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Everything posted by UnlovingGod
Yeah, those experiences are kinda cool, cause you see the real influences with the Imagination, but man would it be too stressful, to be in control of everything, it's like being a president, I couldnt do it alone. For couple of hours is fun, but you really learn to enjoy the limitation of your control, it gives you so much more peace and surprise in life.
I've got my first egodeath on weed before I didnt even know of actialized.org and spirituality. I was always a curious kid and when I was one time high, I questioned myself, who is the I in the brain. And reality felt like a monitor without a viewer, I was just the monitor in a space and I had such absurd panic, I couldnt really put this experience into perspective. After watching Leo's content, I had an awakaning on Councioussness, that councioussness is Love, God realization and that every moment that I lived through was Love's will. Well I took like a one year pause of Weed to integrate all this stuff. Then I took one push of weed and I realized, how I was fantasizing what my friend, was about to say. I went to a party, smoked Weed and I was Jesus and felt like the people suddenly knew that Jesus was at the party, because I didnt say anything and everybody wanted to take pictures of me, talk to me etc. I was able to control the music at the party at my will. At this party there was a like a street fighter console from the 90s, I don't really know, never have played it and some random dude challenged me on it. I had no clue what I was doing, I just looked at the screen letting my hands do their thing and I beat him. 1 month later I ate a cookie with some friends, I was again able to control the music and be the music, I did a lil freestyle and felt Biggie Smalls was spitting his bars through my mouth. We went to a party and I just sat there when a girl took a seat next to me and through pure concentration I fucked her. While she was doing her movements next to me on the couch and we never looked each other in the eyes. Now I'm integrating all this...
For example with the music, there was guy that sat at the table, at my will I played the most obnoxious mexican pistolero song, that was about the love I give through killing him, I took my lighter pointed it at him, the lighter was like my baton for the music, I popped two times a fire, gunshots in the music. He got REALLY angry, but the music was so obnoxiously taking him all the dignity and any power, that he just retreated and I had to laugh like a psycopath.
UnlovingGod replied to UnlovingGod's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
People really overstimate the level of counciousness in the west, too. There are a lot of purple and a fuck ton of red and deeply blue people, too, in the US and in Europe. -
UnlovingGod replied to UnlovingGod's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Sorry, cant delete those quotes. What do you think are china's intentions with those investements in africa and latinamerica. What do you think are US intentions in their interventions. Both want power, but there are many degrees of the goodness of power. The US doesn't give a flying fuck about the souveranity of other countries and it can be seen in so many so obvious ways, that It would really be a disgrace of my time to elobarate them. China has also just loyality to China. But they respect the souveranity of every country. Of course a industrialised latin america and africa are in interest of china as trade partners and future allies. But they don't care which government is governing the country, even more so that latin american countries are democratic. China doesn't care. The only one who cares, which president was elected by the people of their country is the US and you can see it in the various coups. If you look into the loans, those are fair conditions. Investements > overthrowing the government, not taking any responsibilities about the future of the country, not elobarating further. -
UnlovingGod replied to UnlovingGod's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
China is not yellow that's for sure. The politicians are certainly solid yellow, the foreign policies are just way more counciouss than Americans and European one's. What are you saying with capital enterprises? Substituted bussiness probably. Yeah there's a lot of critic, that those bussiness have an edge over other foreign bussiness, because they can sell at a lower price and the exchange rate of the Yuan is also somewhat controlled by China. So what, independence from the stock market? Every bussiness needs investors, and if it's the chinese government, that invests? So what? What's the problem that bussiness isnt as profit incentive in China as in western countries? And state interventions happen in China in way more noumerous orders in the economy just than substituted bussiness. Western countries don't understand how modern money works, it's not real, it's imaginary. It's not gold that has intrinsic value, it is just paper and the government has full control of it. One of the few good quotes of Trump "We print the money". Inflation doesn't correlate as stupid with the amount of money flowing through an economy nowadays as 100 years before. There is a competition between two in a race, one comes with a 1980s car and another comes with a Lamborghini. And then the one with the 1980s car makes critic on the Lamborghini, because he doesn't follow the rules, eventhough he has stuck with the 80s car because he doesn't want to follow rules. USA under Biden has shown tendencies to a more state centralised economy as they need to switch to the Lamborghini. Green New Deal for example... Bernie Sanders also wants a more state centralised economy. -
UnlovingGod replied to UnlovingGod's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
As long as the chinese bussinesses try to maximaze profits by the surplus value of the worker/employee, it's capitalism. That's how easy it is. -
I see a lot of people conflating the words spirituality and politics here inflationary. Politics is inherently dualistic and even if you are in absolute god conciousness, politics stays dualistic. Because when you are infinte counciousness, there is no politics. Politics is conflict of interest, conflict of interest is dualism. So don't apply spirituality to politics, it is like trying to meditate your girlfriend or money. Of course spirituality can give you a broader vision, but I cant stretch this point enough, politics IS dualism. The moment you enter politics, you enter dualism.
