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Everything posted by Gesundheit2

  1. Mastering the art of selfishness...
  2. I don't know. I was just parroting Jed McKenna.
  3. The thing is that if you disregard this idea of applying a system, you'll simply end up with the default system, which is women red pill, which is super manipulative, exploitative, and abusive, let alone the fact that it's completely unconscious in most cases. See. That's why they call dating a game. If you give up your game, you won't escape it; rather, you will have to be playing the woman's game, by the woman's rules, and you will not like it, guaranteed. You will either end up in a relationship that's skewed to the woman's side, or you will end up rejected and lonely and an incel. Women don't really care about your agenda as a man. In fact, they are in most cases cutthroat. A woman will not have sex with you out of sympathy. She is not concerned about your lack of sex. In other words, she's selfish and does not care about your agenda. And she isn't to blame, because survival is cutthroat. Everyone is selfish and nobody cares about anybody expect themselves, at the end of the day. That being said, it would be wise to step up and do something conscious instead of that BS. It's especially wise because it's conscious leadership, instead of the unconscious rulership of women. Now, is the red pill the best system out there? I don't know. And I don't care. For me, it's rather a tool; a means to an end, not a religion or a cult to follow blindly. There are principles that I find super accurate, and others that I find not so much. The map is not the territory. Red pill is not about women. It's about achieving a man's agendas, regardless of women's agenda. If you want something more woman-friendly, then there's the purple pill. But either way, conscious leadership is better than the monopoly of pussy.
  4. I don't know. Should I give money to a rich person?
  5. Angry, and full of hatred Fuck you
  6. 30 JavaScript Challenges Interesting.
  7. The next week will be the capper of a 6-months journey. Still nowhere near finished. Expecting being ready in January 2022. ... About this: Turns out a constant variable carries the functionality of both words. The way I understand how it works now is similar to a closet. A const variable is a closet that has a particular shape and functionality that cannot be changed; const cannot change through re-assignment. const cannot be re-declared. But const objects and arrays can be updated through methods because the changes will then happen to the stored values, not to the closet that's containing them. I don't think I fully understand it yet. It's probably a bit more nuanced than that. And I'm sure the logic behind it is a lot more complex than this superficial explanation, but it's not in the scope of my goals here, so I'm not gonna research it.
  8. Today was messy. It felt like a dream. I had to make some pretty tough decisions. My brother was there for me, he was with me all along. He helped and supported me in every possible way. Something I will never forget or disregard. Something I will certainly reward.
  9. @Hulia Red carpet, black suit, white dress, unicorns, mermaids, what else?
  10. Reminds me of the bourgeoisie's position of the proletarians.
  11. @Hulia Dude, it's not a contest. But I'll let you have the title if you insist
  12. It's a choice that you make. Choose to love yourself, and you'll find yourself becoming better at it with time. In fact, you've already made the first step right here. All you need now is time. You've planted the seed, and it will grow. Water it, and nurture it. Rest, rise, and absorb light from the sun. You'll eventually bloom. It's inevitable.
  13. Depression is not loss of hope. Rather, it's lack thereof. Loss of hope means giving up, which is another word for surrendering, which leads to liberation. But that's not what depression is. If hope was a range, with optimism and pessimism on the far ends; depression would be the middle point between the two, exactly at the furthest point away from them. However, and oddly enough, that doesn't mean neutrality, clarity, realism, etc... When you're depressed, you don't have any of that (although you might think that you have them), and instead you have a bunch of delusions that you don't even know are delusions. Depression, in a sense, is a disconnection from both mind and perception. A low state of consciousness, if you will.
  14. Depression is one of the worst human experiences, ever. But it's still nowhere near the worst. The number one worst experience is the dark night of the soul. It's hell on steroids.
  15. I would dialogue with you; you are an interesting person. But I'm not as smart as you are, and I become boring very quickly. I think maybe we can work past those problems, but still I don't have much time nowadays anyway (college, work, LP).
  16. Hypergamy only relates to gold-diggers; Most women are not gold-diggers, but have standards. For example, if you make six figures and have a girlfriend, chances are she will not leave you for another guy with similar or higher stats, unless you lose those privileges. It takes high stats (for simplicity's sake, but high stats means more than mere money) to attract most women, but it takes super high stats to attract a gold-digger, and even then she will likely leave you for a guy with higher stats. That's hypergamy. Standards (relates to most women) are not hypergamy.
  17. I love myself fully and completely End of story.
  18. Sigh... Mankind truly is the bullshitting animal.
  19. Why do men worship logic? And... Why do women worship emotions?
  20. @Zedman Well, there's no other way. So, you're probably just gonna have to make your peace with that situation.
  21. Who is the one who's trying to deconstruct their memories?