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Everything posted by VirusOfTheCult
VirusOfTheCult replied to Gianna's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
God is not real. And when I mean "god".. I don't mean a universal one. I mean the egregore behind this word. So there is no being in the sky or in some weird dimension..either alone or in companion. Time to grow up. I once believed in it. But realize each god is different from every person. Its qualities are always deeply rooted in fear that the person wants to be free of. The god of every person is shaped by their own fears and needs. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes. Because nothing is simply nothing. No, nothing is not a 'is' or 'was'. It's not there to be or not be. No, it doesn't. Who told you that? Zero is simply what is before the start of a number...we recognize zero when 1 comes first and after nada..zero. Zero is none ot yhat "infinite positive negative" blah blah, you're talking about. You're making this up. In fact, infinite positive numbers are a set of numbers..but the infinite set or numbers aren't already defined, they also must start from somewhere..and before the numbers went on and on..there was nada... ZERO. Please, demonstrate your calculus where there is "infinite combinations" and how do you know that? Hace you done and are still doing combinations? How do you know that? What is your evidence? How do you know that? What is your evidence? So that's your conclusion aftet misinterpreting zero. But I just disproved it. Nothing is still zero. Nada. Infinite will be only a definition from the observation of a set of numbers that comes after nada...without them, we can't even conceive of things..let alone of what 'infinity' means.. Uhuull..all is mind...yeah we all heard it before. You do? -
VirusOfTheCult replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There, fixed it for you. When you thank another person, you only use the pronoun 'you'. Basic english for you 101. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lmfaooooooo. Did I just read "entire universe"? Do you even understand the meaning of "ENTIRE"??? NO, YOU ONLY see a particular set of colors from the environment you are currently in (light reflects off objects around you) AND it DOES come from outside of you (it's not like you said in another comment) Otherwise, we wouldn't have pupils, pupils ONLY reacts, it doesn't "create and projects out)..if what we see wasn't coming from outside, in the physical environment, we wouldn't need pupils at ALL). -
VirusOfTheCult replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lmfao. "What you really are"... is Dude talks as if he talked for others what they are... He even wrote a damn text. You aren't the guru for people and you sure as hell don't talk for others, dude. I ain't none of the shit you we are . But you sure as hell can keep these delusions to yourself. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to Thought Art's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nice assumption. For the Universe to be an infinite mind it would need infinite neurons. There isn't none of that. You can think galaxies as part of a mind all you want..but you can't define this minf as infinite...or finite...you can't know what it is..and if such mind even exists... I once thought like u..but there isn't no proof.. just wishful thinking. Is there even a finite mind behind happenings? I doubt so each instance has a gap.. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to RMQualtrough's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No. No and no. Colors are finite and the potential colors are unknown. Sounds are finite...same with irs potential. And qualia is philososophy not a set of numbers. Whoever tells you otherwise is lying. Whatever. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Consciousness would be inside your brain, your brain is not your body. But it's located in your head. Which is part of your body. So your premise is flawed. But it's (the entity) who has consciousness. Yes. No. The common sense view and what the collective mostly believe is that they HAVE bodies. Don't try to distorting things here. Religious people believe they are souls and will meet Jesus in heaven on the after life. Buddhists believe they have souls too.. muslim the same... and so on and on. The common sense view is dualistic. I don't know where you people invent this false idea. Your consciousness IS NOT "located". it's YOU who has consciousness. And it has nothing to do with the brain. And I'm not talking non duality ideas or neo advaita texts you read or any of the stuff in this forum. No. A person could argue that this deep non dual state is just you tripping on your brain chemicals. Especially if your friend is in the same room as you and see you tripping. Wrong again. Who told you this nonsense? The brain is just a processor, it for example, processes the image your eyes receive feom the external reality. Your brain is not generating jack shit. No new information is added from what you perceive. Just like colors are external to our consciousness. Human subjectivity is deeply rooted in the human senses. But your entity has its senses to sense it. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You don't really believe that, Vegan . If this was true you wouldn't be so obssessed to keep repeating the same thing over and over and over like a religious preacher in this forum for years. Like you literally have no life but to preach this nonsense. People don't really care about your belief system my man. They really don't. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Don't play the fool here, you know exactly what he means by "my body". The common sense talk is dualistic. People believe they have bodies. Don't try to make it sound like the common sense view is negation of duality (non dual). Also, medicine that used to believe cured depression via chemicals, never cured it. Suggesting there is indeed an unknown entity separated from the physical real brain. That's why the common sense is that we have souls and we indeed are separate from the body. You can cry all you want about that, but non duality loses all discussions when we get down to real life facts. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's time you let people believe whatever they want to and you do you. What do you think about that? Why are you so concerned what other people believe, if they "are already god" If you really believed that you wouldn't tell anyone to "surrender" to what they already were. I.e you don't actually believe this is a fact. Why do you pretend to be this "enlightened figure" while bashing others about their "ego" on other posts of yours? Haven't you noticed your own ego? You got a nice rush of dopamine don't you? Make you feel a bit important doesn't it? "Ohh I know something the othet person doesn't " but here I am breaking your delusion. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
He never once mentioned "God". In fact Rupert Spira may not even believe in your God, he uses the term 'awareness' and 'fields of consciousness' He said the world exists outside of our minds. Which can said to be correct. But Allah(God) could very well still exist as the observer for each simultaneously places in the physical world. As double slit shows. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to Tim R's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Creates? Some will say your brain creates your subjective experience with no need of god, how do you counter that? Heheheh So good and selfless is a subjective experience that needs god? You couldn't be a "absolutely good person" without god? -