UnlovingGod replied to Razard86's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Politics is just inherently dualistic. Cant do anything about it, even if your conciouss about absolute solipsism. When you enter politics you enter dualism. Politics is dualism and vice versa. -
That's just plain conspiracy thinking, Romans had their religion, then they were christians and collapsed... That's just time and evolution... Even the germanic people migrated to arabic countries, when the huns invaded their lands. The turks come from Mongolia and live now in Turkey. The US is a nation made out of immigrants. And we can dial back and see, how we all migrated from africa. We should really care less about the people migrating and care more about the root causes. If we as the west fight against the poverty and conflicts in islamic countries, we and them would benefit in ways we cant imagine... I mean if you take like a spiritual lense and go really meta, it is just a reaction to western imperialism back then and interventions now... Please understand, that politics is inherently dualistic. And that islam is blue is a really reductionistic way of looking at things. I can tell you by experience, that we have WAY more assumptions and double standards about immigrants, than we notice. I don't want to elaborate this, as I'm myself was born with an immigrant heritage in Germany, but all those stupid talk, you give here, just worsens the situation for every party. Look inwards before you judge outwards.
A controversial point, where I think he's right, slavery IS normal, it's just a question, where you draw the line between "slavery", being "exploited" in the popcultural sense or being "exploited" in a socialist sense or as Leo says "wage slavery". Right now, if we would abolish it, without any strategic and pragmatic transition, any economy in the world would just collapse. As an employee you always earn less than the value you generate, else the company would not be able to make profits and in todays world the incentive to get every single penny possible is gigantic as they are intervowen with the stock market and have to deliver the right numbers for their investors and if those investors stop investing, there'll be no economic growth, the stock market collapses, the companies collapse, and an awful lot of people would lose their jobs. And about those workaholic, passive income, crypto guys. Like 95 percent wont ever get financial security and freedom as they are the perfect pigs for any company to just hold their carrot for the potential promotion, investement return. And the so called "American Dream" is the ideology, that makes you hooked up into this grand scheme. If it's an ideology made by people to pray on people like your cousins. IDK, could have emerged as uncounciouss political interests fighting against each other resulting in this ideology, but it also could be more viciously elaborated by some people, eventhough most rich people are also hooked to this ideology as a form to justify their own wealth accumulated by the thousands of lifehourse wasted by people like your cousin. I'm not saying it is impossible to make good money as an employee, but you need a real different mindset and go meta... And still, you'll just get maybe 200k per month income, the most important thing, that you learn are skills at your job, that you can later use to start your own company. And if it starts being a grind or you don't see any possibility to develope yourself, change your job immediatly and that's generally how you move upwards positions and increase your salary, but please stay at your job until you've got your new job secured.
To be honest, I was just able to listen to the first response as everything else would have just been a waste of time. He is bringing the argument, that it was a good for the US to enact stricter penalties against those, who are drug addicts? Have those penalties ever correlated with a disminishing of drug addicts in the US? What about the jerk, who smoked like a joint and got sent to jail, declared as a criminal and being dismissed out of the workforce, ruining his life FOREVER. Those are the REAL cases. Has the war on drugs ever worked? It's a war we are fighting since Reagan and we are still fighting it. Just more and more people getting killed, we need to stop thinking trying to fix the symptoms, but to fight the causes... There's a deep double standard, we let the CEO of every fast food company do their thing, while killing Druglords? I'm not saying Druglords are the nicest people, they are the most "evil" persons out there, still... Double standard. You know why, there are so many deaths, because of drugs? Because it is THE most free and least regulated market. Think about that... And yeah, the interviewer was really lackluster.
