ll Ontology ll

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Everything posted by ll Ontology ll

  1. Part 2 of my response: Running creates suffering if we do it wrong though right? Doesn’t the same resolution we have for exercise in part mirror the resolution we would have for healthy attachment? What is your perspective, would it be more beneficial for you to identify and heal the parts of you using some of what I said in part one, so accessing various forms of healing through this deeper kind of understanding, or would it be more beneficial to simply remove all attachment to your parents so you never have to suffer again? Is a lack of sentimentality the truth here or merely working to understand what intelligent sentimentality looks like and how we can slowly edge there? Moreover, is a popular truth so one that is socially endorsed accurate because it is popular or accurate based on your irrefutable discernments of its accuracy? Even if attachment creates suffering perhaps lack of any attachment can create even more suffering such as various psychological disorders that I could elaborate on a little further if you like. What do you intuit? My purpose of course is not to point out your wrongness because I will be the first one to tell you all the ways in which I have been wrong as it concerns attachment and where I would have better served following insights that are similar, however when it comes to the truth of who we are as a species and our progress here on this earth, it is obvious to me that the answer is intelligent attachment is here to stay as it should, as it is more honest to the facts of what we need and ultimately, what makes us happy. If I lived on an island by myself and it was known for certain that I would never have anymore contact with humans by any stretch of the imagine ruin and that in this hypothetical reality all persons I had known up to this point were “bad” and added nothing intrinsically good to either my life satisfaction, purpose or happiness then it would be only logical for me to move on from attachment completely. However I know my parents still need me and I know there is some benefit to allowing in the love my parents have to give and allowing myself to give the love I genuinely have to them as it concerns these areas of both our lives. And not just my parents of course. Though in this I truly believe my purpose is not to sway you one way or the other but mainly give you my take on the situation so you can make up your own mind. You have to follow your truth and you need to know that your personal truth is truly meaningful to those around you including to myself, so if you wish to share with me your own personal truth here regarding what lives deep down and what you can teach me about it I’d love to hear. What truly feels right to you as a personal truth in this subject? what positive and negative things have you learned so far about your personal truth? (As I’d genuinely love to be open minded about them) in what ways do you believe your personal truth will help you, subtract from you and by that same measure, help or take from both others and the world at large relative to what you believe best reflects your highest potential?
  2. Todays responses: Part 1 to corresponding link: Our minds are the nexus for the railroad tracks that our hearts follow in determining our reactions to our social environments. How can we use simulation, empathy and other higher order mental faculties to bring about more mature development to our perspective of others and through this our subsequent automatic associations, that without improving our sophistication, we remain tied to the shackles they bear?
  3. Part one of my response. Now THIS is a fascinating feeling that I’d love to know all about or simply leave for your own introspection as you please. Some questions for you: What associations tie you to this fear? Are you able to distinguish between those associations and how your parents would legitimately react? I recommend sitting through a simulation within your own mind here. I can recall so many instances where I would generate associations about how not only my parents would react to a situation but how just about anyone would, my parents though possessing variability based on their own unique profile they have of me, which we don’t often think about. For me I’ve sometimes wondered not whether my parents are proud or whether they admire me but what their process is for how they actually conceive of me as an individual and how they relate to me in their minds. This I tell you is a more revelatory approach and it should be, it’s more sophisticated. It will allow you to develop new associations based on understanding how you learn they conceive of you rather than just running off programmed reactions based on reactions they’ve had to you in the past. I recall the stages of transformation I went through from childhood to adulthood regarding how I conceived of how my parents conceived of me and it’s an important but scary process sometimes. To see through our parents eyes the way they conceive of us can just easily make ourselves look down on our parents as much as we may look down on ourselves through that insight, which is why awareness through the exercise is so important. The more aware we can be in all three instances here inclusive of how we ourselves conceive of our parents. The more advanced associations we can build between us and those that exist in our social world with our parents here being no different. It is in the breakdown of associations that have no reality coherence that the fabric of our social interactions breakdown and our interactions become ruled by our projective memories rather than the stillness of the moment and our true devoted understanding of each other. We may find that