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Everything posted by SolarWarden

  1. My man Arn Allingham and his Pleiadian partner are helping us ascend our humble selves high up into heaven.
  2. This seem like synchronicity as I just studied this. Let us go beyond the label Schizophrenia and see the person as he/she is without personal bias. When I think of the human mind is that it has different abilities yet unknown to science. Called the four claires: clauraudiance, clairvoyance, clairsentience and claircognizants. When we are in tune with spirit then these four claires work like described below. It only becomes dysfunctional when the fearful and pain filled ego mind takes the drivers seat. Paranoia is usually translated as "out of your mind". Note that hearing, seeing, feeling things that are not there is not considered as illness per se. You can be blissed out when you communicate with angels. Only when it makes your life fearful and dysfunctional is it considered an mental illness. The nature of psychosis is the presucotory and fearful delusions and hallucinations. Basically the ego has taken over the psychic abilities of its host and projects itself outward as presucotory hallucinations. Usually the four claires experienced through spirit are empowering, white light filled and makes you stable. Like a enlightenment experience. Personally I had experience from both sides, negative and positive. I did read an article of a shamans view of mental health facilities. He said that these people needed to be trained with medium ship skills in order to be stable and not suppress their abilities with drugs. Maybe one day when we get to a stage turquoise society things will be different on how we treat the "mentally ill". In fact the mentally ill are those who are spiritually dead or ignorant of anything that could exist beyond matter or a objective world. "Hearing the voice of God and the angels is called clairaudience, which means “clear hearing.” … At first, you may believe that the voice is your imagination or wishful thinking…. We heal this kind of thinking through faith, trust, and practice. … Your angels may speak to you in pictures and visual mental images. We call this clairvoyance, or “clear seeing.”…If you have trouble understanding your angelic visual guidance, be sure to ask [the angels] for assistance…. The third way we receive angelic guidance is through our emotions and physical sensations. We call this clairsentience, or “clear feeling.”…Clairsentients receive a lot of guidance through their intuition, gut feelings, and hunches….If a thought of doing something swells your chest with warm feelings of joy, this is a directive from God and the angels…. We call the fourth means of angelic communication claircognizance, or “clear knowing.” … Claircognizants know, without knowing how they know. Consequently, they may doubt the validity of their knowingness. This is a mistake, because when divine wisdom enters our mind, it is a gift we can use to improve our life and to serve the world."
  3. And thanks all for your replies! I did read all your replies and found a nugget of wisdom in every text. Besides the M.B. thing as it still remains a mystery.
  4. I have this confusion on what self-love is. You don't need to post Leos's self-love video as I watched it already. Neither from Teal Swan as I clearly remember the video "self-love is the shortcut to enlightenment". I understand that it is the most important teaching. My autistic brain just doesn't understand what happens when we love ourselves? Is it an action made toward ourselves that is aligned with the Higher Self? I read a blog about this guy who says he channels the Love of the universe throughout his whole body everyday. Is he "loving himself"? I am not talking about narcissism. Which is a focus on one owns attributes and appearances. Sadhguru says that Love can only happen when there are two people: He's view reminds me of the occult idea that "Love falls in love with nothing but its own self, it is free from all other attractions" My mother used to say that I need to love myself more. I understand that this notion is prominent amongst women. How do you love yourself? Is there a other name fo self-love that describes it? You are welcome to write anything you know about self-love.
  5. @Eternal Unity I just meditated for 10 min Am I close in catching The Ox?
  6. Here is a good perspective: "the universe and everything in it as being “maya” – illusion – is because of the impermanence, the finite nature, the changeability and ultimate temporariness of the universe and everything in it." It is undeniable that everything around us currently objectively exists but it is equally undeniable that everything around us, everything manifested, is but finite and impermanent. It is only that which is infinite, permanent, changeless, unchangeable, and eternal, which can be considered as being TRULY Real."
