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  1. Sense of humor can go a long way in adding those shiny and glittery stars to your overall personality as a badge of honor and appreciation. After all, who doesn’t love a good laugh? And, who doesn’t love people who make them laugh, right? Whether it’s your boss you wanna placate, or your girlfriend you wanna impress, or your friends you wanna have fun with, or your family you wanna make happy; humor will surely make things easier for you. Having a good sense of humor instantly breaks the ice, assists you in sweeping her off her feet, eases the environment, makes the other party comfortable, builds amazing rapport, increases your chances of being more likable, makes you easy to converse with, and improves the overall quality of your communication to follow. All the more reasons why one should work upon improving their sense of humor. It’s kind of hard to stay pissed at someone whose very basic nature is to make you laugh. We become more forgiving and accepting around people with a good sense of humor. Even the biggest of mistakes and embarrassments can be easily buttered up using your ability to bring a smile to someone’s face. This truly is an art in today’s world to be able to bring a smile to someone’s face, a skill that can pay you off both emotionally and materially. And like other skills, this too is learnable and comes from practice, practice, and practice. Just to clear the notion, this is not some pre-birth skill that you were ‘born with’, it isn’t something that can’t be developed. It sure can be. So, without further ado, let’s get to the nuts and bolts of how one can improve his sense of humor.
  2. Motivation is that magic spell that can make the sunrise in the west and set in the east, that can move the mountains, empty the oceans, stop the wind, and control the time. Ok Ok, maybe I should take the drama down a notch. Nevertheless, there’s no denying the fact that motivation is a powerful potion, which can undoubtedly change one’s life for good. And the secret of staying motivated in life all the time, is perhaps, the jackpot you might be searching for all your life. But not anymore. What typically happens in a common man’s life is that he sets x,y,z goals to complete in life, but sooner than later loses the motivation to keep pursuing it and ultimately calls it quits. I suppose this is a predicament that has been and will be faced by more or less the entire humanity. Perhaps, this makes the quest for searching that never-ending stream of motivation all the more important. ‘I don’t feel like doing it’, ‘I am bored going to the gym’, ‘This has become so repetitive so I am gonna quit.’ We have all been there and know what it feels like. It’s definitely not a pleasant feeling. Read the Complete article here:
  3. The world is like a colossal labyrinth, full of ironies. It is a place where you lose when you lose, and you lose even when you win. Stay with me to comprehend the meaning of life. One actually needs a really sharp mind to comprehend the enormity of the above statement. Once you see this through, then the question, “How do I win in this grandeur and magnanimous fight of life, everyone seems to be fighting in day and night rather seriously and painstakingly?”, won’t pester you anymore. Then the right and the more prudent question to ask will be, “Is there a way through which I can come out of this battle altogether, instead of fighting it in the first place?” What I mean by it, is that this is a battle, where either winning or losing is not the eternal solution. We all are running in a race, only to have more of everything. More money, more name, more fame, more respect, more happiness, and so on. And somewhere in the pursuit of endlessly having more and more, death dawn upon us. Always keep this in mind, your present situation is someone’s dream to live. No matter how bad you think the present scenario is; if you are reading this, then probably you at least have a roof over your head with 3 square healthy meals a day to fill your paunch. This is still a fantasy for millions of people around the globe. For those people, you already are a billionaire, but you think you are poor at your own level of mind, probably because you are comparing yourselves to others or just simply have some expectations and desires to fulfill. What is the Solution then? Well, I am sure most of you are about to leave, thinking it is a boring thing to ponder upon, and you are probably right. Most of us are only interested to know how to get what we want as soon as possible, in the easiest conceivable way, without really putting in any extra energy or time. We are not used to directing our boxed thinking into a topic like understanding the ‘meaning of life’. Everyone is living in this enormous illusion that if what they want the most, miraculously comes into existence, then their lives will become awesome. What they don’t foresee is that the mere solution to one thing becomes the very base of the next big problem in their lives. And what happens next? Another desire to overcome the obstacle. And like this, the cycle keeps on continuing. 24*7*365. To sum our lives in one line: We were delusional before, we are delusional right now, and we will die delusional. Period. Might sound bitter but is actually the reality with so many of us. I will try to explain this to you in the simplest way possible. The Universe is Like a Giant Ocean Like I said before, that this is a race, where you actually lose, irrespective of whether you think you won or lost. I have given this example before. Try imaging the universe as an ocean. A vast one. There are billions and billions of waves in this ocean. Trillions and trillions of water droplets. If you compare your body, which you consider as your own self, with that of a wave, then isn’t every wave just living for itself? The wave can say that “I am also living for those tiny little waves emerging from ME”, but it is only saying so because “ME” is involved again. The wave may care about other waves, only if they are associated with it in some way or another in the first place. So ultimately it is living only for itself and the same is with all of us too. We can say we live for our children or our parents or our families and friends, but you are doing that only because they are yours. Everybody is living for themselves at the end of the day. You care about your friends and relationships because again, they are “YOURS”. Now in a normal ocean, waves don’t fight off each other. But this universe is like an ocean where every wave is busy contesting with each other. Every wave is busy making itself bigger and bigger to engulf the smaller ones and emerge “Victorious”. Is the world gonna change the way it is running? Probably not. I mean, ask yourself, if it comes to a choice to save your family, and a bunch of 200 people. Who would you choose? This is not a movie going on, where you can save both of them. So, the point being, the very nature of this world is that everyone is living for themselves. Thinking about themselves, making themselves more and more powerful by suppressing others, directly or indirectly. The Unarticulated Battle we are All a Part of How can anyone be truly joyful in such an environment? People can just show from the outside their smiling faces, but from the inside, they are crying. And the more interesting part about this battle is that no one is carrying any kind of firearms here, which is what makes it even more dangerous than the real battles fought at the borders. Everyone is carrying flowers here and is trying to show how caring and loving they are. This is what makes it one hell of a treacherous war because you can’t say for sure who is your real enemy here. Your enemies may have set their camps right under your nose, and you wouldn’t know about it until it is too late. Like the joker said,” Their morals, their codes…, it is a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They are only as good as the world allows them to be. When the chips are down, these civilized people, they will eat each other.” How