Federico del pueblo

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About Federico del pueblo

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  1. My inner work
    What do you guys think about Todd V’s game / style?
    @Migue Lonas
    I think I'm gonna split this up in several posts here, because there are various things I want to reply to and there's a lot to say. So here we go.
    I'm an engineer, so I like to look at things in a technical/systematic way which you will probably notice in my explanation
    So my inner work is basically divided in 2 parts:
    1.) trigger reduction/trauma release = uninstalling negative programs
    2.) creating positive beliefs and emotions  = installing positive programs
    For 1.) I use the technique known as "emotional freedom techniques (EFT)", often just referred to as tapping, and it's tremendously effective for me to release any kind of limiting emotion or belief I could ever have.
    I have to mention though that in the beginning the technique didn't work for me because I was getting something wrong even though I worked with a practicioner and this is noteworthy because sometimes I hear other people, who tried the technique, say "EFT  didn't work for me" and I'm almost certain that in most cases I'd be able to point out to them what they're doing wrong/not getting, so they actually could make it work.
    What's so advantageous about this technique for me is that it allows me to work with "the negative" and I can tackle extremely specific issues and basically just unwire them from my brain so to speak.
    It's also good because you don't always have to find something positive to replace the negative with how it's often done with other approaches, e.g. when people basically start to affirm the opposite of whatever their negative belief is. Thus it's kinda like your fear/insecuritiy or even trauma just becomes weaker and weaker and weaker the more you use the technique and the problem just vanishes so you don't respond to a trigger anymore.
    Once I've managed to remove or at least considerably weaken a certain problem (belief/Emotion) I can then move on to part 2.) and create something positive if I wish to do so. This is often not necessary though, because once you don't get triggered by a stimuli anymore you're already good, you just feel neutral and thus fine.
    But here's part 2.)
    To install more positive programs I use a combination of meditation and visualization, which is pretty much the thing that Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches (book: You are the placebo).
    Here's how it works:
    First I have a guided part that is considered to be an "induction" with the purpose of slowing down your brain waves so you enter a state of alpha or even theta brain waves.
    This grants you better acces to your subconscious mind, so you can reprogram it much more easily.
    After this comes a silent part (just ongoing meditation music), for you to "go in the void", and just become pure nothingness or pure consciousness. In this part you deepen the meditative state too.
    After that you have a "creation part" in which you basically create the experience of you being changed/transformed in the way you desire. So here you're basically visualizing, or mentally rehearsing your new self, which also includes speaking affirmations that represent your new self.
    Additionally I've encountered an absolute hack to make this still much more powerful and awesome:
    In my playlist with the meditation I'll add 1-3 amazing tracks with very inspiring music, pretty much like the music you'd have in a movie at the end when the hero killed the villain and saved the planet and everybody is happy and grateful. Tracks like "now we are free" from The Gladiator or "time" from Hans Zimmer. The artists "fearless motivation instrumentals" make the most amazing music for this purpose and you can find them anywhere (YouTube, Spotify etc.).
    During this music I'll keep visualizing and affirming and I have often hit states of absolute bliss or ecstasy, like ridiculously powerful emotions. I'm not exaggerating here...these were the best experiences of my life and they happened purely in my mind.
    So that was part 2.)
    And just to go full circle here. As a amazing as 2.) is, when you have very strong triggers from trauma or whatever it is still more effective for me to first weaken the triggers with 1.) and then move on to 2.), because otherwise you might not rewrite or uninstall these negative programs, you rather install new ones that start to compete with the old ones and then it's still kind of like an inner battle.
    Ok, after this long ass post I feel like it's enough for me for today and I'll address some other things tomorrow, regarding the hot girls and game style and stuff.

  2. No mind Leo
    What is No-Mind?
    It's not a good teaching for several reasons:
    1) Everything is Mind. You're never escaping mind. There is technically no such thing as no-mind.
    2) Even people who have supposedly reached no-mind still think. Which paints a false picture of what no-mind refers to.
    3) God-realization and awakening can be had with a fully active mind and thoughts, and in fact it's useful and important for the mind to contemplate and make some sense of God.
    4) The mind can technically be used to grasp the Absolute. But this mind has to be fueled properly with psychedelics so it becomes a transhuman mind.
    5) Mind is not what prevent awakening. Your state of consciousness prevents awakening. The key is not to shut off the mind but to raise one's state of consciousness. Which can be done by shutting off the mind but not necessarily. If you raise your state without shutting off the mind, it works just as well, and perhaps even better.
    6) An empty mind works well in a mediation retreat setting, but doesn't work so well in a complex world of survival which intellectual problems exist.
    7) An empty mind can still be ignorant and wrong and full of dogma and bad believes and opinions. You cannot solve intellectual problems by just shutting off the mind. This is like sticking your head in the sand.
    - - - - - -
    By no-mind what they basically mean is a meditative state free of thoughts. A still mind for a certain period of time, in contrast to monkey-mind.