our parents have a sophisticated comprehension of us which will be to our benefit anyway or what is more likely the case we will find many limitations in their own comprehension and how their own subsequent associations dominate their behaviour towards us rather than our own parental idealism that under proper scrutiny we will have to come to terms with the fact that they will never be able to meet because of the well described limitations that we get better at discerning with prudent and patient diligence. For example, to realise that my father sometimes sees me as the son that used to help him out a lot forces me to see myself through his own submissive lens which corrupts my own sense of character regarding the free agent I have become. To see myself through the eyes of my mother who sees me through the associations she formed with me most as a little boy because this is when she spent the most time with me as opposed to an adolescent means that I have to view myself through in part the infantile lens that my mother can sometimes fall victim to seeing me through because I went to live with my father post the age of 9. So for you here are some further questions: what is the best realistic positive response you can imagine your parents having and what is the worst? what associations build this reaction? In what creative and useful ways ar you able to see new perspective on those associations and change your reaction based on these new perspectives? in what ways do you notice the associations change based on this? what are other personal development areas where you have noticed your parents have a positive reaction vs a negative? Do your best to try and identify for both sides even if it’s not formal personal development for example I’m sure your parents would have encouraged you to learn to transfer from crawling to walking right? At least most of our parents got that aspect of encouragement right!
  4. I’ll add synthesised points to the links as well that cover say a more universal perspective. Make sharing worthwhile otherwise no point really. I don’t like this divergence I’ve done much so far.
  5. Simply sharing my SEP responses here from now on, just want to devote myself to the health of the answers rather than jumping out of a black hole using humour as my jet fuel from my jet pack. That’s where my hearts telling me to go so I gotta listen to it. Ha.
  6. Relationship sentiment - relating to this site: Look for relationships with people where they're able to resolve cognitive dissonance well and hold two or more contrasting perspectives and themes in their mind. That's literally the only problem I've had communicating with folk on this forum, if I've ever had an issue, mostly everyone has been pretty good. When someone isn't able to hold competing positions, feelings and general states of consciousness, their psychology is more than likely going to split and the effects of that are going to be social disrepair more often than social unity. It's the origins to most human conflicts as most people simply aren't enabled with the kind of processing power that allows them to avoid the corresponding backbiting behaviour, backstabbing as well as this unable to "read between the lines", hold multiple timelines and perspectives on a persons motivations, so on and so fourth is what leads to further corresponding difficulties. If you have any personal difficulties here, yeah meditation, introspection, all that good stuff.
  7. @AndylizedAAY A lot of responses you've made here! I'll get to them! Hope you're doing well.
  8. And it’s really just the Labour Party by the way haha not the liberal party concerning Australian politics. Hitting “Do not disturb button” on this journal now so I can Mother Theresa this shit, you should love me more because I do this without having exclusive access to those in need like she did.
  9. “Selling wit for $5 a Twitter share, buy majority share and you get first class Elon treatment. Now give me yo ‘poison pill’ money! I can’t have Dorcy as my only supporter in a leadership position.” Zelenskyy be like, “Here sit down, start answering calls you got this I can’t handle the public anymore you’re more immune than me, plus you have a better philosophical sense of humour.” Putin be like, “Fuuuuuuuuck bro. Can’t even double agent this guy.” Biden be like, “The teleprompter is playing up so I’m having a cigar otherwise I’ll be remembered as worse than Bush, some people think… this that already may case be. Now where’s my wife Kathleen? Wait no that’s my sons former wife, was it her that was on drugs or Hunter? My poor son I can’t believe he had to deal with her drug problem. After everything he did for her! I can’t believe she tried to convince everyone that Obama was from South Africa she’s disgraced our entire legacy! I will never have her as my First Lady as president again! Yes I’m running once more!”, Australian Priminister who cannot be know at the time of this comment because there’s so much backstabbing in Australian politics be like, “We’re willing to negotiate (with whether Biden runs again or not) regardless no matter what!”, they have a lot of experience playing politics like this with Australian aboriginals selling at 0.1 cents a Lincoln anti-slavery share. Twitter be like, “Elon hasn’t increased the maximum word limit yet so this comment cannot go through!”. My subsequent Twitter likes remain at zero because just like Bin-Ladin taught me, I do not negotiate with terrorists! In a nutshell, if you’re going to comment on my journals I expect no less than Cheetos of wit, Coca Cola of humour and the infinite intelligence of nahasapeemapetilon’s more advanced self. “Thank you come again!” How is this even possible? Who cares just enjoy and add to the discussion with a critical, open and creative mind.
