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Everything posted by Kksd74628

  1. @Raptorsin7 Thing is that you don't need to show anything anymore. Your opinion has been heard and anything more is just spreading hatred. There are consequences in everything you do and spirituality has its dangers. Many teachings are dangerous if used wrongly. We just can't warn you again and again not hurting yourself. As I have said in another communication before - If I teach you to drive a car and you end up hurting yourself, because you weren't caution enough - that's not my fault, but yours.
  2. @Raptorsin7 Remember that @Leo Gura can watch your personal messages and if you continue this thing there you are just getting straight up banned. @Trickyp First of all no one needs beating, but just calmly pointing out thing "once or twice". And also watch your mouth, because as I have tried to say earlier - this place is not for hurting others - but to learn to live beautiful life. I could have reported you aswell, but preferably just notice that nicer communication is possible and point of this whole forum is happiness and spirituality.
  3. @Raptorsin7 I don't need you to change your perspective, but only to stop spreading this hate that has no use for anything good. Because you are so aggressive NOW that made you miss the thing that @Gesundheit2 was trying to say. All he said was that, if you need some prove for his words then so you need also to prove your story. This was not about you lying, but to point out stupidity of your arguments here. Can't you see that this conversation is not going for anywhere, because you don't even understand NOW what people are trying to say to you. @Leo Gura said that he will be banning people who continually spread hatred so consider NOW stopping this before you start mocking Leo for banning you and causing you to lose hope for life or something.
  4. @Gregory1 Just hide the thread and ask something else somewhere else, because this thing is just getting out of hands and also you got answer for your original thread guestion straight from Leo so my honest opinion is that having this thread open is same as allowing someone to bully other without any other reason at all. @Raptorsin7 You are being very agressive right NOW so please calm down. You are not thinking logically, because you are just here having fight with everyone. Do you for real get any joy from that or what is the purpose? If the purpose is to show yourself as strong individual who can stand up then this is just ridiculous.
  5. @Raptorsin7 It's not about me fearing truth, but I am surprised that there are constantly people fighting about anything. Please consider that this place is for learning to live beautiful life and helping others and if the only purpose of message is to mock someone then I would make my own analysis of the person and say that he has so much more to learn about being nice person to others. Also if for real someone used so much money to thing that they saw that didn't work then I would watch to the mirror. Also before you notice you will be banned for hate speech that does not lead anywhere. Wasted money is wasted money and you can do nothing about it so learn from the mistake and continue living.
  6. @Adamq8@Carl-Richard consider locking this thread, because NOW people just think that bullying someone while he is not there is somehow right to do. Of course telling that someone is scammer or bad person is way easier when that person can't defend himself. Also for everyone reading this. Next time you have something to say about anyone in your life then go straight to tell that to him/her or don't talk about it, because talking behind someone's back does not change anything, but just increases negativity in humanity.
  7. @Kamo There are many ways to reduce your subvocalization free in the internet, but one practise that I found out was to use this site and trying to increase the speed to the point that your subvocalization can't keep up. You need to copy paste something here that you would like to read and then change settings as you like and for example for me it is easier if there is only one row of words. That would be the exact same way than just using your finger, cursor or some other pointer to "track" where you are reading. You will most likely still pronounce some words in your head, but that at least reduces it and also trains you to read faster. So just trying to read faster helps to cure this. One guy on the youtube said that it's imposible to take all subvocalization away, but who knows. At least for me I don't NOW subvocalize all words when I read, but just some of them so basically there comes skips in it, but still I understand everything that was being said. Also I would say that supplements or even diet won't help your reading speed, because that is just about techinque. They help only for concentration skills. I would also ask that what is the point in reading faster. If that is just to get more information then I suggest reading from high quality sources, because there are more and better information packed into same amount of text. What are your thoughts about this? -joNi-
  8. Today was the first day I practised dancing and I learned 3 moves (running man, t-step and criss-cross) and top of that I did 30 minutes of dancing to music randomly just anything that came into mind. I made one dancing practise/game for very beginners like me and that was trying to tap floor with one foot always on the music beat and by changing foot and being creative you can do anything you want. Don't suppress your self expression by not moving your hands at all. One very important thing I discovered is to warm up your knees, because otherwise dancing can be painful and you may hurt yourself. Here is the tutorial video I used to learn these 3 moves and the tutorial for knee warm up. Time danced: 30 min Dance moves learned: 3
  9. @Kamo If you want reading speed you could stop reading words verbally in your mind. Also this Tim Ferriss video has some good points. Also if you have trouble with your concentration then I would just practise meditation more. I would also say that healthy vegan food makes you more relaxed than any of these supplements. One more tip for reading more could be to try audio books once in a while.
