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Posts posted by machiavelli

  1. What if Psychedelic enlightenment experience is only produced by chemicals in brain. And feeling of love is produced because of release of feel good harmones such as serotonin , dopamine etc. And we are then equating it with God's Love.

    And all experience is due to these chemicals changes which these medicines do to receptors in brain ?


  2. 21 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

    You are infinitely powerful. You are just absolute pure Love. You can make absolutely ANYTHING happen, yet you on a deep level, you don't want to just be able to walk on water or fly like an angel, cos if that happened, the beautiful dream would collapse onto itself. Boundaries/rules are nessecary to play the game of life. Which We are all playing/imagning :-)  On the other hand, I also understood that in other "dimensions of reality" you are actually doing all that. You are swimming around in Oceans of Love, flying on clouds, being all the birds, whales, having infinite amounts of sex with perfect imagined dreamed up Girls/Guys. I had all that and experienced all that doing my changa trip. I experienced anything I wanted to imagine. Just magic. Just God. DMT is truly something.

    Ellaborate what do you mean boundary and rules are necessary in this game we call LIFE. And why this dream would collapse ?

    21 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

    There has to be apparant "evil" / "wrong-doing" for God to "learn" (imagine) how to be 'Good'. You see, if there was no bad people in the world, no people doing any bad things, then what would stop you from raping/doing harm? Cos in that scenario "it hasn't been done" and therefore you might as well just do it, cos you're infinitely free and infinitely powerful to imagine whatever you want.

    It's because that God is truely INFINITE that everything exists, including hell, pain, suffering, wrong doing, rape etc. 

    If those things were not possible, then God wouldn't be God, which of course is not possible, cos God is God (is what everything is).

    God - We/I/You - are playing a delicate game of letting our imagination run amok, freely, and all kinds of "bad" things happen (World War 1/2, murder, rape starvation, the list goes on) but that is truly and fully deliberate of God. By imaginaging all the "bad" things He/She/I is capable of doing, and seeing how much pain/suffering it inflicts on to Himself, God learns to constrain Herself to only be acting out of Love. (I'm speaking relatively here, cos absolutely everything is just pure Love).

    What I mean when I say "Everything/I/You = God" is just that everything is perfectly planned, perfectly deliberate. Ultimately, nothing wrong can happen, only Love. God doesn't make actual mistakes, only "apparant" mistakes (cos She's Infinite).

    You are saying everything is pure love. How can anybody's suffering be love for GOD? People are suffering all over the world.

    Such bad things bad things happen with good people. And you are saying god loves everything?

    Rapes, murder, torture God loves it also? 

    You even dont know how my heart melts in seeing soo much suffering in world and you claim by smoking pschedelic that everything is love .

    What is this? Isnt their is some reason like Karma which decides people birth? 

    Why do some people born in good conditions and other struggle for even food in slums?

    Corruption is on the top level all around the world and everything is corrupted right from politics to food industry . And you call god loves the suffering of people? 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Heart of Space said:


    God is infinity, no?  Infinity would include both realities you mentioned here.  You seem to take some specific issue with the turning the mountain into gold part of infinity and not the consistent natural world governed by laws part of infinity.

    "The smartphone, computer you are using is build by scientist who worked day and night to invent this thing we called technology . You youself rely on your smartphone made by them . So why dont you simply materialize smartphones, computers etc by doing meditation work , psychedelic?"

    We do.  We materialize everything from the scientists to the computer chips and wiring inside the smart phone. 



    Yes we do materialize but as GOD HEAD . As INFINITY as WHOLE. not EGO human beings. 

    Why are you confusing my words with Infinite god head who is running all the show.?

    You dodge my questions by simply introducing the concept of INFINITE WHOLE. I am talking here can we as INDIVIDUAL SELF can turn mountain into gold using meditation or psychedelic infront of 7.5 billion people on earth and everybody witnessing how you defy all the laws of nature made by WHOLE .

  4. @Heart of Space See you yourself are confusing with normal waking conscious reality and higher states of consciousness. My point was if by doing intense meditation, taking psychedelic could transform you into GOD HEAD and thereby changing your own reality which is based upon laws created by you itself  which has infinite design in it. This makes it simply magic. Not intelligence. I am more into believing that god (we) does limit of what it can do in reality. You are hell bent in believing that you can even turn mountain into gold by imagination and everbody around you will see it in normal waking consciousness. So why do all spiritual masters say " God Limit itself to experience what we call life ".

    If we simply can do magic by taking drugs and reach radical states of consciousness then why we are even wasting our time on technology. Why are wasting our time on study natural science ? 

    The smartphone, computer you are using is build by scientist who worked day and night to invent this thing we called technology . You youself rely on your smartphone made by them . So why dont you simply materialize smartphones, computers etc by doing meditation work , psychedelic ? 




  5. 25 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

    @machiavelli Dude, why ur so stubborn? You're clearly not doing the work

    Serious meditation will clearly give you those states you're seeking for, but you have to put effort into it. 

