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Oh nice! Awesome!
I watched carefully Blue, Orange, Green, and now on Yellow (ABSOLUTELY LIFE CHANGING) Now we need that Turquoise!
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
This must be how Jordan Peterson felt when he was being interviewed by Cathy Newman. "Inequality against the Handicapped is mended by more inequality in stage green" Cathy, "So you're saying that black people are comparable to handicapped people? THAT'S RACIST" Jordan: "Wait what? No, that's not what I said" Racism being mentioned in the thread does not mean that we are talking about black people. In fact, the first post is talking about IRAQI PEOPLE. But you projecting the idea of black people after we mentioned racism just shows me that you are most likely an American and have this Americo-centric point of view where you assume that "racism = black people" which you need to work on. Not only did you project this idea, you also added another projection, that us talking about inequality against the handicapped means we are comparing black people to those who are handicapped, we never did such a comparison and we never brought up black people. That projection probably happened from you thinking that racism and inequality are synonyms in an unconscious sense. Like, you know they aren't synonyms on a conscious level but when you skimmed quickly, you assumed us talking about inequality means we are still talking about racism (which is only a form of on inequality) and this brought black people on the line for you. And yes, Leo was alluding to positive discrimination, and no it isn't worse than negative discrimination. Yes, it is unconscious but in no way can you imagine that something like affirmative action is worse than Jim Crow laws...it's bad yes, but nowhere near worse than negative discrimination. It is unconcious but coming from good intention and the damage it does is literally trivial in comparison to negative discrimination. Also, I want to mention that I am not attacking you nor do I think you are actually antagonizing us! I sincerely think you had good intention but I am pointing out certain biases and misunderstandings and projections that you made and need to be careful of. These can came from an Americo-centric point of view. That can easily be worked on by watching documentaries of racism in other parts of the world or reading books or watching Leo's videos because I love how he expands on his channel on examples that extend beyond America. -
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I can't tell if you are trolling or instigating an argument here out of thin air. Also, all Leo did was mention handicapped people as a marginalized community and a minority that suffers some inequality and suggested a rhetorical method for reparation/compensation to prove his point; the point being that Green tends to overcompensate in their correction of inequality and they do so by literally using inequality... Nowhere did he even mention black people in his response. And nowhere did anyone mention black people on this thread. And I can't even conceive of anyone who has began to genuinely enter stage green and understands the spiral to actually be racist in the traditional stage-blue (and under) sense of the word. -
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@SonataAllegro Yes, this is very true and it is why I mention it as an excess of green. It is not applicable to a healthy green the properly integrated the lessons of blue and orange. Right, and when I call them "racist" here, they aren't SERIOUSLY RACIST. It is a very warped situation where they have SO MUCH empathy for marginalized communities or people in 3rd world nations (who happened to be victims of Western Imperialism) that they literally develop an implicit racism. -
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Yep, this is why I say that their racism has good intention.Green has this noble pursuit of trying to wipe out hundreds of years of history where the colonial European whites oppressed and marginalized minorities from the colonies that they discovered back when they were all stage blue. As Green goes about this noble pursuit, they do cringy things like trying to reinvent a non-racist history. Or, they do something like FALSELY assuming that every nation impacted by western imperialism is a mess SOLELY from the actions of the western occupiers (or distant western meddlers). When in reality the mess is insanely multifactorial and requires serious systems thinking and there are no clear black-and-white "bad guys" and "good guys." -
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Possibly, but not gonna lie, the show "Bridgerton" is wonderful! I really like it lmao! The more I progress through the first episode, the less I care about there being non-white members of the English nobility. -
I just watched Leo's Stage Green video and took many notes and found it very insightful and incredible. However, as I continued to contemplate it, I found 2 more excesses to Green that he may have forgotten to mention and that I WANT TO SHARE WITH Y'ALL: 1) Implicit racism of Green that comes from good intention. Bear with me on this one . Stage Green can be implicitly racist with good intention by dividing mankind into the "oppressor" class and "oppressed" class and then blaming everything on the oppressor and absolving the "oppressed" from anything they may do. This is done in a neurotic manner that lacks nuance and systems thinking. For example, as an Iraqi that grew up in Iraq in the pre-2003 Saddamist era and the Post-2003 US occupation era, I got to see that racism of Green after I moved to Canada. While the American government caused immense destabilization, had a ridiculously stupid foreign policy in Iraq, and took very uncalculated and heavy-handed moves, the Iraqis are usually to blame for the mess that ensued. I know this, I lived it, and I have seen what Iraqis of the tribal class have done and all the militias they formed and all of the exploitation they did to each other. I am not getting into all of the technical details and minutia of that right now however. Anyways, I move to Canada and then encounter the quintessential Stage Green liberals and they would tell me of how the Americans are fully to blame and you can feel this serious concern for these "poor Iraqis" as these innocent victims and how the Americans are so evil. They fully ignore the billions of dollars that Americans gave to Iraqi Officials to help them build Iraq only for Iraqi officials to embezzle them and pocket some