true is that! Can these things stop happening all of a sudden? Impossible. SO, you gotta make yourselves robust enough to live in this world, no question about it. Robust in the sense that you must have an understanding of this ocean, the meaning of life. Stop Squandering Time in Life Our majority of time is spent in plain, simple time pass, instead of making ourselves a great warrior. Timepass, here, is anything that is deteriorating your energy in any form. If you are not learning from whatever is happening to you at the present moment, then that will all come under the radar of ‘time pass’. All the pleasures you are indulged in. A person after committing every sin in the rule book, looks to God for atonement. This is also what most of us do as they expect to get away with it. Now you gotta decide whether you wanna spend your time to be a fierce warrior, or to get spoilt by the pleasures you keep running after? Escaping is not the Solution We all look for escapes. We all are experts at running away from our problems. But you can’t escape them forever, because no matter where you go, you can’t really escape this ocean. Since escaping is not the answer you were looking for, ideally, you should be investing your time in making yourself a brave warrior. You gotta make yourself so powerful that you wouldn’t have to beg anyone to get anything. You gotta make yourselves skilled enough to be deserving to get what you want and be intellectual enough so that you can smash through whatever obstacles come in your path. But hold on, didn’t I say at the starting that this is a war where you lose even if you win? So, the bigger predicament here is, whether being a warrior is the solution or not? Let’s say you become the best warrior ever born on the face of the earth. Does this mean that you are absolved of all the problems? You can get sick anytime, the people close to you can die anytime, even you will die at some point or any one of the hundred and twelve disastrous turns your life can take at any given moment. If you look closely, there are pros and cons to being a warrior and sometimes even not being a warrior. Who is the safest person in a war? People who aren’t warriors. Because they can sit at the fences while the real warriors are busy protecting and fighting for them. They are probably gonna be the last ones to face the music. One doesn’t escape the sorrow. It lies on both sides. Then the question should be how to be free from this sorrow? If you liked it so far, you will love the complete article here:
  4. Let’s talk about the foundation of the materialistic world, Self Awareness. Self Awareness is what can help you achieve the highest level of existence in this world. Since time immemorial, human beings have been traversing, scouting, and prospecting ways to push forward humanity, both in the materialistic and the spiritualistic world. Things that were not even imaginable a hundred years ago have been made an everyday reality by humans’ determination, knowledge, and action. Self Awareness is the substrate of those qualities. Amplify your Mind Let me start by telling you a small story first. One sunny day, there was a fish swimming peacefully in an ocean. She took a small detour and after swimming continuously for the next 20min she found herself in a well. There she met a frog, and they started conversing. The fish told the frog to accompany her so that she can show her the ocean. The frog demanded how big was this “ocean”, to which the fish replied, “it’s enormous.” The frog stretched its arms and questioned,” is it this big?”, to which the fish laughed him off and said, “it’s much bigger than that.” Then the frog asked, “ok, so it must be as big as this well”, to which the fish again dismissed him by saying, “no! it is bigger than anything you have ever seen in your entire life.” The frog didn’t buy it, and said, “it’s not possible since there’s nothing outside this well.” So, you see, both the frog and the fish are right from their own standpoints. The frog just needs to open his mind for a moment and just assume that maybe what the fish was saying is perhaps right. Unless he opens his mind to new information like this, he will never be able to discover the ocean and will spend his entire life living in the well. What’s Self Awareness? According to Wikipedia, “self-awareness is the experience of one’s own personality or individuality. It is not to be confused with consciousness in the sense of qualia. While consciousness is being aware of one’s environment and body and lifestyle, self-awareness is the recognition of that awareness.” You must have noticed that sometimes two people who even after having the same kind of knowledge and experiences, one of them can outperform the other. Why is this happening? Doesn’t this exist everywhere, in every field? Some people can grasp things quicker than others. Ever wondered what’s the reason behind this? That’s right, you guessed it, SELF AWARENESS. Some people are more aware than others, because of which, even after having the same skill set, one can outdo another. In the Olympics, people from all around the world, come and compete, giving their 100%. Each of them has practiced tens of hundreds of times, but during the competition, the person whose self-awareness is more takes the gold. Their awareness level is sooo high, that the winners can gather all their attention and focus wandering all around the world, to that particular game-deciding moment. Why Self Awareness is Important? Everybody in this world has different levels of self-awareness. Some have a low, and some have a really high level of self-awareness. The more your self-awareness, the more possibilities you have in life. If one’s self-awareness is super strong, then his chances of being successful, in whatever field he is in, grow manyfold. One can learn anything faster, better, and more efficiently, thanks to his awareness. Now comes the question that if ‘self-awareness’ is so important for us, then why no one is talking about it anywhere? Did your school talk about this? Do your parents, family, and friends ever discuss this? Well, the thing is that people aren’t aware of “awareness”. We need to understand that knowledge is temporary, but the ability to learn something new—that’s something way more powerful and effective for you to discover. Everyone is just spouting “pay attention to your studies”, “be attentive towards your work”, but why is no one telling us how exactly can one start paying more attention to things which actually matter? First, it’s imperative to understand how distracted one is. The children or the youth of the country have their attention bandwidth occupied in so many different places, which is precisely why they are not able to focus on the things that actually matter. Gathering your attention from 112 places and concentrating it on one place is an art in itself. One who understands this science can literally do anything in this materialistic world. And once you increase your Self Awareness and reach a particular level, then there comes a stage where you have the control to focus on anything, anytime, for as long you wish—whenever, wherever. How cool is that, right? Imagine being in absolute control of your ‘focus ability’. Now it’s up to you, whether you wanna focus on something for a minute, an hour, or even more. If one can have an ability as powerful as this, then will there be anyone left in this world who will not succeed in whatever they are doing? If you can make your ‘focus’ obey your orders, then no task will be big enough for you and no problem will be problematic enough to stop you. Everything will become possible for a man with the ability to control his focus. That’s what makes Self Awareness so darn important. Now some of you might be thinking that it must be “pretty hard to increase one’s self-awareness” or “one would have to meditate like a priest for hours”. That’s the best part. It’s super easy to do. And one can practice it all day long; wherever you are, whenever you want. Here I have laid down a simple plan to work on your self-awareness by polishing it on