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Everything posted by Steven

  1. An idea popped into my head this morning “Hey wouldn’t it be cool if your head was shaven?” A moment later, while ruffling my hair in front of the mirror, another thought sprung “This is going to be a bit of work.” This thought left me indecisive, so I came to conclusion “Wouldn’t it be cool if I put up a random poll that will determine this and then I will proceed or not proceed?” So here it is The poll closes in 24 hours after this post.
  2. For some reason every time I look at the mirror I have this comic expression on my face
  3. But I don't know who is ME... Do you know who is YOU...Honestly? It's a poll not advice ... and the poll is 10 for NO and 5 for YES which means that I should not shave according to the poll or the advice... What I didn't say is that I would do the opposite of the poll ... So here is the result....
  4. i'll put the shaven head on the profile pic... if I shave it
  5. I agree But your name and association with hair ,,,, LOL
  6. I think I read somewhere with the same view on the meaning of hair...
  7. check this one out...
  8. Excuse me? Where did I mention you... Every second post you make you are either abusing someone or trolling
  9. @NomadYou are horrible person... need to work on yourself... a lot
  10. How do you know this? I am just asking ... because you seem to be very convinced. Is it because the science (Physics) has made a lot of advancement lately? What if you were living a few hundred years ago, would you be making claims so strongly that the Earth is flat?
  11. @Nomad Chill dude... This post is about dreams
  12. @NomadYou are ruining everyone with your posts
  13. Super relaxed ... messing around @Nomad loves it!
  14. I try simple questions with nomads (level purple)...
  15. Did you get home yet?
  16. I don't know anything about it...
  17. The points mean a lot to @Nomad To him the more points means he is higher in the hierarchy
  18. @Nomad You spend vast amount of time on the forum... then you call the whole thing a cult ...based on trolly comments ... And Leo keeps saying this constantly... and yet some people just go blank on it