  10. @Carl-Richard As I have said earlier you need theoretical understanding and direct experience in order to develop in spirituality. Thing is that NOW in this forum people don't understand even basics of the things and they constantly have too much to think and only thing here happens is neverending debating about definitions of the words. Actualized.org is very theoretical spiritual channel, because Leo uses lot of his time just to answer for basic misunderstandings and that would be so much easier with dictionary here. People all the time ask about which is this and that and my opinion is that this forum is not for asking definitions of words, but like you said to do these things actually in practise. This forum should be deeper than just debating about definitions of words and that is just my honest opinion. These people will never get into deep practise and even if they would they could understand things wrongly and fall into all traps that there are without proper guidance. Point of theoretical understanding is just to avoid unnecessary confusion and this dictionary could be good for this goal. Hope that you see what I try to point out my lovely friend <3 -joNi-
  11. @Leo Gura Hello Leo Gura again! I have been watching this forum's topics and answers for a while and I have come in conclusion that we need some type of dictionary that explains basic spiritual words for newbies so we don't need to manually point out every technical word definition mistake they make. That list could be as big as we want and we could improve it day by day. Requirement for healthy and working communication is that we agree on basic word definitons and only this way we can translate information from one to another one. Because you are web developper you could also make it work so it makes automatic link to the dictionary when one uses the word in his/her comment. That way it would be lot of easier for newbies to get into this whole spirituality and we could finally focus on deeper topics and eventually develop our lovely community. I have been reading different threads almost daily for at least 2 months and I have seen same topics coming again and again. I have got vibe - that you want to make this community better - from your thread starters and blog video so dictionary could be incredible boost for this comminity. I consider myself good at writing and therefore I would offer help to make this change happen. Also we could make it like wikipedia that everyone can change and add something to dictionary, but you could personally verify that it makes sense and only after that modification would happen. I know this takes first lot of work, but I know that you are "strategic motherfucker :D" so you should know that this has exponential profit in a long run. We could also make dictionary also to include basic logical fallacies so whenever anyone sees someone making basic logical mistake we could point that out using link so our time wouldn't go to explain same problems all day long. I would say that this frees so much confusion and time that actually this whole community could skyrocket and evolve into something way better that you have even thought about. Actually we have chance to make something remarkable in spiritual history that could be good stepping stone to new spiritual generation. Also we have another problem which is that we have too many threads and lack of quality in them. Quality over quantity bro . There should be limit of how many new threads can one user make in a week and that would help to ensure better quality in posts. Of course moderators and well chosen users could have chance to make little bit more threads, but that would stop people from asking same stupid thing in a row. @Leo Gura comment here something so I know that you have at least read this and give some opinions that could something like this be possible in a future. FOR EVERYONE READING THIS This is something I would call as a good topic starter and you should aim to even half of the quality that this thread has on your own thread starters. Also we should give respect to @justfortoday, because he made very high quality post recently. Reader, I love you <3 -joNi-
  12. @Forza21 Yeah as I said unless helping others is not one of your games you have no reason not to cheat others. Thing is that, because you said you would suffer if you would hurt others then of course you shouldn't do that. So one of your games is to be best not to hurt others. All these conversations are incredibly technical so we need to very careful when talking these things HERE and NOW. When you were "born" here, did someone give you manual where it was stated that hurting others is bad? Point is that this is something you generated for yourself or took from someone else. As long as this behaviour makes you happy and is part of your collection games there is no problem. One of the things that make me happy personally is to help "others" and that's why I am here NOW answering to you. Do you have any more questions? you beautiful <3
  13. @Forza21 First thing that you need to understand is that actually only morals are your own. What I mean by this is that there are no ABSOLUTE morals how good person behavies. There are only things people have agreed, but it's your own life and you should do that which you like. Everyone plays different games that are basically things that you like doing and getting better at. Your job in spiritual development is to find out which are the games you play, why and how could you achieve good results in your games. Examples of games could be: Wanting to be healthy. Wanting to be good bodybuilder. Wanting to radiate as much love to people around you as possible. Wanting to be good at spirituality. Without for example game of radiating love you should not think about morals. I am serious right NOW, because why would you do something which won't give you happiness. Point of life is to be happy and that's it. I have reached dead end for myself in this thing, because first I became concious of my games and point of all them was to make me happy. After that I left every game and pursued happiness. After while I didn't care about to be even happy and then only after I deleted all my games NOW I have chance to do anything that I want and I am happy no matter what. That's true wisdom my friend : ) -joNi-
  14. @DreamVoid Thanks for asking this great question Following passion and making money simultaneously is something I wouldn't call egoistical at all. Our situation is that most big companies live at the expense of others anyways so adding you here would just make good in big picture, because I guess you aren't going to make grand hoax scheme. Also take in account that you first need to take, before you can give and being in good financial situation is something which helps your spirituality and your capacity to help other people. Also I make music so, if you would like to collab or just talk about this topic I am open for this. <3 -joNi-
  15. @Inliytened1 Being homeless or dying physically is about relative domain. Question was like how can you be spiritual and at the same time survive. Remember I am not here to argue, but just wanted to point out to you thing that you personally had problem with Nahm.