three different levels. Now, no one has to work on all three levels, simultaneously. It’s up to you to decide which level you wanna focus on. Awareness #1 BODY The first level is the level of your body. The activities of your body have direct connections to Self Awareness. If you are a couch potato, who likes to sit all day and watch TV, then there’s no question that you are gonna have a pretty mediocre level of self-awareness. Now I am not asking you to be hyper-active all day, but just experience it yourself. Take a day where you are mildly active, and then observe your awareness, your thinking ability, and your power of focus; and compare it to a day when you were doing nothing but being a burden on this world. You will surely notice the differences for yourselves. No rocket science. Our bodies weren’t meant for the sedentary lifestyle most of us have; we need to get our bodies in action. Now how to do that? Well, I am not gonna tell you what you should do, because there are literally a thousand ways to do that, but I can tell you what I do that has helped me a lot. A Good Start is Important The start of the day is pretty important as it is gonna decide how the rest of your day is spent. A good start increases the chances of having a good day by a factor of a hundred. There are a ton of things you can do. Some people eat fruit, some drink lukewarm lemon water and some make the superman pose as soon as they wake up. I personally like doing oil pulling. You can google it and see the various advantages it brings forth. Along with improving your digestive tracks, eliminating the laziness factor, it also helps in preventing so many diseases. Most of us have a pretty low awareness level when we wake up in the morning, probably because of sleeping late and tired. This is why this technique can work wonders for those who are seeking to increase their self-awareness level. This technique works like a detoxifier, which eliminates all the toxins from the body and increases the energy of multiple folds. Now that I am all “freshen up” I immediately do a set of push-ups (30 reps) and some basic stretching. This makes the body even more active and hence more aware. Then I go for a light jog for 20-25 min or a brisk walk in the park for 40 min. Sometimes I prefer doing yoga as well. Occasionally I lift weights too. It changes from time to time. The idea is to try and not to make it monotonous. The aim is to make your body active in whatever way you are comfortable with because morning time is the best time to increase your body’s self-awareness. If we don’t make our bodies active in the morning, then the ‘laziness’ leaves no stones unturned to make our bodies dull and uninspiring for the rest of the day. I don’t care how cute he looks, laziness isn’t gonna cut it. Stay Active Throughout the Day The aim is to be active throughout the day. One of the other things you can do is to use stairs. Stop using lifts, totally. It’s really easy for those who actually wanna change and are committed enough to become the better versions of themselves. I also have a habit of doing 8-10 sets of push-ups throughout the day, between my work. For instance, whenever I need to use the washroom, I will do a set of push up. Before having any meals, I do another round. You don’t necessarily have to do the same. You can try something else which works for you and something you are comfortable with. On-the-spot jog, squats, pull-ups, jumping jacks; whatever you find attractive. The goal is to keep your body physically active throughout the day, so instead of spending a lump sum of 2-3hrs in the morning, you can divide it into 5-7 sets of 10min each, doing any one of the 112 exercises that don’t need any equipment. If you liked it so far, continue reading the full article by clicking on the link down below to know about how you can increase your awareness at the level of your mind and soul.
  5. What is it that you guys want from your life? For something delightful to happen that increases your positive energy or something grotesque, that takes away the energy? Well, definitely the former(hopefully). It means it’s our very basic nature to experience something bona fide in our lives. The natural human tendency is to increase their positive energy to make them better at whatever they do. You would feel more than awesome to listen to praises instead of someone belittling you or pinpointing your fly in the ointment. Everyone loves a compliment. Everyone loves ‘LOVE’. Everyone loves encouragement instead of criticization. Everyone Wants to be Loved When you achieve something, then you want people to push you forward instead of picking out your shortcomings. If people become happy in your happiness then you feel good and relish it. If you make a mistake, then how would you like the other person to behave? Forgive you or beat you to death for the rest of your life(physically or mentally)? Do you want them to forget about your mistake or would you rather them keep reminding you and undermine you forever? So, what’s really happening here, we want one thing to happen but unfortunately, it’s not what we would supposedly get all the time. WE want to be forgiven if we make a mistake, but now try turning the tables. Can you be 100% sure that you would have done the same? It’s so simple to understand if we look at it this way; we have established the fact that we want to be loved, we want freedom, we want to be forgiven, we don’t want any kind of jealousy, hatred, enviousness, or fury from anyone. Now look closely, isn’t that what everyone wants Ultimately? Everyone wants a positive and peaceful life. The day you really understand the above statement, not just for show but actually from deep within, then that would mean that you have actually embarked on the spiritual journey. This basic understanding that you gotta stop doing anything and everything, right from your thought level to the physical/material level, that you wouldn’t want to happen to yourself. Treat others the same way you would like to be Treated Yourself If you want to be loved, first start loving yourself; if you want to be forgiven, start forgiving those who did something wrong to you (including yourself); if you want to be peaceful, stop getting into futile arguments with your loved ones. This is the real essence of positive thinking, moral science, good karma, and bad karma. Once you start understanding this way of life, something really wonderful starts happening. You may have trouble adjusting in the short term, but the long term is gonna be full of sunshine and rainbows. I will give you a short example. A while back, we had some relatives at our house. Now the problem with me is I talk really straightforward instead of running around the bush. So what happened was they were with my parents and were backbiting some of their other close relatives. Now as I was listening to them, I started smiling broadly (in a mischievous manner), which drew everyone’s attention towards me. They asked me curiously that why I was smiling. So I just asked a simple question to my parents, that if they can badmouth some of their own close relatives in front of us, then what would they be talking about us behind our backs? And everyone got dumbstruck. Of course, I was controlling my laughter. Then starts the justification process but who cares about that. So, got the point? If you behave stupidly then you can’t possibly expect to be peaceful. You Reap What You Sow, Always Some people think that if one does something bad to someone, then one day or the other it will come in a full circle to him as well. Well, it’s incomplete truth or what you may refer to as the Law of Karma. It doesn’t take that long to happen. If you so much as think something evil about someone, then it already starts then and there, the same thing happening to you. If I start thinking bad about a relative of mine—my mind is already corrupted, period. The mind that was peaceful a moment ago has lost its purity starting the very second I went down this path. People came up with fascinating theories about this, where they say if you do something