  10. To everyone else I'll be taking my word salads to a professional cooking photographer then showcasting my ideations to the major restaurants in my local city, so if you have any creative pointers just let me know and I'll give them intelligent consideration.
  11. All good@Akashic I've shared the conversation you started with me with a mod they'll get back to you when they can. All the best.
  12. ^ Well that was over quick. Lovin' growth. No need to talk about. Relationship pointer, with all forms of relationships including people you've never met. Always empathise with those experiencing unique inner experiences and responses to reality (i.e. unique neurological architecture) otherwise you're the one without empathy you're the one with the consciousness deficit, and I didn't say don't have boundaries, sure Fort Knox it with some humour, we have M.A.S.H on Mr. Olympia during a heist on the premiere viewing of a childhood favourite, The Score (Edward Norton I would turn gay for you if my biology was capable of it but it is not, though a clone of me could I know because I met him last night begging for money because he's trying to get away from me due to mistreatment, I taught him nothing so he could survive so he's bound to beg to come back). Empathy is a creative-cognitive construct, it is not mere scientific objectification, while at the same time it is the cure to most if not all forms of all obstacles of the mind in its extension. Realism and Surrealism balanced with unitive empathy, lxlichael
  13. Haha righto. I do get the message. A part of my consciousness is potentially abducted and planning in a way that I'm in sync with you, apologies I will get to the bottom of this to ensure "all matter of Michael that has runabout elsewhere" is scooped up, plugged into the universal matter to energy recycling bin in some distant blackhole and plugged back into regular consciousness so I can take control of that scoundrel more closely.
  14. LAST NEWSFLASH Oh yeah and in case your wondering of course, I can increase/decrease the volume knob on the level of intensity so there's as much realism to surrealism that I want. Translation: it's as real as the real experience, at least the upper limits of what a human could possibly imagine as the real thing Full Consciousness Control and Nervous System Experiential Sensitivity Simultaneously: Moreover, what I can make real, it isn't restricted to stimulation on any body part, but also the experiencing and shifting of my own consciousness relative to the behaviour of "the being" I'm imagining as one example, meaning let's say I give them a magic power and I can imagine any number of powers more or less simultaneously, all of this can be extremely flexible to stable, including the environment meaning I can simultaneously change the colour, dimension, structure and everything you could conceive of was possible to imagine and could change in the imagination simultaneously... I can and do, do it, where its necessary... Back to the powers... Let's say I give them the power to totally encase my body as a part of their seductive action towards me through like a solid fluid that slowly envelops my entire body that feels like the state of consciousness they're experiencing, like the desire to give a certain pleasure, my consciousness will self transform to reflect the state that its imagining I'm receiving from the imagined being, so a state of genuine empathy in this imagined field of awareness and inner experience. A true unquestionable atmosphere is created where I have total power over my perception and experience of my nervous systems inner "reality test" where it doesn't respond to things it perceives as illusion aka false and it does respond fully it perceives as true. This I can modulate at will while simultaneously being completely detached and experiencing the full pleasure of the experience as if it were real. Resolution: Now you understand why I don't watch porn or really any video for entertainment purposes now hey... Haha. Pretty badass, that's just the tip of the ice berg but it gives you a glimpse into what you're capable of as well, at least at a bare minimum, after a certain level of your own personal instruction.
