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About machiavelli

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  1. @zurew Please answer this last question. Because if our dreams are connected it would mean my dream is not soverign. But leo said in his video that Godheads are having collective dream. What does it mean? does it mean separate independent dreams or shared dream where every finite selve is fueled by different infinity?
  2. @zurew What does it mean when Leo says we all Godheads are playing collective dream? Does it mean in my dream other people are Soverign and infinite? Like for example we all are different infinities and each of us dreaming each other up in this collective dream? or Collective dream means separate dreams dreamt up by different godheads completely disconnected to each others dream?
  3. @zurew What does it mean when Leo says we all Godheads are playing collective dream? Does it mean in my dream other people are Soverign and infinite? Like for example we all are different infinities and each of us dreaming each other up in this collective dream? or Collective dream means separate dreams dreamt up by different godheads completely disconnected to each others dream?
  4. @zurew Multiple consciousness is not possible. Its first time on earth I am hearing somebody saying multiple absolute/ infinite consciousness . Every non-dual teacher said Consciousness is one and singular. The very fact LEO is imagining other Infinite consciousness , says he is imagining them and he was not in infinite state . Or he was somewhat was in lower consciousness state.
  5. @machiavelli If one consciousness become absolute others would collapse onto it. There would be no room for others to exist. If not your consciousness is not absolute then. This was what inlightened1 said. There would be always parts left of yourself that couldnt collapse onto you because they were living their own lives.
  6. @GreenWoods But why to make it separate infinity? Are you even getting what we are saying? Consciousness is singular. However he can fragment it into finite parts by imagining limitation. All sentient beings conscious is finite and is part of larger God's consciousness. Its just infinite consciousness fragmenting its own singular infinite consciousness into finite consciousness which is part of same singular infinite consciousmess .
  7. @GreenWoods So whats the need of separate infinity for each limited sentient being ? when the same thing can be achieved by one singular infinite consciousness by fragmenting its own consciousness into finite parts.
  8. @GreenWoods You mean 7.5 billion humans are in limited form right now but they each can raise their consciousness to infinity ? Like you are limited human being and all 7.5 billions sentient humans are finite too. But they can raise their consciousness to infinity and merge back into infinity and dissolve?
  9. @GreenWoods How can these finite human selves be its own infinity? Whats the need of another infinity? When the thing can be achieved by one infinity. all human selves are finite. They can raise their consciousness though to infinity. But that infinity is same for all 7.5 billion humans. Its just finite fragmented parts of same singular infinite consciousness.
  10. @GreenWoods This is classical non-duality. And why claim separate infinities then, when in actual all human selves are same infinity? why to make more layers to infinity. inlightened1 is right .
  11. @Razard86 what do you mean by making copies? I am infinity itself. There is nothing but my mind. Where the place left for copies? I cant be whole without those other copies. Unless all dreams are happening at different time . One dream at a time.
  12. @GreenWoods But contemplation without direct conscious of is mental masturbation and is just assumptions. I am talking about leo too. At one point he says something and other time he changes and completely contradicts all his teaching. Many people are suffering mental disturbances due to you all guys. Stop this mental mastubation . Without directly experiencing truth by doing pschedelics you cant just guess and mislead people. THIS IS DANGEROUS TO MISLEAD PEOPLE. You are just mentally developing ideas in mind to explain away solipsism . Because you fear that it might be true.
  13. @Razard86 But leo said he was doing telepathy to other dreamer. This contradict solipsim. That means you are tapping into other dream.
  14. @GreenWoods This is all mental masturbation. Until you directly become conscious off something and figured out whole reality. How it function. How infinity function. This is misleading and mental masturbation.
  15. @zurew I know you are not having experience. Its exactly like night time dream. I am a sole dreamer. But you said " you are all the infinite parts and whole at the same time ". This I was asking. Do you means I am all the infinite finite parts of dream ? Right?