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Everything posted by Gesundheit2

  1. Hey, yo! It's finally working! Here: Create an account and start journaling in private. Any email address will work. It doesn't even need to exist. Ex: anything@something.thing But the password needs to be at least 8 characters long including at least one uppercase letter and one number and one special character.
  2. You are imagining him and his capability to awaken. You're also imagining being sick of his imaginary games. On top of that, you're imagining me telling you this. The desire to ban me might come up as a result of all this imagination, but that would just be more imagination. Me, I imagine loving you
  3. I don't disagree with the principle, just the way that it seems to be interpreted. I mean, I don't think universal laws don't exist, just that they are unknowable. The only law that I know for sure is that I don't really know anything. I think mankind is thinking that they can understand and outsmart the universe somehow, and so they want to take precautions for things they predict based on their limited knowledge. They think the universe is too dumb and mechanic to be able to regulate itself in a way that they don't understand, when maybe the truth is that the universe is infinity of steps ahead of us, and it can allow for these human behaviors so easily without consequences. The reason for this confidence I think is because we can successfully understand and outsmart, and therefore manipulate reality at the lower levels. There are sciences for all these levels, from the microscopic level and lower, to the social level. But anything more than that, it becomes speculation and guesswork, especially when it's not scientific. And people don't like admitting that they don't know even when they actually don't. Add that to my previous posts, and this will all look like a paranoid collective hallucination, but that's just my perspective. Well, maybe you're feeling this way because, on some level, you want things to be this way. If: Consciousness says something useful about reality. Those cultures really understood consciousness deeply. Then why were these cultures wiped out? If the ways of our ancestors did not help them survive, what value do they hold for us? Actions create reactions, I agree. But it's more like butterfly effect than a controlled laboratory environment. Reality is more like an open box, not a small fish pond. You don't just put A and get B. It doesn't work like that. Science is very successful precisely because it can establish a controlled environment with as few variables as possible. The less variables the better and easier it becomes to understand a phenomenon. The more moving pieces the harder and more complex it becomes. And reality at the highest levels is like that. We don't have the powers to control that environment. It's way beyond our control or understanding. Though, sharp intuition does go a long ways, so you might be onto something there. Personally, I just don't know. Absolutely.
  4. @at_anchor The first step is noticing the subtle mixing up of you as the thing that actually exists with you as the thoughts that you think. Once you make that distinction, you will then be able to accept your existing-self that will bring you joy and happiness, and also you will be able to let go of the thought-self that is causing you suffering.
  5. Of course. This reminds me of a quote I once heard: "Westerners are worrying about the end of the world, while we're still worrying about the end of the day". We do have different priorities, yes. But it is possible that due to the general perception here I'm inclined to think that the westerner priorities are not completely on point. At the very best, they might be an exaggeration of a trivial truth that is made out to be big for political and entrepreneurial goals/ends. On the other hand, it might be a confirmation bias kind of thing, where each of us feels inclined to their culture's beliefs. Even though, I don't generally believe in the stuff that my culture believes in, but who knows? Maybe just in this particular case I'm practicing passive confirmation bias. I'll have to check inside and see. I don't believe in Karma or the zero-sum game theory. Reality is infinite, so there's no reason for it to be bounded to any particular rule or set of rules for balance. Any way that reality is, is already the perfectly balanced way. You might say there's not even a balance to begin with in an absolute sense, but only in a relative sense. For me, this neutralizes the whole concept of divine justice or anything like that. Though, entropy is a real phenomenon, it just isn't as simple, linear, or static as we might think it is, especially when we are talking about the global/cosmic levels, cuz we don't have enough knowledge and understanding of the dynamics at these levels. Every action has a reaction, they just don't have to be equal. Sometimes, an action is too strong that it dominates and completely nullifies all reactions, some other times it creates completely different reactions. Feedback loops work in very complex ways that one loop ending might lead to either a domino effect to other loops, or it might stop at the loop itself, or it might react in a perfectly karmic way, or it might even destroy the cause, or maybe something else entirely. It's hard to know. These are complex stuff and our knowledge of them is very limited, especially when you add time to the mess. Maybe some loops take time to take effect or absorb effect. And on top of all that, there are interrelated hierarchies of all kinds. It's just super complex stuff. I don't know if it's hippy nonsense, but it's certainly hippy morality. I don't know if the earth is changing for the worst, environmentally speaking. I haven't done much research in that area, but nothing seems abnormal yet. Natural disasters are built-in reality. I don't think they necessarily have an inherent meaning that apply to our human behavior. The way I see it is that third world countries can't develop regardless of first world countries help or intervention. In fact that might just make things worse. Third world countries seem that they will be stuck forever, and that they're going down the drain the more the world evolves. Maybe. Or maybe not. I don't know. But I certainly do like the fact that we are disagreeing on something. I think it's healthy, because it means that we are being truthful and authentic to ourselves and each other, and that we aren't just people-pleasing each other all the time ?