  15. Maybe all of the thoughts I share here are going to be awkward in some way for me to reveal though I want to share them so that I can make the tiniest impact on cultures memetic gene pool so that its creative nervous system maintains its health, in saying that in the interests of the "host" I am aware of course that some of my thoughts will be "rejected" by a cells "anti-virus" system haha. First thought - Aliens and sexuality: Sometimes I imagine a female alien species to have sexual thoughts about from a planet brought about by particular laws that don't conflict with my own belief system so I can override my own conditioned responses to sex. I can imagine all varieties permutations reflective and not reflective of human characteristics, though much more than enough human symmetry. I have also imagined being sexual with not even bodily forms but simply energies, including imagining the sexual energy of the universe say. Today for example I imagined that she came from a planet that arose out of a "pure pleasure principle" meaning their natural selection process only reinforces pleasure giving and pleasure receiving. This principle is reflected in the entirety of the origins of all species, landscapes and environments on the planet itself. This makes it easier for me to imagine "infinite pleasure giving" and the enjoyment of giving and receiving to this end rather than allowing the superimposed limits of what I've experienced from other humans. Don't get me wrong, I've had amazing experiences, however our brains tend to limit ourselves based on our "best" experiences, so I wonder about the limits beyond that while recognising the drawbacks if such an imagination isn't treated with intelligence with respect to how I can apply it to my real life. I guess by now you can only imagine the kinds of limits this would enable me to surpass with respect to developing unique knowledge as it concerns subjectivity and honing my intersubjective interpersonal lens on not just sexual experiences but all relationships to sexuality, including the various aesthetics of emotionality and energy That's it for now. I don't watch porn, I barely watch any form of video for the most part, its not as stimulating as I need it to be and nothing can compare outside of the genuine human experience of anything that isn't my own imagination or connecting with the imagination of another. This is just a tester. My writing is pretty lax today, I guess I'm still recovering from sleep deprivation. This is as bad as it'll get really. I'll create a certain way I compose these and reflect that determined sophistication repeatedly.
  16. I honestly don’t think folk here are ready for this journal. Haha I’ll just keep it simple for now and keep to the other journal and my work in SEP. Maybe down the track, see how journals on this forum develop in the future. Its way too “mainstream” here for me at the moment, no offense of course. As long as it’s the vanilla kind of mainstream it doesn’t bother me, only when it’s like “this is damaging humanity (I.e. indirectly)” when I’m like yeah this is a “blah” situation, moving on, never to read this journal again.
  17. ^ I'll make them more like this from now on. I'll create a style just as I was replicating Laozi with one comment in my other journal and I'll repeat that algorithm in terms of how I describe things here so there's a reliable pattern in my descriptions. Give me some time so I can get the feel for things then a style shall emerge! Transparency.
  18. When a mind has either a positive or negative feeling and its resourcing the imagination to understand that feeling, aka unchecked relationship "chemistry" or lack of chemistry, the mind will literally just fill in the blanks to create a pseudo understanding in relation to that feeling and or impression, sometimes regardless as to how little information there is, it just needs either enough or the appearance of enough. It's literally that stupid and its what newsmedia have been relying on to sway public perception since King I'm gonna hang the next dude that looks at my queen since the dark ages. These are your relationship con-artists relying on self delusion to take over as I was saying. This "fill in the blank" mechanism of the brain where it uses its filters of past experiences to do this is like a revolving door of illusion. If questioning isn't like a strong value shared by two people in a relationship, what is the relationship built on? Literally study magic to enhance your understanding here if you wanted a core perception of both the relationship con-artist and the analogous mechanisms as it relates to relationships and the different areas within (i.e. another's perception of you, themselves and the relationship from different points of view aka time - as it relates to both the future and the past).
  19. During this part of my life a small aspect involves taking my understanding of and relating to others to a whole new level as well (self understanding should always be something that someone is taking to the next level in my opinion) so its an expectation that this was shared by someone I was dating so we were able to feed each other insights and grow from that experience together moving forward.
