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Everything posted by Agoy

  1. @RMQualtrough I agree! the source of existence runs through everything I'm just saying that when one reaches God-realization, aka self-awareness that we're infinite consciousness, it can't be known that it's 'Complete' God-Realization, aka infinite self-awareness that we're infinite consciousness, as it's: coming from our human minds, not as the source itself detached from everything to say that is to say you couldn't reach deeper levels of awakening, which would mean awakening is not infinite if there's a threshold how would you know there's a threshold? you'd just think you've reached it, but you'd never know for sure who knows what else is out there in the universe that could help us reach deeper levels, or could help other species reach deeper levels. the truth is we don't know whether things of the like may exist
  2. @Woke456 Romanticism was a rejection of orange Romanticism is green, mixed with blue depending on whether the romantic was religious or not
  3. First of all, I think you've handled the situation well, I think it's good to address these issues and not shy away from recent events by making a video I ofc don't think you condone suicide, or that anyone on this forum is responsible for the man's death. that said, I do think the forum would be better if everyone were to speak in riddles less and celebrate the beauty of human existence more as for the quote above, it's a weird one because I love what you teach and agree with a lot of the things, especially regarding psychology, politics and personal development, but spirituality too mostly. however, I still question some statements you make like saying you've reached 'Complete God-Realization', with the issue purely being the use of the word 'Complete', and not you saying you're God-realized, as: 1.) To me, that would mean existing as pure infinite consciousness, not as Leo experiencing pure infinite consciousness from Leo's mind inside Leo's body, and so you haven't actually become infinite consciousness outside of the mind or body 2.) To me, 'complete God realization' would mean to know what is unknowable to humans, like where existence came from, how existence came to be, things that we can only speculate on as humans, but that actual infinite consciousness would have experienced 3.) you've said the same exact words during previous awakenings, when at the time they were your deepest ones, only to then say the previous time wasn't 'complete God realization' after a deeper awakening, and that this new time is. and no this isn't me not getting that each awakening was complete in and of itself, I get that, that's not what I'm denying, I'm denying that you are completely god-realized because you imo you can't possibly know whether or not you could become more 'God-realized' or not, and therefore imo can never you're 'completely' God-realized' , especially when claiming so as a human 3.) you claim you achieved this after 130-ish awakenings, but don't know what'd happened after, say, a 1000 4.) you've said many times that there are infinite degrees of awakening, so how'd you know you've reached the end 5.) as I've said before, think of all the psychedelics that could exist throughout the universe that could enable deeper God-Realization, or all the other species that could be more evolved at experiencing consciousness compared to us 6.) you always return to you after experiencing God, whereas imo to reach 'Complete God-realization' would be to be infinite for infinity I also have a bit of an issue with how questions are avoided sometimes, like in this image, rather than acknowledging the possibilty of other psychedelics in space, or even the existence of space itself, you just said 'all of that is imaginary', which whilst I obviously know you're getting at the fact we imagine space as a thought when we think of it, to me that's a fruitless statement in the context of that conversation, as I could say the 5-meo is imaginary, or the supermarket is imaginary, but you still use 5-meo to experience God, and the supermarket to eat, just like space is still there when you call it imaginary, and so it's really saying nothing when you say that and is just an easy way to avoid objections lastly, I have a slight hesitance towards how people so dogmatically claim that 'all that exists is what the mind imagines/is conscious of', when for the mind to be able to imagine in the first place it must be supported by a beating heart, and to say the heart doesn't exist because the mind isn't imagining it seems counterproductive, as the mind can not imagine without the beating heart, and is to be dogmatic about the word exist, which means 'to live, to have reality', which you could say the heart does through itself. to say it doesn't exist, or the universe doesn't exist, when they're not being imagined, is to ignore the fact that all imagination is happening within the universe, which is non-negotiable and which we're always rooted too, so it just seems problematic to make claims so dogmatically just because we're constructing our own subjective experiences. imo just because the mind is constructing what it's experiencing doesn't mean the other things in the universe that the mind isn't experiencing are non-existent. I think a better way to phrase 'all that exists is what the mind imagines/is conscious of' would be 'all one experiences is what the mind imagines/is conscious of' this may seem like a lot, but really it's a few objections I'm sceptical of, in comparison to hundreds of things I do agree with
