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Everything posted by Gesundheit2

  1. A very good indicator for the shadow is the loss of control you experience over your conscious will. Anytime you catch yourself doing something that you consciously know that you shouldn't be doing, you can rest assured that that's your shadow. Addictions, compulsions, urges, laziness, etc... are all signs of shadow possession. Absolutely.
  2. The point for the consumer is not the same point for the creator. But it's also somehow the same. You are a consumer of the idea of enlightenment. Realize that, and then proceed.
  3. m others don't exist.
  4. I'm not sure if it's related at all or if someone said it before, but imagine going to jail for telling a person that they're fat
  5. Language is the key to development, but it can only take you so far, precisely as far as humans have reached. If your language is outdated/lacks nuanced, modern, technical terms, like Arabic, then your development will stop at a certain level, unless you learn another language. English is, perhaps, the richest in terms of pragmatism. But I guess other languages have depths of their own, and you can only understand them through experience. There's A LOT beyond language, though. Language is still primitive, i.e. at the level of humans. There's A LOT beyond humans that they actually seem to me like apes right now, and I'm not even close to where I want to be or know is possible. And I'm not exaggerating. I used to always underestimate my development levels in the past, not really sure why. Probably low self-esteem, abusive/narcissistic people, and high peer pressure. But now, I have a clear sense of where I'm at amongst humans, and that has to be somewhere amongst the top that have ever existed. Grandiosity, whatever.
  6. I can't believe how it's possible to be so advanced in certain areas, and yet be so unaware of certain blind-spots that you have. What am I talking about? Well, here's the thing; I waste so much time and energy trying to bring others up to my level, mainly through truth-sharing. But most of the times, people are so blind by their biases and agendas to be able to comprehend what I have to say, let alone appreciate its depth and value, let alone accept it and then utilize it in any meaningful way. See, the problem is that when you're too advanced, you tend to assume that the things you know as common sense are actually common sense for others. But since others aren't as advanced as you are, you'll often find yourself in situations where you have to dumb yourself down to their level and explain everything to them out of pure stupidity and lack of depth. In Arabic, we have a saying that goes like: "Smart people understand by the signs". Too much blabber/nuance is even considered a linguistic error. The less words, the better the quality of your message. Zero is an example of a smart person, he knows how to use language efficiently. Having to explain everything is for dumb idiots who have no depth whatsoever. They need someone to walk them through the process of thinking step by step before they can understand. And even then, they rarely will. And even then, they barely will. The solution to that is to simply let go of the need to help others, and then let them drown in their ignorance. I always thought that I should be treating other humans as equal to me, but the truth is that I am nowhere near their level. The things I've seen and the depths of insights that I've experienced, I doubt many others have awareness, or even an idea of. Sometimes, I seriously feel like I'm talking with children. So, from now on, I won't explain anything to anyone. People will either get what I say, or they won't. I have been implementing this lately, and it's quite effective. Plus, I get to keep my juiciest most useful and powerful insights for myself, which are probably incommunicable to begin with. But even if they weren't, people don't deserve them to begin with, because eventually they will use them against me, even after all the struggles of communication. When someone tells you that you're wrong, tell them that they're right, and then do whatever the fucking hell you want to do, regardless.
  7. @StarStruck I kinda saw this coming, which is why I encouraged you to look at your needs from a higher perspective. @Preety_India See? When I said he could transcend the neediness through spirituality, you were shortsighted and sarcastic. This behavior is a direct result of neediness, and could have been avoided simply by doing the inner work. But you're a rookie, and I don't blame you
  8. @Emerald Fair enough, and best of luck.
  9. I don't. You're all free to be maidens if you want. I just care for your survival agenda, that's all. Really, I'm on the contrary of what you said. And deep down, you know I'm right.
  10. While it does seem like you're creating an absolute win-win situation, an overpriced product still has the risk of expiration. So, you're going for high risk/high reward, which is a really dangerous bet, just like gambling with all your money. And I'm telling you, you could wait and wait, and your imaginary prince would not likely show up, and then you could wind up a maiden. There are countless women who have fallen for this risky bet already, something to reflect on. Think about it, there's nothing special about any one human per se. If the guy could afford a relationship with a woman who is around your level of attractiveness and where sex is not a struggle, why would he settle for the lesser relationship? He's high quality, serious, relationship oriented, and everything, so why shouldn't he be having sex? It won't make sense for him to wait, rightfully so. So he will go and find a better deal. There's ideals/theory, and there's reality/practice. And prior to both there's carefulness and balance. I truly have the best of intentions when I tell you this. Be careful of the maiden trap. It's a timebomb that could end up blowing up in your hands.
