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Everything posted by SolarWarden

  1. Leo planned on making a book "that will change the world". Maybe an equivalent to the Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle?
  2. I forsee this pattern now; Jesus, Gandhi, Lincoln, Johnn Kennedy... and now Nahm. BAAM!
  3. I think you can be above the suffering of samsara but not beyond it when you get enlightened. You only get beyond it when you enter Nirvana. I think entering a realm as nirvana is a permanent thing and you can't get back to samsara to help other beings ever again in this kalpa. Probably spiritual evolution is endless. But it doesn't continue endlessly in the physical or samsaric plane of existence. There is probably a non-physical plane of evolution after the physical and so fort.
  4. Maybe you are a Zen Devil. Evil is just the absence of good or the exaggeration of good. Evil per se does not exist but only in our minds. At least you now know what to work on; your own devilry.
  5. Some scientists say that the probability of us being here is almost zero. Some occultists say that every planet is meant to harbour plant, animal and human-like lifeforms by design by the ALL. Sometimes Leo says hat everything is imagined. So it doesn't matter as everything matters.
  6. The definition of masculine love can be brutal. We don't actually know why your coworker got fired. Maybe it was of good cause and you had the guts to do it. Being enlightened doesn't erase your personality but can exalt the traits that are seemed by society as negative. Like a bully could become a good personal trainer that pushes other boundaries. As you know God, don't think yourself as sort if a chosen karmic retribution agent for God. Everyone is a karmic retribution agent for God. They just don't know it yet.
  7. No. Do you know the definition of narcissism? A narcissist is overly focused on his attributes and appearances. He cannot love himself as no parent loved him. He reacts to circumstances from a place of pain. Either choose a better description for your situation or just accept that you are not enlightened.
  8. First I was identified with the thought process. ( I think therefore I am) Then I dis-identified from the thought process. Then I was identified myself with consciousness. Consciousness is ALL and therefore "I" am nobody. Today I am this tomorrow something else. The only thing that is personal for me is thinking. Therefore I must be the thinker. That is the only thing that makes a "me". I think therefore I am. We are back. From Identified with thought and an unconscious creator of life circumstance--> User of thought and the conscious creator of my destiny. Now. Get the thinker to unify with the ALL
  9. Glad you decided to go BIG. Any clues you can give us on what the book is about? Might helps us to search the right podcast/audience for it.
  10. Ok, thanks! @Eternal Unity I would set Eckhart Tolle a new earth. It introduced me to Turquoise and laid a foundation for my spirituality and meditation.
  11. What book list? Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth seems to be on the Turquoise list.
  12. BuddhaAtTheGaspump. Aaron Abke. Timothy Feriss. You could help Tim to make a book about Enlightment by the principles of 80/20 Principle, Minimum Effective Dose and "Everything popular is wrong.”
  13. So I found this website where a guy ranked spiritual teachers according to his understanding. I did see quite a few unknown and lesser know to me. Makes me wonder why many enlightened people aren't becoming public. Is it the lack of charisma? Anyway here are some videos I found interesting: Sorry for the long vides. Just scroll a bit until you find something interesting. Sadly, I found only a handful of women on the website but no decent videos of them. What do you think? Any thoughts?
  14. I wonder how the five stages of tozan are relatable to this map
  15. On the other end. I feel this no-mind attitude keeps a person in one place and detached from everyone as "nothing matters"and everything is as it should be. I think a person with a open hearth includes things such as "marketing" and other disowned characteristics in order to help as many being as possible. Just my opinion.
  16. The end. Pack your shit guys, we are going home! To the home that transcends existence and non-existence.
  17. I understand that some spiritual teachers not only can't but don't want to market themselves. Probably not to put unnecessary attention from "morons" onto themselves and keep it serious. I did interact for a short time with one person who I think had at least 2 disciples. Very ordinary person, Enlightened and loving. He even had some spiritual abilities I never knew existed. So I know there are advanced teachers behind the scenes. I think Merell-Wolff is that kind of a person. Have heard a few things but very positive.
  18. But Leo!!! The dancing bag gotta be Turquoise.
  19. Sex was seen differently at the old times. There were even temple priestesses called Sacred prostitutes as remembrance on how sex was more open than now. It was seen as empowering thing and not shameful like now. Unfortunately with the arrival of society, Many wounds have been made in the collective female psyche. Like the kurgan invasion, inquisition ( burning women at the stake), rape gangs, and Arabic treatment (hijab wearing, no driving license, other restrictions) etc. At this point, women do rarely open themselves sexually. Only when away from the prying eyes of "society". That is why men are frustrated with this and are doing PUA. This however does not help to heal emotionally for both parts but only temporarily helps tickle your pickle.
  20. Good job. It goes in hand with what Leo said: There is also the third way which is the loving response. Your intuition will guide you if it is the response needed at the moment. It is quite difficult as it involves "turning the other cheek" and doing a counterintuitive action for the benefit of the oppressor and the whole. I had some young coworkers who were rude to everybody. They were getting on my nerve until I saw their soft spot. Then I hugged them. They seemed to calm down a bit and called me a nice person. Then eventually their actions got to them and they got kicked out of the project. The doormat is just another name for disempowerment. It is the easy passive non-action. Nothing spiritual about it.
  21. I think Connor is just having fun. However, the podcast with Aaron Abke would be a sweet share on this forum.