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Everything posted by Water

  1. This has always been a tough one for me because I've done an excellent job at lying to myself. I've done a lot of research on this topic and have been searching for what scares me but I seem to always come up empty handed. Facing my fears has been extremely difficult but I am currently addicted to it. I have a feeling my ego caught on and is doing a better job at hiding them from me. If it's hard to understand where i'm coming from but here's a little context, due to my religious upbringing I've had to lie. Like a lot! So lets all be as honest as possible. Greatest fear: That all my research and efforts are in vain. Fears I've overcome: Death ---- This was a big one for a long time Not being understood/accepted Failure Claustrophobia Commitment ---- Still working on this one Vulnerability ---- Still working on this one These are just a few.
  2. I've been listening to a lot of Matt khan lately and I truly love his teachings. I can see how powerful these methods can be for growth but I'm a bit confused. He speaks about taking the high road and how every negative situation with people is another chance for you to face/integrate yourself. My question is how do you balance this? Where is the line drawn between I need this to learn a lesson VS I'm enabling this person to step on me?
  3. HAHAHA I wish a girl would react that way with me, the events that transpire would be interesting to say the least. I see what you're saying, and I think your right. There has been a recurring issue in my life where I empathetically feel for people and think I can solve their problems/help change them. It may be naive but I really just want to help people. I have done so in the past on many occasions, but usually at my expense. I take it because I think it's for the greater good and ultimately it's not about me, but it adds up depending on where I'm at in life. I'm going to try harder to balance this and to consciously remember its not my responsibility to help everyone because not everyone is ready. Thank you
  4. I feel you, it can definitely be tuff sometimes but I'm working on it? What do you think about this? I'll give an example incase I worded it incorrectly. Let's say someone is being an asshole towards you. A) You confront them and try to figure out what the lesson is or B) you let it go and show them some love. Am I missing something?
  5. I totally agree with you, but aren't we given these situation because there's a lesson to be learned? How about situations where the lesson in the situation and the percpective of the outcome do not coincide? I may be wrong but I fee like it's more common than the other way around.
  6. I like his teachings but I get some red flags from him. I've watched a lot of his videos (I mean a lot) and for someone who claims to be enlightened and a mystic there's still a lot of ego left. You can tell he loves the spotlight and gets a lot out of it (it feeds his ego). In the end I love and appreciate him for helping me make connections I wasn't able to on my own ?
  7. Hahaha the subleness in this comedy! I feel like we should Lighten up more, we take ourselves far to seriously on this forum. Now let's get serious. ?? LOL! I had to, I'm done I swear. - I experienced something very similar but I made the mistake of letting it drag out for too long. It's very important that you tackle this now. I know it's easy for me to say this and I understand life definitely gets in the way but essentially your unpacking hidden boxes in your subconscious mind. What comes out will surprise you but remember to stay grounded. Keep to your meditation practice so your awareness stays up. It's very crucial because your going to need to find the lessons in each experience so you can integrate it. Don't do what I did and try to unpack it all at once thinking that this would make my spiritual process "faster." Take it slow and integrate, you've got your whole life ahead of you to do it. Your going to be ok ?
  8. When your ready to start the channel put some money aside for marketing and start testing niches related to ocd. The ones that get more more good engagement double down, the ones that don't do so well get deleted. @Consept You got this man ??
  9. I see where your getting at, and I also agree with @King Merk you should take the LP course. A few paths that stand out to me would be NLP, NET, and hypnosis. I'm not sure what the requirements would be in your country but they would definitely be a lot shorter then a therapist. They are all forms of therapy that are much more holistic, and in my opinion better at tackling deep core issues within the psyche compared to the irrelevant teachings you would find in an academic education. Research them and let us know what you find. Good luck friend.
  10. If someone looks at a video from 1 of those 3 topics, what are the chances they would be interested in the others? I would do a little more research. If youtube puts your video in front of another viewer who also likes watching videos on singing but has no interests in meteorology the algorithm will penalize you and show your video to less people. Relavancy is key, I wish you luck.
  11. I like this. I could see how formulating a proof of concept for it could be relatively easy. Keep us posted on your findings. Do you plan on using this as a primary income, or just something on the side? I would make the channel a little broader that way you could hit trending topics within your niche without looking like your reaching to far. From what I can see there's not enough traffic in this niche alone without haveing to spend to much on marketing. Are you into anything else besides arbitrage?
