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Everything posted by Agoy

  1. @Preety_India yeah, they seek said validation in the 'jerk' because the jerk's behaviour brings out their insecurity and makes them feel like they're not good enough but if they had more self-love they'd realise that the jerk's behaviour is a complete reflection of the jerk, and not them
  2. @Preety_India i see yeah i agree there's a lack of boundaries, a lack of frame, a lack of integrity and a lack of self-respect ultimately they lack self-love so seek validation through others
  3. people are attracted to true authenticity, they tend to can't help but respect it on a subconscious level cos: 1. it's so rare in society 2. we've all been inauthentic and so know the struggle of authenticity, so can spot inauthenticity intuitively in the same way we can spot when someone's bullshitting us intuitively because we've done it ourselves
  5. Anyone listen to Tame Impala? To me, Kevin Parker is a truly special artist and undoubtedly a musical genius, and I highly recommend giving his music a listen both when tripping, and when not
  6. @Terell Kirby Currents is so so beautiful
  7. the guest in this interview is a perfect example of being truly authentic, despite the hosts doing their best to get under his skin him as they have a bias against him by the end of it, they give up and can't help but like him the comments alone for this vid are telling they literally can't insult him because he has a bulletproof mindset and knows himself so well
  8. It's hard to say, the real question is what is a society operating at its highest potential and then the next question is how much of that society would be enlightened cos hypothetically speaking if 100% of society was awake, it'd be interesting to see how more mundane jobs would be distributed, or what would happen to jobs like plumbers/electricians i'd imagine there'd still be people with a passion for jobs in those areas, but who's really to say? and if there wasn't, then enlightened people would have to distribute those jobs themselves in order for society to operate
  9. Something to think about: I know this is obvious to most but it's worth being reminded of
  10. if you wanna discover a mixed array of music, use this playlist and click shuffle, there's loadsa really cool (some not as cool) stuff on there:
  11. @EddieEddie1995 Maybe, maybe not
  12. It'd be interesting to see Leo's opinion on this thread once he fully Awaken's
  13. How would everyone describe K-Holing? As you'll know if you've done it, it's so so hard to describe, and so so different to psychedelics like Shrooms / Acid / 2CB I should also note how different one K-Hole can be from the next, and how just when you think you're beginning to figure ketamine out, it can completely shock you and give you an experience you didn't think was possible on it
  14. "the only thing to fear is fear itself" is a good anchor
  15. you get better through getting rejected! It's the fear of rejection that is holding you back, but once you get comfortable with rejection you'll naturally be your more authentic self because you won't be in your head and you'll instead be in the present, which girls will be able to intuitively pick-up on. Gotta get comfortable being uncomfortable. My friend who is 'the best' at 'picking up girls' in clubs and who's slept with more girls than anyone I know also gets rejected at clubs more than anyone I know, but he doesn't care which is why he's successful I recommend a book called 'How To Be a 3% Man', and the author's channel: His political views leave much to be desired but other than that he's a genuine dude and perfect for what you need
  16. I realized instantly after posting, I couldn't figure out how to edit title's
  17. Anyone know of any countercultural literature that misses the point of countercultural movements, and misunderstands the aim that is the spreading of love + consciousness through improving society incrementally? I'm open to a range of suggested books, whether it be one's that completely misunderstand this greater aim, or one's that think they do but in actuality do not. I'm aware of 'Steal This Book' + 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas', but any others are greatly welcome.
  18. @Kay100 I don't think so, I think it's more about how a person feels about themself and their self-image. I think, generally speaking, good-looking people have an easier time with their self-image, especially before realizing that looks aren't as important as they've always believed them to be, but that's still completely relative
  19. Did this post inspire the video?
  20. Jim Carrey is my other out there suggestion
  21. @Regan the more I think about it, Duncan Trussell has HUGE potential as far as reach as he's mainstream but is also extremely open to metaphysics
  22. @Carl-Richard yeah tbh I just double-checked his thoughts on mysticism and I know what you mean. I think it would be a really interesting conversation but would become a respectful debate with likely no end agreement which I'm not sure Leo wants. I still doubt anyone has ever articulated mysticism/metaphysics in the way Leo would though, so it'd be interesting to see how it'd affect HM's perspective, plus I'm sure they'd have loads to talk about as far as society, politics, and developmental psychology is concerned