x,y,z then 10 years from now you will have an accident and blah blah blah so in order to redeem yourself from the bad deed you gotta do l,m,n. Now it’s great for children to explain such things, but I expect you all to be grown-ups. (can I?) Most people keep on believing what they were told as a child; that God will become angry and he would go on a rampage and whatnot. Evidently, they may be all grown up physically, but mentally they still think like a kiddo. Just see the reality as it is. Not only from your eyes, but from your mind. UNDERSTANDING is the Key It’s really simple, notice the feeling you get when you think of somebody in a good way as opposed to in a bad way. GOD doesn’t have to intervene; we ourselves, consciously, or subconsciously punish and reward ourselves. So, in case some of you may be thinking that I am not making sense, let’s do a small activity. Repeat after me; HEY supreme intelligence, may every living being on this planet become peaceful from within, may they all become resolved from all their issues, may they all be cherished eternally, may they all heal themselves, may they all live a HAPPY LIFE! Now, let’s try this; HEY supreme intelligence, may every living being on this planet be at war from within, may they all be crushed like the cockroaches they are, may they all be overwhelmed with disappointment, may they all be smushed from the everlasting suffering, may they all live a MISERABLE LIFE! Can you notice any difference within when you say it? One would make you calm, happy, and peaceful. The other would make you restless, unhappy, and stressed. See, you already got the result according to what you did, and not after 10 years but right at this moment. People can’t see this straight. It’s no rocket science. Now what if the former prayer stays with you; there’s a very high probability that you would remain at peace from within. You can’t say for sure that by reciting this prayer there would actually be no suffering, the world is likely to remain the way it always has; but what you can be sure of, is your peace and your serenity. Once you attain your peace, it will spread like wildfire as it is really powerful and infectious, and slowly and gradually a chain reaction initiating from you will take place. Now that has the potential to change the World Not your prayer but the peace you got from it. Where there is peace there is HAPPINESS. Now if you go with the second prayer, in any form, chances are that it will have a deteriorating effect on your mental condition, you won’t get a good night’s sleep, it will affect your health, and hence your relationships. So, you see EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED. If your mind is at peace, then at least you can think better about your financials, health, and relationships than those who are utterly restless. And chances are very high that you actually succeed in it by taking the right kind of actions. The more you walk this path, the stronger you become from within. You can’t get Positive Energy from Negative thinking. You reap what you sow, ALWAYS. Originally Published:
  6. All right, so sometimes you must have noticed that a certain negative thought comes into our mind which is really hard to forget as it kinda gets stuck in there forever. It keeps on pestering us again and again, which makes us quite uneasy and apprehensive, and we wanna get rid of that negative thought as soon as possible. This predicament has two solutions basically. Oh, and btw, if you are too lazy to read the rest of the article but at the same time can’t afford to miss it as well, I may have got the perfect solution for you. Enjoy listening to my melodious voice: The Temporary Solution One is as soon as that thought comes into your mind, you divert your attention to something else. You know like watch a movie, read a book or my blog, go out with friends, and so on. But these all are temporary solutions to a fairly permanent problem. As soon as you stop doing the particular activity, the thought that was making you uncomfortable (it can be related to money, health, relations, etc), would come back again. The Permanent Solution It’s Simple. To go to the root cause of that conundrum. That’s the best possible way there is out there. But we all know this, still, we are bugged by stress and anxiety. If you can analyze the problem completely, assess the root cause of it, see exactly what the problem is, and if you can either leave it or solve it, then there is no problem. Let me give you an example. If you are really attached to someone who’s very dear to you, and you love that person unconditionally, and by some chances, you two get separated (for whatever reasons). Feels relatable? It’s very general. Take the worst-case scenario and say the person is no more. Now, what will you do in such a situation? How will you get rid of the negative thoughts then? The thought would always remain there and you won’t be able to just forget it all of a sudden. Temporary solutions are always there but like I said they are ‘temporary’. In such situations, you need to patiently ask yourself, who’s actually becoming miserable? A simple question but it does require some amount of courage from the inside along with an open mind. A ‘Different’ Thinking You need a different type of thinking to contemplate this way, a different route from all the clutter everyone is just stuffing in, without questioning anything. You don’t need to be a blind sheep by just following the crowd. Enough of following the “MASSES”. Ok so once you question yourself, the answer you will most probably get is, “OF course me!! I am becoming morose, who the hell else?!”Now, who is the “me” here? Are you referring to your body? Is the body becoming morose? Who are you, actually? THINK… ASK YOURSELF!! Can the body be sad? The body can suffer from pain, that’s understandable but can it ever go through depression? The answer is, it can’t be. There isn’t any way to make your body depressed. And the fun part is we all refer to our body as “me”. We think we are this body. So now who’s actually becoming sad when my body is fine? Is it the Mind? Ok, now some people will come up with the mind. “MY mind is becoming sad.” Can the brain be sad? Try opening one and see exactly where it is becoming sad. What does the mind mean? Memories. Without memories what is left of the mind? You can’t think about anything without memories. There can’t be any thoughts without memories. There is nothing other than a bunch of thought which can be labeled as a ‘mind’. Savvy? No thoughts would ultimately mean ‘no mind’. Memories So, thoughts come from memories, and how exactly are these memories formed? By recording whatever experiences we go through, right? That’s what a memory is. Pretty straightforward, eh. So, who’s turning sad? Is it the memories? Well, can they really become sad? We should at least know that who exactly is becoming sad, otherwise, what’s the point? Makes sense, right? I mean is there even something or someone that’s actually becoming sad or is it just an illusion? Maybe whatever I am saying makes sense or is utter shit. What I am basically trying to say is that MAYBE there actually isn’t anything inside you that’s becoming sad. So, tell me in the comments section what do you think is actually going on here? Let’s take this one step further. What’s the closest relationship in this world? Let’s take a mother-child relationship. One of the most intimate relationships (well, in a general way). The kind of attachment a mother has for her new-born baby supersedes any other kind of attachment. Why? Because that child is attached to the closest possible way from the body of the mother or the feeling of “I, me, mine”. The boyfriend doesn’t come out of his girlfriend’s body. But the baby literally exited out of his mother’s body. So, for the mother, her baby is just an extension of “I” (her). For her, the baby is a part of her. A Hypothetical Situation Now just assume hypothetically, the new-born baby couldn’t survive for long. And the mother is tormented. So again, is it her body from which the baby came, that’s going through the emotions? It’s the mother’s feelings related to the child that is causing this, right? But here the mother is considering her body as “hers”. We all command a certain sense of ownership on this property aka ‘body’. We think we own the body. The obvious question that comes to the mind is that what exactly is there in this body that is actually “ours”? Keep it simple, what’s this body made up of? We eat food, drink water which in turn makes up our body. 70% of our body is water. This is absolutely scientific, nothing theoretical or mystical here. Nature So, is the water yours? Of course not, the water belongs to nature. The food you eat also comes from nature, which is again not yours. 