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Everything posted by Kksd74628
Kksd74628 replied to Cathal's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Whatever If you could bench 100 kg and your friend only 50 kg wouldn't you tell him/her when (s)he asks if it is that much that no you are just beginning? -
Kksd74628 replied to blankisomeone's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@blankisomeone First of all right NOW let's have a conversation about why would you want to kill yourself then we can discuss this topic if it is necessary to do. Okay, so what is the reason that you see that you would like to die? -
Also I forget to mention that drawing is a great way to express your thoughts and feelings to the world if you are good enough. Knowing that you can express something leads to more calm state of mind and confidence levels would skyrocket. Why wouldn't you start journal there where you draw some pictures and people could share the love that you put on them <3
@MarkusR Try to find what are the interest of people you talk to in daily basis and when you talk about these things they are more willing to deepen the conversation and that way it gets more enjoyable to both of you. Also find enough people who talk very deep things so that you don't feel need to have profound talks 24 7. Btw if music is your passion then DM me on this forum and we can start talking about it, because I am music maker and I produce melodical electronic music : )
@Danioover9000 Does the food taste good in my mouth? Who is the only one here that can answer to that question? If anything gives great results I would call that working. How could anyone give better answer to your question that which was being given NOW. Also if you think that drawing helps to solve problems why didn't you draw that particular problem and pursued the answer? Also it depends on the problem that you are having - if you are hungry and you don't have food at your home I would say that going to the shop, ordering food or going to somewhere to eat would work better than drawing some macaronis Hope that this helped guiding you closer to the answer : )
@playdoh I am not giving the advide that you asked for, but the one you need. So called manifastation works pretty damn perfectly when you start thinking like 20 minutes in a day about how could you be more wealthy, You automatically would start to reorganize your behavior so you hit your goals. Understand still that pursuing wealthiness is not one of the fastest things to be done. If I would be you I would think what I want to do in my life and maybe think about building business to that field so you hit 2 birds with one stone. Here is something for you to think about. If you chase money for you to be happy then why wouldn't you chase happiness instead. With that I just mean trying to be more happy during your days and appreaciating your moment to moment life would be pretty strong start. Starting to meditate for x amount per day and contemplating your future for z amount per day would get you extremely good beginning into your dream life. Think meditating like as an investment for your future self and more you do that better your future would be. Not forgetting to say that meditation helps you almost immendiately and little results come fast, but for more mindblowing outcomes you would need to do that for little bit longer. Many people who seek for money actually seek for peacefulness, but that can be achieved just by meditating. When you finally after 6 months from NOW think that same question you see that you are actually closer to your dream life and that could be only, because rewiring mind has pretty exponential effects on your thinking abilities and happiness overall. After that period of time you could strategize easier how to hit that wealth, but most likely you would be so in love with the beautifulness of Universe that you wouldn't need money so much. That does not still say that you can't play the game of becoming wealthy, but that wouldn't be the source for your happiness, because that is coming from the inside and that is permanent. Hope that this message has positive effect to your life <3 -joNi-
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@roopepa First of all I wasn't the one calling anyone baby secondly what Leo meant was just that he can't guard someone 24 / 7 from doing something stupid and that was why he said that he is not babysitter for anyone. You guys just understood wrongly Leos words and that's it. My opinion is that sympathy is useless and mostly harmful, because too much of it makes you emotional and think irrationally. Even psychologists and therapists don't have too much sympathy, because otherwise it would be hard to function well when seeing the patient. Good empathy is to go. And if you didn't know the difference between those 2 are that empathy is that where you understand someones feelings without the need to reflect them to oneself. Also offering shelter is not something that is Leos business, just get over it, thanks : ) -
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm Like 5 or 6 of them and I know that they are spiritual websites, but how that has anything to do with me saying that Leo has great statics in preventing suicides and helping people. That not seeing the forest for the trees was meant to demonstrate that outcome of Leos work is pretty damn good so to my eyes there are enough warnings (10 hours of high quality videos of JUST WARNINGS) -
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm What do you mean with these sites and how that had anything to do with what I tried to explain? Can't you just see what I mean or what is the problem? You seem somehow not to like that what I say, because you can't agree on a single point that I make when I write long posts. Point of communication is build bridges and see what the another one is trying to say and I see that you want people to be more friendly and I agree on that 100%, but what is the main point that you have problem with my writings. Use little more than couple of sentences and explain that better so we could someday move on to another topic. -
