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Everything posted by UnlovingGod

  1. I mean, what do you want? Just stop writing on this forum? Stop watching videos of any kind? How did you come to the point, were you are right now. Probably through a jungle of words and concepts.
  2. Warren Buffet started to invest in Coca Cola in 1988. I don´t know when and where Coca Cola was introduced, but I´m quite sure it was already quite popular all over the world back then. The revolutionary tecnologies, that Coca Cola brought were also invented way back then. I would even suggest that the most influentual things Coca Cola brought, was their marketing strategies. Because Henry Ford invented the Assembly-line work.
  3. Figure 2 Weizen = Wheat, Mehl = Flour, Erzeugerpreise = producer prices , Börsenpreis = Exchangeprice in the stock marketFigure 3 Kaffee = Coffee, Öl = Oil, Nickel = Nickel, Weizen = Wheat Well, yeah of course. But when someone has and you give him 0.002 percent more money, it´s non essential. And the essential problem is, that this low amount of money will be invested in the stock market or real estate market, that accounts for the unreal inflation in those sectors. Or in Art pieces, which explains, why those cost so much. I´m not speaking about any millionaire. I mean, they don´t really account to the wealth inequality, even if you´ve got 100 million dollars. It´s not like billionaires do not have enough money to invest in stuff. I mean the trend over the last 40 years was, that they got more and more money. I respect Elon and those Tech Gurus in some sort, that at least they invest their stuff. But I mean Warren Buffet? Bernard Arnault? They are literally just inflating the market. There was a really interesting article, that discusses how speculations in the stock market do account for the inflation not only of the stock, but of the products, that you buy in store. https://www.fspiecker.de/2023/08/01/steigende-preise-wie-sich-spekulanten-die-taschen-fuellen/#more-2134 It´s in german, but I´ll translate it in english. Influence of Speculators A clearly identifiable exogenous trigger for the formation of expectations opens the door to speculation. And so, it appears that many financial market participants entered the wheat business, leading to a price bubble – stock prices surged by almost 50 percent between February 23 and March 7, 2022. The bubble partially burst when, in July 2022, an agreement between Russia and Ukraine mediated by the United Nations and Turkey allowed grain exports from three Ukrainian ports via the Black Sea again – prices collapsed by nearly 20 percent within three weeks. Hence, everything suggests that it's not producer prices that determine stock prices, but rather the opposite – stock prices determine producer prices. Real events do indeed change real economic scarcities. However, financial market actors amplify these scarcities through their demand behavior, thus driving the price development. Figure 2 The dominance of financial markets over real economic markets can also be demonstrated using additional data for other commodities that are not suspected to face the same real economic constraints and risks as wheat. In Figure 3, the stock prices of an energy commodity (oil), a metal commodity (nickel), a luxury goods commodity (coffee), and the previously shown food commodity wheat are depicted. All prices show similar and extreme developments between 2021 and today. The high correlation between such diverse commodities is strong evidence that it's not actual real economic scarcity conditions that determine the majority of price movements, but rather demand based on speculative motives. Figure 3
  4. It´s quite simple. If you give a billionaire 100 million dollars more, he´ll spend nothing into the economy. You give one hundred thousand people, who have an average income, 1 thousand dollars, they´ll spend almost all of it. Moneyflow equals economic growth.
  5. Good luck becoming more counciouss that way. Thought is the most powerful tool, we have as humans.
  6. Yeah, but what I really find interesting is the fact, that Empirical Thinking is its own thing. Not yours. You could say, it is like an algorithm and when you use it, you become an abstraction of this algorithm. You are stripped from your transcendental self. Because empirical thinking is more like a methodological process to thinking. And if you give certain input, you get a certain output. And your brain just becomes a computer. The higher the IQ, the better and faster your Output. But life is uncertainty and original thinking and for that, you need to become a counciouss being and not just an abstraction of a thinking pattern. I mean that`s the first way to become awaken.
