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Everything posted by Gesundheit2

  1. There's no point in being omniscient unless you're omnipotent. Theory = Garbage.
  2. Just curious, what would you require from a woman for you to consider settling down?
  3. A man who commits to a monogamous relationship then fails to come through is a scumbag. Finding a high quality man that commits to his family is one of the challenges that many women face today.
  4. @puporing The views you're suggesting seem compatible with what Osho thought about sexuality.
  5. If that was true, then by definition this teaching would be wrong/unnecessary. Think about it, if it was actually objectively beautiful to exist, then how could anyone not know that and still suffer? Not that they don't want to know or want to suffer, but that they're not even allowed to know or to stop the suffering even if they wanted to. How could this blockage/disconnection exist?
  6. I've experienced awakenings both before and after learning about enlightenment conceptually. In both cases, I didn't have any clue when it was happening. I didn't know it was God or no-self or anything like that, it was all just me. I was mostly lost in the experience and really only knew it was the same thing that people fuss about after someone told me that it is. Now I'm even remembering religious experiences when I was practicing hardcore Islam at 15 years old or something that I didn't notice until very recently that it was awakening. Words cannot really describe the experience, not because it's extraordinary per se, but mostly because the reference is not there to begin with, the context is just missing despite the pointers. So in my experience, experience is prior to thoughts, even though thoughts can hijack, color, and/or shape experience sometimes. An interesting thing happens after building a spiritual ego is that the experiences become, I don't know, but let's say polluted with ego. It's really not the same when you're trying to give labels to whatever you're experiencing, as opposed to being completely immersed within the experience. It's just not as potent, let's say. But probably there are pros and cons to each. I think in my case, it's because the traditional practices shift/build awareness gradually over the course of weeks and months, so the clear/sudden contrast that psychedelics create is missing, so it becomes hard to distinguish an awakened state from the ordinary state.
  7. This can also happen passively. You don't necessarily have to be hitting on the woman. Just because she doesn't like your appearance or personality or whatever, she will likely act accordingly. I guess it's an instinctual thing. This can happen with men but less likely, ime.
  8. You will turn into a frog.
  9. To OP, in order to distinguish truth from delusion, first there must be an objective truth or reality that we can anchor our distinction in. It seems like the dude in the video is super immersed in materialism, so it's no surprise he has such views. On the flip side, a person who is super immersed in idealism like Leo have exactly opposite views, so of course to Leo this dude is stupid. From my detached perspective, I can see both perspectives and discard them at the same time. And I hope this posts will allow some people to have the same ability.
  10. As far as I know, Tolle's awakening was not mystical, rather just a sudden radical shift in awareness that didn't include any visions or encrypted insights, kind of like mine. My point is that the label you suggested here seems like a misdiagnosis.
  11. Religion is something that most "religious" people have only on their ID cards. Make sure you don't mistake ID situation for reality. It is printed "Muslim" on my ID card, but in reality I'm not Muslim (tomorrow is Ramadan and I'm not gonna fast). In practice, most religious people around me are pretty dumb and uneducated even about their own religion. Most of them don't take religion seriously, more like a fast-fix for their shadow problems. To them, religion is what the preacher says, and nothing else. And for many people, it's just a trend/theme/costume that you should wear without questioning. And *spolier*, even the preachers themselves are usually pretty dumb and have almost 0 self-awareness. It's the result of multi-generational dogma and brainwashing.
  12. They have plenty of men to pick one from. [INCELLED]
  13. You don't feel guilty, you just think you're guilty for some reason that you can find and remove. Semen is energy, so that's normal. Charge up on food and sleep and you'll feel normal again. Extra tip: exercise to get an energy boost. Same as guilty.
  14. Just to add my two cents. In my view, women operate in life based on two basic emotions: Fear & Jealousy. Fear drives women in the dating market (outside league), and jealousy drives women between each other (same league). Both of these emotions are interconnected and they feedback into each other in a loop because there's no real separation between the two leagues. Women rank each other based on beauty and other values from the same league, but also on values from the outside league like landing a hot high value man. For men, there's a parallel model, but it's very similar (exact same structure).
  15. Overpopulation. The diminishing of the middle-class. The increasing life standards.
  16. Not always the case, but it happens, yes.
  17. I've always been the first to criticize Leo, and still am. But my respect for him is only ever increasing.