UnlovingGod replied to UnlovingGod's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
A general Video about Chinas past, present and future. China's Railway system, giving an example of the efficency of their politics and economics China's foreign policy China's foreign loans Every video has their own biasis. So watch out, those Video I would strongly recommend to watch it at full length, as they are complemantary. And if you really want to go down the rapidhole, this the 5 years plan released in 2021. Watch how deliberate they plan out their future progresd. -
UnlovingGod replied to UnlovingGod's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
People forget that there many facets to capitalism, you can have social securities and at the same time a free market or a more regulated market without any social securities. The social security system as far as I have researched it in China is in comparison to countries with the same GDP per capita in relation to purchasing power parity bang avarege maybe slightly better, the chinese market is one of the most regulated in the world, which still makes it capitalist. There is no such contradiction between regulations and capitalism. Where there are contradictions because of regulations is with neoliberalism (A form of capitalism). Of course the cheer workforce in China makes them perfectly suitable for a mega globalised world. Still when you compare China with India, China is doing way better, which can be attributed to their economic system, where companies act according to maximizing profits, but under a strict government, that makes clear that they've got the ultimate power. In the west we celebrate that unwillingness of a clear vision for the future. Nordic countries have a more consenus based parlament, that works quite good, while USA, Germany, Great Britain and France even enact laws to handcuff themselves, the so called "Schuldenbremse" in Germany enacted around 2008, that prevents Germany to literally take out loans (Yeah, it sounds surreal, but it actually is, just in very specific circumstances like COVID, loans can be taken) and as far as I've heard it, it is also proposed in the USA, which is the biggest bullshit policy a country can ever enact, it's like disolving the military... To all extend, I'm quite optimisting that China will be the first really good working socialist country. It all depends, what happens after the masterminds in the power position in chinese politics will retire... To be honest, I think they are the most evolved, strategical and tactical politicians out there, governing a country right now. -
I'm getting the hang out of this raw desire to fuck and to express it, so you may find inspiration or maybe you want to share your experiences of this raw desire to fuck. I was writing with a girl, that gave me her number, so it kinda went hot, because of my desire, so I wrote her this text. I want to know your intimate secrets under your clothes, and at the same time I'm attracted to the fact that I don't know, it's eternity that makes me think, the boobs, the panties, the waist, the skin, in a whole outfit and I want to see everything through one, to know what it is, to see you naked, the truth that you bring in your body, that you are trying to get it out, who knows if my wishes come true, but I want to feel, feel by seeing you and seeing you through your nakedness, naked that you be, so that I can live in your body, to be with you, to feel with you, and to know who you are, what are your tits, what are your butts, what is you behind your panties who has waited all her life for someone to see it, that someone touches it. Just by tapping into this raw desire to fuck and being able to share it with a feminine side heals your emotions.
Yeah, sorry guys, but maybe she tried to act sincere for the first time in her life and you guys are discouraging her to express herself so. Cant you read between the lines?
Nice, neurodivergent gang gang scur scur.
In which ways are Love and falling in love correlated? Science can just explain, when you fall in Love those hormons peak etc. But it cant explain this metaphysical aspect of falling in love, because there has to be this "magic" that makes the brain pop off all this dopamine and oxitocine etc.
Thanks, appreciate it that you like my humor, when Leo awnsered, that it's really creepy had to play some 50 cent, for the don't drag down my vibe, vibe.
