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Everything posted by Gesundheit2

  1. @shahryar What makes you think Buddha was Turquoise? Where do you see Turquoise in his teachings? I think he was early Green at best. Most of his followers are Blue or Green at best, and Muhammad's are mostly Purple and Blue. And much of their teachings are the same. Aristotle and Plato are philosophers. They were not rulers. You're comparing apples and oranges here. Compare Muhammad to The Great Alexander or whoever ruled their land in their time, and you might have a point.
  2. That's just stage Red liberalism. Don't blame him, blame his environment. The other option was to remain a conservative and conserve the status quo and then get slaughtered by another tribe. That's just the way it used to be back then.
  3. I've passed the technical interview, but the hiring process isn't over yet. There's going to be a test later, and then they will decide. We'll see.
  4. @Someone here So, you're saying you can't give what you don't have. Alright, let's go with that one. Well, that might be true in many different cases. Like, I can't/shouldn't give legal advice if I haven't studied in law school and/or the laws of India for example. As well, I can't/shouldn't give medical advice if I haven't studied in medical school. I think we both agree on this so far, unless what you're suggesting is that just because you're an Indian citizen then you should already be able to give legal advice, or that a healthy person is automatically a doctor, which I don't think you are. So, if we apply the same logic to happiness, the conclusion should be the same. I can't/shouldn't give happiness advice if I haven't studied happiness and/or possibly psychology. So, I can study happiness and/or psychology and then give advice, regardless of my internal state or relationship with happiness. Having a theoretical knowledge allows me to give advice in whichever field I've studied. I'm just applying the same logic as in law and medical knowledge here, nothing too sophisticated. Though, granted that I might just be parroting happy advice from happy people. That still doesn't invalidate the advice, nor does it automatically validate it either, at least for me. I try my best to take every input from the outside world and examine it in isolation of everything else, whilst considering everything else. I think this gives me the best and most accurate perception/map of reality. What I can conclude from that is that advice is mainly about knowledge/understanding, but not necessarily first-hand experience. Although obviously, first-hand experience can enhance that knowledge/understanding and take it to the next level in some cases. But it also might nullify it completely as well. For example, if you're born so happy that you didn't have to study the nature of happiness at all, this will likely set you up to be a bad happiness advisor, even though it's your innate experience. You might be happy, but this happiness would be so close to you that you wouldn't be able to see it in order to articulate it to others. You would just say: "It's easy! Just be happy, man". But that would not be helpful for most people. At the end of the day, I think what we should seek to understand is what an advice really is ultimately. In my perspective, an advice is just a perspective, merely words from a seemingly conscious entity that is called a human. I can take the advice as just that, I can discard it, or I can take it as absolute truth. The choice is mine to make at the end of the day. And also the interpretation of those words is mine to make. All advice is going to pass the filter of my awareness before it's interpreted, so I need to take that into account too in order to eliminate any potential biases.
  5. Most of this post is basically mostly about distinguishing inner peace or whatever you want to call it from emotional highs, which - regardless of true or false - is kind of irrelevant to the point we're concerned with. However, the point that you're making is still the same. Happy people give happy advice, and unhappy people give lame advice. You're just repeating your original thread in a different way, without actually explaining anything or providing arguments for why what you're claiming should be true. I personally have no problem with adopting your perspective, but sell it to me better than this. Provide real arguments. Give me some food for my brain. This regurgitation is not enough.
  6. @Someone here Okay, let's stick with happiness that comes in degrees and variations. So, which degrees and variations generate valid advice in your opinion? Can you define a starting point at which a person can finally start generating valid, happy advice? It doesn't have to be accurate, I'm just trying to see how you're thinking about this.
