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@Human Mint Eat whatever you want to eat. Just do it consciously. I am allergic to sesame seeds. I also notice allergy symptoms with other seeds. I am not celiac but when I eat gluten, I get sluggish. Eating rice and wheat and oats always gives me brain fog and makes me sleepy and sluggish. As such, I eat them before bed to sleep better. Any high dose carb that is starchy will do this to you. However, I tested a day where I eat a purely carnivore breakfast (4 eggs and lots of ground beef). Now I got a high dose of protein and then I drank tea with no sugar. I was so focused without being fasted that it shocked me. I was reading many pages of my book which is usually difficult for me without a high dose of caffeine, tea only has 34mg. Later on, before the gym, I needed carbs for performance. I ate bananas and blueberries and drizzled honey all over them. Insane energy, clarity, and focus retained even tho the dose of sugar is as high as multiple slices of bread. So eat whatever you want, but notice what is happening to you at a mental and physical level. Basically, cutting out grains MIGHT make you have insane clarity and energy and less sluggishness. Cutting out beans and nuts might make you have better bowel movements and less farts. Some people have genetics that make them process grains better...I don't think I'm one of them. But if you eat carnivore (plus fruits and dried fruits and honey and tea/coffee and maybe mushrooms too, due to the reasons I mentioned), you are golden with any genetics.
Can you please elaborate on how holistically the lectins and phytic acid won't cause problems in the long run? The science is clear on their damaging effects and their identity as an anti-nutrient. And just saying that many people who eat seeds are "healthy" won't cut it for me. And look, I am not against you, in fact, if you give me any data on holistic benefit, I can eat these things again with less guilt lol! Also, fish oil is cheaper than Algae based EPA/DHA. It is good if you get a clean one. Best cheap, clean one is the one from iHerb by California Gold. They show their testing data for every batch which includes levels of mercury being pretty much 0.
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Alex_R Tbh Alex, at this point, I am trying to investigate this heavy metal toxicity thing. It seems to me that my nootropics would be much more effective if I cleanse my body of heavy metals. In fact, if you cleanse heavy metals, you might not have depression, anxiety, brain fog, or ADD as much. Disclaimer: this is stuff I personally tested, I am not a doctor and anyone reading this is taking a risk and needs to understand that. These things are highly safe, but I gotta mention this! I do have a BSc and I am in pharmacy school right now, but still! But for better mood: Reishi extract from FreshCap Mushrooms Shoden Ashwagandha from Nootropics Depot or HR supplements (they both sell it) Anxiety: Magnesium L-threonate patented as Magtein (Jarrow Formulas sell it, and Now supplements sell it too, but many other companies do as well..MAKE SURE IT IS Magtein) The 2 I mention for mood are also effective for anxiety in my experience Lemon Balm Extract from Brain Forza also helps SIDE NOTE: Magtein and Lemon Balm are good for anxiety if it is INSANE Anxiety. If you have mild mild anxiety, they might make you sleepy, so you gotta watch out. They are awesome before bed any day though. But with crazy anxiety days, I love Magtein. It can even help my mood too. Brain Fog: The Racetams (especially Piracetam and Pramiracetam when taken with a choline source) are incredible and only take 2 weeks to show effects (and even 4 days if you attack dose them, but that might not be safe for everyone). Do your research on Racetams. They are prescription drugs in many parts of the world but not in Canada or USA...so yea... However, since it is getting increasingly difficult to get Racetams, a super powerful nootropic for information retention that I have used and continue to use is Bacopa Monnieri. The one issue is that most people aren't patient enough with it. You need to take it at bedtime every day for 4-6 weeks to see the effects. BUT, once they do hit, it is incredible. You will remember people's phone numbers from one or 2 hearings. If you are bad with consistency, I suggest you don't even bother with Bacopa. The nice thing about Bacopa is that it can really help with improving sleep and can make your mood better the next day. So it is not like it is useless as you take it for the 4-6 weeks before you get results. The best Bacopa I could find was the one by Pure Science and the one by Nootropics Depot (their Bacopa not the one by Bacognize or Synapsa). Nootropics Depot has a tablet form that is standardized to 24% of active ingredient. Focus and Motivation: Caffeine + L-theanine blend You take them in a ratio of 2:1 Example is 200 mg L-theanine for 100 mg of caffeine. Or 100 mg L-theanine to 50 mg of caffeine. Mucuna Prurients (Known as L-dopa from Now Supplements) VERY POWERFUL, DO NOT USE DAILY...Only on days that are intense. You will develop a tolerance because it attacks dopamine system. L-Tyrosine. There are others but they are way too intense and need too much caution, so just try those first. Last but not least: CARDIO AND RESISTANCE TRAINING -
