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Posts posted by machiavelli

  1. 15 hours ago, Shin said:

    Why is that important if souls exist ?

    Why do you need someone to tell you if they exist or not ?

    Assuming they do exist, so what ?

    Assuming they don't exist, so what ?

    Why do you need to know ?

    @Shin It is important because several important questions is left unanswered because of it.
    Is there a karmic debt attached to souls?
    If karma is true than it means there is judgement after we die.
    Because conditions in which we will born in next life depends on our karma.

  2. @Ananta His explanation of it makes soul sound separate from consciousness . Like soul is something separate from consciousness which has its own memory imprints and personality called ego.
    But what Leo has taught us that Soul /atman do not exist and is illusion. And their is no karmic debt. Everything is love and their is no judgement after death . Which contradicts religious teachings of buddhism and hinduism . Which advocate that their is karmic debt attached to each soul and after a person die they get judged and their next life conditions are based upon their karma. So isnt it all means there is judgement after we die?


    15 hours ago, Ananta said:

    The Atma/Atman is no other then Brahman (It's same-same!), it's just that the Atma/Atman is what they call the portion of Brahman that is within the subtle and gross body. So, some call it  the soul or the true Self. Which some think to mean "self " with a small "s".


    Again as per your explanation soul which is portion of brahman is within subtle and gross body . This implies consciousness and subtle and gross body are completely separate . 
    Who is generating the gross body and subtle body?


  3. 35 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

    This is why stuff like "you are not real" or "you were never born" doesn't work...

    @AtheisticNonduality  What do you mean? Whom Shall I believe?

    Leo teaches something else and NDE'rs say something else.

    On on hand NDE'rs , OBEs , Astral Projections etc on other hand pyschedelics and experience of NON -Duality.

    Some are saying Soul does not exist. Some are saying soul do exist and is inside body.

    What do you mean by inside body? Is soul is separate from body ? --> means dualism .

    Means our body is not a projection of consciousness. It is separate from atma/soul. 

    This thing has shattered by whole paradigm of Non-Dualism.  And nobody is able to give satisfactory answers to why soul exist separate from body when body is mere thought in the consciousness??


  4. 22 minutes ago, The0Self said:

    Sure, there is no reincarnation. Absolutely. But there also aren't people... If there is an apparent experience of people as real, don't overlook the possibility of an apparent experience of reincarnation as real.

    @The0Self But reincarnation is proved to be true. There are some documented cases of people across the world where people can remember their past lifes on earth. Some claim that they were born on other planets light years far from us. 

    The whole notion of atma triggers duality . As soon as soul/atman exist then it implies it exist separate from body and is located somewhere in body. Otherwise what is that leaves the body during death of physical body? 
    If soul exist then it means that whole notion of our body is Mind or consciousness is wrong. And we cant have influence on our body. As body and soul are different.

  5. @Dodo

    Their has been a debate going on for a long time.

    Buddhist believe there is no individualized self, even though many posit that there is reincarnation. They offer no explanation as to what is being reincarnated.

    Vedanta believes that the self is not what you think it is but there is an individualized self called the Atman. What happens to the Atman when we die is debated within Vedanta.

    Whats your view on reincarnation then? What is being reincarnated again and again if there is no soul?

    I still is not satisfied with explanation of soul. I can see everybody is giving different answers like they are clueless. 

    If soul is inside the body than its changes the whole meaning of " OUR WHOLE BODY IS MIND/ CONSCIOUSNESS " thing. That means soul is different from consciousness. 

    Why are people able to retain experience of their own personality after dying during their NDE if ego dissolves after death.

    Leo teaches that ego dissolves at the time of death. But NDEr's say something different. They say they have their memories intact and their individuality and ego. Which is contradiction to teachings of LEO.

    How could it be possible ego is surviving after death? 

  6. 1 hour ago, Dodo said:

    I believe that what Leo is saying is that atman is imaginary and therefore not real (therefore no atman). That only Brahman/nothingness/Everythingness is real because it cannot be imagined. While the atman POV can be imagined. I guess! (we are imagining it right now :D ) 

    @Dodo So you mean its exist separate from body? 

    Why do it separate from body at the time of death? Its is documented several times during OBE's that consciousness survives the death of physical body . And it leave the physical body at the time of death. So how come our consciousness is imagining our body if atman is inside body and leaves the body at the time of death? It shows atman is separate from body. 

  7. 9 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

    The Atman is God/Brahman... The Atman is your personally designed portal to yourself as God/Brahman. 

    @BipolarGrowth Is it secondary to consciousness? Or is it consciousness itself?

    How will you explained where people have witness soul leaving the body at the time of death of physical body? People have witessed it throught their own eyes.

    If Atma/soul is what projects the body then is it possible that after the ceasation of consciousness at the time of death the body can be seen by other people on earth ? Isnt our soul is imagining the body at first place?