  12. @ivankiss I hope this post is an inspiration to others as much as it is to me. I'm truly moved. This post feels like a RAW unfiltered photograph. I wish nothing more then for you to actualize your dreams, I also wish there was a way we could help. Sometimes it bothers me to see corporations getting to actualize their shallow dreams of acquiring money with the help of hundreds or thousands of people, but so many of us are forced to let go of ours because it's just to difficult. I get we each have our own individual journeys but what has become of us? where's the sence of community? Funny how we consider indigenous people "backwards''. Anyway I know this is a long shot but if you could think of anyway for us to help please reach out. My prayers are with you brother ?
  13. I'm a bit torn on this topic. On one end I feel like a child would get in the way of my highest potential. On the other hand I've heard so many say you experience life in a very profound way. That type of bond is not something that can be put into words. I also think I would adopt. I feel the Same as @MusicalPotato There are so many kids out there begging for a chance. Instead of standard situation of broken people raising broken people or allowing them to fend for themselves. Maybe we're in a sense responsible. Have you guys ever seen the movie Idiocracy? Sometimes it feels like we're actualizing it. Very weird ?
  14. That's a good point... A few questions if I may. 1. Weren't you able to integrate your past business into your LP? I understand that won't be the case for everyone. 2. Did you know you beforehand that you would be able to integrate it into your LP? 3. Did you dissolve it or is it still running?
  15. I think that is the case friend. It's not particularly wrong, but do you feel the ones you gave it to have earned it? If not then your already seeing the lesson. Yes, it is definitely supposed to be gradual. Give someone your complete trust upfront and they may assume you think it has no apparent value, but if you allow them to earn it over time they themselves start to place a value on it. For example. You give a friend your complete trust right off the bat and they obviously wrong you, and you turn forgive them because you know they know better and might just need more chances. The problem is you may have just opened a door for them to (consciously or unconsciously) think they can consistently get away with this type of behavior. On the other hand, if they spent months earning your trust the value they add is the time and effort it took for them to earn it. Now they are less likely to do something to make you distrust them because of the fear of losing your trust that they worked so hard to earn. I honestly don't think so, why do you think that would be the case? I struggle with this as well sometimes, it really is a fine line. like Leo likes to say "open-minded skepticism" We should never make assumptions but we also should set forth boundaries with other people, and be very clear about them. Boundaries are very healthy. Jeez dude that's a solid question... I don't have an answer but I think that question should be addressed after you found someone worth fully investing in. Don't sell yourself short, you have a beautiful soul which appears to have so much to give. Don't settle and when you feel like you found the right one allow her to earn your trust, Just as I know you will do your best to earn their trust. I would say so, to me this is the equivalent of touching fire. Enough times and you will realize, ok I need to stop doing that. No man, you are absolutely not lost. With that said we do live in a male-dominated society where everything is a competition, it definitely makes having relationships more complicated. It's a learning curve, this is just another opportunity for you to grow. Or else you wouldn't be where you are now, on this forum, discovering how to overcome your own boundaries
  16. Sorry had an issue with the quote Ivankiss said "I can sense that, yes. Can you tell me though...Why is it that I am able to have glimpses of their purity? Their highest potential? Is that just a reflection thing? Those moments might be brief and rare, but I know they are true." I feel you on this one friend... I'm in the same boat along with some of what you said in the original post. I sense it may be the same for you as it is for me but when you get a hint of that purity and potential you feel a sense of obligation to help. I've helped people that went on to help others and I can't tell you how grateful it made me feel to impact people in that way, but for others either I was unheard, disregarded, or taken advantage of. I think some people just aren't ready for our type of support, and it's up to us to know when we're not the right person to help.
  17. I agree with @Nahm There could be something in the life purpose coarse that would offer you a new perspective, which in turn could take you down an entirely new path. It's interesting how a single thought can initiate a domino effect and lead to a completely different life. Kinda like the multiverse/parallel universe theory. Do you have an idea on what your life purpose is? I would try to formulate some kind of conclusion before you take the coarse to see how they differ. Just for curiosities sake ?