I was watching part 2 of "Holism & Holistic Thinking" and that first analogy Leo had about Holism and Holistic thinking with the theoretical physicist and nutrition really galvanized me to post my experience here (even though I had been watching actualized.org videos since 2019, and discovered the channel in 2015 but never cared to post here). This analogy hit home and before Leo even mentioned the link between nutrition and theoretical physics, I had gotten it since it is so relevant to my life. I actually have a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Science and am currently awaiting my acceptance to pharmacy school as a "post-grad" type of thing since that is how it works here in Canada. As such, I intimately know those "rationalist-materialist" types that Leo so often speaks of since they are my professors, classmates, lab partners, etc. I was really one of them until 2015 when everything began to crumble. I am 25, turning 26 soon, and this whole "the truth is out there" and "I have nothing to do with the Truth and must search for it" was deeply ingrained in me. I will explain how interconnectedness became palpable in my whole life in 2015-2019 (which made me come back to Actualized.org after willfully avoiding it from fear of it in 2015), but I'll only do that if Leo sees this and replies lol. For now, I will explain this stuff within this analogy in my current job. As I await the pharmacy school admission offer, I am working from home as an online Organic Chemistry and Neuroscience and Biology tutor (I usually tutor undergrads but I do take high school kids too). I had my first glimpse of the power of nutrition in 2018. Then in 2019, I began to look into it more and by 2020, I had become a nootropic junkie. I have so many of them and they CHANGED MY LIFE IN INCREDIBLE WAYS. As I tutor these science kids, I can see the indoctrination with the "truth is out there" and I can see how no one tells them, as they never told me, that nutrition and nootropics or nootropic-like foods are key for making connections and being holistic and successful in understanding reality. To link nutrition: I take nootropics like Alpha-GPC to maximize choline to build acetylcholine for improved memory and learning (choline is found in egg yolks, but we never eat enough so we must supplement in form of Alpha-GPC or Citicoline or Choline Bitartrate or whatever). I take phosphatidylserine (found in animal organs), omega 3 (found in fish and algae and seafood), Bacopa monnieri, Lion's mane, and many racetams to optimize cognition. In addition, I take essential vitamins, minerals, and things that one should have in the diet but we don't eat them. Lastly, I take Chaga and Reishi and Turkey Tail mushrooms. The Reishi along with Rhodiola Rosea & Rhodiola Crenulata and Ashwagandha all work to make me holistic and think so clearly. Anyways, I take many other nootropics but you get the point. Back to the kids now: As I tutor them, I would explain a concept in organic chemistry, they simply can't make a connection between the concept and their lives. Sometimes, they see things, but due to lack of choline in their diet, I can tell how foggy their brain feels as I learn their content while tutoring them and remember their work better than they do when they come back for a tutoring session. They learn all of these techniques for visualizing shapes of molecules and how to extract compounds, but you can tell that they can't link it to their life or care about it (even tho tons of products they use for skincare and food and medications and plastic and whatnot, they all use those techniques in the industry). They can't solve things. They are constantly stressed and miserable and the stress and misery lock them in a selfish, unholisitc perspective. However, when I suggest nootropics to some of them, they say "ahh okay, I'll think about it." They then never take them or consider them. They come back for other sessions miserable, confused, and hating science and life as a whole. Their misery in science during school connects to how they treat their boyfriends/girlfriends and how they speak to their families. This also connects