99% of the processes that run your body are involuntary or out of your control like breathing, digestion, etc. Even your breath, the most significant aspect of keeping the body alive is not in your hands. You don’t control heartbeat; you don’t control digestion; you don’t control your nervous system. So, who does it belong to? You can call it nature or GOD. Now the concept of God also has to be made clear here. It’s not some superpowerful or mystical human sitting somewhere far far away who is controlling all of us like finger puppets. If this were the case, he would have corrected all the problems of this world with a snap of his fingers. This pretty much establishes the fact that there is nothing in your body that is actually yours. In fact, if nature stops supporting your body, be it on any level; food, air, digestion; the body will cease to exist. This body is dependent on nature, not the other way around. Nature existed long before the arrival of humans and will continue to exist long after we have all gone and settled on Mars (All thanks to Elon). Now if there’s nothing in the mother’s body that she can call hers, then how does the baby that came out of it, belong to her? Think about it. Then this means that all the errors start from this misconception that ‘I am this body’. That is not who you are! Who We Actually Are? If you have the courage to put a question mark on this grand illusion, then this can solve an enormous amount of your problems. Or you can always blindly follow the masses (where sometimes m is silent). If you can just imagine for once that you are actually IN the body, instead of BEING the body, then what’s the problem? If you start questioning like this step by step, then slowly and gradually all your problems will start fading away, once and for all. Do you know the biggest sin that one can ever commit in this world? To capture this wonderful tool called the body and misinterpret it as “mine”, which actually belongs to nature. Because of which, people suffer for all their life. It’s bitter but it’s true. So, leave this body on the goodwill of nature or God. Let them handle it. Just SURRENDER it. (Now, this doesn’t mean you just go and sit and lie down in a forest and go to sleep.) Whether the body lives or dies, it’s in his hand. Everything is in his hand. So now what’s the fear? This is real devotion. Absooooolute surrender. Not just for show, but actually from the inside; this can help you get rid of the negative thoughts. Or keep on doing what everyone is doing. Keep assuming you are your body and keep solving problems till eternity. Try keeping your body young forever, try making your body immortal. This is spirituality. Asking this one simple question, “Who am I?” Whenever you are sad, immediately question yourself, “who’s going through the pain?” It’s not the body, but who’s attached to the situation that goes through the pain. Read the complete article here:
  7. @Epikur well there already are a ton of 'quick answers' type posts that you can find. I wanted to differentiate myself, that's why I like to touch every perspective, and thus it becomes long
  8. How many of you feel that the effect of watching some motivational videos about “Self understanding” or reading any inspirational articles on the internet or going through my blog doesn’t last very long? Even though you are thoroughly enjoying it while you are going through it, but when it comes to your real life, you get stumped. This has been asked of me several times. The thing is you don’t have to mug up what I say ‘word’ to ‘word’. It’s not gonna help you in any way. (Except if you wanna stick it to someone else and boost your ego.) Declutter Your Mind This should not be the goal, because then you will get confused. Let’s say you read a book on the same topic that you read an article on, then you will start relating and associating it to what I said or what you heard from someone else about the same issue. This would ultimately tangle you up and create unnecessary ruckus in your brain. Whatever you read here or anywhere else, your priority shouldn’t be to just stuff things in your brain but instead try to analyze the thought process behind it, how the person tries to find solutions to a problem, how to see the problem with the right sight, instead of just feeding in the words. In fact, this should be the goal everywhere; if you are watching an interview of some famous personalities, then don’t just focus on what they say but try to analyze the thought progression behind it. Otherwise, all this will be just another source of entertainment that will make you feel good about yourself but it won’t actually change anything. Understand The Bigger Picture Most of the people here either just get temporarily motivated by all this or feel good about themselves, and some try to boost their egos, thinking they read something wonderful and now they can share the ‘unsolicited advice‘ with the whole world. Most of us get cobbled up in these minuscule things only. The ideal way is to walk along with the thought process step by step, connecting the dots, and seeing things from different perspectives (especially your own). Then the bigger picture, which is what I intend to share, will start becoming more clear, and then you can also see the problems in your life with the same thought process and simplify it effortlessly because now you are using the tool of ‘Self Understanding’, which is probably the best there is to tackle anything and everything in LIFE. Break It Down The best quality to do something big is to keep it simple. No matter how enormous the problem looks, you gotta break it down into simpler sets in order to overcome it. Which, if you have been paying attention is how our bodies also work, they break down complex substances into simple sugars for easy and hassle-free digestion. Whenever you get overwhelmed by a problem, simply write it down on a piece of paper. The problem, your supposed action plan, the pros and cons of it, everything. But how many of us do that? Most of us get wrapped up in our brains only, ultimately succumbing in front of the devil. We don’t stay with a problem long enough. We just want the instant solution. Instant gratification. Needless to say, that’s not the proper way to look at the problem. The more patience you have for a problem, the healthier your understanding of the solution, and the more effective your actions are. This is what the right ‘self-understanding’ actually is! We tend to get agitated if we face a problem and we want to get rid of it ASAP. We become tensed and start reacting in an unusual way. If you wanna really get rid of it, then you have to stay with it. This is the real essence of meditation. Is your Life Becoming Better? And how will you know whether your understanding is getting better than before? Simple, the more effortless your life becomes, the more stress-free you feel, the better your ‘self-understanding’ actually is. But on the other hand, if you are putting tons of effort to handle a situation, you are filled with negative thoughts, and taking a shit load of unnecessary stress, then that means there is plenty of room for you to improve yourself. So, to put it simply, you basically just gotta observe your life peacefully. Try to stay as long as you can with the problems and not because you just wanna get it done with. A scientist never observes a problem with patience just to