  7. I think most of us are doing their best getting to awakening, getting higher sorts of awakening, or imbody awakening. And I think, I speak for all of us, that we go through or went through a lot of suffering, to get to the point, we are right now. Maybe some people are not prepared for psychedelics, some are. Everybody should decide that for themselves as everybody knows themselves the best.
  8. I don´t want to put any personal bias. I don´t know where you live, but I live in Mexico. It´s not like I live in warzone, but If we could just build a good infrastructure without worrying about gang wars... That would be so great for our country and it´s not like the people would all be coked out their mind. As Leo said, pure Heroin and pure Cocaine isn´t that bad. There´s a reason, why rich people can snort it all day without being on the bring of dying and living a "normal" life, while homeless people suffer the most from that...
  9. I had for several months this Gaseous state of councioussness. Those were the months I suffered most in Life. So I dismissed it as not a good state of councioussnes, it really was pure hell and since then I have this nasty feeling in my throat, that has no pathological reasons to it, but it feels so fucking bad and I just learnt to live with it. Could you give more theory of this Gaseous state of councioussness, maybe I´d just need a theoretical ground. Because, I can access it, whenever I want. And if it really is "living from a vibrational reality of pure love", then I need to have theory ground.
  10. Especially the bad quality of Heroin and Cocaine is the problem.
  11. I'd say the emotional pain you feel is the effort you put to keep this world together.
  12. I can just speak out of my experience. There many levels to it. Of course this moment is the manifestation of God. Everything is will and there are no accidents, it´s about what you are counciouss of. Are you counciouss why you´ve got your parents? Why do have your particular name. You can know it. So what about this lesser councioussness, that we are, can we manifest things into being, by mere spiritual practice. Kinda. It´s quite obviously neurologically proven, that we are all connected, more than just by mirror neurons. Our feelings effect the feeling of the people we love and are being loved, eventhough you are seperated by space. The more we love, the more we are connected. It´s not like you have a thought and the other persson grasps this thought, which can be true too, but it can affect in various sensorial perception this connection and most of us are not counciouss of it. So would you call that manifesting? There where made researches, how our will affects outcomes. For example, when you want to have more 6es on dice, you can actually will yourself to have a higher propability of 6es. Out of 1000 times, the probability may be 1 or 2 percent higher, which anyone with statistical understanding knows, that it is a significant diviasion, that cant be mere luck. Can we see these patterns in our life? We need to sharpen our senses for that, such as a musician needs to sharpen his hearings. It is quite facinating, that the more we love, the more spiritual connection we have access to other people. Which was researched in various telepathic experiments. There are some things that happened for me, where I said, wow... That really is out of this world, having direct impact in the material world. The thing is, I didn´t concentrated on it a single second and I somehow got the insight, that I manifested it some years before. I don´t want to share, the things those are. But manifestation in that comes very naturally. It somehow connects with desire and your soul and the love inside you, but that´s really you gotta intuit for yourself, at least that´s what´s my experience. At the end, God holds all the power.
  13. You´ve propably seen "the myth of science" series by Leo Gura? Charles Tart is also good at pointing the limitations of science being a scientist himself.
  14. So I´ve asked myself, what is imagination. And so I imagined something. I imagined a fictional person killing another person. I imagined this person of having a perspective of killing another person and the killed person having his perspective, too, simultaneously. And then it made somehow click, that the bed I´m laying now is made out of the same quality as what I have just right now imagined. The whole of Reality felt somehow fluffy and see through just as the Imagination. And I was thinking, where is this Mind, that is imagining this. It´s fucking ME!! I just have no control over, what I´m imagining, I don´t know how. But as I had a deepening of my little God Realization without any psychedelics I just said wow, wow, wow... I just was being Mind making myself counciouss that this is my moment and let it sink in, trying to hold on my mind, appreciating my beauty through the shadows of the moon and allowing myself for more acceptence of everything, because I knew that I was imaging this moment exactly this way. Somehow I think, the spiritual control we have over the world correlates directly with the love, we have and the understanding we can access. By understanding another perspective, we learn to love it. By trying to love another perspective, we let ourselves open to understand their perspective. By understanding their perspective, we can control it in a positive sense. Control has somewhat of a bad reputation in spiritual circles, but I want to investigate further onto it. What´s control? It correlates somewhat with willpower. It´s clear to me that with enough willpower, you can will anything into being, it´s just that we have to much nasty emotional attachments on our will, that more likely than not, we deceive ourselves. But clearing nasty emotional attachments, with loving attachments, maybe there are some crucial things possible.