    I am already meditating for many years and cant still materialize things out of thin air while everybody is infront of me.

  6. @SpiritualAwakening That was for heart of space not for you. He thinks people can do anything in reality and bends reality according to their needs and defy everything. Why will a infinite intelligence will design a reality where there is no laws and everything can do magic by materializing everything . 

  7. 6 minutes ago, SpiritualAwakening said:


    There are certain people like, Mahavatar Babaji, Sri Gorakhnath etc which supposedly manifested a golden palace out of thin air, converted a portion of a mountain into gold and reconverted it to its former condition. Pissing on a rock and turning it to gold. NOW when it comes to Maha-avatar babaji, they say he had an extra ordinary powers, he could materialize food from thin air but when it comes to materializing GOLD and other JEWELS he would do it easily but would never use his powers for his personal benefits and selfish desires. Gold doesn't even come from this planet, so you can imagine the ways of 'defying the laws of this universe' they supposedly could. Mahavatar Babaji supposedly was a master of this physical plain and he could do anything imaginable just with his mind.


    What type of drugs you use to believe such far fetched claims? I want to smoke such drugs .

    Pissing on a rock and turning it to gold. Seriously?

    Converted a portion of mountain into GOLD? seriously? 

    Materializing food from thin air? Why dont he solved the world hunger crisis when every day thousands of children dies in his own country ? 

    Why he has not solved the world problems of non-renewable natural resources and scarcity of water by just materializing everything? 

    His country alone is living in extreme poverty and everyday millions of people in INDIA goes to sleep hungary. Why he hasn't materialized everything defying the laws of reality under which he was operating?


  8. 10 minutes ago, Heart of Space said:

    These threads are difficult.  Those coming from a materialist paradigm will never be able to open there mind enough to be able to understand and experience the infinite nature of consciousness without great effort.  

    In fact, it's completely pointless to engage in this conversation or debate in the first place.

    It is 1000 % the duty of those who are stuck within the materialist paradigm to escape it.  Otherwise this conversation is pointless.

    @Heart of Space  I am not a materialistic . Why dont you say you can wipe out air from earth by shear accessing such degrees of consciousness that other people on earth dies?

    why dont you say you can transform water into fire?

    why dont you say you can teleport to moon with your body by accessing such states of consciousness and going back to earth while still in your body?

    This reality operates under laws of natures which operate upon itself. Have you ever seen someone materializing something out of thin air while everybody around them witnessing them?

  9. 6 minutes ago, SpiritualAwakening said:

    @machiavelli If you have a partial perception, which is limited, then what the laws of reality are for you are limited to that perception, this all requires radical open-mindedness and willingness. The materialist would never in their 'right' minds ever consider having a telepathic conversation with a 'dead' family member to be true. Or even a telepathic experience that was meant to heal a trauma of the past with a person who is still in their material form. So how can you think you know where the boundaries of the laws of nature lie?


    No,  I am not a materialistic. I know telepathy exist in the premise of consciousness.

    But the thing which he claiming is too far fetched. For example on one point LEO says GOD limits us so that we can have this experience called life.

    On other hand he says in his forum that you can materialize anything out of thin air by accessing radical super human levels of consciousness.

    What to believe now? 

    If we can twist and change the rules of nature that too when the same rules are applying on every single being living in universe then where is the concept of limit ? If we can do anything we desire then we dont need technology and we dont need to study sciences then. We all should start using psychedelics like DPT and access such high degrees of consciousness and make the life of our dream.

  10. @SpiritualAwakening OK then go and try materializing stones out of thin air and record a video for us.

    Fly in air as reality is imaginary.

    Change laws of this reality made by god (You/ME ) by converting water into wine thereby defying chemistry laws upon which our whole reality is based.

    walk on water as water is imaginary too.


  11. 12 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

    If you go outside and find a stone, you are materializing it out of thin air. And "everyone" will see it as well, no DPT needed.  :P 

    You are not understanding. I was asking by reaching super high levels of non dual consciousness can we materialize dinosaur into this reality and everybody will see it in waking reality. 

    Whether we can convert our half our body into animal body by reaching radical states of consciousness and everybody on earth in this dimension will see it by defying all laws of nature, biology, chemistry or science.

    Whether we can convert water into wine by reaching those radical non dual states of consciousness and everybody on earth will see it .

  12. @Leo Gura

    9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


    If you access the states of consciousness I am talking about "other people" will dissolve along with the planet you are standing on.


    Thats what I was asking whether other people will see it or not.  And you claimed in forum that you can materialize stone out of thin air and everyone will be able to see that in normal waking reality.

    Those radical states can be achieved only using Pyschedelic such as 5 MEO DMT or DPT . And they are short term effects. Once you get down to your normal waking consciousness reality stone will be not there . Its all happening in mind. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I don't know. Nobody knows. There is no algorithm for it. It's not something the ego can control.

    Find out and come back and tell us.

    You are treating this topic as though we have all the answers when in fact we have almost none of the answers. To answer your questions would require 1000 years of scientific research.