  4. @actualizing25 society, especially in western culture, is set up such a way that by the time you're an adult, you've already got an extremely complicated web of beliefs of how to achieve what you want in life, all stemming from the ego talk of enlightenment, or even spirituality in general, threatens a lot of these beliefs, and doesn't seem like a realistic solution to the ego's sense of reality, which oftentimes is deeply indoctrinated in its set worldview, and so something as big enlightenment just sounds ridiculous, especially when the worldview of those who explain it is so far from the worldview of most people in society this is where spiral dynamics is so helpful, and is why a lot of people who go down this path do so after something big like a trip or heartbreak. it's easy to forget how we'd of reacted to this stuff 5 years before we became interested in it this video is a really enlightening example of the disparity between an arguably enlightened worldview and a materialistic one I actually think a lot of enlightened and spiritual teachers do a fairly poor job of bridging the gap, which is both a ginormous and ginormously complicated challenge
  5. i'd say yeah spending time together in person is the best way to get to know someone we're social creatures after all, so much is lost through technology as for some good ways to connect - doing all sorts of different things together asking open-ended, creative, thought-provoking questions being as fearlessly authentic as possible consciously listening to what they have to say & considering where they're coming from
  6. @SageModeAustin dude be authentic always! embracing your feminine side is the most masculine thing you can do because true masculinity is irrevocable self-love 'trying to be alpha' isn't masculine at all because it comes from insecurity
  7. respect for posting about this, i think it's quite a common issue i think you care too much about how they perceive you, which in my experience comes from a lack of love for yourself if you truly love yourself, then you won't give a fuck about what they think, because it'd be a disservice to yourself to not be authentic i don't think you'd even need to stop them in the first line in that kinda way, cos that's letting them control your emotional state i'd just wait til they finish and then just tell them exactly what you think without compromising at all
  8. This is such a ridiculous fucking statement, and just fundamentally not true if people have a healthy, mindful relationship with porn then that's ok but nofap is also completely fine and hugely beneficial to loads of people for many different reasons it's not exclusive to non-spiritual people, just like it's not exclusive to spiritual people either everyone has different relationships with their bodies and their sexuality, there's not one answer fits all
  9. @Roy good advice it's a self-acceptance issue. you gotta accept it and realise you had no ill intentions when it happened. if you're having intrusive thoughts that are making you question yourself then know they are not you, they just use your life story to make you fear that you're your biggest fears a good way to detach is by using the mind to counteract how intrusive thoughts infiltrate the mind of humans as a species, so view it as intrusive thoughts on human, not thoughts on you the person if you can detach yourself from them and ground yourself in the knowledge and self-love that you were young and were just being a kid, then you''ll be able to get over it. psychedelics can be really good for self-love. also affirmations + journaling every day for a month of reminding yourself that you were being a kid and that you love yourself can retrain your subconscious mind into knowing that
  10. stop thinking about it happening and just focus on being authentic thinking about it creates resistance towards it it'll happen when you let go of your attachment to the desire for it to happen
  11. @Inliytened1 Leo thought he understood infinity the first time he made a video about 5-MeO then he claimed he reached a greater level of infinity the next video he claimed that he reached a greater degree every trip he took but the very fact that he reached a greater degree, shows you that he's not reached infinity he's also publicly said that awakening is infinite so how could he know he's reached the end?
  12. @machiavelli he can bring back useful information, he already has but he hasn't reached 'complete God-realization' as he claims, as he couldn't possibly know where the threshold is to know that it's 'complete'
  13. dude you literally said this an hour ago how do you know i'm wrong if you 'finally understood' by reading Leo's comment you're deluding yourself
  14. @Dodo when you awake, you become self-aware that the source of being, infinite existence, is everything in the universe but awakening isn't 0 and 1, you're not either awake or unawake there are degrees of self-awareness, one awakening you can become self-aware to a ridiculously microscopic degree that you're infinite existence, and the next you can become a microscopically bit greater aware that you're infinite existence compared to the last awakening, and so on infinity there can't be a threshold if it's infinity if the universe is truly infinite, as Leo claims, then there must be an infinite degrees of becoming self-aware that you're infinite existence
  15. @Dodo there are infinite degrees of self-awareness to infinity if infinity is truly infinite leo's 'previous 129' were lesser degrees of him becoming self-aware that he is infinite
  16. @RendHeaven it can't be known if it's infinity, that's the point how could you know where the threshold is? consider for a second that i might be right for infinity to exist, it must require an infinite degree of self-awareness if there was a threshold, and you could be self-aware of 100% of it as Leo is claiming, then by nature it can't be infinity
  17. @RendHeaven the fact that you're not even open-minded to that shows that you're deluding yourself too