  15. I mean, the moment you are part of this community, you are a certified weirdo.
  16. A really well researched documentary how those global international enterprises in Germany, working as family bussinesses (basically Mafia or Monarchical) got their wealth accumulated by having strong ties with the Nazis. They own media outlets such as Axel Springer. Also financing a new Media Outlet "Deutschland Kurier" that openly supports the AFD, a right wing racist party. The reasons for this were antisimetic. Now this relativly new party has around 21 percent of german voters, just 5 percent below the biggest party of Germany, the CDU (Christian Democratic Union). As BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen etc. are run by families, Germany quite frankly can be seen as an Oligarchy or Deeply Monarchical State or a Mafia State. It can be quite easily concluded, that AFD is massivly backed by those companies (families) directly and evidently indirectly by having hold over Media Outlets. The Video was made with the help of Simplicissimus. Once part of "FUNK", a statly financed media outlet, that voluntarly broke ties with it, acting now independent. So you can give those guys a lot of credibility. I haved worded it quite polemic and outrages, but it´s really important discussing this, as the AFD now has 21 percent of the Voters, just 5 percent below being the strongest party in Germany being backed by REALLY powerful people. Just to complemant this post. NOT ALL OF THOSE BILLIONAIRES HOLD RADICAL IDEOLOGIES, BUT AN ALARMING PERCENTAGE DO!
  17. As a video was posted about Saudi Arabia, There's a neat little Video, that connects historical dots quite neat. https://youtu.be/wim0yAkEnOQ
  18. Well no I didn't say that, but I said, they leave you in the dark and make you frankly more psychotic there. Being in the same room with people, that are there for years makes you think, while the doctors always say "we have to evaluate, we have to evaluate". Giving no firm stance. Quite Frankly it came to a point, where I just asked, can I leave? And they said yes. But you don't want to ask, as in "if ask this question, will they keep me more time locked?". People stay there for years, because they just don't ask, because they don't know that's the way you leave this place. Quite a mindfuck. And really gives a perspective what little fucks those professionals give. And so that nobody misunderstands me, there are wonderful and really good psychologist and psychiatrist out there, they just don't work in clinics. But they can be gamechanger, if you find the right now. I stayed there at the end for exactly 2 months there
  19. I had a suicide attempt after two and a half years of deep constant suffering without any pause. At the end my health wasn't at risk, but I got transported to a psychiatric hospital. And it's a hellish experience. There are People that get psychotic breaks, start to feel like snakes throwing glass bottles. When you enter there, you don't have any guarantee to leave this place. The doctors and psychologist leave you in the dark. Then you ask the people around you, how long they were kept there. Some months, some years and then it starts being a terrible mind game against those, who look after you. You feel like crying, but you can't cry, because there is no privacy, everybody is watching you and you want to give a good impression. You don't have Internet, you are completely isolated from the outside world. There is no garden, the only fresh air, you may get, is, when you want to smoke a cigarette. So I started smoking. I couldn't even see trees, but at least I wanted to experience the fresh air coming through the windows. When you don't have any social support from friends and families, even if you have just a mild diagnosis, you'll be there for various months. The doctors don't care about you, they don't even make diagnosis. Just shut up and don't make a scene or you'll be there for ever and there is no law preventing this as you are isolated and literally declared as mentally ill. This wasn't a psychiatric hospital in North Korea, it was in Munich, Germany. I don't want to imagine, what it's like in other places. So please to the people considering suicide, more likely than not, those will be your consequences.