    So why make such radical claims then? 

    Now you are saying we need 1000 years of scientific research to prove any siddhis. You previously stated all the limits are imaginary and everything imagination. And we can do anything by accessing super human levels of NON DUAL consciousness. 

    For ex- If we accessed such radical super human states of consciousness and changed the water into wine will other people will see it as wine? 

    Isnt other people are still having EGO . 

    If one person trancends his EGO SELF and somehow accessed Radical states of non dual consciousness will turning all the ocean of water in the world into wine will make it appear as ocean of wine for all the 7.5 billion people of earth. ?

  14. 4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    By definitions Siddhis violate the rules of physics, chemistry, biology, and science.

    All those rules are imaginary and you gain Siddhis in direct proportion to your consciousness that those rules are imaginary.

    The limit is nothing other than your level of consciousness. As your consciousness becomes infinite all the rules melt away into nothing until you are completely God, with infinite creative capacity.

    But it is not how you think. God' infinite creative capacity cannot be used for any selfish act. It can only be used for Love, and this Love is so total and absolute that you have zero control or say over it. So it's the opposite of what you want: you as God become totally powerless.

    We break those "rules" with science all the time. We call it technology.

    You might as well ask, "What are the limits of science?" And the answer is, none. Science is unlimited if you keep doing it long enough.

    Because the ego-self is an illusion and it does not control much. Control itself is an illusion.

    Just because a wall in a video game is virtual does not mean the game character can walk through it -- as you might expect.

    Religions claim a lot of bullshit. It's mostly exaggerated myths.

    Thanks for replying. 

    Could you explain how much effort it is required to just attain ability like reading minds, telekinisis , telepathy etc? I mean what is the procedure to attain it? How much years it requires?

    Can any human being attain such super human abilties to read minds of others using meditation ? How tough is to hold such abilities ? Do we have  to take psychedelic constantly or be in meditate state most of your time? As our ego self will kick in as soon as we stop doing meditation.


  15. 37 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Firstly, I did not make a definitive claim. I simply questioned your assumption that he was human.

    Why do you assume he was? Can you see that that's just an assumption?

    Again, this depends on who you are and where you start from. For ordinary people this is true. For exception beings, who might not even be human, they could access such states easily and naturally.


    So what in your opinion whats possible in this waking reality to be achieved by siddhis? Without destroying all the rules of physics, chemistry , biology or science under which waking reality is predicated upon.

    You can have telepathy, telekinesis, OBE's , insane levels of concentration, control over mind/ body , mind reading, leaving physical body and travelling astral realms,etc etc. But whats the limit?

    Obviously god (We) built limits of what we can achieve as a human to have experience what we call life. Otherwise we would be twisting the laws of nature. As everything is interconnected with each other . And everything is made by infinite intelligence . Changing one facet will break down whole structure of reality and distort all laws under which our universe operate.

    Whats the limit to siddhis you are mentioning? Where to put boundary of what we can do without distorting laws of nature for every single being on earth as rules are same for 7.5 billion people.

    You said reality is dream and dinasaur is created by you using imagination inside mind. And their is no difference in outside and inside as everything is one mind. So, why cant we materialize dinasaur in in this waking dream we call reality?

    Religions claim that they can convert their human body into size of atom and can be back again in normal human size. Do you seriously think this is even possible to convert your whole human body into a size of atom and back to normal size again without using advanced technology by using just siddhis. But religions claim that. 

  16. @Adamq8 Yes that what I  was saying . God ( us ) limits itself to have this experience called life. Otherwise we would be twisting all laws of nature.

    But LEO is saying by Siddhis we can materialize stone out of thin air. By reaching such super radical states of consciousness we can can convert water into wine.

    He always insists reality is imaginary so that implies we can materialize anything out of thin air and twist and turn rules of biology.

    Yes ,We can convert water in to wine. But using technology not consciousness. 

    His claims make religion scriptures true. That means all by reaching such radical high states of consciousness we can control whether also. Then why waste time working on technology to fix our nature? 

    He also claimed once in forum he can cure all the humans on earth by shear imagination when one enters NON DUAL state and reach such radical states of consciousness that you can twist and turn reality and play with God's creation and breaks all laws . You can heal yourself its being proven again and again . Several people across the world have done it. But why claim you can cure everything by shear imagination?

    Even if you reach such super human consciousness you cant change structure of reality which is based upon . I.e dualism.

    There has to be some boundary and rules. We progressed this far into technology using science which works under observable laws of nature.



  17. 18 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    @Fadl Jesus may have been exceptionally spiritually gifted and it happened spontaneously.   Meditation and self inquiry works by quieting the egoic mind and also deconstructing the selfish self by an inquiry into what you are...Psychedelics could be tremendous tool to use as well.

    So jesus was ordinary human being like us? How does he able to do such things if leo says even meditating for 40 years straight non stop you cant achieve such degrees of consciousness that 5MEO DMT Provides. 

    So can we say jesus was using psychedelic to perform miracles by walking on water or these are just made up stories written in bible?