  7. I'm having an interview tomorrow in the afternoon. I've already passed the first interview, which was more personal, and this one is going to be more technical. I'm thinking I might be overqualified for the position I'm applying for, though. I might have to suppress myself a little bit, or ideally gauge the level of the interviewer first, so that they don't feel intimidated by my true skills. This might happen if they are not that skilled themselves, which could be the case, given that the company is local. It's good money, though, but still not enough. It's just a stepping stone for me. I will work for as long as I have to in order to gain the necessary experience and money and then move out. I'm 6 months late according to the plan I outlined in the beginning of 2022. I did get admitted in an internship, but I had to quit cuz I found out it was a scam (without a mentor, can you imagine?). Anyway, I have to somehow look knowledgeable and experienced, but without intimidating the interviewer. I have to look knowledgeable and experienced enough to be able to negotiate a higher salary, but still not too much to offend the interviewer. It's tricky, but I'll probably work it out. I have a good feeling about this, and I'm not nervous at all. My feelings very rarely betray me, so I'm sure to get the job. I have heard a lot from youtubers that junior developers should throw around their resumes everywhere (at every possible tech company) just to get an interview. This has not been true in my experience. I've only sent my resume to 4 companies so far, and I've already got 2 interviews right away. One in Dubai, which I could not attend, and the other here in my city, which I'm currently having. Maybe my portfolio is impressive. The other two companies that didn't interview, it was my mistake for applying 3 days late. The reason why I've not yet applied to companies abroad is because I don't have enough money to travel (The Dubai one was just me testing the waters). So, I need this job to build up my travel money and then move out, and also it will help me gain real work experience rather than just making projects on my own, plus it will introduce me to the corporate world of tech, how the hierarchy works in there, and what it takes to claim seniority. Once I am familiar with all that, and I have travel money, I will start applying mainly to American tech companies that are hiring remotely (cuz allegedly they pay the highest), whilst starting the paper work to travel. My first destination will most likely be Egypt, and the rest is open-ended till this point, there's no concrete plan yet. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I haven't gotten the job yet, and it would still take at least six months to be able to move. But I'm happy that I'm heading in the right direction, and I'm never going to let anything stop me before I reach my goals. I am proud of my resilience and will power. They've got me through a lot, although I might have burned myself out somewhat in the process. I just hope it will be worth it in the end.
  8. @Someone here Please define your stance and stick with it. I can't reply to you like this. In one post you say happiness is not binary, in another you say it is. Which one is it?
  9. If you agree to this, then your thread makes no sense, as it would mean there's no happy/unhappy people to take advice from, and that this metric (happy people generate happy advice) doesn't really mean anything, which is what I originally said/implied.
  10. It's not 100% in your control. Revenge: +30 points. There are a lot of factors that contribute to the state of being happy. Material factors like safety and health for example are essential for happiness. And there are psychological factors as well. Happiness is not a simple binary thing like a toggle switch, it's rather more like a spectrum. How happy/unhappy are you? That's a better question than simply: Are you happy or unhappy? When people talk about happiness/unhappiness, they usually refer to the dominant state at the moment, even though for most people both states exist at the same time at any given moment. It's just that the amounts/percentages might differ at each estimation.
  11. @puporing I've connected personally with several people through this forum. I did it mostly through PM, and nobody policed me for it, probably cuz my aim is just personal connection, not recruiting to create another platform.
  12. I don't see it mentioning psychedelics here. What a loser AI. It got it all wrong.
  13. It's not the headphones per se, though. In my experience, music, especially the louder it gets, can induce drunk states. I'm guilty of this myself. Whenever I listen to music for a long period of time, I feel my consciousness decreases. I've never drunken alcohol, but I can intuit that that's what drunkenness feels like, although not necessarily with the full effect. I could only experience my full rationality after at least a few days of detox.
  14. Both attachment and detachment are extremes in my view. Aim for the right balance. What you want is engagement without dependence. In other words, don't be afraid to live, but also don't lose yourself in life. Be conscious, and live.
  15. @Danioover9000 Member A-Argentinean.
  16. @KH2 I swear I could hear the crickets from the neigh-boring country
  17. LMAO! Literally!