  18. Don't be afraid to get some help. This was me for the past 7 years, consistently spread to thin. Just be strategic on who you reach out to. If you choose the wronge person it may cause more harm. What kind of business if I may ask? You might find someone here to collaborate with.
  19. Interesting, if someone is just reading passages out of the the Torah/Bible/Quran I wonder if corresponding spirits answer the call. That would really put things into perspective. Although I kinda like the method of sucking the life put of the spirits it almost worked instantly and it still seems to hold. It is, there's a lot of interesting stuff here thank you. I'm currently looking into to sigils and servitor's and to be honest it feels very weird. I know it's mostly from my indoctrination because they REALLY drove the point across of not messing with this kind of stuff. Any suggestions of how to ease into it besides reading?
  20. I was being a little vague because this this experience was also very personal, but after finally being done with it I'm more open to talk about it. I can say from first hand experience what you see in the movies is very real. Lol I don't know about the backwards spider walk up the stairs or climbing walls but when they feel threatened, shit gets real. When the excosist read the Quran on me I went from perfectly calm and peaceful to a complete mad man. That really got me interested, dogma aside it seems there's more to these religions. If you would like the details on what happened, pm me. I've done a lot research on this topic and it seems these possession are on the rise, regardless of religion or culture. It really concerns me because it took me over a year of trying to figure out what was wrong before I decided to be open minded about it being a possession. I saw doctors, phyciatrists, and therapists which did nothing for me because (Not suprised) all they offered were pills. What are your thoughts on this?
  21. Hey Matt, wonderful thread with lots to learn. Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. A few of my own if you will. 1. I took your advice and read Vampires way to psychic self defence, and it was a pretty decent read. Although I think the way you summed up how to face the spirits earlier in the thread was more discriptive and (personally) better. Why do you think the word of God seems to agitate these spirits so much? If possessed it seems to put people into a trance and then it's more or less what you see in the movies during an exorsism. 2. Have you ever experienced any kind of possession from enteties? If so can you explain what it was like? 3. You've mentioned getting assistance/guidence from some of these entities. What do you think is the difference from getting assistance/guidance from God? Btw krieters method along with yours seems to have worked, very interesting stuff. I think the biggest difference is the mindset, I almost welcome the challenge now. Thank you ?
  22. The love is definitely there and it's a 2 way street with the people that are close to me. But it's becoming harder to remain relevant when I'm constantly growing and they're more or less staying the same. So in conversation, the gap seems to only get bigger. I've norrowed it down to like 1/5 of the friends and this feels sooo much better, a lot less wasted time. Art is a huge part of my life, I feel like a zombie if I don't get a creative outlet. I'm currently saving up and working on my getaway plan. After that I'm leaving the "land of the free", and starting my adventure. I'm sure it'll be different after I get out of this sick society Not to hijack your thread. P. S. "This is the clock song we're setting all the clocks wrong hehe hehe" lol anyone?
  23. This thread resonates with me. I've been away from this site for a while but I've been feeling this constant urge to connect. It's hard to put into words because it's a complicated feelings that's intertwined with other thoughts/feelings. I feel like I have to constantly suppress it because when I put myself out there I never seem to feel that "connection". I've had moments where it seems to feel like I've grasped it through experiences with friends, sex, or specific instances in intimate relationships. But none of it has been sustainable. I chaulk it up to maybe I'm just not in the right place right now and I that I just have to be patient but sometimes it can be a little overwhelming. Anything like that?
  24. Hey all, For a little over a month I've been torn between what I thought was reality and what is. I pulled this off of Wikipedia. "Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. An individual who experiences inconsistency (dissonance) tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and is motivated to try to reduce this dissonance—as well as actively avoid situations and information likely to increase it.[1]" What I did was the opposite. I delved deep into self inquiry around the beginning of April. Before this I would only experience glimpses for short moments. The aftermath was uncomfortable to say the least. It would normally consist of phasing out of my current reality and what felt like seeing through a "world perspective" its a little difficult to explain. Then almost instantaneously I would begin to dry heave. Its just too overwhelming... The dry heaving would also happen when I would be triggered by certain things, For example an ant. I would literately try to experience what the ant is feeling, but it wasn't really voluntary. I had to let off and distance myself from it all for a bit. I'm not sure if it was the right move but I've had other things going on and it was all to much. Even though. I'm honestly feeling good about this.