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Everything posted by Gesundheit2

  1. Siddhis are real, but humans can't perform them. They happen to humans, done by higher beings. Ego has a fair amount of apparent control over certain things. You can choose to reply to me or not. Up to you. Determinism does not invalidate control.
  2. Why not?! lol
  3. lol
  4. Leo Gura grossly overestimates himself. Rarely did I have meaningful discussions with him, and rarely does he show any nuance, if at all. Always thinking he's omniscient, while missing out on a lot. Always obsessed with big picture thinking as if that guarantees proper knowledge. It's just his lazy way of bypassing research. He thinks he's open-minded, but has quite a few dogmas; namely: Idealism, PUA dogmas, and Spiral Dynamics. He talks about epistemology, but always falls in fallacies. He's not as much as he thinks or claims he is; just mediocre. Even I am more epistemologically correct than him, and I'm a poor thinker. I know people who are way more intelligent than me, Leo is not one of them.
  5. Couldn't achieve the target. But been learning some other things. Continuing with the same goal for the next week.
  6. You're trying to comprehend a thought about right now.
  7. Hippies don't understand; Taliban cannot be defeated. These guys don't have a problem sending off thousands of their soldiers just to wound one enemy soldier. They're a zombie organization. You can't defeat zombies. Islam has terrorism as one of its cores. Lesser Jihad is that core. You can activate it whenever you want to. It's a game of power, maintained by ideology. It's not really a distortion of Islam. Rather, it's an intended misdirection of Islam that serves certain political agendas. Taliban is a political tool for certain bigger players. When Al-Qaeda was in Syria, the soldiers themselves were naive. People talked to them, the poor guys thought they were in Palestine fighting against Israel and America. When in fact they were fighting against Al-Assad and the Syrian people. It's the Taliban leadership who are the biggest devils, well next to the American government. Taliban is basically solely a military group. They don't have a people to support them, except a few radicals from the likes. They have camps where they drag children out of their homes and force them into these camps and brainwash them to believe that martyrdom is the ultimate prize in life. And then, when they're ripe, they send them off to their deaths. Civilians naturally gravitate away from them because they're toxic and unbearable. A normal human being knows that radicalism/extremism is just not right. And normal human beings are 99% of the earth. How many radicals are out there, all together? They're less than 1% of Islam. And a lot less than that of humanity. I don't have the time or the capacity/desire to make research about Taliban and how it came into being, nor do I want to engage in stupid arguments with hippies. I just know from direct experience that they're one of the worst things in the world. A total toxic waste to anyone near them. And you can't eliminate them through war. You can only eliminate them by cutting them off from their suppliers. Without weapons or bombs, they can't exist. The development argument (Spiral Dynamics) is the stupidest one I've ever encountered. I can't even begin to argue against it because it's so silly and because forum people including Leo are so ideological about it.
  8. Interesting.
  9. Meditation. Shamanic Breathing, or Wim Hof method. Running, or moderate exercise. Life purpose, or passion. Imagination. Sex. Surrendering. Food. Yoga. Music. This:
  10. @samijiben Yeah. I think resilience under all circumstances is a core feature of enlightened people. Otherwise, every stage Green hippy person would be enlightened, and we would be wasting our time with all the spiritual work. Because without that metric, the answer would be very simple: Just adopt stage Green lofty ideals, and you will be enlightened; no sweat. Jesus said when his people tortured him: "Father, forgive them. For they know not what they do."
  11. @Gabith The path often includes suffering at some point, but that's kinda irrelevant, because suffering in this case is false/self-inflicted. I am talking about suffering that's forced upon you. How are you gonna handle that? That's the real test. The point is to put the "currently enlightened" person in a stressful situation and see how they are gonna hold up. If they fail and regress, that means they're not really enlightened. You don't necessarily have to put them in actually dangerous situations - merely a situation where their ego might get hurt or their freedom might be a little bit threatened. Any threat to a personal preference would probably be ideal. Like a situation where a normal person would feel angry and flip out in total ego mode. If they're the real deal, they should not be reacting mindlessly. Even though, I'll accept an apparently similar reaction. If an enlightened person shouts, that's okay for me. As long as they're not suffering on the inside. But of course, I can't tell what their inner experience is. But from my experience, I can tell that that's not an easy goal to achieve, even with decades of spiritual practice, and I will always be skeptical of anyone claiming enlightenment.
