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Everything posted by Gesundheit2

  1. It's about belief, and repetition. The mantras have to be meaningful and you have to send them from your heart/lungs. If you just repeat empty words from your tongue, without deep breaths, then it's probably not gonna do much.
  2. Mantras, bro. One of the most powerful techniques to shift states of consciousness.
  3. Nobody can teach the truth. On another note... The only real challenges are the physical challenges of the physical world. Psychology my ass.
  4. A way of living life that maximizes your potential as a human being.
  5. Don't trust it. Nobody is forcing you to.
  6. I can't differentiate between radicalism and moderation anymore.
  7. If it's really convincing, then why are you discussing it?
  8. You're not a jerk. It doesn't work.
  9. I shouldn't have started learning JS frameworks this early. I'm not comprehending anything, virtually. This guy explains the path I should take. Going back to advanced JS.
  10. That I created. Devil.
  11. Only if he could relax his third eye a little bit.
  12. Damn! I never knew it could be this joyful just to stare at him, and pause to grasp the light in his eyes.
  13. I haven't seen Leo in a while. He seems so full of love. His face is so radiant.
  14. Peter Pan Syndrome; aka stage Green.
  15. Jed McKenna makes the exact same argument, except that he applies it to spiritual teachers. He criticizes the effectiveness of the teachings and the capabilities of the teachers. He says that virtually no teachers, organizations, or institutions have been able to achieve a good number of enlightenment cases. All that they provide is teachings and promises, but rarely anyone gets enlightened, if any at all. That kinda makes Adya's argument stale. But I still side with him against psychedelics. Because with the classic path, you aren't likely fool yourself that you got enlightened. With psychedelics, however, delusions seem a lot more prevalent.
  16. Well, then stop looking in your direct experience, and start looking in your imagination.
  17. If you have a question, that means you don't know the answer. If you look for wisdom, fill in the blanks.
  18. Doesn't matter to me, chump. I have no stakes in this game. Just explaining things from my pov.
  19. How does development look like from a conservative pov?
  20. Development, by definition, means non-conservatism. If you want to be conservative, then you're not into self-development, and therefore you're in the wrong place.
  21. @Endangered-EGO Control/free will is an illusion, and an illusion is an appearance without a substance. What isn't that?