  11. Oh my gosh! That did turn me on lol. Sorry. The princess mindset is so hot!!! And while I am absolutely certain that what you said is true, I don't think you get to create the challenges. If the challenges aren't real/authentic, then they're part of your manipulation scheme, which is really unappealing to men. At best, it communicates low interest. And at worst, it communicates narcissism/arrogance. I agree that you should follow your feelings/instincts, but honestly, it doesn't seem like that when you advice to wait despite you finding the guy attractive. It does seem that the boundaries you're advocating are artificial and not authentic at all. But hey, whatever rocks your boat. In the end, you play your game, and we'll play ours. And then we'll all lose together
  12. The age-old female version of pickup advice. You invented this shit. We are just giving it back to you. Do you really think you're being high value when you withhold sex? Well, we will counter that strategy with pickup advice to push for sex asap. This is not because we don't want a relationship, but because women are manipulative from the get-go. And so, we don't want to waste time with manipulative people. In reality, a girl can be interesting/challenging without withholding sex. It's just that you're lazy and manipulative that you use the easiest tricks in your sleeves. You can challenge a man with a lot of things, such as your intelligent, life experience, skills, hobbies, achievements, etc. But no, you would rather use sex, because you know your lack in all of those other fields. When you withhold sex, you're not being high value. You're just being fake. You're lying to yourself first and foremost. Because even if the sex won't be incredible in the beginning, it will still be a good experience to have. But no, you don't want a good experience. You want control and manipulation. You want all the blanket to your side. Well, keep on that track, and you'll wind up alone. A lot of guys want a relationship, but they won't wait until the woman decides it's a good time to give him a piece of pussy in order to keep him hooked. Instead, women should learn how to hook guys without withholding sex. I know you have this whole narrative about the qualitative difference in experience, but again, the sex doesn't have to be incredible from the beginning. If you think withholding sex is a good screening method, then you really don't know anything at all. Why? Because only a needy/desperate guy will wait a long time for sex.
  13. This explains how the ego can be viewed differently from two different zoom levels, but it leaves out something very important, which is the viewer itself. There are those two different zoom levels (perhaps many others, but let's keep focus), and there is the viewer/observer/awareness of them who's capable of reflecting and talking about them. Does the observer (center of experience, so to speak) not count as ego? And why?
  14. By showing you how and why neediness exists in the first place. You gain awareness over the shadow, which gives you control over it. Realizing the absolute truth can be of major help, but you don't necessarily need it per se. You can deconstruct your psychology by asking high quality questions and then answering them yourself, a journal is recommended. Questions like: What is a "need", really? What does it actually mean for me to need a thing, on the deepest level? Are the things I currently think I need unquestionable? Or is there room for questioning? What's the relationship between neediness and thoughts? What thoughts are most frequent when feeling in need for something? At what point exactly do I stop needing something and start being more chill about it? What are needs as opposed to desires? In what ways are they similar? And in what ways are they different? What's the relationship between neediness and feeling? How does it feel (in the body) to need something? The more you question and contemplate, the more you deconstruct and restore your mind back to its original settings. Then, you will be able to construct things in any way you want, and neediness will not be an issue anymore.
  15. It's not the only way. You can deconstruct your psychology and discover that all needs are imaginary, and that you don't actually need anything at all, even physically. Of course, that doesn't mean you will stop desiring things. You just see them for what they are. And what they are is a very different thing from what you think they are. Shadow work is also helpful as it explains the origins of neediness and gives you clarity and a sense of control over your emotions.
  16. Textbook definition of a nice guy. A recipe for celibacy.
  17. That's very vague, which is why most women don't end up getting it. I think you should start creating threads explaining and unpacking this one particular statement instead of criticizing men all the time for not being able to fulfill you emotionally. I don't mean you in person. I mean all the women here should speak up for what they want more than against what they don't want. Apply the law of attraction. Educate men on how to be desirable. Be very specific.
  18. Hahahahahaha I'm speechless. Prove it. Try and withhold sex from your man and see how long he's going to last.
  19. @Preety_India The nice guy description doesn't make sense. You said that nice guys are unattractive because they're fake. But that's not quite the case. In most cases, nice guy behaviors are a genuine expression of pure neediness, scarcity, insecurity, general undesirability, etc... At the same time, any man who is interested in you wants to get into your pants one way or another, but no man can say that explicitly to you because women flip out because they don't want to be viewed as sluts. But you're okay with men getting sex from you in other fake ways. The only cover up that you don't like is the nice guy. In reality, you don't like nice guys because they're overly nice it's similar to overselling a product. Nobody wants to buy a product that is not popular. So you unconsciously get repelled and then rationalize it away with fakery in order to turn a blind eye on your selfishness. .. Other than that, Needy guys are immature kids, and you don't want to be dating kids. Bad boys, on the other hand, are kids with a mustache I know you can't resist the temptation of the mighty mustache
  20. I was anticipating he would say something like that, kind of a tongue in cheek joking with both of you.