VirusOfTheCult replied to Rajneeshpuram's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lots of assumptions here. If you were to die where would you go? How do you know? How do you know if you go anywhere of if you reincarnate? -
VirusOfTheCult replied to machiavelli's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
???? Imagine this dude in front of the Tv totally tripping saying he is a television watching the television. I would laugh my ass off. Like I am now, with this comment. Sorry no offense man. EDIT: It does make sense tho if you realize your brain is just a television and signals are what attract your soul at the womb when you are born.. so in a sense you do watch television program of an inanimate energy/wavelenghts in entanglement with your brain (now in alpha state) like a computer/television... Reality is personal anyways not only made for humans to think and make a mark...but to affect it directly. At the end of it all..there is only nothingness and beyond nothingness is void and more void... with no end to it. Like an infinity void.. look inside. Yohmu might be impressed how much of a void you find in yourself like a tunnel... like Leo says... no end tunnel of void all your personal problems vamish the tunnel becomes void... i.e the tunnel is finite for some who still didnt see beyond it -
VirusOfTheCult replied to GreenLight's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
'me' isn't the universe. 'me' is created by your brain. Don't confuse 'little me' with Higher Self and and 'little me' which is addicted to a cellphone, ignoring the Universe. I = I am or higher degrees of consciousness = I AM = DIVINE. SELF. True Egregore. God is a religious concept for which we measure our pain. -John Lennon Wish is not love. Will is Love. Love is the will. Thelema 101. Just theories and more theories. There is nothing for you to do rather than what you're always doing? Like, have you tried turning off the phone for a week? Because it seems wlall you're doing is being addicted to a cellphone and typing on this forum. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to machiavelli's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Wxperience is the real teacher. But many overlook it and ignore. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to machiavelli's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
We are talking about shared hallucinations, not actual stones that can be seen in a "shared reality". Stones can be seen as being there before you were there or could be seen as only existing as stones when the observer is looking at them (quantum double slit) and when not observed they are not stones but something else like quantum possibilities of a stone...but some still argue agains it.. even if you say you did, many will argue that you did not manifest the stone and the stone were already there before you came. So it will be your word against them. When we talk about actual thought forms thar can be seen in altered states of consciousness..I think it's a thought form that can be created in shared "hallucinations" from drug trips.. so that everyone can see. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Have you read this one? https://books.google.com.br/books/about/Alone_with_the_Alone.html?id=y6X1hvRV_S0C&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&newbks=1&newbks_redir=1&redir_esc=y -
VirusOfTheCult replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I tried to integrate some teachings alongside quantum knowledge.. and ended up realizing something in my last trip. I think before we are born we were just consciousness and got to a point where you willed yourself into existence.. you were bored... begin to imagine the parents you wanted..thus collapsing the wave function.. consciousness around began to take form... and parents with the specitic details you imagined got attracted...then you are put in the world as a new born baby (illusion that is being manifested), your parents are just there as forms of consciousness that were used to integrate the conscious will that YOU wanted before your birth, but it's ultimately an illusion, it wasn't their choices.. they are just waves that collapse....they are types of consciousness...for example once your father dies he will take another form the Universe wants it to take... your father may even become a fucking chair. Because a "father" is a vessel for consciousness itself to be able to put manifestation to work. It is a "father" as long as you are in this illusory life. Once the father dies. It literally take another form as a wave of probabilities. People may ask..oh what about DNA ... that disproves this theory...etc.. well that is also integrated im the Universe's manifestation... why would you be born in such family with such DNA? Do you think this is some random shit? LOL.. it is actually impossible to be random. Mind (which is not limited and has the ability of Supreme intelligence and instant calculus) creates the best math for your creation. Your will is the Universal Minds Will. It's just that we cannot fully understand with our minds. -
That would still be God's work anyway. I heard one time you say you and Jeff Bezos were the same, on a metaphorical and absolute level. You both ARE the same consciousness.. you and him vanish and the duality only exists in the mind of the observer. so why do people think billionaires are evil? Or are separate? People want to be one with the world but want to bash billionaires... aren't the ego the one who creates the difference between anyone and Jeff Bezos too? Just think for a second, if you were Jeff Bezos wouldn't you think like him? Probably the circumstances would make you think like him, experiences shape people and they transform the way people think but at the end of it all, all people's consciousnesses are the same. Experiences create ego and differences. That's all
VirusOfTheCult replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Mind is so intelligent that uses QM to show the illusory ego truth about itself. It does not hinge on QM. -
VirusOfTheCult replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think they literally cease to exist. I mean literally.. I think there will be a time where you reach a certain level of consciousness where you access a different m dimension where your parents literally cease to exist.. all others too. They vanish. There is a video on youtube talking about it... you simply vanish from this dimension and shift to a different vibration, you literally become all alone, no one to talk to interact. Kabbalah teaches it too I think -
VirusOfTheCult replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
True. I like that video you did explaining Allah. How you have to constantly remind yourself that you and Allah are not one...otherwise you snap back to illusion/maya I like that video so I constantly remind myself "I am not Allah" then snap back to illusion. Then I remind myself I am not Allah. . Then snap back to illusion....I am not Allah.... on and on... constantly remind myself I am not Allah all the time... -
VirusOfTheCult replied to SQAAD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
So that means I'm not within you. Because I am NOT smaller than you.