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I'll share my list next week once I've vertically and horizontally organised everything. #Drunk creative intellectual slut here , they say drink driving is bad but only when you haven't taken cocaine with it (have only ever done this inside a plastic car - actually no that was marijuana, never taken cocaine)
@Infinitians meaning is meaning and the meaning of it which encompasses any identity we ascribe to the meaning of life is just an integration point relative to the flow and circumference of experienced consciousness. An't no body gonna top that. Relative to my own, its for reality to find its highest integration point; balance; synthesis; collective individuality bound to and boundless from individual collectivism socially and dimensionally; where friction points can meet with its opposite softest points and still find an infinite point of creation, aka some kind of singularity.
my fathers name is greg, ha (truth)
@Eternal Unity just a personal falseness
No problem @Raptorsin7 All things being equal, you want dominant characteristics you’re looking for to line up dominantly and incrementally more open minded from there. Nature always wins, so try to side with foresight as much as possible because hindsight is interesting but never fun its better to just do it right the first time; my father got it right the third time around I’m learning from his mistakes ha. All characteristics are threats to potential disparity: height; cognition; creativity; psychology; past traumas; abilities; skills; interests; more. It’s smartest to find your equal, wise to find what just works, visionary to find the balance and rebellious to just go against the tide completely in all ways, historically the latter has probably never been done before which just goes to show how dominant biological law is. My father is Greek and my step mother Chinese for example so I’m not a bad person to ask on this topic, where they dominantly line up though is more in my mothers passivity and hospitality combined with my fathers dominance, authority and problem solving. I’m like my father but I’m a far better compromiser/negotiator than he and in a relationship I’d be prioritising my partners happiness far more than any personal dominance, the former is where my dominance would be reflected most. I think you’re focusing far too much on race at this point, you need to be building a hierarchy of most important characteristics as opposed to characteristics you want to avoid such as your personal race, this sets you up not first screening for what you want but instead just avoiding what you don’t want which kind of corrupts the process a bit. Yeah, family history is important as well but there individuality becomes increasingly more important the more they’re individual, not everyone’s a clone of course I know I’m certainly not other than certain key areas like anyone else. “bunch of successful dudes with hot wives who got into meditation once they realized material objects don't bring lasting happiness” Interesting, what are the things that make you want to target this demographic? have listed over 100 world problems and counting, getting a good mcdonalds list to intellectually pig out on, fast food douchebags being one group to kamakazi
@Raptorsin7 Relative to the world population almost zero. Most people are on social media, that's the first red flag even though social media is meant to bridge social differences and I believe it does, it has mostly created the opposite inside and outside the cognitive deficits it reinforces which need rectification. Determine the communities and type of women that are more likely to have this level of understanding and then go from there. Run experiments with yourself, start a Pinterest account and begin searching for women, notice changes in patterns overtime. I did the same thing. I can be with a woman from any racial background based on my own self experimentation, but as for the super manly hairy women its never been a thing for me either ha. For me attractiveness is just a control variable, all things considered I take similar personality, interests, growth orientations into much greater consideration. That's a very important deduction you've made as well, I believe you will, this was what occurred with me and my own changes in patterns overtime especially the more exposure I gave myself to a variety of women. In the end, I'm no one special in that I choose love first and foremost. Compatibility of intelligence is vital but I know my own level of intelligence can only get me so far regarding my choices. I only ever used Pinterest and related (i.e. porn) for experimental purposes; imagination and real life is my preference. Plus I want a real woman you know, nothing fake or overly advertised. #Hairy legs and moustache
@Raptorsin7 Yes. The universe follows a pre-set of defined laws which follows all the way to our biology up to and including how we organise our perceptual world, especially our social world. In fact, our social world for the majority of humans unless your brain is organised very differently from others take people with autism spectrum disorder (which has its variability in different ways), is our world. This is a good thing and a bad thing. This is good up to and including the fact that a person has the cognitive malleability to take in variability as a part of their biologies natural propensity towards in-group as opposed to out-group preferencing, and when to state it rather bluntly, they're stupid. They're a guy who grows up to rob a liquor with cops standing in line to pay for their fuel. All of us are well cultured I'm sure as it concerns racial disparities as well as inclusionary measures, the latter here stretching as far as dating too of course otherwise you would have felt it uncomfortable to even talk about on the forum. Comfortability here purely depends on the amount of exposure every individual brain has had to the acceptance of racial differences all the way up to dating and you're spot on in your approach as it concerns determining what cultures have greater/less comfort here. If you were to try and date a woman that was a part of a small primitive tribe we both know that your odds are significantly less compared to if you were to try in a city where the views there are more multicultural. However, let's take a woman that looked the opposite to you that loved you and was from this multicultural city environment. If either of you were to go to an environment where either the people were exclusively of her ethnicity or of your ethnicity plus that group you were a part