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Everything posted by UnlovingGod

  1. Society needs some sort of drugs, parties are inherent to a well functioning society. Sports, movies, concerts, clubs. We can relieve our rational minds and get in touch with our spirits eventhough many of those, who party in any sense dont even believe in a spirit. And alcohol is the best tool in that sense for our society. Imagine everyone doing psychedelics in a normal club or bar, society will go down hill real quick. In that sense, alcohol is really valuable for society. At the same time an ever increasing amount of people get in touch with psychedelics and I really think, because it's illegal, the right amount of people get in touch with psychedelics. Eventhough the government doesn't know that and the drugdealers do not know that. And every politician that wants to make more drugs legal, will be the right amount, to slowly make humanity more counciouss. Thats how God works, through you and everybody. If everything would be perfect, there would be nothing to do so. And I like doing things
  2. Those are normal people I know... They are not wealthy or anything in any sense and not really good looking. But I really like them as human beings. They've got integrity, they stand for their word, they are really empathetic. And are in a traditional way "loosers", but really they are men. And I mean, what do you know about my budget? Or the people I have referenced. I dont know who the farting mic guy is, but he seems like a chill person, haha.
  3. I have seen men farting in public, smelling like shit that it grossed me out, being together with hot, intelligent chicks. I have seen men that do jackshit with their lifes and their whole life porpuse is eating fast food, that are together with very loving woman. But you know what these type of men had in common? They were really loving, protective and empathetic men. I mean look at Kanye West and compare him to Pete Davidson. I mean, I love being stylish as fuck and giving celebrity vibes, but thats the key. Love yourself and share it.
  4. For example solipsism, when after years you say to yourself, it can´t be, it can´t be, it can´t be. Getting just toooooooo courious about a particular thing and it´s just waaay too absurd and think it can´t be, it can´t be. Well, then it is. That´s fucking love. How this does NOT work! When you are full of hatred and look for excuses, for example, that the earth is flat. It is out of hatred. No flat earther thinks the earth is flat out of pure couriousity, but a political excuse. If you think solipsism is true out of hatred, well then it´s not true for you. And notice, when someone says, solipsism is not true, because it is an ism, don´t let your fears be exploited by others.
  5. Gotta seperate the wheat from the shaft. -Jordan Peterson
  6. Man, shit´s getting fire, I made it more cineastic this rap songs and it really paid off. Alejandro.mp3
  7. For about 4 months I started writing my rap songs and in the last 2 and half months recording and I feel like it´s now getting pretty good. I would highly recommend hearing it with earphones. There are more songs that are quite good, but I cant upload more. It´s german rap, so you don´t get confused, haha. Fühl dich nicht.mp3
  8. X2 survival is 100 percent real, I mean, thats why it's survival, haha
  9. Well, dont be so negative about it. Even if you dont have access to psychedelic drugs, you could interact more with reality and not just thinking, but make the thinking a process part of your actions, that you undertake in reality. You could go deeper in introspection and look how this correlates with everything. Think about how you are thinking, just some thoughts I have.
  10. Gotta get a lawyer in your case and convince the judge you did nothing wrong, haha. You are using this kind of method to realize truth, but all methods are limited... Yeah, some work better, some not. But be honest with your method and rethink it.
  11. One thing, that Nietzsche said, that was really profound, was, a character of a man can be seen in his laughter. hahaha
  12. I understand it, how much content you put out there for free, interacting so much with the community, inspiring. Some dudes here are/were greatful for Andrew Tate to come, just for him spit his shit and charging 5000 dollars for a fucking group chat. You guys can interact with Leo for free here. Or this course bussiness course from this dude, who always talks about positivity, he has some glasses on, quite popular, I dont know his name, who charges 98.000 Dollars. And he isn´t being demonized as much as Leo. I mean, really think, who in this forum has a looooooot of integrity built up over the years... I can´t even imagine what a mad fucking cult he could create, if he really wanted to. I sometimes think just for fun in pure evil bussiness tactics and my stomach starts hurting so much just thinking about that.
  13. I've already wrote it in the comments of the thread "Has Science Proven Already, That The Universe Is Aware", but as the title might not be quite adequate to what I've commented, I'll do a new thread. The good Life is the Penis life. Be a big raging Boner trying to penetrate in this juicy Pussy, that the Universe is in every Sense. Or be the thigtest ever Pussy ever and let the Universe soak you with every Inge of its magnitute. I mean, why do you smoke Weed, take psychedelics? The Universe wants to be grabbed and enjoyed and desired, like the best tits and ass. And sometimes you want the Universe to grab you, haha. If this language offends, maybe its a hint, that YOU are offended by the Universe and thats why you feel depressed. Not saying explictly any names. Buddhism is like knowing that sex is awesome, but then not doing any sex. Understand what a Dick with capital D is and Pussy with capital P, or as Leo invented it, DICK and PUSSY. Quick way, smoke some weed, watch some porn you REALLY enjoy and contemplate your RAW ENJOYMENT of the porn. And of course you can scale this up, haha. Then you can listen to some music you like, for example Hip Hop and connect the dots and listen, how the Penis is penetrating with it's flow, pauses and rythm of the kicks and basses, I mean, its a fucking Gangbang, or listen how a Pussy is expressing herself after a real good fuck or being fucked. Go the extra mile, watch some porn you like, while being high as fuck AND listen to some music you like and if you like, scale this up, haha. Buddhism is like knowing that sex is awesome, but then not doing any sex. Science is like denying that there exists sex and Religion is like believing that there exists sex, but thinking that sex hates you and you fear sex. Now you can interchange every sexual word in this thread with God and read it again. Thank you.