UnlovingGod replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I have always thought about the possibility getting rid of psychological suffering... Am working on it and it is getting better, still when you experience psychological suffering and reaffirme yourself, that you are not suffering, while creating your own suffering by that, you cant heal yourself from psychological suffering by basic methods. Have read about some post of you, that even in the worst situations, you somehow get out, yeah... That's literally true, that's some kind of state of mind, that you adopt, it feels like the confidence of not caring about survival. Going back to psychological suffering, when experience this understanding, that you always get out of trouble, it eliminates a lot of suffering and that's how I go about it, transforming myself. It's like situations that someone tries to kill you over 100 bucks, and you just go hand in hand with your intuition and somehow get out alive, that makes you really think, this world is way more magical than it appears on the surface. -
UnlovingGod replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Oh boy have I suffered by avoiding pain... Pain Is peace, suffering Is love, it's so simple. Sometimes the suffering can get really strong, then you just need a stronger mind to embrace the suffering. And it fades away and it will come and go. Nice to hear someone, that breaks with the misconception, that there will never be pain and suffering in life. -
We were doing this for a while she sending me photos of her body, and me trying to get her undressed with my words, I don't see the problem
UnlovingGod replied to playdoh's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Europeans may come across arrogant, as there is still this emotional baggage of being hundreds, maybe even more than one thousands years of being ruled under monarchy and that's how their status game is structured, while american countries, even latin american countries have more of a pragmatic view point of you in their inner little status game, also filled with emotions. If you want to dipe deeper into this topic, I can recommend you Pierre Bourdieu's work about habitus. As an example, europeans, based on their conditions, may develope a sense of responsibilty just by their mere existance, which is this so called "royality" and a free way ticket to success there, the only downside is, it cant be faked. It's really griddy and technical and time consuming understanding this correctly, so I don't, I would recommend you going down this rabbit hole, but hopefully I could help you. -
UnlovingGod replied to UnlovingGod's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Well, USA, Canada and other european countries were in a spot, where they were able to exploit other countries for their own riches. Chile has probably something to do with their large lithium capacities, but to be honest, I don't have much information on the economics of chile, maybe because chile during Pinochet were massivly backed by the US as a protective measurement against socialism's rising in latin america. Of course the cartels are a massive obstacle for the mexican development, but there is no real solution to it. It's more a geographic and a global problem, than it is just a mexican problem. Mexico is just right next to the biggest sales market of drugs, while for example the german arms industry has contracts with the cartels in México, because México has literally no arms industry. Mexico's economy relies on cheap labor, which is not inherently bad, because the living cost are also quite low. But as you earn dollars with coke, even a low criminal can at least earn with gurantee twice as much, as a normal worker, as those cartels are literally big companies. -
Mexican economy Wendover productions Some misconceptions in this video I want to correct. So the mexican government is not trying to get investments at the same time china is investing in mexico. Then it's just false that mexico isnt preocupied with their own industry, you could actually say, by tieng with china they are trying more than before. Second china's trackrecord as trading partner and investor. To be honest it has the best trackrecord out of all countries when It comes to international deals. I would always prefer making deals with china than with US or Europe, that have the shadiest international trackrecord of all time and you can see it in africa. Of course the trackrecord within a country is a whole other story. Just because a country has a stable democracy, doesn't mean it wants the best for other countries and vice versa. Of course there are political interests of china getting a foodhold in México, but at the same time the american government did not really prevent this from happening. They could have helped latin american countries to develope their economies instead of exploiting them. Then there is the concept of shocktherapy and how you want to get a industry to boom, which is the make or break point for every developing country and when you fuck this stage up, you'll be fucked real hard. In short, you dont want to shortsell your position as a potential industrialised economy. Shocktherapy is the method of privatizising everything, gunsblazing and letting the free market do everything. Well, you can see how for example this shocktherapy made the transitionphase from soviet union to russia one of the darkest moments in their history and the russian economy never recovered. Practically interventionist industrial policies are the only way to get a country ahead. This is how europe, usa, japan and later on china industrilized. A strong government that leads with strict economic policies in a capitalist market and as china has shown it in todays age, with foreign investments. Else you shortsell your position to the industrilized nations (USA, Europe). For that, key national recourses like lithium in mexico or electricity need to be tied in some way with the government, as the government is doing. On a sidenote western countries explicitly suggest (dominate) other countries to keep their markets as free as possible. Another point, that may not have direct consequences with economics. We need to value every type of work such as the woman selling tacos, but why the fuck Is he showing a woman selling tacos, when talking about the educated workforce in mexico. That just feeds into the stereotypes that no country suffers that much as mexico. This should not be a rant against the american people, they are humans as everybody else and should be respected as such. I just wanted to bring another perspective about the issue of china's and america's foreign policies.