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Everything posted by 99th_monkey

  1. alot of the things you mentioned are "desirable" traits conditioned into your mind by society and family and all thats stuff, most of the time love as we know it normally is accompanied by a "what can you do for me" mentality that masquerades as love. im pretty convinced 99% of society (especially in the west) has no idea what "love" is. myself included. the love thats the opposite of hate isnt LOVE its love... or ... prefer. I either prefer you or i dont prefer you for whatever reason, "youre smart , dumb, ugly, pretty, strong, like the same music as me, share the same beliefs, have the same hair, youre homeless, republican, 'MERICA!!!!!!! yadda yadda yadda. i hope this helps
  2. spent the day down by the lake as per usual the diamonds greet smiling the song bird sounds so sweet and the wine is a little bitter and why is the backspace my best friend nap when all there is napping
  3. the "BUT LEO?!?" are my favorite part of his videos
  4. one of me is enough to deal with, i dont think im taking on a second silent me as well.
  5. Ive been having a strange experience thats getting... more pronounced. i dont really have a specific technique i use ,but what would happen usually as i sit there either just letting go or observing thoughts, i've noticed that i go into this very dark place, where its feels like theres just a me and these thoughts, its very similar to right before you fall asleep (as ive done countless times ) but i dont fall asleep, and i dont notice the out side world really, and theres a space. almost like watching tv. i cant still get caught up in them and pull back but its not like its here. i dont really know how to describe it other then that. this used to take a while before it would happen (i chocked it up to being sleepy) now it happens very quickly, and today i was mildly alarmed when i was done with my session and i had been obviously crying while it was going on. and didnt realize it.
  6. @All_Around_Me that would make sense, the thoughts shift from external stuff like the dog barking, and whats going on around me. to who I am and character traits and more internal theme. or maybe I am falling asleep and lucid dreaming. lord only knows haha
  7. @Jakeumz basically ill call it my identity coming back in, my "me". its hard to describe, but thats the best i got
  8. of all the words, the most important ones....... "sit yo ass down".... shut up should be in there too
  9. yea i wasnt scared in it, but when i pulled back, or forward .. i dunno.... but when "I" said "whoa" then the judgments came back, and then i noticed everything again. as opposed to not noticing... thank you @abrakamowse for sharing
  10. breathing a bit might help, relax, no one is crazy, that's a concept. no one can BE a concept, your extroverted environment is causing your extroverting seeking. either looking for guidance or using some form of external... ness thingy to figure out what youre doing, or seeking, or whatever. Don't worry about other people, your wife or your grand pa. I mean care about them and help if you can as long as youre not sacrificing "yourself" for the sake of others, (remember who is number 1 here ) your wife isn't going to discover happiness for you, if theres true love there she'll support what you have to do to be happy. no one is going to tell you about death either, (hint another concept), when that these bags of ones goes back to mother the only onnes that can tell you about it are long gone, and even if they could tell you, its still be a misinterpretation
  11. to walk a path of others is a fun party trick the longer the harder the better it feels drink the beer, smoke the smoke walk into the desert, because its the only way eat the mushroom and meet the devil be still and meet the gods who side are you on? in a perfect river both banks flow the same towards the center curve the river ad throw I rocks as you see fit it doesn't matter, the water is the same thorns give rise to roses whos fragrance rings of its ultimate demise
  12. to give up on something is to imply its something worth clinging to in the first place. to suffer in having to give something up is an absurd notion that goes against life fundamentally. nothing is there to give up in the first place. why stew in the struggle of it? there is an acceptance of the world as it is otherwise it woudnt be. To hold an opinion over it or anything is like a child crying for snack after it just ate lunch. arrogant, selfish and ....young.... theres no fault, its impossible. its a shaky concept to say the least given how much of our world is dictated by the ones that came before us. But still those ones before are important but deserve no more then a tip of the hat and a wag of the finger. "you survived, but I'm confused" drink the Kool-Aid or slap the cup. playing middle ground works until it doesn't work anymore. pendulating doesn't work either, er well.. it does, until it doesn't anymore... the opposite of now, doesn't make NOT now. it just kills time. everything ends, and therefore starts. everything passes, everything fades and moves on, or seems to. so what is it that doesnt? we're all in this together, no matter what. we live side by side and hand in hand no matter what. we see and hear and smell and taste and touch together no matter what. I love you all and am so grateful and .... just fucking in awe, I mean seriously what the fuck
  13. that book is very important if books are very important to you.
  14. so, im nervous to post this here. but i cant sleep. I've come to the conclusion that its time for me to move on. i've seen through my self with some help. I cant say enough how important a guide/s is/are. because of the strength of your illusion you will trip and trap yourself everytime everywhere. i'm going to be leaving my family and country. going to Europe. its a MASSIVE massive struggle. and i wont go into details, but everyone's illusion is different and tailor made for them. and its a ....task.... to really do anything against it. im horrified, terrified, completely lost, and i dont care.
  15. dont forget that this is all symbol based conjecture. And being a "representation" at best is still not even close to truth, further, this is all a "misrepresentation". should be taken with a grain of salt and enjoyed. not believed. love you guys/gals
  16. no wonder enlightened guys speak in analogy all the time, i know its common place to say "because the explainable cant be explained" but, just for some fun... maybe its how we think? how we "work".
  17. do you think it might be a good idea to throw it all out and find what your true self might be before "comparing" it to other... thingies?
  18. the only posture that is important is one that wont help you fall asleep
  19. this bear can read my mind.
  20. can you go a little further with what you mean?
  21. The power of intent "happens". i'd to hear it be called a belief but unfortunately it is. To me it like.. well ill go back to desire vs. intent again. To truly intend on something, requires openess, and lack of fear. So even an event or situation that would seem negative or detrimental in some way, could still lead to an outcome that is intended. example intending to find happiness, you may lose your job and family in the process, but happiness being the gift of that. i dont think desire shall manifest that way no? if it does all will be lost to the ego and its tantrums. To piggy back on jed's point a bit. Once you learn the difference and see what intent is. all focus on "egoic" intent fades because its seen through. Like intending to become extremely wealthy, thats not something that the universe provides so it cant be intended (im using this analogy loosely). so you "know" thats not something for you. so theres no waste there. Egoic desire fades in light of real existential intent. <~~~~prayer? maybe?
  22. sounds like the difference between "intent" and "desire". desire being egoic an based off of "wants" in regards to going towards good and away from bad. intent being based and comes with the acceptance of both the "good" and the "bad" at achieving and outcome. Both could be considered "prayers" and both are what make you move.
  23. Forget about time, what's seeing the thoughts about time? :)