  14. You can be fucking counciouss that God made humans shit and fart just because metaphor of mecanics. You are music, when you connect sufficently with music you can be the DJ at a party with your pure will just serving you. And of course doing music conventionally is a subpart of absolute musicwill such as having randomly playing music in your thoughts and having to sing to it.
  15. And the thing with 3d and 4d, humanity got that all wrong. They live in 2d, jesus was living in 3d, being able to play with counciousness, while everybody else is in a movie directed by god. It's like escaping this plane paper like a dot and then being 3d standing on top of the paper. I was just able with weed to attain 3d. Could be called Jesus, I know as a fact that jesus had permanent 3d. How with just a look in the eyes, those fishermen followed him. I had this same power on weed. You can give yourself videogamelike abilities like in league of legends. A barrier of peace around you that will be like heaven and you can walk anywhere you want.
  16. So much intelligence goes on, when you get deeper with a girl. Perfectly calculated, the future is not certain, but always planned and you are creating it. The whole circle ends in an infinite loop and repeats and everything meets each other in the most fucked up time dimensions forward, backwards. Everything collapses and the seperations collapse more and more and more in such a personal way, from the way you were born to the puppets you had as a child. Demons are real and operate on another dimension, but they are here to guide you and they councioussly love you. Souls can unite to the point that everything unites. The universe is absolute intimate that it scares the shit out of you and thats why you are sleeping. You can do literal everything with enough counciousness and it feels 1000 percent real. Denience of it is your acumilated insecurity about the love of god, you dont trust god enough, because you are scared. God can predict the future in such a deliquite way operating on infinte levels. Watch Mullholland Drive on Psychedelics and contemplate!.
  17. The Government produces money out of thin air. Money is like the blood flowing through the economy. Our economy is based on growth and for that we need an everso bigger flow of money, so that more and more products can be bought. State Depths is not your usual Depth. The State can´t go broke because it has infinite Money, the economy can still collapse, but the state can´t go broke, the circulation of money just may be suboptimal. So why go in depth? To invest in the economy, so that the flow of money increases and the economy growths. A state that does not have any depth, is a disfunctional state. I have the feeling that many people think the crisis of 2007/08, was because of state depth, but it literally didn´t, there is no single connection, those states had to take "loans", that saved a lot of banks and insurance companies from complete bail out. Any "loan" a state takes is not really a loan. The depth is just the MORE MONEY invested in the economy, than the state gets out of the economy, At the end it´s just about growth. If you want to awnser how money was invented, thats a whole other beast and it's not as simple as "yeah, so we could trade." Thousands of years of history brought us the money we have today and the money we'll have in a thousand years won't be the same as today or thousand years ago.
  18. You are councious right now. So no. Stop getting too interprative. Connect literal sex with anything in the Universe and then DO IT. If you want to escape those "dirty" words and ways to think, you are escaping what is meant.
  19. Just to clarify, I havent smoked weed for 3,5 months now. I just gave you an instruction for another state of councioussness, that might be worth while to explore and quite productive. You are not getting the message. It´s literaly doing love with the Universe, be creative, GIVE, that´s what is meant, GIVE TO THE UNIVERSE WHAT YOU HAVE. Are you seeing? Those sexual analogies don´t come from nowhere. You could also put, what I said in another way. Duality of feminity and masculinity, but a lot of profoundness gets lost in those buddhist terms. At the end, it´s just an encouragment to interact with the Universe more, because that´s its porpuse. Hopefully you get the deeper meanings of DICK and PUSSY. It´s not just hedonisting doing nothing. It´s complete interaction with yourself at the end.
  20. I mean, you need to get to know your Sex Drive. Sometimes I jerk 4 times a day, then 3 days none. Get in touch with your Sex Drive and aline your Life around it. Get in touch with your Sex Drive by experimenting it little by little with girls and look how horny you are. Introspection! Sometimes this "waste of energy" is good. When you sense that you might get a nasty attachment to a girl, just blow a big fucking load and move on. At the end it just comes naturally along.
  21. Thats where love and passion introduces itself. Zizek ones said, Sex without Love is just masturbating each other. Or you know the difference when you are super horny and jerk off or text or flirt with a girl and it superexplodes, or you are just bored and jerk off?
  22. Or in other words, if God invented DICK, why just be a DICK with your dick?