to how much they work to earn money. This connects to how little they understand their own life and their own suffering. This connects to their selfish outlook and pain. They thus create their own hell. And why do they not try nootropics or simply consider how the nootropics are supplementing what they lack in diet? Also, why does it not cross their mind that diet might be the reason behind their suffering? Since their culture and university never mentions this, they think Nootropics are a silly scam or a false promise or "dangerous" while they are confirmed by research using their own scientific paradigm... They believe it is a scary risk because they don't have RADICAL OPENMINDEDNESS (something that improved my life so much) Lastly, to hit the point home, one of them became close friends with me (he is almost 22 now, we are now close friends outside tutoring), he is open-minded when it came to nootropics. He couldn't care less. So he got alpha-GPC (provides choline that one should get from nutrition but our food is lacking in it heavily). I was tutoring him and I would ask him things as I tutor to check his understanding. This guy was not understanding it. His brain fog was intense. I told him to go take an alpha-GPC capsule at 300 mg. He did. I began to tutor again and this same kid was drawing connections and understanding what I was saying at a level that I never saw before... This is a truth of human nature that I see so often: Humans complain and suffer. Their culture draws fictional constraints on what is "okay' and "not-okay." Their mind then internalizes them like those distinctions are actually real. By doing so, the mind MAKES THEM REAL. A guy like me or Leo comes and tells them "hey, here is the solution, but it is counter-intuitive, and you probably never did this." They have no open-mindedness. Their mind has fully ingrained and accepted the cultural constraints. As such they dismiss the saviour and the cure. They continue to suffer. Their suffering mind begins to ruin the world with bad choices coming from an unholistic perspective. Now others suffer from their selfishness The others that suffered then get a guy like Leo or me telling them a solution, those also reject it and go ruin the world The CYCLE REPEATS in a nasty strange loop of destruction.
@Medhansh I formatted it like that so that it is easier to read! Now you can't even read it, sad times bruh
Okay, as a guy that struggled to get laid from age 18-23 (one lay, my ex lmao) and then began sleeping with a lot of girls in age 24-25 (8 lays, and 5 more who gave me head but I didn't want to have sex or couldn't have sex), the key for me was the topic of conversation and the type of questions I asked. One thing I used to do that sometimes makes me remember dates when I was younger where I could have definitely got laid BUT DIDN'T was the nature of the topics I spoke of and the type of questions. Leo mentions this in his 3 part series "How to get laid." Here is an example of an error with type of question: You might say, "How was your day?" ...THIS IS BAD and logical and most importantly...BORING An alternative EMOTIONAL way of asking the same question is,"What did you do today?'' She might say, "nothing much, you?" And you then get emotional by saying, "NOTHING?! Damn, 24 hours of potential productivity all being lost...shame" with a cheeky playful smile (this is CRITICAL, if you say this seriously, she will think you are weird and cringe...) If she reacts with a laugh, keep that convo going If she reacts with a "Well...sorry, I'm not as cool as you" You then say, "Yea, I'm much cooler, I spend my time productively cooking pasta" again with emotion, smile, fun spirit, and she might roll her eyes and you play along and build more...there is emotion She might ask "WHAT?! what kind of pasta?" Say some bs after...this is weird, illogical, but HAS DEPTH AND EMOTION. SHE IS FEELING SOMETHING MAN! Now, every girl will give you a different response, but the more you meet girls and game, the more you will mess it up and eventually learn how to do this. An alternative EMOTIONAL way of asking the same question is,"Did anything exciting happen in your life today'' which is the same as "How was your day?" but MORE EMOTIONAL Play along with what she says, keep the emotion up and then down and then up, never consistent, never boring Here is an example of an error with topic of conversation: You might talk about career, school, political issues of where you guys live, weather, etc...NEVER DO THAT, CUZ EVERYONE ELSE DOES IT AND SHE WILL GET LOGICAL AND WILL NOT WANT TO BE INTIMATE Alternative topics is what she likes to listen to in terms of music, BUT YOU MUST do the thing leo says where you ADD qualifying statements. "What music do you