  20. I wrote in SEP about my first girlfriend at age 16. She was so beautiful but she lacked the ability to think about her experiences to a sophisticated level so I lost all interest because the moment she started talking about her impressions of general reality my error detector just went through the roof. If she had more humility in this area I wouldn't have lost attraction because she was very sweet, nurturing and intimate. I feel that's what reduces attraction in me a lot, when a woman does things where she is reducing her intimacy with existence. Intimacy with existence, even if its wrong or as I note above, delusional, is always attractive because there's always an innocence there that's attractive. Attractive doesn't equal relationship material though as I've learned. Where that innocence is aligned with reality though it would because she wouldn't be doing things in a relationship that corrupt the reality that makes it stick together, on the other hand, unless I just either supported her delusions or was supportive. Out of integrity, I could only do the latter... With integrity. I'll think more about other relationships later, though I'll only share elaborations based on what I share in SEP. But yeah, physical attraction is so freaking overrated the more other things are valued in a relationship or if we're talking about a good relationship at all as there's just so much that goes into it, often I sometimes can't appreciate the physical beauty of a woman until she's activated other things in me. A woman overly concerned though with her looks, to the contrary, is a massive turn off for me, especially if she thinks "she's all that", it shows a lack of an intimate relationship with existence, or is something that reduces it and like I said about the lack of that reducing attraction and interest from me.
  21. I feel that, like a pain in the pit of my stomach quite literally, there's so many narcissistic people in the world that are trying to delude us all to believe their perceptions of reality without having any real backing to them, that upon questioning they just fall over, avoid or gaslight (most don't get away from me though if I have a vested interest, even if that interest is simply mild amusement). The whole world as it exists in our mind is in part a delusion in our minds until we see it better and we know this because when we do improve our perception of the world even if that perception is our world, that delusion decreases and our sight is more focused. To me, we all have to make the great philosophers our friends not just the Rumi's and all the rest of the romantics of life. The biggest delusion that the world relies upon is not the delusions that they sell us but our own self delusion because they know that this is the most reliable delusion of them all as it is the hardest to question. More and more, we have to become better no matter at what level we are our ability to question our own self narratives, regardless as to how we feel, to me, so that very introspectively we can create the foundation for the growth we need to turn the worlds delusions upside down to create a world that is truly united with the reality of the universe relative to our abilities. As we do this, we not only improve the relationship the world has with itself, we improve all the relationships that are created in the world and therefore our relationship with ourselves as well as to and with others. I said these were going to be brief, so I'll stop there.
  22. You must screen a person for how much of the real you they can handle. The more a person is moved by mystery the more your relationship is going to be held together by fantasy and not reality, thus when you actually try to get close to each other the more likely any underlying incompatibility will destroy the fantasy thereby sabotaging the relationship. If reality sabotages the relationship in any way, its time to sabotage it! ... With reality. Common sense is not so common hey. Wish I had of realise and followed this advice in the past. To the extent our relationships are at all held together by fantasy and not the genuine love and intelligence you both bring to the relationship, newsflash, its not a relationship, its a corrupt prison and like any corrupt prison if you try to bring necessary reality to it and you succumb to any of the pressure put on your adherence to that reality, you're only going to add time to your psychological sentence, not reduce it or better, (not) breakout.