to themselves, fund militias that kill civilians, and even help out Iran after all the sanctions were put onto them. And the worse part is how Iraqi Citizens repeatedly complain about these officials and then reelect them every time for tribal reasons. This is quite racist in my opinion because this narrative is undergirded by a racist idea of American Whites being the "superior adults" and the Iraqis being "inferior minors" and that any mess happening in Iraq would 100% be the fault of the "adults!" A helpful analogy: if an adult leaves a bunch of 4 year olds in a house full of knives on the floor and gasoline and fire sources and those 4 year olds hurt each other and kill each other and destroy the house...whom do we blame? THE ADULTS. But I want you guys to realize that Green will view White Americans as the "adults" and Iraqi OFFICIALS/POLITICIANS as "minors" who are poor victims without realizing that these GROWN MEN are actual criminals mostly responsible for the immense damage that happened. The stage yellow point of view is seeing that Iraqis were (AND STILL ARE) at a Stage Red of development and it was mostly a clash of Orange intervention onto a Red/Blue primitive society. However, Green does NOT KNOW this but the way they behave does betray some implicit racism and when you point this out to them, they deny, deflect, and gaslight and look seriously distressed cuz they see the truth in it. The distress on their faces is especially poignant when they know the person accusing them of this racism is INDEED AN IRAQI. 2) Hypocrisy in inclusivity that comes off as being cringy. They would be inclusive of minorities in TV Series of "period pieces" that portray life in Europe during the 19th century OR prior. However, they would never do the reverse. This again comes from their simplistic worldview of pigeonholing mankind into categories of "oppressor" vs "oppressed." I was watching this show called "Bridgerton" set in 1813 in London UK. I then begin seeing characters that are of the supposed nobility in 1813 UK that are black and south asian. I am SO GRATEFUL to Leo for introducing me to Spiral Dynamics because I looked at it and smiled and had this "AH HAH!!" or "EUREKA" moment where it all came together for me as a stage green political move. I am still going to watch the show but it looks kinda cringy cuz you know damn well there were no African or South Asian nobility in 1813 UK. The hypocrisy of this is that if they produce a show in 1813 China, all of the characters will be Chinese or at least East Asian. THEY WON'T EVEN INCLUDE ACTORS THAT ARE SOUTH ASIAN, MIDDLE EASTERN, or from any of the other minority races that are "oppressed" and "marginalized" in their world view. I saw the same thing in the beauty and the beast movie. That story was set in the mid 1700s in France. Anyways, the old me would be triggered by these issues but now, spiral dynamics really helps me see it for what it is, a step in the development of western society towards collective systems thinking!
I wanna do a solo nature retreat since the weather in my country is now getting very nice. I have never ever been camping and never actually done anything like this. I am thinking of doing 2 days since I am a noob. I think it will be radically healing for me. If anyone goes camping or hiking, what should I bring? How do you guys plan this to make your stay more on the pleasant side let's say? I want to spend it just walking around in nature and contemplating. I hate the concrete jungle in which I live.
It could be both or it could only be that he wants to try and sleep with you. But, in each condition, him wanting to sleep with you is part of it. So just be conscious of that. And yes, I can imagine he must be attractive because otherwise you would have blocked him after the first mistake!
Truth-Seeker replied to Truth-Seeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Interesting perspective there man. I just hope I stay awake while doing any of them. Currently, I tried an unknown strain and then tried Penis Envy and both made me super lethargic and sleepy. I got golden teacher and blue meanie as well. We'll see what each does. -
Again, very impressive articulation of what is going on at the mind of blue vs higher stages when it comes to something like "actions speak louder than words." I have literally seen it in my life where they try to convince you of a value of a particular concept by pointing to its constancy throughout history. THEY LITERALLY DO THAT LOL. But what you say about Yellow in the end makes me believe that Tier 2 cannot be entered only through expansion of consciousness (as all the other stages would). A tier 2 individual with systems thinking needs to have a superior cognitive ability, intelligence, and a wide breadth to his/her lexicon (which is developed from their ability to read a lot of books) to simply be able to truly dive in that stage. That's the only way they can articulate the power of tradition with a systems-thinking perspective.
Yea, I intuited that it is their lack of abstraction ability and their fixation on literalism that might make it blue. DUDE EXACTLY. That is why while I am definitely no longer blue, I can resonate with this idea. For me, it is all about being genuine and actualizing what you truly believe rather than talking a lot about your lofty ideals and moralizing while not actually following through with it in your life. You can't respect those people, no matter what stage they are. That's why I had difficulty seeing why this is A QUINTESSENTIAL blue thing, because I'm not blue but I get it and agree with it. But like Carl explained, the blue part about it is the fact that it is reductive, simplistic, and focuses on concrete and visible stuff rather than the abstractions and ignores nuance. So that is what makes it blue, but it still holds merit. I guess that a stage Green or Yellow can believe the same thing but to him it is not an "end-all-be-all" type of thing. He agrees with it but is FULLY CONSCIOUS of the nuance.
Bro this is literally me. My life got fucked up forreal after living in Canada for the last 2 years. Honestly, when it gets nasty, I go for a walk with good music, or what is better is a run outside with good music. It helps. Also cold showers help. You might think "who cares, I just wanna die" but that's legit me until I start running and suddenly now I don't wanna die. Weight lifting can have the same effect but cardio always better.
Probably tired from health issues. Maybe also that even though Solipsism feels amazing, it can be a bit draining on your Ego over time.