  20. It finally clicked. I was trying to solve this riddle for about a year. What I really find interesting of Leo Gura is the use of tautolgy as his methodolgy. Solipsism is a tautology. Experience is absolute truth as experience is absolute = solipsism. The inherent quality of something makes it true, that´s why through a leap of councioussness you know that experience is concioussness, because it IS a leap of councioussness = tautolgy = true. Then I came across a video about Wittgenstein, who disproved solipsism. The prove goes around those lines. If we feel sad and can say that we feel ourselves sad, it´s because we can attribute a particular state of our experience or concioussness, which would be sadness, to a word, which would be sad. But we had to learn this word at the first place. Because instead of saying "sadness" one could use his own word "Dickintheass". So there has to be someone else, with his own and other experience and therefore councioussnes of sadness prior to us explaining to us that the state of sadness is called "sadness". So we´ve come across two absolute trues that are in direct opposition to each other. So how do we solve this? There had to be a hypothetical first person to have had this first conciouss experience of "sadness" and to attribute a particular word for this experience, so for being capable of that he needed understanding, for understanding he needed concioussness, his concioussness was absolute for him, we could say that it was his absolute solipsistic concioussness and that´s why reincarnation is real in an infinite echochamber of absolute solipsistic concioussnesses giving in this example, the word "sadness" through generations and generations of one´s self, splitted apart. It has to be this way, because love couldn´t exist any other way. If there is no one to share with, than there is no one to love. Eventhough I´m still not so sure about that part, as love is also the reunification of everything. Maybe through the process of loving we all unficate into one single being, but I got no prove for that, that´s just speculating, but it would awnser the question of meaning. It also makes me wonder if all this proving is also a direct metaphor pointing at me, because I´ve thought for myself, what if all absolute trues are just metaphorical understandings in disguise, but that´s quite psychotic and dark and I would classify it as insanity, which quite frankly, I like to tap in here and there, but after 3 months of a psychotic episode, I feel this inherent quality of one´s self deception getting caught in an absolute relative solipsistic trap, because at the end you get into the trap of "Absolute knowing is impossible and that is absolute" without having any evidence and spinning one´s own stories. I would attribute this to serious trust issues I have, but I´m working on that through going through the earth chakra.
  21. I've pondered the last couple of days about it. In one of Leo's video he stated, it's the connection you've got with God. While studying psychology I stumpled upon Platon's work about the soul and Socrates' methodolgy to purify the soul. I'm now 4 years doing a deep consistent work in spirituality and never thought souls could be something real, but now the last couple of days, my soul is in my direct experience. What do you think? I've got the feeling that the soul is fundamental for psychological well being and it is not that often spoken here in the forum.
  22. I had once a bully, fucking punched him in the eye, it was blue the whole week. Thats how you deal with it. You always gotta way your options. When like 40 people are bullying you consistently and with dedication, you cant fight them, use charm and make them "friends". As soon as you can move places, do it, speaking from experience. Lern your lessons, dont make yourself look vulnerable and exploitable. There are huge life lessons to be learnt. A strong man can make the decision to be kind, a weak man cant be kind. Forget about girls in these kinds of scenarios, it's not worth ponder about how your bully fucks your crush. Stand your own and see how life unfolds. And dont get bitter about it.
  23. What do we know about Aliens? How do they percieve reality? What kind of thought process do they apply? What kind of understanding do they have about the universe? What happens if an Alien brain takes alien psychedelics?
  24. I think it's wonderful. I want to ponder more about aliens. And it really showed me the intriguing nature of self-deception in human beings and how it correlates with self-hatred. I really want to look for more information what Aliens are, how they think, as I've heard from Penguinz there might be a galactic confederation. It's also intriguing to see, why for example God won't thrust into ones mind, when even with the most clear evidence we wouldnt believe in Aliens and then even when people believe in Aliens, that they spent more time, arguing why this information came public now and not before or they just simply dont care.
  25. My theory would be, it has great impact on you in what kind of environment your mother was, when she was pregnant and in what kind of environment you we're in your first year of your life. So yeah, there's some kind of truth there. It would be cool to make a study comparing the 16 personality types and the zodiac signs. And make a deep dive why it corresponds and where it doesn't correspond.