  3. Other guys
    How to stay confident when you are competing with more attractive guys
    Okay so i have noticed that whenever i am talking to a girl and another guy is also talking to her, either directly (same set) or indirectly (social circle stuff for example etc) and the guy is better looking than me i start to feel a bit outmatched. When it is just me and the girl talking i tend to block the idea that other people even exist but in general you will have multiple guys competing for the same girl, especially if the girl is somewhat decent. "This girl is being hit up by 3-4 other guys that look better than you, why should she choose you" is a thought i have sometimes when i am by myself reflecting. Basically i am intimidated by male competition. When it is just me and the girl, things are fine, i am quite confident and do my thing. When the idea that other guys are competing with me i tend to feel somewhat inferior and second doubt myself. Usually it is appearance that i feel insecure about because where i live most people are quite good looking (tall, blonde, good jaw etc) and i am more dark skinned, shorter (although muscular) and okayish decentish features but nothing crazy.
    Sometimes i am also intimidated if the other guys have more charisma or are more dominant than me although where i live that is not usually the issue. So what do i do to feel more confident about this?
    Should i just block the competition thoughts on my head 24/7 or? Any advice would be reccomended.
    I know some of you will say to be funny, confident etc but most guys from what i have seen are like that. Especially humour, everyone has it. I have barely met any guys in my life without a sense of humour. It is very hard to differentiate yourself with just humour. Keep in mind i am naturally introverted and low energy person (although quite decent social skills, and very high social intelligence).

  4. Game processing anxiety
    I found a shortcut to getting good game
    Here's a clickbaity topic
    Recently started doing game again after watching Leo's new videos and found that there's a way of getting better extremely fast without doing nearly as many approaches and going through all the hardship (but it highly depends on your ability to process emotions)
    Background: 24 y/o from Canada. Spent ~1.5 years doing nonstop biweekly psychedelic work - spending most of my time cleaning up my psyche (limiting beliefs, trauma, etc) + 1-2 hrs/day meditating on my sober days, doing the same thing. On route to getting enlightened. I've developed an ability to 'see' my emotions as they come up in my body (ie chakra system) and release them by focusing intensely on them.
    Procedure: Start doing day game. If approach anxiety prevents you from making the approach, walk around processing that anxiety and release it. Once done, try again and keep doing it until you can approach. After an approach or two, process those emotions too. From the butterflies in your stomach to perhaps any sudden wave of fatigue that may wash over you.
    Results: I'm still new to this and haven't done many approaches but can see that everything about my game naturally improved (more grounded, better eye contact, direct but friendly, calm and natural). It's also helped tremendously in opening up my chakras. I bypassed most of the guilty feelings/karma associated with acting out of integrity, something I used to get when simply following pickup advice from the Internet which eventually lead me feeling too bad and quitting.
    Reasoning: I believe that men are intuitively good with women - but usually suck because of all of their beliefs and bad prior experiences, which act as negative modifiers to their game. They surface when interacting with women and are thus the easiest to oust in between interactions. Any man who naturally develops high self-esteem and a healthy outlook in life (cares for people in general, fundamentally believes in oneness, spiral wizard) would attract women; and for them game learned from the internet "makes sense" and is easy to implement. 

  5. Leo observational openers
    I have long struggled with partys and social settings (clubs, partys etc)
    Observation openers work so well that I've transitioned all outside-the-club openers to observational.
    The key is to realize your observations don't have to make a lick of logical sense.
    "Hey! Girl in the pasta dress. Stop!"
    "Hey! Elf girl. Stop!"
    "Hey! Girl that looks like a fishing lure. Stop!"
    "Hey! Girl in lingerie dress. Stop!"
    "Hey! What the fuck kind of dress is that? What do you call that thing? Where'd you find that fucking thing?"
    "Hey! How many alligators did you have to kill to make those boots, girl?"
    "Hey! Pocahontas-looking girl. Stop!"
    "Hey! Leprechaun girl. Stop!" (she's wearing green dress) This one will take some recovery work. Apparently girls don't like being called Leprechauns.
    "Hey! Lizard girl. Stop!" (she's wearing green dress) This one will take some recovery work, Lol.
    "Hey! Sparkly boots. Stop!"
    "Hey! Cowgirl. Stop!"
    "Hey! Why are you so short?" (she's extra tall)
    "Hey! Girl that looks like a disco ball. Stop!"
    "Hey! Bubble-gum shoes. Stop!"
    "Hey! Woolly mammoth purse girl. Stop!"
    "Hey! Goldilocks girl. Stop!"
    "Hey! Tinkerbell girl. Stop!"
    "Hey! Gold fish girl. Stop!"
    You can make up this shit endlessly. Infinite observationals