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@lostingenosmaze That's valid point and I agree that this could be on every video, but the thing is that people should be caution with anything they do. Even when eating candies you could choke or bit your finger off. Should everything be done like America that microwaves have warning labels that cats shouldn't be inside when the microwave is on? I just wanted to point out that there are actually warnings and where else do you see about 10 hours of high quality content of JUST WARNINGS. Of course suicides and suicide attempts happen all the time and we can't avoid all of them and my honest opinion is that Leo has done exellent work in preventing that. If Leos videos help millions of people and saves lifes and then there have been one certified suicide and couple of suicide attempts then I would call that very good statics. Don't fall into the trap of not seeing the forest for the trees. This is actually pretty good moment to do Leo's practise of accepting things even if they are very shocking. We need to get out of our heads and think logically this thing and when you try to see this thing without acting from the feelings you could see what I try to point out. We need to accept things like they are now and if we have some feedback to Leo there is possibility to do that on his blog site or just in this forum, but the thing is that we can't come to him agressively, because that makes this comminity toxic and how could we then practise gratitude, love, calming mind or anything spiritual <3 Hope that people could finally understand that, because I have now sent like 10 messages to this topic about basic logic and appreciating an awesome content of Leo. -
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Neph Isn't 3 * 2 hour+ videos about dangers of spirituality, 2 * 1,5 hour+ videos about dangers of psychedelics and 40 minutes of dangers of meditation enough video material about dangers? Also Leo addresses harmful thought patterns in every video about 1/3 of the whole video answering to BUT LeeeeOOOUU comments. Also there is big warning under every video on the Leo's youtube channel. Still need more warnings and to be more careful and how? -
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Neph I was so busy answering to everyone else so I forgot to actually comment to you. First of all kundalini works like normal human feelings - If you try to suppress something it grows. Don't fight it, but just let it flow and see what happens. When I first time experienced energy flow it was weird, but after I laid down and just started feeling it then it all cured by its own. Actually raising kundalini energy is overwhelmingly pleasurable when you don't fight it. Check if you have some kundalini teachers, gurus or yoga experts in your country you could ask help from if my tips alone won't help. Like if you start to fear that killer is coming to your home now, you should just feel that fear and it dissapears, but if you would try to run away that feeling that would be hidden message to yourself that there is something that you need to run away and that would increase that fear and make it "logical". But seriously next time you start topic don't challenge admin, because that is not okay and that was the only reason I said what I said. Take responsibility of your own actions and don't blame others : ) -
@aurum I made whole post about problems here on the forum and it includes this behaviour also. I would suggest you to have a look at it : )
NOW is time to upgrade our actualized.org community. Recently I have seen too much illogical, harmful, low conscious, negative and unfriendly communicating on this forum so NOW is finally time for a change. Point of this topic is just to remind you beautiful souls how basic communicating skills work. Find comfy place, take a deep breath and just try to undestand your best what there is said. ARGUING AND GIVING ADVICES This is not free speech zone, but place for high quality contemplation, information, cheering, understanding and sharing proper advices. Don't give answers only for self expression purposes, because that's why there is possibility to make own precious journal and there are lot of sites that allow you to build your own blog. Many of you guys are too willing to share advices that worked for you, but please just for a moment try to understand that most of those things are personally important for you only, because they helped you out of sadness. You can't just know someone personally based on couple of sentences or even posts so stop giving radical counsel, because most likely that makes more harm that good. Also remember that although you have developped as person and learnt many new concepts you are not a therapist and that's why you should always be accurate, honest and clear and say when something was just your personal opinion. I suggest you all to be very careful when even answering to mental problem thread and think twice before posting anything on there. People with mental problems are very sensitive to negative feedback. Anwers like GROW SOME BA**S AND DON'T BE PU**Y should be deleted and the person should be given ban by our moderators, but I somehow don't see this action happening as much as needed so this is message for our awesome moderators aswell. SHORT TOPICS (watch this video and thoughts about ...) AND LOW QUALITY TYPING Remember that more effort, time, information and definite explanations you put into post leads to better and more helpful answers. Like it has happened many times, but understand that your short posts, low quality posts or posts with no logical content may be closed and don't cry when that happens. The more you open yourself here broader understanding we have at your