  12. The most absurd conspiracy theory I've ever heard.
  13. She probably didn't do much. She was born in such good conditions that most likely created a false sense of enlightenment. Put her in some third world country without psychedelics and without women rights and then you will know for sure whether she's real or fake. It's easy to be enlightened when are on the top of the world. It's a whole different story to be enlightened in the midst of a shit-hole.
  14. Unenlightened/Normal people are full of shit. Enlightened people are made of shit. Hippies are the shit itself. Okay, the first two statements may be negotiable, but the third is an absolute truth.
  15. Yeah, man! Bring it on! Let it all out. Make all the demons burn.
  16. The world is upside down. Ill people think they can heal the healthy ones. And Blue hippies thinking they are Yellow. Pfffft! Please! I'll just laugh in silence. LMAO! I play coy, and go along. They show their hands. Fully exposed. Say no more. I see you. In vulgar Arabic, we have a saying that goes like: Bloat them with compliments and see how much of a donkey they are. It means that people who think they're smart are actually stupid, and the way you confirm that is by going along with them and giving them the space to express themselves fully. Then you will likely see the real donkey underneath the Einstein mask. Ancient Arabs were wise, not at all like the recent ones. So, anyway, what the hell is a "trauma"? And what is "healing" for God's sake? If I am fully functional and feeling good, why would I need healing? And healing from what exactly? From feeling good? Or from living the good life? Or do you simply just want me to conform to your stupid "mental health" standards, which you mindlessly picked from your culture without contemplation or questioning? Okay, buddy. Here, play with this pin cushion. I'll take you seriously in a hundred years, but not really, because the gap then would be even wider, by orders of magnitude. And btw, why don't you heal yourself from your dogmas first? Why is it others that need the healing but not you? If it isn't all just a big projection on your part, then I don't know anything. Feeling triggered now. Consider it trauma, if you want. I consider it material for more growth and integration. You stay with your standards. Stay stuck. And low. As you're supposed to. And people wonder why I hate hippies.
  17. No, thanks. With the way you initiated contact (patronizing, sarcastic, and judgemental) I don't think you're in a place to heal others. I am good on my own, and would be better if you would take the second route I offered.
  18. Father, forgive them. For they are just a bunch of hippies. Children. Not ready for my wisdom.
  19. It is actually pretty good. And I don't feel bad about myself. Watch your closed-mindedness and projections.
  20. @Vzdoh The thing is that intimacy is 100% imaginary. Consider this; a human can form an intimate relationship with an animal, or even with inanimate objects. For example, one can intimately love their job, or coffee, or a tree, or anything else. Does that mean that the objects are reciprocating? Of course not. It's all in our heads. And really, intimacy is just another word for attachment or neediness. And btw, I wasn't talking about emotional unavailability. I, as a man, don't resonate with intimacy like women do. I used to, but not anymore. So, I can be available for the girl if I want to, it's all an act after all, but I won't be feeling anything. My experience will be devoid of any emotions. At the same time, she will be feeling all sorts of emotions with me, and when she's alone she will be fantasizing about how I make her feel. Little does she know, but why wake her up and ruin everything?
  21. Sure, me too, as I stated earlier. I was just deconstructing the belief related to intimacy.
  22. You don't have to take that as a dogma. Addiction is not a way to escape anything. That's just a definition/story you're addicted to In simple terms, addiction is a complex of reoccurring patterns of behaviors that tend to be compulsive. That's an objective definition prior to personal interpretations. How you interpret it is up to you, i.e. subjective. I used to have many addictions and have been working on them since January 2021. A lot of them were a way to escape the harsh reality that I'm living in. But none of them had anything to do with intimacy. In fact, intimacy was one of them. If anything, I was escaping my full masculinity with intimacy, thanks to cultural upbringing. As a man, intimacy doesn't even show on my radar anymore. And when I contemplate it, I only see it as childish desire/behavior, like a child attached to his mommy because he can't live on his own, because he's weak and immature. I wasn't able to completely let go of intimacy until recently. And I have to say, this is definitely a superior way of being. Have you heard of co-dependent relationships? Attractive men are not co-dependent, and that's what makes them attractive, because a woman can be needy and co-dependent around them. You said you're at Yellow, so there's a good chance you're just overthinking this.