  23. I can remember my first girlfriend around this time, she was so beautiful to me. She had these big doe eyes, pale skin, she didn’t say much but when she did it was always in this sensitive, nurturing, intimate and fun tone to me. Better yet, she hit on me. Believe or not it was through repeated glances at each other as we took the same train each morning. I was amazed that she paid any attention to me, I remember wondering “wow, I wonder what it would be like to talk to her”, and then one day after it became too obvious to ignore, I decided to approach her while still having a lingering sense of potential rejection looming within. She didn’t. We enjoyed interacting with each other and then she left for school after we got to her stop. After that we often caught the train together and went home together (she lived in my neighbourhood of course). The point I want to make to you though is that I didn’t learn anything really from my relationship. We can wish and wish and wish and wish, however when we get it we can experience all this “pleasure” but what is it worth in the end when it’s all over and we haven’t learned from our experiences? If I could trade my experiences with her for deeply learning about life in some other significant way I would. So an important question for all of our memories is, what would we trade these memories for? Especially those memories of supposed pleasure when they haven’t even brought earnest growth and development for us. Personally, video games were more interesting to me at the time though I can remember asking one of my close to not so close friends at the time how to get a girlfriend when I hadn’t had one yet, or at least one that I would properly consider a girlfriend. He said “Michael (actually he called me by my nickname but I won’t say what it was), Alice came to me when I wasn’t even looking for a girlfriend, when I didn’t even really want one. I believe it’s when we’re not really looking for a girlfriend that one comes”. This may or may not be true, to me it’s just physics (repeatedly going to the right environments) and culturally speaking “cultural quantum physics”, however the point I want to make is that I was too much in a wanting state rather than an understanding of self state, something which simply wouldn’t have computed to me during that period of my life as I didn’t have the greatest role models in this respect outside of implicitly learning from my social environment. That’s if anything, what I would want to share and impart to you, this “idea” of self understanding taking precedence over anything else and it is certainly more valuable than a relationship where there was the continual expression of a lack of understanding between each other, especially in the long run. A “romance” relationship filled with ups and downs where nothing makes sense may sound good in fantasy but in practice it’s just a genuine waste of time when the world calls to us to have a positive and wise influence in the world around us. I just caught your latest response to your thread by the way. Wishing you the best! Interesting and worrying at the same time while I did catch your latest response and good luck there by the way, and have it be in your best interest to create your own luck there through a process of understanding. You’ll make plenty of mistakes like we all do but hopefully with people imparting their advice to you as I am here you’ll make a lot less mistakes than us. In general, dichotomous thinking in my experience had been because of my own lack of emotional self understanding, greater understanding that’s followed has been reflected of this correlation more or less. In this sense, instead of me giving you exercises, I would ask you what personal ideas you could come up with or research that would help you improve your self reflection then maybe you can share here too if you like? I have plenty of ideas if you really want to share I just don’t want to ram it down your throat of course as I know what that feels like. That’s really rough man sorry you had to go through that, what I would be doing in your experience is to simply learn from each of those experiences. Moreover, it sounds like in this instance that you were simply looking for a relationship rather than looking for the right chemistry. What are your thoughts on this conclusion? 40 dates wow I certainly didn’t have this many at your age, I was too busy with video games with my friends and sport haha. Credit to you! Only if you want to share, what are your thoughts about what I have said and do you think I could have said it in a way that better resonated with you? If so how? Only want to write write responses that are actually helpful of course. Sincerely man wishing you the greatest you could have such a great life ahead of you if you learn to embrace it to its full and that can be such a hard thing to do I know so feel free to shout out whenever needed I’ll be round these parts for a while! Best.
  24. All of our emotions I’ve found can have peculiar origins, at least at first glance, this it is on maintaining our composure towards their resolution, that we have a better chance of being resolved. Of course though too, depending on our own disconnection and fragmentation and other levels of our development, such resolvement can feel completely untenable, it is however through our fortitude towards tenderness within and another, for the right context and intelligence however, that a natural learning is possible, and change towards an alteration of our own being for our greater betterment and inner centeredness, outside any sadness and any negational proposition thst separates us from our balanced nature, not only foreseeable but imminent the moment we feel enough to stay on its naturally motivating course. Our emotions, conscious or unconscious, created or natural, can be expressed artistically and through various modes of intellectual pathways that we understand how to experience the nature of being. For the former, from playing a musical instrument to poetry and to the latter, certain bodily and psychoemotional exercises. Each leading to the same destination, each chosen way of both expressing and understanding ourselves adding uniquely to our growth and development. Sadness has created many great works and it is an emotion that we have desired to experience both vicariously through those works and our own memories and experiences for that growth and development. Feel free to add to or connect with my thoughts in whatever way gives you the best balance to them. Best.