situation and our guiding will be more on the point. No one wants to be guessing what you meant with your comment so use some energy before submitting it. Also you sound lot of smarter when your sentences make some sense. CRYING FOR LEO OR MODERATOR TO DO MORE THIS AND THAT There might be couple of people who have seen my opinion about this and this is just simply so embarrasing and cringe. Leo makes videos whenever he has time and he wants so stop starting new topics about asking why he won't upload. NOW FOR REAL just think in your mind how much work Leo has made during his life just for you to sit here and watch those high quality multihour videos that are full of love. Appreciate that NOW and maybe comment to this post now how grateful you are about finding this channel, community and spirituality overall. You are so lucky that you may not understand it yet : ) Second thing is that Leo most likely has very busy timetable tripping, contemplating things, making videos and reading new sources to support his videos so don't expect him to help your mental problems simultaneously. If you have those NOW take my valuable advice and seek for help and I mean like book a meeting with real therapist and speak to your loyal friends, if you have those around you. They are friends for a reason and they may know you better than some random youtuber or forum member <3 TAKING ADVICE If you end up writing topic that you have all rights to do then please be also open to take advices from others. What is the reason to ask question and then choose whatever conforts you the most? This is self-deception which is something we try to stop doing. Use basic respect towards others who have used their own time to answer to your problem and thank them. There have been couple of cases that have happened to me or someone else where topic starter or someone else has mocked their answers. Simply don't ask if you don't want advices, don't ask if you can't handle the truth and don't ask when you can't thank others from their answers. Denying facts won't change them. LASTLY WRITE WITH INTENTION TO MAKE SOMEONE TO SMILE <3 Point of human interactions is to shine happiness and make your lovely friend giggle so write with the mindset that you write to human knowing (s)he is as valuable as anyone else. What else there is to do other than hug your best friend, caring parents or someone who needs it the most. To the reader you are so beautiful from the inside and you can't even see that yet and you have so good intention to help others so that's the main reason I love you the most <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Used writing this post like 2 hours so please make most of it. To the moderators or Leo please pin this topic. Also I leave one song that presents well the heart I gave to this topic. Last words ... ... ... take care of yourself <3
Kksd74628 replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@SQAAD You have been given many answers here and even Leo bothered to explain it to you, but you simply choosed not to understand what was told. Of course ego wants to take answers from someone who thinks like him/her, because that's the easiest way to stay inside own secure bubble. Reason you are here on the forum is, because you like actualized.org content and Leo is one of the so called teachers you follow. Leo tries to present you map that you could use to get somewhere and you purposely argue against that map. That would make God manipulative and selfish, but understand that god is selfless and that's the exact why it lets anything to happen and that is definition of love <3 Of course from your egos point of view world without "purpose" other than maximium love would be worse that hell, nihilism and horror, but that does not look same from the "Gods perspective". As you said God does not care about individual you and that is the only reason that this does not make sense to you. This forum is not place for argumenting and that is said in the very guidelines. No "debunking" and debating. I am not purposely trying to be annoying, but if your only reason you are here talking is to strengthen your own already living points and arguing against others who try to help you to see things clearly then I guess this is not the right place for you. What is the point to go to restaurant and argue against the cheff about how food should be made. Hidden assumption behind going to high tier restaurant is that cheff is better at preparing food than you. Also hidden assumption when following someones work should be to assume that he knows even something about what he talks about. If that wouldn't be in the case why would you follow him/her to begin with. Of course it is and that's the beauty of life. The very definition of nihilism is meaninglessness and that is great news, because now you can make any meaning to this life as you like and you are completely free just to play and have fun : ) If there would be some meaning in life it wouldn't be so free to you and therefore god wouldn't be infinitely loving, because real love is let go and not control and love everything as it is. There is still chance that you want to argue against me or someone else, but now just BREATHE IN and BREATHE OUT and just don't be so agressive and just even try to grasp what was told here NOW. -joNi- -
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Danioover9000 Thanks for posting this, but no can do, because people get triggered from anything now a days and even on high quality forum we have people who can't handle a different light wavelenghts -