get the answer out of it, because then there won’t be any discovery. Only what was previously stored in his memories would come out of it. If you think that just thinking about the problem will get the answer for you, then you will only get what you previously discovered. You won’t find anything new this way. Even Albert Einstein also said,” You can’t solve a problem with the same level of understanding that created it.” So, what does it mean? This means that we need to develop a new level of understanding. And how to do that? Like I said before, patiently observing the problem and staying with it, not just for the heck of it but to actually discover something new. Self-Understanding is the Answer Why do I keep nagging that ‘self-understanding’ is crucial and blah blah blah every now and then? Well, to put it in a nutshell, because this is the permanent solution to every problem known to mankind. Period. If you could just fathom what you actually are, from deep within, then the satisfaction you will get from there will be INFINITE. You will be able to express whatever you want to and no power in this world will be able to stop you. And self-understanding demands a lot of patience and calm along with some excitement and enthusiasm. What do you think about my tagline anyway? (‘Believe it or not, you are Infinite’) I know most of you won’t be able to digest this but still, I wanted to put it out there because there is no greater truth than this that deep within you really are INFINITE. We all are. Of course in the transactional/surface world we might all be struggling and suffering for all kinds of things, and that’s all right. I just wanted to at least sow this seed deep within your subconscious mind to let it grow. And this is not some metaphor or pun, it’s the ultimate truth of life. To make you all actually experience it is what I strive for. This is probably the best takeaway you can get from here. I know most of us won’t accept this, and 99% of those who will accept it will take it in the wrong way. But even if that 1% can understand what I am talking about, then that would be really awesome. Whatever you see around yourself, it is not different from you, it’s all a part of you. Everything in this world is happening for you. Rain, clouds, sky, rainbow, the flora and fauna, everything! It’s all Happening in You, for You, and by You If we can start understanding things in this particular manner, and then observe the world, then we will see a whole different picture around us. You will start seeing things that everyone else is overlooking. If you can see it this way, then there is no way to experience sadness. If we are all connected deep within with each other, then there’s no way to feel gloominess or loneliness. When your understanding about who you are becomes absolutely clear, as clear as the font of this page, then nothing is left for you to do to harness happiness. You become ‘happiness’. You become ‘love’. After this, you won’t be affected whether you doing something or not. If you are doing something then you can do it with your full potential without worrying about success and failure. If you are not doing anything, then you can sit for hours and observe what’s going on deep inside you. It won’t matter if you are crying or laughing at the outside, from the inside you will always be at peace. The Real You I have faith that today this thought will get implanted in at least some of you guys, who later on, may or may not ask the pertinent question, “WHO AM I?”. And once the answer to this conundrum starts becoming clear, then you will be completely independent of everything, or in my favorite words; you will be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If one hypothetically squeezes the universe, then what will come out of it is the real you. And once you realize this, then the misconception that you have fed on for all your life that “I am this body” will straighten out itself. It will become crystal to you that your body is like an instrument to express yourself with. If you keep misinterpreting your body with your true self, then all your life, you will just keep on comparing yourselves with others and live a shallow life by accumulating materials around you. After you deeply understand that everything is already yours and everything is inside you only, only then you can really discover the real potential of your instrument and explore all the possibilities of it. Whatever the instrument can do, the highest possibility of this body, you shall be able to do it all. You can do it all, you will do it all. Now that we have established the fact that self-understanding is the ultimate key to happiness, how can we develop this understanding? Many of you must be wondering that people only spend time understanding external things like their jobs, their relationships; so how can one deepen his self-understanding? Understanding of the Self should be the Priority Self-understanding is understanding your body, your mind (feelings & emotion), and all the way up to your soul. To believe that your feelings and your emotions are in someone else’s control, then you will be completely helpless, as you have made yourself a prisoner now. If you believe this, then all you can do is a futile attempt to change the person next to you. The more you try to change someone, the more you will piss him off, because no one wants to know that they are wrong. Most people who do learn from their own life experiences, learn it just for the heck of it, at a very superficial level. They don’t go to the root cause of it by giving it some ample amount of time. Firstly, most of us don’t learn from our mistakes only, and out of those who do, the majority of them learn in the manner I just told. The day you truly start applying the lessons you learned from your past experiences (both good and bad), that’s when you actually start growing, for real. If you could just understand this, then this itself is called a deeper understanding of the self. Understanding the Obvious Now if you can’t even understand and take care of your health, then what is all this talk for? People who can’t even understand their skills to be financially independent, then you can’t really expect them to comprehend the deeper meaning of lives. Those who feel lonely from the inside, first gotta strengthen their relationships in order to get to the next level of self-understanding. If you actually want a better life, then these 3 are the most important pillars on top of which something even more beautiful and stunning can be constructed. How do you balance all 3? Again, understanding. I really can’t emphasize it enough guys. Make mistakes, don’t be afraid of them. Just learn from them and stop criticizing yourselves by setting some monumental expectations, again and again. Everyone makes mistakes. In fact, if you don’t make enough of them, you will act in a very conservative space, which may instead of pushing you forwards, throw you backward in life. This learning attitude, coupled with a great vision can take you to places you can’t even imagine in your wildest dreams. As long as you can’t balance those 3 pillars I talked about, everything else is rubbish. I can’t teach you that, neither can any book; you gotta act on your own, see what’s working and what’s not. Try new things, double down on what’s working and cut what’s not, in every sphere of life. As simple as that. If you have made it so far, then you definitely wanna see what lies ahead. Simply click the link below and rejoice:
  9. Oh that's a great question...In fact, I happen to have written a whole article on that particular issue. Here:
  10. Ever wondered what exactly is your true self? I know it may sound boring to most of us, after all, who has time to find out about concepts like “true self“. We are more interested in what the new fad is, the latest celebrity news, the controversial political scandals, the hottest gossips. But we don’t pay attention to what’s truly important. Finding our true self. We don’t see what’s right in front of us because we are so busy seeing everything else but this. We listen to whatever we want to listen to and kinda neglect what is there for real. For instance; if someone from a village goes to a city, then the noise of the city, which the people there are not used to listening to, would bother him for some time. For us, it’s normal as we are used to it. Likewise, if we go to a village then the silence there will overpower us and will grab our attention but not the common village people’s. SO just like this, I may say a thing or two but you will understand what you want to understand due to the numerous filters we all have within us. I will say something, people will understand something else, and they will then explain something entirely different. Nevertheless, I will give my best shot to explain the real thing, which is to liberate you from all kinds of suffering. So, the number one priority for anybody who’s on the spiritual path is to know what their ultimate goal of life is. Your True Self is Free from all Kinds of Bondage Now I will say something in very simple language, try to let this sink in. ‘You don’t have to free yourself from any kind of bondage in life; YOU ARE FREE already.’ Read it again. That is the ultimate goal of SPIRITUALITY; not to be free from anything but simply understanding that we are already free. There actually is no bondage. There is nothing holding you back. You already are INFINITE! Everything’s inside you. Try to grasp the real sense of infinite. Try imagining how enormously big this INFINITY is. Yup; that’s you! That’s all of us. It really is a shame that we, who are INFINITE, consider ourselves finite, mortal beings, who are doomed to death one day. Whenever We are Morose or something, then the problem lies in our own Understanding. We are something else, but we misunderstand ourselves with something entirely different. Once we understand what we are and what we are NOT, then we just have to drop the things we are NOT (at the level of understanding only, not at the physical level). In fact, you don’t even have to drop anything, once we understand it, it will automatically get detached from yourself. Once you truly understand who you really are, then you won’t even have to hold on to it. It will effortlessly come to you. You don’t get up every morning and do anything to convince yourself that you are your name or your body. Because you know who you are. The problem is our understandings are stuck till there only. We haven’t yet seen what’s beyond the body. We don’t even know if there is anything beyond the physical body. And why don’t we know our true selves? Because no one told us so, no one talks about it anywhere, in any kind. You won’t be taught this in your school or at your home. Discussions like this with friends are almost non-existent and considered to be old school or boring. Everyone is just busy filling up their pockets and hustling to provide for their families, which is not a bad thing at all. But hey if that’s all we are doing, then what’s the difference between us and other animals? Let’s Monkey Around To Discover Your True Self Let’s suppose a monkey is standing in front of a mirror. He is seeing his own image and is trying to fight it off. Will he ever be able to win? Well, of course not, because he is unable to understand that both are the same thing and because he lacks this understanding he is unable to take the right action. Quite similar is the case with we humans. We also believe in something else, instead of trying to understand the truth. The only actual difference between a monkey and a human is in UNDERSTANDING. Otherwise, we are exactly the same. We both have eyes, brains, consciousness. Another One One of my cousins, during her childhood, used to be terrified of her own shadow. It would drive her crazy that why is this black creepy thing following her all the time. The faster she would run, the quicker the shadow would be closing on. So what’s really happening here? Would you guys behave like this? No, obviously. She just didn’t understand the simple truth that the shadow is a part of herself. For her, it was the Christmas ghost, that she was absolutely petrified of. So the only difference between the so-called enlightened people and us is nothing but UNDERSTANDING! To develop this understanding, we need a peaceful mind. The girl first has to be calm in order to understand the shadow thing. If she keeps on crying and screaming; nothing can make her change her perception about it. All these spiritual talks and meditation are there to make us peaceful, in order to understand our true self. Addiction of Any Kind isn’t Great News Some people who embark on this journey, do attain peace; but then they are so addicted to it that they just can’t leave it. We need to understand the difference between relative peace and absolute peace. Relative peace is the kind of peace that you attain when you get associated with something or someone or someplace. Eg; you become peaceful when you go to the mountains; you attain peace when you visit any temple, church, or any other religious place. So, what happens when you return to your home? Back to normal life. On the other hand, absolute peace, like the name suggests, is absolutely ABSOLUTE. It’s independent of situations or places or people. Now don’t take it the wrong way, by this I mean peace in your INNER WORLD. Your outer world can’t remain in peace all the time. If you see a child getting kidnapped you won’t say to yourself that I am peaceful and won’t take any action. That is BS. That’s a very basic thing to understand. You should be clear about this. For instance, the sound of silence was always there with you, but you didn’t experience it before. Now there can be some people who must have experienced it before but they are unaware of what it is. (In case you don’t know what is this ‘sound’, just read this article.) Knowledge and Experience are both very crucial. Let’s Fall Asleep To Find our True Self Ever wondered how exactly you fall asleep? Try this tonight. After lying down in the bed, take note of what really happens between the moment you lie down and the moment you fall asleep. First of all, the 5 senses of your body stop sending the respective signals, or I should say the brain starts overlooking it. That means the objects don’t control you, instead you control the objects that enter your body. You can’t sleep until it’s quiet out there. You can’t sleep with your eyes open. One can’t sleep while there’s something in your mouth (unless you stop knowing if it’s there or not). You can’t sleep while sniffing something fishy. You can’t sleep with the feeling of someone touching you. After all the senses go silent, you let go of the feelings and the sensations. Then thoughts are the only thing that keeps revolving around for quite some time. Then after some time when all other thoughts go silent, then there remains this one thought. Why am I unable to Sleep? The more you think about sleeping, the less likely it is that you will fall asleep. Notice tonight, you can’t possibly fall asleep while there are thoughts swirling in your brain. The single most reason why people love their sleep is that they become absolutely PEACEFUL. Why they are peaceful? Because there isn’t any thought going on in our mind while we are sleeping. Everything’s Inside You, Literally If you actually see things as it is then you will realize there is nothing outside you. Everything’s inside you. The world you see is through your eyes inside your brain, similarly, the voices you hear and all the sensations you feel. If you smell something then where do you get to know it? Inside. When someone touches you then where do you feel it? Inside. If you hear something, where do you actually hear it? Inside your brain. If you are reading this article then where are you reading it? You think it’s outside but actually, it’s all inside. Fascinating right? All this is not mystical or hypothetical, it’s pure science. Your brain sees, hears, and feels everything. If everything is happening inside you, then is there anything outside you at all? Like I said before, in order to understand such things, you need a