like to listen to?" She then says, "ummm I like Kpop!" You say, "NO WAY, YOU LOOK LIKE AN EDM GIRL ON GODDD!!!" Notice how now there is curiosity in her mind She is thinking "What about me gives off EDM? Why does he think that?" The "On God" adds more emotion... SHE NOW FEELS SOMETHING Another topic is travel, "do you travel?" and if she says no, "where would you travel if you could travel anywhere?" She will say something like "Japan!!!" You then say "I would have NEVER guessed that, I bet you watched all of Hunter X Hunter and Naruto and many animes like it" You see what I did there?! Emotion She might say something like, "Barcelona tbh" but no emotion, she is not hooked yet You then say, "Ohhh, you like the european vibes?! Sangria and Paella on a rooftop restaurant in Barcelona would be litttt...you know what would make it better?" Now, she might get more interested, you see her eyes open, you see her attention captured, and she says "what?!!!" You then say something like "a spanish guitarist playing live music there while we look at the moonlight" She will laugh and say "omg you're so CHEESY!!" and now she is FEELING something, you are interesting...attraction will come soon Good Luck Gents! Big Daddy Truth Seeker came to the rescue, now go get laid <3
Most guys just want sex. This is natural. However, as I got older (26 currently), I started to think that if a girl is an airhead but hot, I would only want sex, but if she is deep and spiritual and has only a small amount of toxic behavioural patterns from past traumas, then I will want sex and a whole relationship. Sadly, most girls I met (AND I MET A LOT) are either airheads, or toxic from trauma. I live in a country with heavy COVID restrictions still after 2 years since this bullshit started and it's cold as fuck outside, so I can't do pickup yet... I want to do pickup soon to meet more girls day to day. I tried online dating. I got around 150 matches (I am a good looking guy I guess, I workout a lot and take care of myself) but only 25 of them were at the level of beauty I really liked (7s, 8s, and 9s) but those never respond and when they do, they aren't interested. So after the weather gets warmer and the country scraps restrictions, I will go do this stuff and get either laid with a hot airhead or in a relationship with a spiritual/deep girl LMAO.
I wanted to order my kit but then I saw that the medical community in the west is staunchly against using provoked urine test results as diagnostic tools for metal toxicity. The current evidence is against them and shows huge inconsistency in how much mercury comes out of people and that the "body burden" hypothesis of Mercury coming out with DMSA and DMPS is not true. The CDC, ACMT, and ATSDR are all against it. Leo must have seen this stuff. What does he make of it? Should we test metal toxicity with blood tests? What does the chelation detox community say about this?
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@BipolarGrowth Amazing stuff man. I just reopened the forum now and I like this! You are right. I have had insane spiritual growth since that time. -
@Yoremo I am basically a supplement expert at this point and I will tell you exactly what solved my sleep issue. I began sleeping poorly after my life got fked up; I add this because you mention a bad emotional state. I began taking many sleep aid supplements to fix my issue. I tried: A high dose of Bacopa Monnieri Magnolia Bark Extract Tart Cherry Extract Melatonin 5-HTP Lemon Balm Extract Ashwagandha (Shoden) They helped for a few days and then my body built tolerance and the issue came back. I then found out about that fact that research has shown that stress and mental suffering depletes the body of Magnesium and Zinc. Both are integral to sleep. I said fk it and wanted to test it out. I took 2 supplements: Magnesium Bisglycinate (400 mg) it is one of the best and most bioavailable forms ($8 USD on iHerb.com by California Gold Brand) I then took the Zinc supplement called "Zinc Balance" by Jarrow Formulas ($6.70 USD on iHerb.com). This one is cheap and amazing cuz they add a small amount of copper cuz Zinc flushes copper out of the body, so this makes it balanced. This will run you only $14.7 USD (in case price being a concern). The Magnesium made me sleep deeper but the sleep was choppy. It was two 3 hour chunks. Adding the Zinc made me sleep 7 hours straight and my body only needs 7 hours for optimal function. You will be better hopefully! Take them with a meal that has no beans, nuts, grains, or anything with phytic acid. In fact, if you can handle them on empty stomach at night, do that, it will make sure they are best absorbed. If this helps, let me know, I'll be happy to know that I helped someone suffer less.
