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Everything posted by UnlovingGod

  1. Just there to help you Who the fuck wants to talk and brag All the day, being better than some Beta Male Who wants to suck some good beta dick And lick their milk all day in her mind, truth As the baller in high school with the nice shoes Never really cared about that cute girl, that shy girl She was thinking all day, maybe he heard her, If he searched her, in his thoughts She thought, he was just lost, and she was partly right Because he was hardly side by side with god But she was wrong that she was part of his path So now her shadow side despises all the guys that are baller types And now in disguise she calls them beta archetypes.
  2. This, Gold, but you gotta unlock the God DLC first.
  3. Clicking Time Stops, As God takes a toss, The hole sucks, as all is lost. Steps move forwards, as your head becomes slower. Lower and lower to the point of no return. Pushed down, there lurks, where hell starts to burn. And when you return...
  4. DJANGO Django Django, have you always been alone? Django Django, have you never loved again? Love will live on Life must go on For you cannot spend your life regreatting Django Django, you must face another day Django Django, now your love has gone away Once you loved her Now you've lost her But you've lost her forever, Django When there are clouds in the skies and they are grey You may be sad, but remember they'll all soon pass away Oh Django, after the showers the sun will be shining Once you loved her Now you've lost her But you've lost her forever, Django When there are clouds in the skies and they are grey You may be sad, but remember they'll all soon pass away Oh Django, after the showers the sun will be shining Django Oh, oh, oh, Django You must go on Oh, oh, oh, Django NAVAJO JOE When two lonely man come across, Defied by all the odds, And one shows his clock, And just wants from me one hundred notes. I shot my shot of love, He falls, but it hit my love on the other side of the world, And now my heart belongs, For a loss that doesnt respond. And so I must go on, Awoke and alone with the steps I take groven into stone
  5. Yeah, the psicosis I had was literally the love bomb, as I was high on pure dopamine serotonine oxcitocine and endorphines. Never again please
  6. So, that was a hell of a journey since. A particular dream that had that stuck with me, was being in a car that drove over a cliff and the breaks were loose, thats how I felt the last two to three years and Im finally settling to a more ordinary life, which I long longed for. The psicosis I had... three fucking months... now it`s almost two years since I had it... WOW... There´s no way back. It will stick with me the rest of my life as long as I want to be God counciouss. A psychic scar, well it doesnt bleed anymore, it maybe feels a little itchy right now, but I can move my mind. Soooo much was reveiled to me in my psicosis that I cant communicate to anyone, thats the scar thats still itching... it´s absolute solpisism, but what it´s there to be human and not to comunicate three months of severe psicosis. The one year and a half after that was brutal, my mind was pouring blood. And now I´m kinda relaxed, tapping into love, but with a lot of cautios, I know it can turn ugly real quick, as riding the wave of infinite love is the king of all waves. Hitler had infinite love for Germany and brought doom to the universe as I had infinite love for a girl, that may never be ever there, escaping shit until her silhouette disapearse in the magnitudes of the forgotten never to be imagined again. And dealing with life, finding new ways to cope, as the human condition is a big coping scheme and it finally turns to acceptence and surrender to the ways of life. I´m happy, quite happy to be honest, I´m good at what I´m doing, I´m good at life. What more to ask for? Be arrogant to society, be humble to god. Trust yourself as you are god. After massacring myself, terrorizing every inch of my mind, I can now wait for my whole life to unfold itself as being the unfolder. And knowing that the love for this girl will never be forgotten, as I have seen god for the first time through her. God you are a sick fuck, thank you...
  7. I did not write any books, but two screenplays for movies about 90 pages, with the option of publishing them, but I'm not completly satisfied with my screenplays, so I'm still trying to hold on, as I've got a guarantee, to publish whatever I want, whenever I want. Don't get too much caught on tips prolific writers give you. Writing is a very personal relationship you cultivate with yourself, as your writing is the direct manifestation of your thoughts and uncouncioussness. No one can give you real tips on how to write, which word melody you want to use etc. Big authors and screenplaywriters have massive egos through their authority and want to perserve this authority by giving you the only right ways to write. As for structure, you can take some insights from authors, as this is more a meta thing and not something in the domain of the relative. You'll get writing blockades, big frustrations etc. Learn to deal with it, because the most important aspect is to finish at least one book, even if it's just 50 pages, so that you learn how to finish this thing and know how to start the next time. If you want to get serious, you'll need to write the book at least three times. So that you get enough experience. Writing was at least for me, one of the most frustrating and satisfying things I did. So it's a painful journey. I compare the experience with for example getting serious with speedrunning games.
  8. Infinity means also, that there are some things that will never be reached or exist. One thing, that will never exist, is a universe without love. It's not just infinity. It's a deliberate way of infinity we find ourselves in. Love is prior to truth, infinity, councioussness and gives them their inherent logic. Of course you need to work through truth, infinity and councioussness to understand love and then to be love, give love, receive love. We are first and foremost love, but still start as humans. Whats truth without love? Whats infinity without love? Whats councioussness without love? An unimaginable world, because it's not possible.
