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Everything posted by Gesundheit2

  1. If ego is not actual, how can you talk about it?
  2. I only liked the video when he spent some humility time with homeless girls. His ego is generally immature and disgusting.
  3. @Inliytened1 How did you get that from what I said? Where did I label or even refer to consciousness? All I said was (at least intended as) a humorous irony. I didn't mean it literally or seriously.
  4. Who's forcing you to debate or holding you back from communicating and exploring?
  5. You might be thinking that government was garbage back then, but consider that modern government might be the main reason behind this problem: See, 2000 years ago, you weren't a cog in a machine chasing material achievements one after another. So this was not a problem. 2000 years ago, you had all the time and all the freedom in the world to reflect, travel, and construct whatever narrative you want, and there were no traps because there was not an objective standard for life. You just were who you were. Life was simple. I can't stress this enough, but everything has pros and cons. I live in a third world country, and even though I'm probably more compatible with developed countries, I'm still quite happy, because I know I'm not missing out on much. It is all an illusion of the mind.
  6. What about forgetting not in the moment? Is it relative? And what post?
  7. I don't have this need. Used to, but not anymore. I'm comfortable with not-knowing and with loneliness. If this need is bothering you so much, you can try to transcend it like I did. Or if you don't want to transcend it, you can satisfy it directly by joining groups, clubs, communities, charities, monasteries, etc. Or you can do mix and match by following a personal mission/life purpose. Find what you're good at and is most authentic to you, and build upon it. Many people on the journey of self-discovery face the desire to change the world in one way or another. You just gotta face it, man. Then you can decide what you want to do with it.
  8. Okay, is this forgetting Absolute? Or does it have degrees? If the forgetting is not final, then how is the remembering final?
  9. So religion 2.0? I think Leo himself would be against that. Even if we consider this forum an alpha version of that vision, it's still nowhere near what you're describing, and that's despite the original leader being on top of it. Even he himself is still not (and possibly never will be) living up to the standards he suggests, let alone the moderators, let alone the rest of the community. Historically, religion arose from a tribal setting and solved many tribal problems, but it also introduced another set of problems. Then comes ideology in the form of secularism which also did the same thing, only at a larger scale. We've developed a lot, but we still have problems. They're probably the same problems at the core (ego problems). What you seem to be longing for is the sense of community that comes from being within a tribe. I think this is one of the biggest drawbacks of the modern secular world. There are many benefits to it, but everything has pros and cons.
  10. Forget about Leo and psychedelics for a moment. You said awakening from the dream is Absolute. There are no degrees. I asked you to explain that to me, and you said it is final. When you say it is final, does this mean it's irreversible and there's no going back to sleep? Or more like an on-off switch like you are either awake or sleeping? What are you saying exactly?
  11. @Inliytened1 I was not asking you to explain awakening. I was asking you to explain the word absolute, preferably in the context of awakening. Like, for example what is the difference between relative awakening and absolute awakening?
  12. What if it directly conflicts with some group's interests?
  13. What is Absolute? Explain it to me like I'm 5 years old.
  14. @Nilsi Yes, I accept your friend request Some people mistake me for a modern dude, but I'm actually post-post-modern, baby
  15. I'm sorry I wasn't able to watch it. The sound is low quality and he was gaming? Anyway, I don't believe that notion. It's basically based in a reiteration of the Abrahamic religion's explanation of duality when Adam and Eve fell from heaven. It's literally the same idea, so the dude is likely a religious nut trying to pass religion as a some sort of absolute truth. Like I said in my first comment, I think people naturally run away from genuine curious inquiry because it's too costly in this material/relative/human world. So they just take the closest and most easiest answer and use it as an crutch/opium/psychedelic to bypass the inquiry and suppress the curiosity. Most people prefer the comfort in false knowledge over the discomfort of not-knowing.
  16. Ethics is a philosophical field, and it's very personal and subjective. It is not a mathematical field, which is impersonal and objective. This is what people call the absolute vs. relative conflation. You're asking an absolute question and demanding a relative answer, or possibly the other way around. It wouldn't be confusing if it wasn't twisted like that. TL;DR, mathematics is what you do when you're moving purposely, while philosophy is what you do in your spare time.
  17. Such a USA fascist/hegemonical narrative. You shouldn't be worrying about this. Nobody can provide one grand narrative for everyone. There will always be at least two grand narratives that are opposed to one another. It's the nature of human ego. There will always be a group of people who don't like to be told what to do, and another group that does, and a group of asleep sheep that is also divided into two at least, and a group of an indifferent minority where the members are divided between super intelligent, and super dumb, and dumbs in the making of geniuses.
  18. The question is not how do "we" know? The question is how do "you" not know? You have your own mind. So why do you keep looking for answers in the minds of others?
  19. Does it really matter? Do you need a certificate?
  20. I heard Connor Murphy using that word a while ago.