No, because Flaxseed has an anti-nutrient called Phytic Acid. This thing will chelate and bind to necessary minerals you need in your diet and prevent you from absorbing them from your food. These minerals include Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium and Iron. The hypothesis behind why you should avoid seeds and seed oils is that PLANTS DON'T LIKE TO BE EATEN. Animals can just run away from a predator, but plants can't, so they developed ways to protect themselves. Their seeds have anti-nutrients like phytic acid and lectins (lectins are found in peanuts and beans, which are both seeds). Lectins bind to your gut lining and can cause serious problems. Phytic acid prevents absorption of minerals. FFS, the seeds of apples have small amounts of cyanide! Leaves, seeds, roots, all have some damaging and dangerous elements to them. They won't break your body down of course, but will make it function less optimally than it COULD. The fruits of plants are colourful and tasty and have no harm to you because they are MEANT to be eaten. The plant wants an animal to eat it and then poop out the seeds so that the plant can reproduce.
@Federico del pueblo Thanks for sharing! I missed the memo for that site It seems that they have a facebook group and a chat.
I watched the first 2 parts of Leo's "How to Get Laid" and I loved it. A little background about me is that I am in my mid 20s and I did experiment with pickup before. I got 2 dates from day-game back when I did pickup but I was SO AWFUL that I did not know how to make it past to even a kiss. I remember making out with a girl from night game back then too. But afterwards, I got busy with life, and worked on my body and my looks and used online dating apps. I got many lays and dates off of them. But, the girls weren't up to my current standards. However, those experiences taught me a lot and after watching Leo's videos, I'm pumped to retry pickup again. I do live in Toronto (a prominent city for pickup and probably the birthplace of pickup). Canada is super strict with masks and COVID and honestly day game is no longer an option for us as of now. But, I did go to a club recently and everything is as it used to be. However, I do want to learn how people just find wings in their city. How can I find wings in Toronto for night game specifically? Thank you so much in advance for any helpful pointers
@charlie cho You don't watch the channel don't you? These are all references from the channel lmao! Relax Charlie
I went to a club recently and it was so loud that you can barely talk. The ladies were very cute too. Everyone was dancing and having a good time. This question is directed to men who go out clubbing regularly and have some nice tips and strategies to open girls in such a "high energy" environment and quickly physically escalate without awkwardness or creepiness. If you have any tips, strategies, or pointers: PLEASE SHARE! Let me know how you would: Open a cute girl in such an environment while she is with her friends (like, what would you do? what would your wing do? Do you care to have wings? etc...). Escalate physically. When I went, I had some girls come up to me wanting to dance. They were cute, but they weren't the hottest ones. I know that if I wanted to get the hottest ones, I need to do the approach myself because they sure ain't gonna come to me. Any advice is highly appreciated
@Leo Gura Thanks Leo! This makes sense. I will also make sure to square up to her. This seems super strong and forward but I'm sure it works (I see crazy sh*t in those clubs so it will probably work). I will obviously build rapport after. I will then pull. I will then get laid. I will then thank God. I will then realize I am God. I will then post it in the Forum. You will then respond. I will then realize you responding is just me responding to Myself. I will then realize life cannot be a simulation and that those squirting videos made me learn who I REALLY AM.