of placed subtle shame on your mate choice, even if you stayed together because you both recovered fairly easily as you both had a self awareness about what was happening, you'd still feel the primitive social wiring that took thousands of years to develop bearing down on you both to follow the groups underlying impressions. We needed the group back then, they needed us and because we weren't all geniuses, we needed these primitive evolutionary social responses. So its of course a natural consequence of our social wiring, we can't help it but to feel the urge to be idiots when it comes to ostracising versus acceptance when there's a collective Mexican wave on someone, whether this is on perceptual racial differences all the way up to financial differences. I believe you know this though. The city offers a perceptual cocktail that people have to get used to and so the more blacks we see with whites the more it becomes readily accepted to peoples subconscious wiring, the more conflict we see between whites and blacks though the more black and white couples will feel that social pressure. This example can be applied analogously to all racial contrasts, the less social conflict surrounding the issue because this cultural dissonance is analogous to the tribal group dissonance (as our brains can't tell the difference even though the culture isn't really a tribe its just because we watch the televisions, computer screens and read the papers, etc that we get indoctrinated into that belief - government an't our tribe) the more at ease the couple or more (i.e. polyamory) will feel socially at ease. Historically, it has tended to matter more for women. Norms create the brains comfort level, they're analogous to our daily habits we have to break or make, the relationships we could make or need to break based on some other norm/habit we should make/break because it serves our higher interest to do so. As for what cultures, demographics and races would have more/less comfort, we'd have to have further insightful questions there to draw out decent discussion, for now, this will serve.
@Raptorsin7 On the interracial thing, you already know the answer. It just depends on the two individuals, but it will always be looked upon as different that's just how people are programmed unless its the norm.
@Raptorsin7 I already have answer without reading everything. Heal your issues. Done. Sorry no other way around it. You must face your motherly demons, all of them, you don't want anything lingering for the best possible relationship or potential courtship. Heal everything you have about both genders and I promise you that will leave a significantly positive imprint at the very least as a consequence of a lack of a negative imprint from what can easily come of it. I can empathise. I won't give specific details, we don't know each other well enough but I've spoken about it with others here.
That's a terrible reason. Next request: Make use of my time in a worthy way on your next comment or I shall ask you to leave my kingdom here. Get creative, open debate, general conversation, anything that affords the luxury of quality conversation.
@Zeroguy State your purpose for knowing.
Not something I reveal on the forum unless I know the person well. There is only one amazing person here that happens to know, kinda amazing, not completely amazing but just kinda
Writing out a whole list of things I want to save and a whole lotta things I want to wage war with on this planet, time to get creative, time to destroy, time to unite Or just the universe in general you know
And a lost dogs home shelter I want to start one of those, and cats too. All animals that need healing. We gotta fix so many things on this planet together, all of us
Mediaeval part of me wishes we still had gladiator games, fight to the death kind of thing. Just go all Spartan. I want to have coffee like a nice fucking black creamy coffee in a hot air balloon while going through the clouds overlooking the green snowy mountains you know, with the heat above flowing into my face to offset the breeze
There's really nothing else in this life for me. True love or true hero, the latter is the only way I have the balls to betray my heart on the former and the former is the only thing I can find in this universe worth pursuing. Thus it is inevitably both unless she forbids the latter but then what will she nag me about when I'm not occupying my attention there. Write books and music perhaps, not too much violence or dangerous positions of any kind. Create businesses that change the face of the planet. But then if she doesn't want me to strive for too much power, find a place in the mountains together to be alone with one another for the rest of our days however she pleases. I could write a jokes book to share witticisms with her just to get her to giggle at the right moments, we could grow our own food someplace, even setup our own water. Start a community even if that's what she wanted. Anything to make her happy. Until then I have no choice but to work towards heroism with love. It's in my genes, it's been pressing into me for many years. Combined with my reasoning skills about life I can't mellow out without a woman, especially not under cultural values. I have to destroy something with class or make something of sophistication whichever brings about the greater level of creativity. What am I creating and destroying and what for? I don't care for fame, status or anything of this nature out of helping me find love if that's the place I need to look to open up my options. This is who and what I am. Only thing godly about me is my wit, everything else is merely courage. With all my intelligence and creativity, it's nothing without my heroism and the woman I love. I've thought of Polyamory but that's an open question at this point something that would be discussed with a potential partner. I've thought about 50 love relationships with women around the world while being a hero of my choosing of some sort. But as I say that, even though we could negotiate something seems odd about that if I was talking about this with someone that I felt I was really compatible with. Even if I didn't feel like it was a betrayal it would just be like what for, it's just extra periods I gotta deal with other than the benefit of alternating between in their off periods. Plus if I have multiples then at least some of them will as well so what does that mean about my relationship with the dudes don't want to be looking after them in anyway haha. Regardless, I'm here to die for love. I am here to be selfless. For her, for everyone, life or all three.