  18. @Leo Gura i wanna tell you what i really think and you can either be open to it or not, but it's out of love, and if you are who you say you are you should be able to at least take hearing it i've held back from saying this as I don't like to judge people i haven't met, but I think hearing this will be good for your growth if you're at least willing to listen, tho I doubt your ego will like hearing some of it, especially cos it's coming from someone like me you're obviously world-class at what you do, and I don't mean that lightly, one could argue you're the best at what you do and it'd be a strong argument but when you're as good and as experienced as someone like you, it's a double-edged sword. you start to get treated as a God-like figure. when this happens over time, it becomes ingrained in your subconscious, so much that you're likely unaware of it, or at least only aware of a fraction of it, and when you're coming on a forum every day where everyone is treating you that way, or reading the same type of comments on youtube for 8 years which, in alignment with your view of yourself and your understanding of reality, have only got more frequent and richer as times went on, you begin to believe this yourself. how could you not? you look at yourself and what you've achieved, and compare it to others and what they have, and so you create that separation and see yourself as superior to others, which is especially true in this type of work more than any other because of the nature of it. this view of yourself forms your personality, and so 'your personality creates your personal reality', and it becomes who you are if you don't think it's true, use your own advice and go meta on yourself. the other day you said something like: "I don't listen to humans, I only listen to god" (paraphrased) with that in mind, look at your series on self-deception, and connect the dots to what's really going on your knowledge of developmental psychology isn't gonna help either because it gives you a framework to justify your beliefs, but there's a difference between knowing about non-duality, and having a developed ego such that you're consciously living everyday life in line with say a 'turquoise stage' of that model. that's why a lot of people on here think they're way higher than they are, just cos they're aware of non-dual + deconstruction concepts your experience of non-duality/self-transcendence is clearly outrageously better than most humans on the planet, but it's just a fraction better compared to the infinite understanding of infinite existence itself i think ultimately your growth is gonna be halted by this until you realise it. i'm not gonna be intrusive like this again and will just go back to using the forum normally, so i hope you're at least open-minded to what i'm saying
  19. @Leo Gura Nah dude, you're deceiving yourself you said you were infinitely conscious in your first video about 5-MeO, and then you said you were more conscious in the next, and you'd say the same again if you were to have a deeper awakening how would you explain that disparity? your claim is biased because it's based on your experiences, not the infinite experiences of infinite existence you have no idea how deep the source of existence goes, you're not all-knowing just because you're constructing your entire universe, doesn't mean you're constructing the universe in its infinite forms of infinite consciousness the fact that you're transcending from yourself limits the extent to which you can transcend, which is why you always return
  20. @Leo Gura i posted this on another thread but it makes way more sense here you have no idea what infinite existence, or 'complete God-realization' truly is how could you possibly ever know when it's 'complete' you've experienced a microscopic degree of self-awareness of infinite existence (and i mean micro-fucking-scopic), but you have no idea how deep infinite existence really goes, or even what it actually is there's estimated to be 10,000 stars for every grain of sand on earth, or for a better analogy 100 billion - 200 billion galaxies, and you've just experienced the strongest psychedelic on 1 tiny planet out of all these galaxies, but think of all the psychedelics that could exist, or what other species that could have developed who may have a much better understanding due to the nature of their species, or the different conditions in which they could have developed over time we have no idea how aware of the source they could have become, because there are an infinite number of conditions that we do not know that could have enabled them to have greater self-awareness of it when you did those 13 5-MeO trips, you experienced a microscopic degree of self-awareness of infinite existence, and then when you did the 30 trips, you experienced a microscopic degree more self-awareness, but you still have no idea of how deeply self-aware of infinite existence you could become the fact that there's a disparity at all is all the evidence you need to tell you that you don't know your glimpses of self-transcendence don't mean you have any idea of what's really going on, and anyone on this forum who thinks they do really doesn't appreciate the infinity of infinity, and is deceiving themselves in thinking they do
  21. yeah, i used to be on it all the time but I deleted my ig/twitter accounts last year, I have a facebook account that I usually keep deactivated and i don't have the app on my phone, but still have an account for future marketing purposes as facebook ads can be helpful @Preety_India
  22. Meaning's created in the mind, life is beautiful and it's your birthright to become one with that beauty, you might as well! Also NoFap is good on an energetic level, and can help with mental health and general mood
  23. Hypothetically speaking, obviously, how would society operate if 100% of its people were either enlightened or moving in that direction from education What would happen to trades like plumbing? Would there be enlightened people whose life purpose is plumbing, or would society have to distribute such roles evenly throughout such that those who don't want to be plumbers, would have to become plumbers some of the time, just to maintain a functioning society Although there's no right answer as we can't possibly know, does anyone have any thoughts?
  24. we have to create our own notions of what's right and wrong to navigate our survival as effectively as possible human evolution is gradually figuring out ways to create better systems of navigation to improve the overall quality of life on both an individual + collective level