very peaceful mind, free of all the trivial and unnecessary desires. Only then will you be able to understand the gravity of all this. PRESENT AND PAST Once your mind becomes free of all the baseless clutter, you will start perceiving things differently. You will realize that what you call the present is actually the past. The second you read this word, ‘word’, so by the time your brain catches the light signal through your eyes and translates it for you, some microseconds have already passed and thus it becomes a thing of the past. We see stars in the sky, let’s say 10 light-years far, so though it may seem that the star is there at the present but in reality, it may not even exist. Once you actually understand your senses you will realize that the ‘PRESENT’ is actually the ‘PAST’. So, what exactly to make of all this, practically? Well first, make a goal in your life. Present or Past? TO KNOW YOUR TRUE SELF There can’t be a higher goal than this. In fact, there can’t be any goal other than this which can be called the ultimate goal of life. People make all kinds of goal setting. Some people make a goal to earn x,y,z money. Once they achieve it, then they set a higher goal and it keeps on growing and growing. It’s never-ending. (I don’t mean earning money is bad.) Only self-knowledge is conclusive. That’s why it’s the ultimate goal. After achieving this, there won’t be any more trivial desires left for you to achieve. There is no happiness in objects. If there was one, then everyone would buy it and live a happy life forever, but we all know that’s not the case. It’s totally possible that the object (name, fame, money, etc) you are going after, some other guy who has it all, is trying to get rid of the very same thing. FOOD for thought! So, if you liked it so far, read the complete article here for free:
  11. glad you liked it
  12. How do the MIND, Ego, and Enlightenment play with each other? TO start off with your mind, the mind is shaped by accepting something. Whatever you have accepted so far, consciously or subconsciously, has shaped your mind. And when you accept something, you are also rejecting something! "I am tall, short, dark, fair, fat, slim, his son, her mom, whatever." You have just accepted this. Whatever this world has taught us, we accepted it. We have never put a question mark on it. Now when it comes to accepting things, there are two paths: “ME” and “YOU”. All the things related to “I, me, and myself” are called EGO, which is the root cause of the problem. Patting yourself on the back for all your achievements or crying out loud for all the miseries you have—both come under the radar of EGO. Memory is not the Enemy of the Mind Memory is not a problem. Many people after reading my article on how to get rid of negative thoughts have accepted that memory is the problem. In your memory, there is some vital information as well. What if you forget to drink water? What if you forget that fire burns? So, don’t just accept anything (even my blog) without questioning it properly. Also, in your memory, there are some things which you didn’t accept, it’s just there, which is not the problem. But some things in your memory are those that you are clutched to like "I am my religion, nationality, ethnicity, skin color, etc." Until you let go of this, how can you possibly become something else, something better? To rise above all this, you have to grab something else. The trap here is that you will hold on to something else once some new information enters into your system, and at the surface level it may look like that you have changed but actually you haven't. Due to such foolishness, we believe in some really insane things that are ultimately taking us all down. How does a Terrorist actually become a Terrorist? In reality, where are the terrorists? Is a newborn, who just came out of his mother’s womb, a terrorist already? Of course not! He was born the same way all the 7 billion people came on this planet. It’s only because of some stupidity, that during his upbringing, he clenched onto something that’s not true at all, which ultimately filled him with hatred. So, where does the mind come into the picture? He has a choice, whether to follow what he believed in during his life (mind) or to follow his intelligence and wisdom. The more strongly we believe in something stupid and false, the more control our mind gets, and as a result, it deteriorates our intelligence. Now I said before to see things without memory. How exactly can one do that? Simple. Start noticing REALITY as it is Just like a newborn baby observes the world around him, innocently. He is observing but not understanding or judging anything. If you can look at the world for 5min in this way, then that will be the beginning of something new. You will come to this realization that all the people you are associated with, your mom, dad, friends, cousins, etc—first have a body just like yours, and then they are related to you. All bodies want to be happy in their life. Everybody and EveryBODY wants that. Is this way of perceiving things coming from the memory or through the UNDERSTANDING? When you start seeing things this way, then only you can say that you have eyes of wisdom. And you don’t have to be a Buddha or a Guru to see this way. Just keep reverberating the question “Who am I?” inside yourselves. This is the beginning and the end of SPIRITUALITY Unless you start asking this question, you can never really embark on your spiritual journey. Don’t be under the misconception that doing meditation will make you spiritual. If you are stuck with the experience you got from meditation, then you actually are no different from the rest of the world. People who go after money are not actually addicted to money; they are addicted to the pleasure they get from all the material things money can buy them. Therefore, people are addicted to outer pleasure, and you are addicted to the inner ones. It’s no different. One should keep this in mind. And some even bigger fools call themselves enlightened because they experienced so and so things while meditating. It gives their ego a boost to say they are enlightened. The truth of the matter is that there is actually no relation whatsoever between experiencing something and being enlightened. Neither the pleasure of money nor the experience of meditation can make one enlightened. What will make you ENLIGHTENED? To look for the EXPERIENCER. Back to the “Who AM I?” question. To find that one thing in common from the billions and trillions of experiences you had from your birth till now. Even your consciousness keeps on changing. You wake up, you sleep, you dream; which is changing your consciousness. But still, there is one thing that doesn’t die while you sleep, that doesn’t change at all, something that’s still there while you are dreaming. To end your curiosity stream, it is none other than the Sound of Silence. This is the thing that's common in each and every one of us. (If you don't know what this sound is, check this article) Your mind takes the form of whatever surrounds you. If you are with a bunch of peaceful, calm people, chances are you will also become like them. On the other hand, if you start living with greedy people, who wake up and sleep thinking about money, then slowly but surely you will start becoming like them as well. You won’t even realize when their shadow becomes yours. UNDERSTANDING is nothing but knowing that this greediness is just a thought. So coming back to that one thing! It can be understood better with the given analogy: Imagine a river flowing. There are innumerable droplets and waves rising and setting continuously. Now draw a parallel with the Universe. This universe is like a giant river, where there are waves rising and setting(living creatures) and trillions and trillions of water droplets(thoughts). If a river is flowing and one understands that he is not the water droplets that form and die (thoughts) and he is also not the waves rising and plunging (sensations & feelings). Wanna know what's next? Simply click on the link here and continue with the article, for free.