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
"If you cannot find peace and happiness unless you drug yourself with handful of nootropics, something seems quite not right." Who said this? You did. There is an implicit assumption that attaining peace and happiness is only "right" if it requires no substances. You can use multiple sophisms to deny it, but it won't fly here. "This is actually your mind that is creating your own requirements to allow yourself to be at peace, but you are the one who doesn't get it." Oh really? I was saying that there is no requirement that is set in stone. It all depends on one's situation. This was further clarified in my next post. But, you now backpedaled saying that I made a Nootropic requirement when in reality I never made such a requirement. I just said that deficiencies need to be corrected and that a holistic approach is necessary for reaching the truth. "There isn't anything wrong with improving your health, yet if you cannot accept living without these, then what is 'not quite right' is the fact that you become dependent on it, and as with everything you depend on, it can be taken away any moment, including your health, and then you enter suffering." Where did I say I can't accept living without them? I can accept it but reaching the highest states of consciousness becomes super unlikely. What you are saying sounds like it's deep, but it isn't. Think of Nootropics as consciousness-raising tools. Now go to a bunch of spiritual seekers in India, China, Japan, USA, Russia, whatever. Then, tell them, "You know what guys? If you need meditation, self-inquiry, contemplation, yoga, fasting, vision quests, proper diet, nootropics, or psychedelics, or any of these esoteric methods to be at peace and realize God, then something about that seems quite not right since you can't depend on them because happiness is already here" What would people say? They would just laugh... You can argue that no one can withdraw meditation or yoga or fasting like they withdraw health or nootropics. I can easily counter it with: You can have people withdraw meditation from you if you are in a prison where there are people constantly screaming and you cannot sit in quiet or peace. Let's say you are a sage who can meditate even when people are being tortured in a prison cell across the hall, then we can say that there will be guards that prevent you from meditating by hitting you with a stick once you sit to meditate. You can have Yoga withdrawn from you easily. All you need is one big injury to your spine or your leg, and it's over. You can have fasting withdrawn from you. All you need is to have serious deficiencies and health problems where fasting daily for even 15 hours can lead to you dying in a week tops. As such, you can't fast. Again, another person here not seeing the paradoxical nature of this whole journey. The paradox being that happiness is already here and you shouldn't depend on things to see it, BUT in fact, you actually should depend on meditation, yoga, diet, supplements, exercise, psychedelics, etc to get there. However, your toolbox of strategies for awakening will vary depending on who you are. Some will use Yoga, Meditation, Psychedelics, and Fasting. They never needed nootropics, a perfect diet, or anything like that. Others will use Yoga, Nootropics, Fasting, and Contemplation. They never needed meditation in the traditional sense or a perfect diet. And so on and so forth. But, someone like you will come and make this rule that, "you guys shouldn't depend on x or y because Peace and Happiness are already here since x and y can be withdrawn and as such, needing x or y seems quite not right." That's nonsense. This is a pure assumption, but I bet you probably wouldn't have flinched to say that we are "dependent" on meditation or Yoga for enlightenment because, in your Egoic paradigm, they are less "icky" since they don't involve substance use. This whole "it is already here" is again a bastardization of the teachings of nonduality. Yes, it is "here," but you do need tools to get there and one of them is Nootropics. Yes, health can be lost, and when that happens, if one isn't already awakened, suffering will ensue. But before that happens, one MUST UTILIZE health to get to this awakened state such that when it is withdrawn by some accident, they are okay. "And if you will, keep your passive-aggressive tone and your fairytales towards me for someone else." Ummm, no. If you will say patronizing things like "drug oneself" and then moralize us with what is "quite not right," then WE WILL CALL YOU OUT with or without a passive-aggressive tone. If you don't like being called out, then Forums aren't for you. -
