna chakra and it seems too good to be true, too abstract too. Have you opened it?
  11. What is this video? Is this just spiritual new age stuff or does it mean something I've watched it, they said in comments to focus on dot in first image and youll see 4 circles which I did see but nothing happened after. Am I missing something or is this just bs @Thought Art @Leo Gura
  12. Maybe he was awakened but the mis-interpretation is what ruined him
  13. @Schizophonia But he experienced god but mis-interptetted it