    And how will you explain people retaining their ego identity and their personality after they die during their near death experiences? 

  8. @Leo Gura How do you explain the cases where people retaining their individual ego identity after dieing and having near death experiences. After researching about hundreds of NDE and OBE's one thing is really sure these people retain their personality and ego after they die. Which is clearly contradictory to what people on psychedelic teach .

    Secondly how can  you explain encounters with souls which are being seen by people by naked eye and is caught on films. Even ghost siting is very common. There is abundant proof of existence of souls which operate separate from body. People have even captured wandering souls stuck on this material realm. They are often confused whether they are alive or dead. So keeps wandering in material realm and has not crossed into Light yet.

    Is this all illusion created by atma? You say their is no atma. But Hinduism and Buddhism both advocate the belief in atma which separates body at the time of death. I myself witness many cases where people have witness soul leaving the body and floating above the physical body just after death of a person.

    How it is possible that NDErs retain ego identity after they die? 
    Is soul is what that produce EGO? Have you ever pondered over this thought? 
    Maybe Soul is what is responsible for EGO and after we die we retain our EGO identity as EGO/atma survives the death of physical body.

    Secondly you say their is only consciousness and consciousness projects the body. But why do after ceasation of consciousness at the tiime of death the body also disappears for others? As our body is also imagination of consciousness. 

    Thirdly their is major belief in hinduism and Buddhism that our atma is subjected to cycle of birth and death according to karmic ties which our atma /soul is bounded with. Soul gets born again and again in this samsara until all the karmic debt is empty. What is your belief on this?


  9. I have some serious dillema regarding concept of soul/ Atma and the consciousness. If my body is mere a projection of consciousness then what is that , that separate from physical body at the time of death?

    We have now thousands of concrete proof regarding existence of soul . From OBE's to NDE . It is again and again show body and soul are two different thing. Even the religion such as hinduism and buddhism both advocate the existence of atma. And says its atma that is tied to cycle of birth and death based on karmic debt.

    They attribute atma is the cause of everything and the reason for existence of anything.

    When people die their soul /atma leave their body and merge with the higher self. Body is left behind . Hinduism says that atma sits inside body . Science has never able to trace where soul is located inside human body. Some yogis or sages  had said its pineal gland where soul is located. 

    But as per research of D.R Rick strassman in DMT THE SPIRIT MOLECULE he concludes in research that brain is receiver of consciousness. Brain is like radio which itself is not consciousness but it receives consciousness from outside source 


    Now as per thousands of NDE 's , OBE , and as per religion like hinduism atma is separate from body. And is separated at from the body at the time of death. Which is contradictory to what leo has taught us.

    Leo said our whole body is consciousness. But religion , NDEs, OBEs , Astral projections etc say otherwise.

    If atma is separate from the body then the notion that whole body is mind is wrong. Because atma sits inside the body and is separated from body at the time of death.

    Also According to D.R Rick Strassman brain is only receiver of consciousness. Then it means body and consciousness is separate. And consciousness is same as soul and it leave human body at the time of death.

    This has serious implication . It means our body is not mind. we are atma inside body. As we die we can see our body from outside. This has documented several times inside laboratory conditions as well as by OBEs and NDEs .   

    Second concern is how could when a person die he can retain his ego?

    This has been proved and documented again and again that people after dieing able to have their human ego individual identity intact during their near death experience.

    I think leo is missing something here. How could people after dieing can think in the same way as on earth when they reach other side? It is documented they were able to retain memories and all their behaviour and personality on other side. Which is contrary to what people on psychedelic teach.

    If this body is projection of consciousness then where is the place of soul / atma left?

    How could it be possible then when we die others could see our body. And could burn or cremate it as per religious tradition . Isnt if the source of the body is consciousness then the body should dissappear too with loss of individual consciousness?

    How can you explain this paradox?



  10. 29 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

    Your radical spiritual Truths will likely have a small effect on helping people to awaken on your Facebook. Bottom line — it’s your social media. You want to express yourself. I say just fucking do it. You can hide your true self from your social media if you want, but this only adds to the esotericism, stigma, etc. If you’re doing covert-ops nonduality practice and no one knows that it’s one of your main passions, it just seems like a double loss. They don’t see the true you, you don’t express yourself, and they have less of a chance of being exposed to Truth which their soul is certainly searching for at some level. You might plant the seed in someone’s mind which leads them to dig deeper and discover themselves as Infinity, Love, etc. 


    I used to post to Facebook 40 times a day during manic episodes in straight up Connor Murphy fashion. You know what that did? The people who didn’t matter much in my life are gone (and that includes some old close friends who weren’t right for me and I was no longer right for them), and now I have people who truly support me as who I spend my time talking to. You can dance perfectly for fake people who could give a rat’s ass about yourself by hiding what you want to post and who you are, or you could just express yourself as you wish. I know what I prefer. 