  6. Still am not able to resolve the GesInsights Website issue. Maybe I need some rest. I've been working on this project non-stop for over a week, and before that I was gathering info and went tangent a lot too. It was two weeks of constant/high use/pressure on the mind, which I'd forgotten what it's like long ago. I even started skipping meditation sessions because of that. This evening I went out and meditated, and realized that I made a mistake, not a big deal, but still a mistake. The site I made is not a blog for everyone like I claimed. It's a blog for me, and a private journal for everyone. This is ought to happen when you focus too much on the details and forget to zoom out. You need to zoom out every once in a while and examine what you're doing as if you're an outsider in order to gain perspective and clarity. This last meditation session helped me regain some of my big picture thinking and clarity. I should be careful not to lose my high state for the focus on details (programming requires a highly-detailed approach, no mistakes allowed). I should have both on high levels, and I think I can. They're not opposites, just two different lines of development that can be turned into either strengths or weaknesses. In fact, I would argue that developing one line helps the development of the other in some way, cuz they're two interconnected skills. It's like riding a bicycle. You can't lean too much into either directions. Balance is the best way to go.
  7. @Loba I don't know, but it makes me wonder why these ideas are not relevant at all where I live. I have not seen or heard anyone talking about these environmental issues here except in school books, and they're just mentioned quickly as some sort of general information nothing to be worried about. However, religion, too, talks about the end of the world, though in a deterministic, yet moralistic manner where no matter what you do, the final day is coming, so behave unless you want to be of the bad guys. Theses are the main two narratives here around the end of the world, and the latter is the dominant one it's like the former doesn't even exist. I suspect it's because most of this stuff is actually driven by left wing propaganda. Left wing environmentalists have to sell their ecological gadgets/commodities somehow. And their hippy morality is there, so that makes a perfect combo imo. First world countries are developing at a far higher pace than third world ones. Some third world countries like mine are moving backwards, and there doesn't seem to be a way for recovery even in the far future. World travel is a non-issue. People have been traveling around the world for ages. In fact, now it's safer than ever because there's medical awareness and vaccines. The lack of food and water is completely a lie. There's plenty of both resources for everyone. It's just that a few people (less than 1%) control the most resources (more than 50%). There's not really an overpopulation of the plant, only the illusion of one - Carrot and stick.
  8. Okay, so I'm using Postman to test and debug. The backend seems to be working fine in Postman. So that means the problem is indeed a CORS thing, cuz Postman bypasses this security test by default. So that means that the error is in the way that the frontend and backend are connected with each other. And since the backend/server is responding correctly, then the error is most likely on the frontend/client/browser or in the connection that's being made. I'll continue debugging and see where this will go. However, it's lunch time now.
  9. Out of all the gazillion possible incarnations, I have incarcerated at the end of times. Thank you, God Personally, I don't believe in this Shunyamurti/prophet nonsense. Though, I can see that with the rapid evolution, things are slowly (at least for now) getting worse globally and for the majority of people. My thoughts is that humans will simply cope in some way that doesn't involve many major changes to the systems they have created. Though, the disconnection and polarization between humans will keep increasing rapidly, and at a higher pace. We will eventually become different species. Right now, it's only first-world to third-world. In the future (maybe a couple hundred years), it will reach like 50th or something. But all in all, the only way to wipe out this cancer called humanity is by some year-long meteor shower. Or maybe if the earth decides to commit suicide and explode on its own.
