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Everything posted by Jamajczyk
Hi there guys. I need great help. I am from nlp background with materialistic view that mind is only a representation of reality the is outside our minds. And mind wasnt equal to reality this was two separate things. Mind had flawes and reality not. I was happy with this view. However with gaining some of qm knowledge and spiritual insights like reality is created while observing and is merely a part of mind. I have lost distinction between reality and mind. I have no place for flawes. And lost faith in my own world view and sanity. For years now i live in confusion. I dont know what is real any more. Be deterministic or not. Be materialistic or not. What is mind. Can it realy create anything? What about other people. What should i do.
I think as I unterstood Leo okay, and beieve me, enything i know is greatly coherent to each other and i had (and still have) to some degree very solid model of the universe until Actualized, that stated that enything that you cant see does not exist. yup, to some degree i can relate to that, YET!!! Until we start to got deeper into this solipsistic idea i have to tell you that my idea i somewhat better and soo much more comphorting. Instead of everything does not exist i have, EVERYTHING EXIST, past future, and everything that can be done exist. And this is so much better for my mind to grasp the domino effect of the universe. Ofc it is intelectual representation of the universe and yet it is working because it is based on the true experiences of other people and the work of our brain. Yup i know that brain halucinates itself into existence, BUT IT IS DOING IT IN VERY SPECIAL AND FINITED MANNER. There are no people with tails, and human height snails. So imagination is not reality cos i just imagined them. You can tell that this is how reality manifested it as my imagination, but betwen manifestation of my memory and realness "outside" me there is nothing. Leo you cant just like the take human model and throw it out the window. It is just a model but it allow us to create more vibrant and colorful ideas just because of one thing... When you hit yourself with a hammer it WILL BE PAINFUL! Unfortunately your concept is just a curiocity but is has nothing with real life. Especialy when people in our society need to deal with survival and money issues. Or you just living in some other world where money dont exist, but in my realm they do. I do not disagree with everything but i think, your model is too straightforward and detached with the dimention we all are living. However i wish you well. But i think your model, need to be restructurized.
I heard something else - Solipsism is mental ilness
if you dont exist probably you are living in some other dimention and we are connected by this talk somehow, within the multiverse... byu the synchronisation or something.... im so confused. pls help
So is the something like objective reality? With true laws that undergone entire truth ? Speciali i wont tell for everybody because you will be there is no one beside you. But you are, you feel and you can't tell me that you are not in front of computer or some other device with monitor, you are living, and you are humanoid. This is the truth undergone everything this is what can be extrapolated from my own world view. And i am right? yes? You are someone with body, this answers are not made for me by the universe itself but by the universe that is using you to write it... Therefore, i think the logic behind actualized is kind of... handicapped
Dude, i think i got you, but, i loot of thinking... what red shifted light, what about ultraviolet. i can't see it, but bees can see first one, and snakes the second. Shrip see 128 basic colors we only 3. I cant hear radio waves, but radio exist, even wifi, that is around me right now. I can be even blinded because of RED SHIFTED LIGHT laser and i wont even see it. So ?
uhhhh gurl i understand you very well, i had a break down last night... this is fucking hard... i was anble to live with this knowledge 10 years ago, yet with time, problems occured. I wish i would be blind. Now i not and i have meny issues with my family that goes silent when i talk about this... meh,,, this is overwelming ... i wish i had someone who could understand this beside me. I would feel grateful for this
2 nd question. Bashar told in one of his movies, that whatever you imagine is true somewhere, i can imagine small planes flying inside my room, but dont dont think that it is real in any place. I hope so he did nt meant dimentions. We dont have reasons to think that other dinetions really exists. And if they do, such a distortion in psyhics laws would destroy universe
Thats what i was afraid of. But if that is true where is the place for imagination, biases and simple mind filtration of reality, because as we know, mind is filtrating reality. (you cant see redshifted light for example, and you ten hipnose someone to not see red objects in perceived field)
I look on the new perspective from a nlp model of cybernetic representation of reality. I have problem with geting along this two types of models