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About Agoy

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  • Birthday 11/20/1997

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  1. @aurum @Chew211 I never checked these replies but they're interesting, thanks.
  2. I think you run the risk of becoming attached to the insoles. You don’t wanna not have them sometime and then feel like you’re not enough or inadequate because of that
  3. Yeah, I think an openness to it really is a dealbreaker - it's something that I found myself being repeatedly reminded of last year, and deep down it's something I know I want That's awesome - I recently came across the Facebook profile of a girl who was my closest female friend during the last years of school and her bio read 'Who looks out from behind those eyes? Is it person, or presence?' - it shocked me in a really nice way It's great that the amount girls (and guys) around like that is just going to increase more and more during our lifetime, similar to how veganism is Have you ever considered going out on a small dose of 2CB? When I dance on it I utterly feel how I am the universe experiencing itself - every movement of my body feels as if it's an expression of the way the music makes me feel in every moment - it's so freeing and expressive and gets so much attention because of how carefree it'll make me Yeah I've found it pretty heartbreaking at times so that's nice to read Fair enough - tho I'm not sure if our definitions of spirituality are the same, are you referring to Non-duality?
  4. What’s everyone’s thoughts on the need for dating someone who doesn’t have an interest in spirituality? Do you guys consider dating someone also interested in spirituality a must? Is an interest in the fact that you’re interest in it enough? Or is the willingness to grow all that is needed? Does it not matter at all as long as theirs an emotional connection, or do you think an emotional connection will be stunted because of their lack of interest in spirituality? All thoughts are welcome and appreciated
  5. @7thLetter this post is obviously very context dependant and I wouldn't get too attached to any one way. but if you're in a conversation and there's chemistry then you could just say ''Do you wanna get together sometime?'' or ''can I get your number?'' - if you do get her number then don't text for 3/4 days, then make a date with a definite day/time/place and then leave it at that. I find ''what evenings are you free?'' to work better as if they're not free on the day you suggest, then it can seem like you're too available
  6. @Leo Gura You know I'm clearly referring to any sober state free of chemicals (like 5-MeO), I'm not saying there's just one sober state of Consciousness. My point is, how do you know the potential of a sober state when you still have egoic attachments? I'm obviously not 'Enlightened' and also still have lots of egoic attachments, but throughout history, there is a consistent and recurring theme amongst spiritual practitioners that once the ego is 'destroyed' and (not just conceptually) understood to be illusory, then as a result, one's baseline state of consciousness no longer derives from the ego and instead becomes a state of Being. This is obviously the point to which the Buddha was referring to as simply 'the end of suffering'. So despite your many 5-MeO (etc) Awakenings, if you haven't reached Enlightenment / detached from the ego to the point where your natural state of Consciousness is completely unidentified with a separate self and instead resides in a state of Being, then how do you know the potential of any sober state of Consciousness? To say you know would be to say you've reached Enlightenment, which I know you've already stated that you haven't yet. Also, despite how ridiculously insane these 5-MeO states obviously are, if you still have egoic attachments then they're still being reflected upon by the ego once the Awakening comes to an end. This isn't to deny these realizations but rather to highlight that these same degrees of 5-MeO experiences would be reflected upon differently by an Enlightened person experiencing them, which in turn could deepen their sober state of Being further. I'd argue that the baseline state of Consciousness of an Enlightened person who, after their Enlightenment, went on to take 5-MeO 100+ times, would be more revealing of the potential of the 'sober state'. And that's without considering the potential of the 'sober state' of an Enlightened person with abnormal genetics whilst practising meditation/yoga/self-enquiry after 100+ 5-MeO Awakenings.
  7. Have you not considered that you don't know the potential of the sober state since you haven't dissolved your ego to the point where your natural state is Being (aka 'Enlightenment')?
  8. I read this post and then found this on youtube suggested straight after
  9. @Federico del pueblo the 'flying spaghetti monster' exists as a thought 'new york city' exists as a thought
  10. Legit his ego is ridiculously huge. Countless examples where it's painfully obvious that he thinks he's superior to everyone because of who he is, yet it's just as obvious he's desperate for the public/MMA fans to see him exactly how he wants them to, which is never the case. He's something else.
  11. Seems like you’ve developed an attachment to certainty I think if you make peace with the fact that you will always be told things that you can’t verify through direct experience, and that these things can often still be true, then you’ll learn to be okay with it
  12. @Emotionalmosquito I totally agree that the bigger the city the better, I just think that those in smaller populated places shouldn't be deterred from it as it'll still be of benefit regardless. New girls come in and out of places all the time, plus one could find someone they really resonate with soon into it without needing a huge number, so I think it's worth it just because of that possibility.
  13. I've not seen Leo's latest vid yet but cold-approach can be done literally anywhere with other people, the point of it is just for one to become indifferent to rejection so that 'the approach' eventually becomes submerged with everyday interactions, and so isn't seen as something which is planned out and executed but rather done spontaneously at the moment when the desire arises, without the mind creating fearful thoughts to intervene I don't think looking at cold-approach as being mutually exclusive with a ridiculously large amount of women in an area is appropriate at all, because it presupposes that the notion of doing it at all is to attain a statistically high amount of women to sleep with I'd argue that cold-approach is effective because it gets guys to experience their fear of rejection through the experience of rejection, which eventually helps them to become indifferent to that fear, which then allows them to not be held back by said fear in everyday life when interacting with women for this you don't need a ridiculous amount of girls in an area because the act of being selective with the girls is missing the point of doing it in the first place - yeah it'd be nice to have 100,000 girls in your area but really you could become amazing at doing cold-approach just by approaching girls everyday for a month straight, as like I said the point is just in the doing of it eventually, you can get to the point where all interactions are naturally coming from a playful place of authenticity once the fear of rejection is eradicated, at which point you'll naturally treat all girls from this playful place - the one's who like you back will make that known, and then it'll just be on you to choose whether you want to engage romantically or not
  14. Does he deny that though? this vid was the first that came to mind and may not directly correlate with your claim, but as far as I'm aware Spira would claim that others/'other minds' appear in the mind as the content of one's awareness. to me that just seems like a different use of semantics
  15. Self Acceptance leads to Self-Love What parts of yourself do you not accept? Why? Ask yourself these sorts of questions daily and get to the root causes of Self-Judgement & insecurity. Journalling is a good method for doing this.