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@OneHandClap Yep, you know what's up I just responded to this person about the "drug oneself." Check it out. And I forgot to mention to them this other part. They said: "If you cannot find peace and happiness unless you drug yourself with handful of nootropics, something seems quite not right." Since those are mostly food items and minerals and vitamins and fats and herbs that should be in your diet, then we can see the absurdity of this thinking if we apply it to other scenarios: Here in Canada it gets to -20 Degrees Celsius (-4 Degrees Fahrenheit for you Americans who don't use Celsius). Imagine some fake "woke" dude tells you: "If you need a coat and gloves and hat to find peace and comfort, then something seems quite not right" This is the exact same as what this man/woman was saying, since those kids I tutored were literally lacking in Choline from their diet. This one kid takes Alpha-GPC, and suddenly he can think clearly when I tutored him. So, lacking Choline in a University setting where you are constantly bombarded by assignments and tests is no different than lacking a coat in Canadian winter where you are constantly bombarded by stroms and extremely cold weather. Worst part is these fools are saying this stuff due to cultural brainwashing OR a bunch of acid or mushrooms trips: In either case, there was 0 contemplation. The cold weather example is so applicable because let's say the weather was 2 degrees Celsius (35.6 degrees Fahrenheit). Some folks here won't be cold with a thin jacket. Others will need a THICK coat due to poor circulation in their body. Those same fools will not judge those people. In the same way, some people can understand complex organic chemistry topics with no Choline supplements, because the enzymatic machinery in their brains can produce acetylcholine well enough. Others have brains that don't do that as well, so their Alpha-GPC or Citicoline is basically their "Coat" in this scenario. But because their culture doesn't teach this, these fools will jump to criticize the Choline supplement but not the coat... As such, you can just observe them and see how little they understand these things and how they take Actualized.org and spiritual teachings as a whole and bastardize them as dogmas with 0 contemplation. -
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is baffling. It seems that this whole post, this whole thread, went right over your head. Let's deconstruct this: Firstly, who went and wrote this rule in the universe that finding "peace and happiness" MUST BE DONE without nootropics and psychedelics? Does it say this as a commandement by God? As such, you don't see that this requirement of it being done without nootropics is fully constructed by your culture and your Ego ate that sh*t up... Wake up. "seems quite not right" What is right and what is wrong? Where did you get this idea? Do you question any of this or just let your ego function robotically after the instructions and pradigm were inputted into it by your culture back in childhood, like 99% of people? It is clearly the latter but you need to start questioning and contemplating more. Secondly, the WHOLE PURPOSE of the post is to not reject something that can help based on arbitrary constraints created by ones culture and Ego. It went right over your head though. There are no rules, no reuqirements. You are making this all up. Let go of all this attachment to the cultural idea that peace and happiness must come in only one way. How are you any different from a christian or a muslim or a buddhist who says that peace and happiness must come through their religious teachings? You will say "no, this is NOT the same" Yes it is, they are attached to their religions. You are attached to the idea that peace and happiness must be "substance free." If you grew up in a culture where nootropics were common practice, this would NOT EVEN CROSS YOUR MIND. But again, you aren't conscious of any of this. Lastly, and most embarassingly, is the "drug yourself" part of this My guy, this is FOOD. Did you miss the part where I say how this is already in your diet (and some are in your body) but your diet misses these compounds so you supplement? How about the part where the others are natural herbs used as food by cultures for thousands of years? The only "drug" part of this are the racetams. But literally 90% of my nootropics are NOT racetams. Think twice, or else, you will look dumb. I'll let you figure that one out on your own. -
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@BipolarGrowth I said I was not going to respond because it was in the context of this turning into foul bickering back and forth (which goes against the guidelines). But since your response was polite, I will address this. These teachings of nonduality are very sophisticated and can easily be co-opted by the Ego for bad reasons. The nuance is almost infinite. These people are literally suffering. They struggle with: Suicidal thoughts Constantly terrible mood Anxiety Pain Lack of purpose And their self-esteem keeps dropping down with every passing day as they struggle to understand things in their studies, all of which can be easily understood by them with nootropics. My view of their situation is that this suffering is a "problem." However, what do you suggest I do? Should I see them suffer and not view it as a "problem" that requires a "solution" as the other end of this duality? And then when doing so, should I cling to lofty non-dual thinking and just say "oh this is beautiful" and