  9. I mean, did your hands get cut off? If god would really want to construct the worst possible pain for you, oh boy... oh boy...
  10. There are many explanations to it from infinite angles. Here's a more cientific one. Your brain, your "controlling" organ, is made out of neurons. Those neurons fire electrical and chemical signals to each other. A material scientist would say, if we had enough "neurons" in a complex system, then with enough "complexity" we would just have councioussness. Now think it trough, what materialist scientist don't realize, is that their defenition of "complexity" is just a magical term, a magical step, that makes us counciouss. So if you take this magical term "complexity" out of the equation. Now you just have neurons and you have your councioussness. No amount of neurons would make you counciouss. There is something magical to councioussness, but it is no kind of "complexity". We could have all those neuronal, hormonal functions and just act like robots or computer programs, so think what's the point of experiencing, if it is not inherently useful for survival and we could probably even better survive without experiencing or living and just be Virusus.
  11. What's your opinion on China probably becoming the next world super power and overtaking the US. I've got a certain opinion, but I don't want to share it and hear your honest thoughts.
  12. Maybe it could be useful to ponder about what could be Absolute Meaning?
  13. I mean if you are bootstrapping a bussiness it really isn't the time for the next 3-5 years for Salvia at least, if you want to follow through on your bussiness. It's no joke...
  14. I mean, there are a lot of assumptions, did they really die? Who knows if they did a fucking 360 noscope mahāsamādhi. If I can´t really fathom why God´s Will is at it is, I would give the Aliens the benefit of the doubt.
  15. What is really interesting to me, that probably most of the congressmen and not even the president don´t have access to the UFO department of the pentagon. This is, where all of the conspirist fall short, that there is no "one" elite. There are noumeros "elites" and everyone with their own secrets, as everybody else has their own secretss.
  16. As far as I know, since decades, various countries, probably predominantly Russia and US, have tried to get those technologies to reverse engineer them.
  17. He is I and I am him, slim with the tilted brim, what´s my motherfucking name?
  18. God moves in mysterious ways. All he does is to help you to awaken to himself, love, counciousness, infinity and truth. Why his Will is exactly as it is, with the human brain it isn´t in any way rational and comprehensible. Think of your cat or dog looking at you asking themselves, why the fuck you are using your phone to share memes, it doesn´t make sense, but for humans it may make sense. God is in another ballpark of intelligence, it´s not even the same goddamn sports. The wisest move is to get to the point to understand God in everso more depth and stop questioning him and moreso question yourself, why you need a "why?". Of course in high level states of counciousness it all makes sense why the things are as they are, but I still go to university and socialize for example, it´s not practical there to know, why I have to get up at 6 in the morning, I just know, that god is perfect and then in the trips, meditation etc. I can still try to fathom God´s Will. There is absolute and relative knowledge. I can be aware of the absolute and don´t know the relative.
  19. I don't know, but yeah probably. Since then I've appreciated that physical pain, can release emotional pain.
  20. I did some acupuncture with a woman, that studied psychology and her grandfather is chinese and kept those teachings in their family, I did it last week and well this week, I felt really in peace, no problems, I slept better in general, My art was better, I socialised better, some blockades really disapeared. Somehow she was able to measure the energies and see them in her laptop and was then able to work on those specific points.
  21. I get it from normal news side, watching some clips from Fox, to CNN, to even South China Morning Post. First Thought as a more independent creator, and there are a lot of nice channels, that focus on more broader generality than just daily political affairs like Kraut is a channel that I have high regards for. He really is an exceptional yellow political resource. And look out for some niche podcast, for example in Germany there's Wohlstand für Alle, that really cuts through this whole pseudoscience of economics bullshit. And think for yourself and don't get distracted in daily affairs.
  22. Of course, but I mean, who isn't discriminated? Discrimination can just happen, because you have an Ego. I mean, it's not that the seperation are out there, you are making the seperation that a seperation is being projected to you. You need to cope, understand and then appreciate your Ego. And as long as you are not a slave in the confederate states or a jew in Nazi Germany, which I take the assumption you are not, there's always a way out, because reality is your imagination. I know it's kinda hard to comprehend, and when you comprehend it, you want to twist it for your own agenda, but intuite that god exists and that you can have faith in him and everything can turn out nice. At the end you are god, that's confidence right here.
  23. Jimmy Hendrix - Voodoo Child, there's a video of a concert, it should be one of the first to pop on YouTube Pink Floyd - The concert in Pompei Is incredible Kanye West really is a musical Genius - Famous, Bound 2, Slow Drive and many more, but I think he also has a lot generic stuff. 50 Cent - Many Men, It gives me really chills Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter, that part when the voice of the woman singer cracks, incredible stuff J Dilla, Led Zeppelin, And in generall Scorsese or Tarantino soundtracks always cool to listen too. Some russian classical Music, Tschaikovsky, Rachmaninoff. I also like Wagner. And I'm in general quite fond of East Coast old school Hip Hop, way more than west Coast.
  24. Understanding + Concentration + nurturing your love and recieving love.