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Everything posted by Kksd74628

  1. @meta_male The whole point of spirituality is to loosen up, let go and have fun, so go and live the best life you could ever imagine . -joNi- ? ? ?
  2. @WelcometoReality That's because everything is automatical. Try to move your hand and while "doing" it tell me how you produce the action. You may see that you can't even start explaining it, because you don't have any clue how you did it. The reason is simple, you are not doing it, because even the manual things you think you are doing, happen automatically. With the same logic even your concentration is automatical. Understanding what I just said makes you see why meditation doesn't make any sense when you are advanced enough, because you are at where you try to go already : )
  3. @ardacigin Was just about to say exact same thing, but @BipolarGrowth did it already ?. It's just that nowadays I don't even have any schedules to meditate, because even existing and noticing the world is enough. Because I actually like just chilling then that happens almost automatically and I have came to the conclusion that there actually is no difference between meditation and "non-meditation" aka mindlfulness. The concentration kind of happens automatically and because of that I don't even see how you couldn't be meditating 24/7.
  4. @bmcnicho Actually that is an incredible idea, because when people don't understand you or don't want to, you can just say something weird to confuse them until they are not anymore interested to fight you or they surrender to the greater . That is also good, because that way you just turn them against themselfes and they may understand what is wrong : )
  5. @Breakingthewall This was not a thing to agree or disagree with, but more like a great way of seeing things that can help you to be more happy in life. It is not endless seeking, but a journey to be had. That is the reason I suggest people to enjoy sunsets, campfires and sound of waves in the beach, because what else there is to do, but to be happy ?. Remember that even the "truth-seeking" is one of the games you play and is eventually meant to be dropped away.
  6. @Michael Jackson @Adodd This is exactly what I have been trying to say for a long time It feels like you would be in control, but that whole control thing happens inside the movie which happens automatically. So "you" basically watch movie where there is illusion of control. Next step is to understand that you don't even perceive perceiving. So you empty the perceiver so much that it ceases to exist.
  7. @Someone here Answer to would you enjoy existence while it being full of pain is matter of your acceptance levels you currently have. To "god" everything is good and that is why it is described to be all loving. To "god" death, murder, diseases and other things that people usually don't like are heaven as anything else. Based on that logic you have to be evil in order to see evil around you. So conclusion is that you are evil in heaven confusing it as hell. What happens after we die? ... ... ... What comes after heaven? ... ... ... Maybe NOW you see the absurdity of your question, because if we are already in heaven then we will after "psysical death" just experience different "room" of heaven. In other words new dream aka life.
  8. @Someone here I am not suffering so I don't know what are you talking about life being imperfect. I absolutely enjoy just existing. So it can't be like life is imperfect, but it is your mindset about it. I mean you can have diamonds in your hands, but if you see them as useless things then you never see life as it is. Heaven is place where everything is possible and you are free to do whatever you want and if you decide to see heaven as a hell then you are free to do so. Contemplate this if life is a test for everyone and everyone will pass it anyways then why did the creator of whole show create this stupid test which is full of suffering if it could have been heaven all the time? When you understand that everything must be heaven or otherwise the creator is stupid then you understand that there is no other possibility, but that you are in heaven without recognizing it yet.
  9. @Michael Jackson If you aren't God realized right NOW then you must treat it like a yesterday that didn't happen, but is just an image in your head. If you don't see god right NOW, but just think that it exists here based on your thought of "memory" you have about it, then you are actually falling in assumption. Also I have pointed many problems in your reasoning, but you still didn't change your standpoint. I have to say that it doesn't do anything good to call someone full of shit based on what they say. Also you never experieced his experience so you can't possibly know if it is more profound than yours.
  10. @Someone here I don't understand why you constantly try to escape life that is inevitable. How are you feeling right NOW? What challenging moments are you going through at the moment? Point of this forum is to help people to have as good life as possible and not prepare them to think something which happens or doesn't in future, because anyways you have this moment HERE and NOW. Also actually this is the heaven you are talking about, if you could just see it, my friend : )
  11. @Kalki Avatar It depends how deep you go to break assumptions and what you see as surviving. If you don't assume that you will die or suffer from walking under a moving car then you may actually try that and die. I agree that it is an assumption that something bad happens from it, but still I can't publicly tell people to find direct experience from that, because that would be immoral from me. It pretty much depends from what you see as an assumption. Even that you exist is one that you should contemplate and interesting results can come.