not even care to help them since "it isn't a problem" so why help? Here you might say, "No no, you will help but not view it as a problem." If I am helping, then I am intervening. If I am intervening, it's because I see that something is not "ideal." If it is not "ideal," then it is a problem. So I want you to see that the teachings of non-duality were bastardized here. Me "viewing the situation in the dualistic way I was describing" is critical for me to help them or even CARE to help them. If this was not the case, then the sages would never lend a hand in need for anyone suffering since, "it is all beautiful." Yes it is beautiful and perfect in the grand scheme of things, but that does not mean we must look at the small slivers in reality as beautiful at all times. This is the inherently paradoxical nature of these teachings. Jesus/Shankara/Gautama had to use a "dualistic lens," as you describe it, to help people even though they were fully conscious of the non-dual, perfect, Sat-Chit-Ananda nature of the entire thing. This is why I made the assetion that the words "nasty" and "destructive" triggered this whole thing. Your ego interepreted it as being a problematic word choice. Then it said, "the words are problematic, thus the whole view of this as "a problem" is problematic, thus let's jump to the conclusion that this guy is making up problems as badly as them." So when Jesus went to heal people and he was feeling deep empathy and sees how bad it is, imagine someone, who did a few LSD trips, comes and says, "Yo Jesus, your view of them as suffering is bad and dualistic. This ain't a problem. We all gucci....but you still should help them...." Helping means you saw there was an issue, a lack of "ideal" scenario, and thus a problem. Please, to anyone reading this, reflect on the stuff that Leo is saying and read more and more. Without contemplation, this stuff is not only useless, it is pernicious. -
@Leo Gura Lmfao, I have never seen this side of you LOOL I'm dead! This is absolutely true. But in my mind, I am so used to you talking about metaphysics and epistemology and Gottlob Frege and Tarski and Peter Ralston and Absolute Infinity and Godhead So now hearing this makes me see that holism in action
Truth-Seeker replied to Jodistrict's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Jodistrict Yea, this is shocking and sad but not surprising. Even if we tell them that hallucinations aren't "bad" and that they are projecting "badness" onto hallucinations, they will say that we are fools and that we are stupid and endangering patients... We are enandering pateints? They say this while they are literally leaving miserable depressed people to suffer for 6 weeks waiting on a medication that has tons of foul side effects only for it to not work so that they try another one and so on. During these 6 weeks, the patient might just kill themselves to rest in peace. Yet, we are endangering patients and not them... -
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Osaid You are absolutely right. But, it takes a wiser person to actually try a water fast for that long. It takes someone with some insight to even care to bother and try a water fast or nootropics. But those of us who do take such steps, we see the fruits. Those fruits then make us realize how we were basically zombies. We then do more techniques (maybe 7-day water fast) and then we look back at the 36-hour fast and realize that we were not awake back then, we were asleep, and NOW we are awake. We then do more things and realize that that state was asleep, and now we are awake. The cycle goes on to infinite growth. This is the beauty of it all. I once did a 40-hour water fast. I remember feeling this state of equanimity. It was good stuff for sure. The same me was calmer but still irritable at some things. But, I did feel a meditative calm. -
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You're right, but also notice that reality is technology and reality is Amish/no-technology. Add in that, you, as God, are creating this right now. So, if you want it to work perfectly well, you think thoughts about that, and then it will work perfectly well in your perspective. Even though your life sucks in the perspective of others: You're sick You use a horse and it takes you days to arrive at a place that others take hours to reach. Your clothes are ugly and rudimentary while others have nice clothes. You don't drink cold water, all your water is at room temperature. Your food sucks and doesn't taste good 9/10 times. You use letters while others have phones and computers. Notice how you also created the idea that "letters are not technology" It can be technology... it can be not-technology Do you see how you are drawing that boundary and fragmenting reality? You are the creator. Remember that. Whatever you want the world to look like, that is how it will look like. Whatever you think reality does not need, it will not need. Whatever you think reality needs, it needs. -
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lmfao, I was about to say just that, but you beat me to it! Stay great King/Queen <3