  16. @Forza21 Even if you knew you would be in lucid dream you could still act like it's real and therefore it's up to you how you want your life to unfold : ) Making money while being honest is actually possible and recommended as long as your product is incredible. When you are ultimately authentic and honest that attracts customers and at least me personally. @Inliytened1 You actually did same thing that Nahm does ( confusing relative domain with absolute domain ) @Forza21 talked about "physical body" that needs to be alive in order to do spiritual development. @Vincent S Why couldn't you be spiritual while doing "ordinary tasks" like making money?
  17. @SQAAD Of course it's brain damage of teacher when student does not understand the teach Answering to this question won't change anything, because it could be your imagination that answers yes. You seem to be pretty anxious about solipsism, aren't you?
  18. @Ook Because one part of being ONE is that you won't choose which is beautiful and which is not. So you ruin the art for yourself by labeling it as ugly. Game concists of limits and without those there wouldn't be game to be played. Better question would be that, if you had a chance to have cheat codes in this life, would you take them? I mean it could be fun at first, but doing so eventually destroys the whole game. Why is "I" not everything? ... ... ... Because definition of "I" is that it has opposite "other".
  19. @Javfly33 If you would be extremely honest that would help you to do right things for yourself and to others. Just remember that being honest and being rude are 2 different things. So you don't actually need to hurt anyone by being honest. Even if people would get mad from what you say once, I would say that they learn from it someday. You cannot be too real, because if people wouldn't understand or like you when you do that then they aren't for you. The most optimal way to make friends is to be completely yourself and those who get pissed off aren't for you and those who fall in love with your personality will become very close friends with you. I don't really understand the concept of having public personality masks, because then people would like or dislike that mask and how you benefit from that information. Having fake friends and losing those who didn't like the mask? Also when you express yourself fully only after that you can start to do good self work, because that is the best way to see your own qualities. One part of being social is to learn from yourself and not to play any social "games" and "tricks". Things that you are afraid to show others are things that you are not confident enough. -joNi-
  20. @ValiantSalvatore For programming I can't say a single thing, because I know nothing about it, if making own website with wordpress does not count. To second part I can say something. For example if your goal is to approach 50 women what is then the thing you try to achieve with that. Confidence, social skills, sex or partner? We need to get base level what you want and only from that we can start to see what you should do and how. If you would like to eat less sugar then one way to this is just to eat more "real" food and whenever you want something sweet just eat banana or something. Thing is that most of the time wanting to eat sweets is just that you are hungry and our biology says that sweet tasting things are calorie rich. That is just one part of survival instinct.
  21. @ValiantSalvatore Actually I gave you 2 tools at the end of my comment that are best I have found so far. So if you didn't get it, those were hidden by writed in white ;D If you need practical tips to achieve your goals then you should also tell what are those goals so I can give more accurate advices.
  22. @ValiantSalvatore Learn to enjoy doing these things that lead you closer to your dream life, but remember that you actually are right NOW living your dream life. As long as you think that the reward is out of your reach somehere in the future, you will feel like you don't have enough motivation to access your life vision. It's completely same as if you don't like painting how you would ever think to be good enough to paint mona lisa. When people talk about how much work they did to achieve their dreams that's not whole truth. Actually they just had massive passion to couple of things and that lead them to be where they are right NOW. So my suggestion for you is to start to do things that you actually like doing. For example if you would want to be good at painting and you wouldn't want to paint houses then paint that which you like. And if that whole painting does not feel good then what is the point in doing it to begin with. Doing many things you don't want to get one thing that you want is called stupidity. If you would just start by doing one thing you actually want then you would have done better already : ) Also 2 cheat codes to life are "meditation and organizing your thoughts by writing" -joNi-
  23. @patricknotstar Actually I would like to hear your explanation or "ratinalization" to that. Keep in mind that you assumed that I wouldn't understand your point of view. If that is in the case, why would you ask others to help you to begin with? If you ask me, people don't need sex, but closeness with the loved ones and that can be your girl/boyfriend, casual friends or just your parents. Thing is that, if it is actually in the case that you can't have sex no matter what then which one is better approach to cry or to accept the situation. That which you can't/won't change, just accept that or otherwise take the action my bro.
  24. @patricknotstar Obviously if you couldn't serve your needs you have 2 choices left. Either you are unhappy of the situation and needy or you could just stop caring about the situation. Real question is that why couldn't you suddenly have sex due to circumstances?
  25. @Julian gabriel Point of emotions is to seek information from the moment and logic is that which you should use 100 % of the time when doing decision to really be optimal with the outcomes. It's illogical not to take account the emotions, but stupidity not use logic merely in decisions. This is not hard problem when you understand that these 2 have different purposes. You need first to know logically what outcome you want and there is in background always either fear of suffering or/and joy. Fear of suffering and joy are emotions that drive you. Lastly logic should be used to close this case with good decision.