  12. To be happy and not waste life by suffering.
  13. @thisintegrated I don't have any problem with it, but I would argue that understanding that what you see is the whole universe can be extremele lonely feeling for some of "you" in different timeline. Basically everything you stop seeing ceases from existing so if you don't see your parents or friends then they aren't doing stuff in the background. That's true solipsism.
  14. @Breakingthewall It's not that human is "designed" to be like that, but that freedom which is given can be too much for those who can't handle it properly. I would argue that you don't even need enlightement - whatever someone wants to mean with the term - to be happy. It's enough when you know how to let go, accept things and have proper values and work towards them with a passion.
  15. @Breakingthewall You have to understand that, what gives happiness its value is its rarity in human kind. There are clear guides to attain incredibly happy life, but it is "you" which just doesn't give any value to these teachings. Don't blame game designer that you can't play the game properly.
  16. @Someone here Only problem with hedonism is that people try to maximize happiness in a little time span while they live much longer time. What happens is that they suffer the consequences in the long run. True hedonism = spirituality.
  17. @Someone here The point of life is to be happy and to be happy is to accept present moment as it is. You are right that the life is pointless and that is a good thing. As the paper is blank just so you can draw whatever you want. Haven't you realized that if there would be meaning then you couldn't do anything you want. So stop seeing the word meaningless as a depression, but as a freedom instead.
  18. @Osaid I wasn't talking about how could you take that understanding, but about is there any other way to understand it, because you made it sound like that, if you don't understand concept of no-self then you couldn't understand solipsism correctly and on this I disagree. Still as I have said earlier; understanding the concept of no-self makes life more enjoyable, beautiful and less painful. Anyways all that I have said is useless, but just wanted to be precise, because I think being precise helps you not to fall in traps in life and also it trains your communication skills.
  19. @Osaid I guess we are not then talking about the same thing, because my thoughts about solipsism most likely would be the same than the random guy would have. I don't even understand how could you understand solipsism in any other way than "your" experience is the only experience that is happening right NOW.
  20. @Osaid Either your self-expression isn't that great, I am bad at reading it, or you don't really understand what I try to say, because what you say sounds irrelevant in what I try to say. Realization to solipsism and to no-self do not have anything to do with each others. When you understand solipsism you understand that there is nothing behind the curtain of present moment. When you understand the concept of no-self then you just understand that there is only the present moment in a sense that it doesn't consist of subject and object, but only from the thing you cannot talk about. We both seem to understand both of these things, but I don't just see how not understanding no-self could affect on how you perceive another realization called "solipsism". Actually this conversation is not so important, but because NOW it is on then maybe continue it. In a sense it doesn't matter is the imaginary "ego" lonely or the present moment "lonely", because in both cases there is nothing which you can't see. Still I have to say that understanding that the movie is plaing by itself and there is no one in control is pretty freeing, but that doesn't have anything to do with the solipsism realization.
  21. @Osaid That doesn't still change the fact that right NOW when you read this text "Kksd74628" doesn't have any experience whatsover. That is what solipsism is all about that there aren't many movies happening at the same time, but only one. I agree that imagination is as real as anything else, but the thing just is that our "experiences" are at the same timeline, but different "time" and that is the reason there will never be more than one movie playing at the time and it is "yours".
  22. @Osaid I guess you didn't understand what I meant, because I don't see how you could even have 2 different perspectives on this conversation; The absolute and the relative. There is nothing outside of your experience and at least to me it doesn't matter how I try to think about the thing. Can you explain the difference between these perspectives so I see what you are trying to show me?
  23. @Osaid It doesn't even matter do you think this thing from absolute or relative point of view, because there is nothing outside of the "experience" that is happening for "you" HERE and NOW. So the thing is as radical as your parents and friends aren't doing anything or existing while you don't see them. So whole "universe" looks exactly like it looks for you right NOW when you read this text.
  24. @hoodrow trillson Is it like you don't want them to suffer so you would look like a better person in their eyes? Or is it because non-reacting makes you feel like a strong person in the eyes of yourself? I mean couldn't you help "others" just, because it feels nice to do so and not, because you don't want the negative thing that comes from not helping? If just acting good makes you feel happy then at this point you don't need to imagine "others" that do not exist. At this point realizing solipsism wouldn't change your behaviour, but maybe it would just make you more confident, because you understand that there is no one who could judge you : )