  10. Okay, it's frustrating that after all these hours a small problem occurs out of the blue and throws a wrench into the works. Everything was working fine during development, so it has to do with deployment. I've fixed this CORS error before, but this time it seems more stubborn than the usual, and I need a break. The site is currently just a frontend app. There is no functionality because of this error. You can't sign up or post as of now. But feel free to browse and see the styling.
  11. Putting the finishing touches on this S.O.B. Will probably be done tonight, and will upload and host tomorrow. And then I don't want to look at another piece of code for a couple of days.
  12. I don't know what the absolute is, and you don't know, either. It's there (Here), recognizable yet unknowable. Yet I know for sure that it isn't consciousness. Enough with the hippy nonsense.
  13. It's the other way around. You need to deconstruct mathematics to know reality.
  14. Perfect! I'll get banned right before that and do the burial
  15. @Someone here Forget about this masculinity BS. You don't need it. You don't need to know how to fix stuff. Who convinced you that you do? You just need to know how to act confidently and take action when stuff gets broken. When you see someone from afar, you immediately recognize their gender from the way they're dressed and then you assume levels of masculinity/femininity based on that. When you see a male dressed up like a man, the default assumption is that he is a manly man. He doesn't need any further proof that he is manly. The only way to debunk his masculinity is by acting insecure or feminine. Anyway, there are two phases in attracting a partner: Getting familiar and building rapport. Showing sexual intent and escalating to sexual encounter. You can't reach 2 if you're failing at 1, because it builds on top of it. So step 1 is: Make sure you're presenting yourself as someone who's safe and relaxing to be around. Don't be nervous. Don't look like a serial killer. Don't say stupid stuff. Just be yourself. And before you start hating me for saying that, I will give you some specific things you can do personally. You are passionate about philosophy, right? Express that passion. Say it explicitly, "I love philosophy, because...". That'll make you feel comfortable in your skin by simply being yourself, it will make you look smart, and it will show that you're confident all at the same time. The rule is very simple, pick one or more of your strengths, and flaunt them in a non-egoic way. Ignore your weaknesses in this particular context, girls don't need to know them. And then after you make sure the girl is comfortable around you, move on to phase 2 and start giving sexual signals. But don't take this as a Bible. Most of the times, you will find that the two phases are one phase in practice, and that they're happening concurrently and in parallel. For example, when you say something about philosophy, and you notice she is interested, bounce the ball to her court and ask her about what she thinks. In the meantime, touch her and/or move close to her at least once without creeping her out. Then make some teasing comment by mentioning a differing perspective (that shouldn't be hard for you if you have read a lot). Then leave it at that, and start another thread (could be philosophical, but preferably something else, ideally just talk about a variety of topics in general). Rinse and repeat, and you will notice the sexual tension is building. If you do everything right, she will like you, and will go out on another date. And depending on the girl, it will only be a matter of time until you're having sex.
  16. You don't need to practice either one of them if they feel like a chore. You're not in a race. Develop yourself at your own pace. Results will start to snowball after you gain enough momentum. Time is infinite, and everyone has 24 hours a day, but daily activities occur in limited periods of time. Those who live unconsciously spend a lot of time on activities that they don't need. In fact, they spend a lot of time on things that they don't actually want. And in result, they often find themselves committing the same mistakes, falling back into old patterns, and starting all over again, again and again. All of that means, they're wasting time. Having time for yourself and time for others are two indistinct parameters. Those who dedicate their time only for themselves end up isolated. And those who dedicate their time only for others become distracted. And neither of them are satisfied with life. Satisfaction requires an abundance mindset.
  17. I got hit in the head many times throughout childhood, sometimes I went unconscious from it. I don't recommend it.