Title: Her and Me, again free to be, all of life but I, must continue to make mine Lost in my own nirvana with no one to play with Free willed and free spirited, no ordinary thought crosses my mind Blind to the cultural times, I can only see my own visions of crime Speaking to the people on the street, oh it’s good to meet Another version of my self, like picking up a glass off the shelf But the way we ask who am I, we do not nearly see, eye to eye An object in their minds eye after a glance, a phantom to barely revisit in memory several thousand steps later This thousand yard distance that others speak to me with, even with a cheerful smile they cannot grasp my consciousness Sitting at the bottom of the ocean and the middle of the universe Sucking and converting all of the worlds informational contents into creative play The touch of a woman’s hand, calms my mind and for a few moments I am able to forget this dream that others cannot capture with me For a couple of hours, she only feels me and I her, I allow her, inside my energy even if she cannot hold my mind As I stare into her grey blue eyes, the moments gone from both our perception of time Into our energetic universe we create, this experience of intimacy, quietening the release of the inability of my parents to provide me with any outside the most inconsequential periods of my life where I felt the jolt of my mothers or fathers calming energy in an unexpected hand on the shoulder or hand in hand, but in hugs I could never properly feel their heart sync with mine, I had to get used to the only rhythm I could create But in this feminine energy she is completely surrendered to me Wanting me whole so I give myself fully Because I know she wants this experience I know she needs it This feeling of love she’s come here for, even if, only for a couple of hours So she can forget the darkest hours of her day And remember me when I’m no longer around The need to speak to me late at night until the early hours of the morning She feels my energy, but she cannot adequately hear my mind A safe presence enough I provide, a protective duty I follow Free willed and free spirited I abide, to the strongest frequencies of reality I try not to push aside Who needs me now I am there, but who am I, I do have this stare This renegotiation with reality, a reformation for continued tranquility In the quiet of my mind, a storm rages for the greater sublime A reaching to know, but oh too I must let go Into her arms for these few moments Awaken her mind as she peers into mine Hollow depths she cannot reach, for I am still searching for my peak This reason to hold her tightly, will fade by next morning as we say goodbye To her, I do admire, her calm fragile energy not yet burned by anyone and not yet Me Protect her I need to, from my own fire For so innocent has been, her desire Love cannot be between us, I can only give love and her too, and when the time is right, let the paper boat float away to the bottom of the sea and the paper aeroplane the middle of the universe You. Are. Free See you again soon, and reality I continue to accept this war with you again and again, with honour and fight, all my might To my, Greatest heights, with love and mercy, to the latter, for only those that deserve it For life, must continue to find its highest end with and without me but while I'm still here My highest skies as well Flight
Personal Aphorisms: Mature enough to know now, that my heart and mind communication is no longer with any one phenomenon or experience, but all of reality. To my heart, we have the synchronisation of those ephemeral and wavelength beats: passion; fearless dominance; protection; tranquility; flow. To my mind, the mere relational attunement in open space, anything but awareness, out of trace. Together we have an infused state of creativity, apart we have mere devotion to the part arriving to the whole. Maker, maker, make it right; truth confides in mind, heart confides in truth. Artifice's and logical interfaces, tools to make the world and its analogical inverse, make me whole, and because of it, the universe a little more too. Who is the higher mind without the godly heart, the higher heart without the godly mind? Split the difference but don't tear apart, find yourself, beyond BraveHeart.