    @BipolarGrowth I wrote once " God is mothingness " in my facebook post .

    And I havent recieved a like.

    Most of my friend circle is religious. They worship many gods. 

    Idea of God is You seems threatening to their belief in their god sitting in sky.

    Now my likes on normal post got reduced too. Dont know why.

    I post political post alot too.

  11. @Roy

    I feel I am addicted to Facebook. I check facebook atmost 25 times a day.

    I have posted that God is nothingness on facebook post . And my post haven't recieved a like.

    I still feel urge to post . But this is damaging to my social life. People think I am weird.

    My likes has decreased now. For normal post too I receive less likes as compared to previous. 

    My intention is only to enlighten people. But they are very religious.


  12. 7 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

    There’s nothing wrong with it, but it probably will do nothing but repulse 90% of people and bring the 10% of spiritual people on your Facebook closer to you. If you’re in it for popularity, stop. If you’re in it to increase the chance you get to meet like-minded people in your area, it’s not bad, but remember even the most spiritual people will likely disagree with much of what you believe as it’s far too radical. 


    Such posting is likely not dangerous to anyone’s health as no one probably takes your word seriously enough (no offense, same goes for me) to harm themselves off of some nondual Facebook posts you put up. 

    @BipolarGrowth  I feel the urge to post radical Truths on facebook . I have several times posted TRUTH on my timeline which have more than 100 of college friends and professor of my college and teachers. Who are not into spirituality and most of them are very religious.

    Now my likes have decreased since then. I feel they think I am weird.  I feel I should post radical TRUTH on Social Media to help other people . To set them into the path of enlightenment . But they are religious. And cant even think beyond their religion.

    So I am confused whether to post radical stuff on facebook or not? Should I be posting?



    6 minutes ago, Understander said:

    @machiavelli Buy why do you do it? 

    When people don't understand what's being said (if you truly know about it) they will think your weird and weirdness is generally a bad sign in mainstream. Even if they like it, most of them don't understand it. Facebook is not the right place to say or post spiritual stuff in my opinion.

    @Understander I dont know I often feel the urge out of lonliness to post TRUTH on Facebook. And I have done it several times.

    But after the suicide of one person on this forum , I wonder whether posting radical think can trigger depression . What if they find the truth and started believing it and went to depression ?
    They will probably brush off my post as they are religious.

    In fact most of them dont even like my enlightenment post. 

    Now my likes has decreased since then. Like volume has decreased since I started opening myself up more.

    I want to clear that most of my friends on facebook are religious and worship their gods.


  14. I am pursuing enlightenment since many years. And I often feel the urge to post on my facebook account that Life is a dream in infinite mind of god, You are God, There is no others etc Post like that. 
    I posted many times enlightenment sayings such as of ramana maharshi , Allan Watts, Muktananada,  Ram Das, Adyashanti etc.

    Now people have stopped liking my post . I have witness people are not liking my post more as compared to previous.
    They think I am strange and weird.

    And after suicide of that person on this forum , it concern me whether I am doing even something right by posting on timeline that you are God, There is no others etc. And other enlightenment sayings.

    Most of my friends on facebook are very religious. And worship gods. 

    And I am highly spiritually and into enlightenment.  And several times felt urge to post such things on my facebook .

    Is this my EGO that is posting such posts . As I am showing off look guys I am into spirituality. 

    Can it harm other people by discovering the TRUTH?? As most of the people are religious and worship gods . And have full faith in their religious.

    I sometimes feel urge to write Truth on facebook Publicly .  


  15. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Yes, but that's not what is being considered in my question. The question is how to change the physical flow of material reality.

    For example, I once was so conscious I could almost reach a point where I could turn on and off the lights in my room using my mind. But I still was not conscious enough.

    According to my theory, if you become conscious enough you should be able to send an email to anyone in the world using your mind. The only thing stopping it is your lack of consciousness.

    @Leo Gura Can you tell me if it is possible for anybody to turn ON/OFF lights using meditation or doing yoga? You say meditation and yoga is nothing as compared to states we reach on psychedelics. Even if we do serious contemplation and yoga for decades. 

    And also dont you feel the states you are talking about is extremely hard to reach. Is there any person who have reached such states of consciousness and done serious stuff that bend all laws of nature? Had he done it using meditation or Yoga?

    Can he sustain that consciousness state while being sober ?


  16. What do you mean when people in psychedelic trip says God is beyond every form, sight, speech or thought? I have read many breakthrough trips and many of them says God is imagining mind, body and thoughts. 

    That means everything done by me is done by GOD who is running this world?

    Every thought, action, speech is not made by me but GOD?

    What exactly people mean when they say God is formless , infinite , omniscient etc?  

    Can infinite god be explained using finite image?