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura Dear Leo I will stop writing in colored font like you gave me a warning on that, but give a little appreciation that I am here to help people and defend you from the unnecessary bs you get. As I have tried to contact you I would like to become a moderator that could give some positivity and order to this community. @Nahm Also Nahm please try just to understand that my point was not to make fun of anyone, but just to point out weirdness of that whole topic, because yeah I am empathic towards people that face sadness and other negative things, but that still won't justify going into someones forum and moan that this guy who uses his whole life to help others is demon, because he didn't personally teach him. Time is just limited resource and that's it. Story would have been completely different if OP wouldn't have attacked Leo at the beginning. Leo gets tons of messages and topics about that he is not doing enough and that is extremely exhausting to someone who already is busy. To everyone who reads this Appreciate that Leo's content is free and he makes multihour videos almost every week that are full of extremely high quality teachings and filled with love <3 -
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@The Lucid Dreamer People seem to be pretty offensive now a days Also that is great opportunity to learn from oneself, because when something is triggering there is work to do. vink vink -
@Ulax Thanks for asking that important question Things I would do include find thing that makes you truly happy, learn to express yourself through that thing, say what you think and don't let others stop you believing for yourself, because I know you can my lovely friend, find friends that love you as you are and tell them more about what you have experienced, because how could these beautiful souls help you wihtout you first being open to them. Hope that I was helpful, my love <3
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Carl-Richard That's like saying I don't like your t-shirt, because its color is hard for my eyes and that makes me not want to know you better. Also one guy on the forum said that he loves my style of writing in color so I don't know. Also I try to use colors that stand out well from the white background. It's just my style and if you don't like that then I am sorry, but should I change that, because of that, I don't know. Reason behind colors is to make people see myself as friendly as I am : ) Also I hugely recommend everyone to build strong personality that shines in the dark evenings and melts hearts of beautiful souls <3 -
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm If Leo's reply that he is not someone's babysitter or my point that Leo is not wall repairman is seen as joking to someone then someone undertands wrongly and hugely. Thing is that OP first was very agressive towards Leo and when we reply him that his behaviour is ridiculous, because his journey is about him then suddenly everyone gets mad. I don't want anything bad to anyone and neither Leo, but our words can be taken infinitely many ways wrongly and how could we ensure that this won't happen. And I made that line only, because Leo's videos are full of funny "BUT LeeeeeOOOOOUUUU" parts and I thought that this was extremely on point taking into account the situation. Dear Nahm hope you understand <3 -
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm It's not like Leo won't listen for humans. He answers every day as much as he has time and how much effort he wants to use to this forum. Also sorry for repeating myself, but guiding someone to professional help is actually very good and strong advice just to say. Leo has lot of things to do including producing many hour long videos almost weekly, answering to peoples questions about spirituality, tripping, contemplating stuff, finding sources to his content, having blogs and after all that all is free for us and still some of us complain. Try to do all that on your own and also solve people's mental problems simultaneously. There is a reason why you won't do everything on your own and that is to ensure quality of your content. Give him a break, thanks <3 -
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm I think you understood my point wrongly. I just meant that many people on this forum think that Leo is responsible of others mistakes. And when Leo tells people to seek professional help that is just, because that is not something which is Leo's expertise. I would say that giving bad help is infinitely more worse that actually guiding one to seek help from people that have studied for that. Even on this forum today I saw one that told extremely harmful advices. Some quotes from that post Nahm I would friendly ask you to give some warning to that guy, because that is extremely scary stuff he told. Topic was called how to develop work ethic on self actualization page. -
Kksd74628 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura @roopepa @Neph If my job is to teach people to drive a car and I tell them to be extremely caution about how they drive - because they may end up killing themselfes - is that my fault when they misuse the teachings, drive crazy and hospitalize. Point that Leo has said crystal clearly many times is that this spiritual path has its own challenges and one should never harm oneself and that is not what actualized.org is about. Crying because Leo won't help your mental problems would be same to ask Leo to fix your wall that you broke with your own punch when you got angry to his video. Leo is teacher not mental problem expert nor wall repairman Leo I tagged you only, because you may find that last part funny and actually use that next time you talk about this topic in your video -
@preventingdiabetes How would you stick to routine that tolds you to eat sweets, lay on the sofa and watch your favourite movies from Netflix? Easily, because you would like to do that thing anyways, so the question that you should ask instead is how could I make that what I do more enjoyable or what other things I could do that would be so enjoyable that I wouldn't need to push myself to do it, because I would love to do it anyways <3 Pro tip in life is to do everything in sake of it being simply awesome and not to do it in order to get something else from it : )