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Everything posted by machiavelli

  1. @Kksd74628 It feels like I already deep down knew about it. But I was confused with leos explanation of reality video. I was thinking universe exist when even I am not aware of it. But this thing was negative dream analogy. Because in dream , each frame occurs one at a time.
  2. @Kksd74628 So it means universe is complete fantasy i.e it donot exist? There is just this present moment . And each frame of movie is rendered just like dream?
  3. @Kksd74628 That means the universe is rendered one frame at a time. Right?
  4. @Kksd74628 Have you seen LEOs ultimate structure of reality explained video? Is he talking here about relative truth. He said many times universe didnt exist. Present moment is all that exist. And even done a great job in deconstructing the illusion . How I am constructing the dream on scratch. But here it seems like whole universe exist. With people in it. And their POV also. Isnt this video contradicting the dream?
  5. @Someone here Universe or reality donot exist. It is not like what you think it. Universe donot stretches in all directions for infinity. Because universe donot exist. Only present moment exist. What you are aware right now , precisely what exist in entire reality. Nothing more. Just like in night dreams.
  6. @Inliytened1 But there is one POV right ? Just like in night time dreams? Thats why we say I become lucid in dream. As others are not conscious . But just images appearing in dream. I ( GOD) am imagining their dialogue also. Their body also. But they dont have internal thoughts. Otherwise it would be many POV at the same time which contradicts solipsism. And will mean others exist at the same time. Or others dream exist at the same time as yours. In my dream only my POV is absolute .
  7. @Inliytened1 But In dream I have only one POV i.e mine. And others dont have their POV. How can you say others have their own POV in dream? You are contradicting yourself.
  8. @Inliytened1 The thing you are missing is others are not conscious when you are conscious. There are not multiple POV happening simulatenously. Check original justfortoday post. Only one instance of consciousness is " ON" at a time. How can there be infinite number of POV at the same time? In night time dream do others have their own pov? Do they have their own thoughts?
  9. @Kksd74628 Thanks for replying. Checkout this trip report. This guy says in his magic mashroom trip he was living all possibilities simultaneously. Am I understanding something wrongly here or he meant something else? Read the report please.
  10. @Kksd74628 Actually the only thing is preventing me realizing I am GOD is this time issue. From my direct experience I can tell my pov is absolute truth and what I see is only thing exist in whole reality. This makes sense too. But what LEO points in his video is he says that I am imagining other timelines also and people living in it. In his Advanced GOD realization video he states time is what I am imagining right now. And what I am doing is I have selected this particular timeline for myself as GOD to live from the ball of infininte timelines that can be imagined simulataneously. It seems I am imagining this dream which I am living. And I am also dreaming infinite number of dreams in which I am living your life in some another dream at the same time. But the thing is I am aware of my dream only. And all other dreams are happening without my awareness or without I am being aware that I am living through them. Now the problem that arisis is if I am having this POV and this POV is only thing that exist. How can other dreams be happening simumatenously ? Its like I am not aware that I am living other dreams but aware of my dream only. Which donot makes sense. Bec I am aware of my pov only. How can other dream be happening without me witnessing it?
  11. @justfortoday I was reading your post. But isnt you are contradicting yourself by saying other people in my dream are having thoughts ( own internal monologue) and in original post you said others are empty suits imagined by me. And their is only one instance of consciousness " ON " right now. Please clarify this confusion.
  12. @Inliytened1 Illusion of others is what holding me back to enjoy myself fully as GOD. . My mind says " yeah ofcourse I am god, so are other people". Whats special in this? I can enjoy fully as GOD , when my dream and your dream is separate. And I am the sole dreamer of my dream. Dreaming up every people I meet in my dream. The reason why I am not able to realize I am full GOD is because of multiple point of views issue. How GOD is having one experience at a time and others are just images I am projecting in present moment or bubble. Leo made the solipsism video. That could have helped me. But he deleted it. The video could have helped me atleast in giving pointer.
  13. @Inliytened1 yes in dream I dont see it but when I get lucid in dream I know I am imagining others . You didnt answered my question you simply ignored. I am asking is my present experience is all that exist. ( just like what happens in night time dream). And their is no universe outside my bubble of experience?
  14. @Inliytened1 I had an insight why I am only thing that exist. Please confirm whether this insight is true. Right now I am sitting in my room. And this bubble is what all it exist. I am this bubble. And their is nothing exist outside the walls of my room. No universe. No human beings. No reality. Just this bubble. I am imagining that other people exist outside this bubble in my mind in the present moment. So wherever I go I imagine new things . The humans imagined by me are empty costumes just like in dream with no internal thoughts of their own. Nothing. Just appearance. Can you clarify I am right?
  15. @Leo Gura @Inliytened1 I got an insight right now that the present moment I am experiencing is all that exist . When I am sitting in my room the bubble of my visual field is all that exist . And their is no universe outside my room. I am just imagining that their are other people outside my room and universe. wherever I go I imagine people in my visual field. But these people are just hollow empty with no thoughts and consciousness. Just like rest of objects I see . In this way I am imagining whole reality from scratch and their is no world that exist outside my bubble. When I am sitting in my room . Other people donot exist outside the walls. Its just I am imagining time, space, history, birth ,etc in my mind. I want to you to verify this insight.
  16. @Someone here I want that solipsism video. LEO why did you delete that . We care about Truth.
  17. @justfortoday Ok that means the present moment in dark field is what it all exist? And their is nothing but the present moment. If I am experiencing the room which I am sitting in , in present moment in my dark field. Do people outside the room exist? ( If I am witnessing just the room).
  18. @justfortoday Ohh that means there is no universe outside when I am sitting in my room. My room is all that exist when I am having the experience of room. All other things I am imagining around present moment . Their is no others outside my room . How couldnt I able to understand this in my whole dream.
  19. @justfortoday You say dark field is all there is . Can you tell is this dark field outside my head and stretches to infinity? Or is it just limited to my head area? Second question- Is present experience is all there is? Do people exist outside the walls of my room? Or they non existent? When I sitting in my room . Do world exist outside my room? Or just my present experience is all there is that exist?
  20. @Inliytened1 It would really help if you can inbox me. Please.
  21. @Kksd74628 Yes I understood what you explained . But why others say they have their own pov? If I am the only pov that exist and others are figments of my imagination . Then why others say they are having their own POV and can tell everything about me. ?
  22. @Someone here It makes sense. But how will you explain that other people saying we have our own poin of view. If I ask my friends they will say they are having their POV. If I am imagining the dialogue of my parents then will it affect their dream? if I am all alone and others donot exist and I am imagining other people in present moment how does sequence happen ? If I imagine my parent dialogue as machiavelli in present dream will I as my parent in their dream imagine machiavelli asking the same question to them? Who imagined first? Who imagined first is it me in my dream or parent in another dream? Or dreams are completely separate? Having no affect on one another?