  7. Happy birthday Lion Guru ❤️
  8. Maybe it is not relevant at the timeframe they are in. Would be weird to desire a child 24/7 (I also think it's a bit karmic. If you don't have karma with a soul(s) to help out incarnate on earth. Then you probably don't want one either. Leos karma at this timeframe is focused on Maybe it will change and he will have a family when his service is done. It depends on the karmic lot in life and what soul agreements you have made before incarnation on earth.) Maybe the desperation to want children is a sign of a want to heal a trauma? You are incapable to heal yourself so you need an outside source to give it the life you inner child ever wanted. There are many variables to look at this issue
  9. I understand the wording but somehow I see this as a Koan practice. Simple good explanation.
  10. Did this non-dual mind observation and plunged into Love. It seemed mysterious. The only thing that is this mysterious that I know of is Ain-Soph, Parabrahman, Etc. So God is Love. Would be nice to see more topics about Love on this forum.
  11. Nice!
  12. Have to say. Falling asleep last night I felt like taking a deep breath with relief and heard "finally I can breath" as a message. Didn't know this was a thing until now. Guess we all are interconnected. It is an honor to see that George Floyd got justice here on earth. I can feel his joyful presence reaching out to us from heaven. May we all find peace, unity and justice ❤️
  13. I feel so good and lit up reading our replies here. There is many different angles to see this apperantly. Self-Love it is!
  14. Hade a question about why Spiritual people are stuck in poverty. Have seen many donation buttons on blogs and funds being made for Spiritual people. Most Spiritual people are stuck in the Wisdom side of Spirituality. Ignoring the Empowerment side of it. Maybe they are afraid to fall to the level of a 9-5 job as their peers. Careers seem unimportant as you got spirituality which will give better fruits later on. Something at this point seems like a regular job won't suit me. A maybe service to others job would be good like cleaning the ocean or building shelters for homeless people. Unfortunately, this is called volunteer work and we do it for free but something like that would drive me forward to make money. Instead of being stuck in meaningless factory work. Well, there is a good niche here that I haven't seen anyone make videos on. "Erase the poverty mindset from your fellow spiritual person". This is a huge dilemma in the spiritual community and could be beneficial to teach out some ideas or techniques to them. The people who deserve money the most in society are having the least. Maybe societies haven't yet evolved enough so not so many people can make any money the spiritual way.
  15. Help my mind to get off this ocd cycle. I got these two quotes circling around my mind. As if these two quotes are contradictory. Is it a case of bad translation, are they even talking about the same thing? Is it like eastern vs. western spirituality. Thanks in advance. "For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away." — Matthew 25:29, "As it acts in the world, the Tao is like the bending of a bow. The top is bent downward; the bottom is bent up. It adjusts excess and deficiency so that there is perfect balance. It takes from what is too much and gives to what isn't enough. Those who try to control, who use force to protect their power, go against the direction of the Tao. They take from those who don't have enough and give to those who have far too much. The Master can keep giving because there is no end to her wealth. She acts without expectation, succeeds without taking credit, and doesn't think that she is better than anyone else." - Tao Te Ching (Stephen Mitchell version)
  16. Ok, had that experience only temporarily for like a day or two. Never knew you could be stuck in that state. I watched The Vikings for a moment. It came to mind that maybe he had a past life regression by watching the series? Just speculating. Would be good to learn about spiral dynamics a bit more.
  17. People think that the disclosure community anticipates an intelligent extraterrestrial race that will come and help humanity. Like sharing technology, giving advice, clean the pollution and give spiritual knowledge. Secretly, they all know that the reason they wait for those "ufo landings" is to have crazy, over-the-top, blissed-out sex with the hot Pleiadian people who have refined genetics and tantric mastery. That might be a solution for worldwide healing. The reason is that we will see our soul connection with some of them and that's where sexual relations ensues.
  18. Thanks for your response, this helped me to understand this topic.