  6. Leo sexualizing
    I have long struggled with partys and social settings (clubs, partys etc)
    Dude, this is so dumb.
    Stop consuming this fear porn. That's all that is.
    I told a girl at the bar that my friend and I have herpes and that since we are such generous guys, we would be happy to share it with her. That was my opener. She told me that I am unusually friendly for a Russian (she was part Russian too). I told her that she is gullible and that if I was a rapist I would take her to my rape van. I told her I am taking her to church to confess all her sins. She asked, which church. I said, the one that molests the most children. She was an attourney. I asked her if contracts make her wet. I told her I will have my attourney draft up some contracts for her. I told her to give me her fax number so I can fax her a black and white pixelated dick pic. She said she actually had a fax number. She gave me her biz card. She asked me what I do. I said I scrub toilets at Taco Bell and that I would scrub the shit out of her toilet. When I said that, I said it like I was talking about fucking her pussy out. She said, Perfect. I told her I am Asian from the waist down and that her ass was too much for me and that she needs a black dude for that ass. But that luckily I am actually black from the waist down. She said, Perfect. She asked for me to take her number. Finally she gave me permission to squeeze her giant tits in front of her friend.
    I told another girl: "Damn, you have a nice body. I want to sell you into sexual slavery, like I did my mother." She giggled but that one blew me out. She still left laughing. It's hard to make that line hook because it's so purposefully outrageous. Still, I like to see how far I can push my verbals.
    Be a fucking man. But be socially calibrated and non-creepy. This was all said in a cool and calibrated way.
    I am not saying you noobs should go that far. But if you think you can't go that far with a girl all into it, you don't understand girls. I am telling you this so you understand what extremes are possible and that you are nowhere near the edge.
    On the other hand, the fear in your eyes alone is enough to creep a girl out. It's not what you say but how you say it.

  7. Julien open to close
    How to pickup a girl from open to close by RSD Julien

  8. James Marshall framing open relationship
    I decided to be a healthy player and I need advice
    He answers the specific question at 1h30m.  Pretty sure he has other videos on the topic, but that's the one I watched.  

  9. Getting in clubs
    How to get let in clubs solo
    A) Pay cover.
    B) Bribe the bouncer.
    C) Grab girls off the street and drag them into the club with you.
    D) Find & befriend promoters who can put you on VIP guest list if you bring girls.
    E) Make a deep social circle of girls who club regularly and invite them out the club with you.
    Option C & D is best.
    Some nights in Vegas I might pay $150 cover just to get into the club. Usually I can get in free using a combination of the other options above. And I can often even skip the line.
    You can also game outside of clubs around closing time. This is the poor man's option.

  10. Hypnose, DMT usw
    Insane Potential of Deep Hypnosis (Astral Projections, Enlightenment,...)
    Anchor natural DMT production
    Ways to naturally produce DMT:
    Dark Room Retreat DMT Breathing:  Shamanic Breathing, Holotropic Breathwork and Wim Hof Breathing DMT stimulating sounds. Like some on this site: https://www.brainwave3d.com/psi-faehigkeiten/zirbeldruese-drittes-auge/ or a lower-quality but free version on youtube:   
    Epsilon frequencies. Like this: https://www.brainwave3d.com/meditation/tiefenmeditation-fuer-profis/129/amazonas-trip-to-god-432-hz-das-tor-zu-lichtwelten?c=20 Before you can effectively use epsilon waves, you should first effectively train alpha, theta and delta each for around 1-3 weeks, or more. Hypnosis. You can release DMT through hypnosis Open your third eye and detox your pineal gland. If you completely detox your pineal gland, then that can make a significant difference. Ayna light. I haven't researched it, but some claim it can make you produce DMT https://amp.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/672s6a/has_anyone_tried_an_ajna_light/  
    If you do the breathing techniques or the listening to certain sounds/frequencies regularly, you will increase your baseline DMT level. Which will have many spiritual benefits, like more easy to OBE, easier to recognize your true Self,..
    The nice thing is that you can anchor DMT release. Let's say you do DMT breathing and realease some DMT, then you can anchor that. That means,  after having firmly anchored the DMT release, whenever you use that anchor in the future, you will instantly produce/release some DMT. 
    Marco Lorenz made this (german) hypnosis audio to release DMT through some breathing + hypnosis and then anchor it: https://www.brainwave3d.com/gateprogramm/gate-1-10/115/dmt-breathing-dmt-trip-selber-ausloesen-gate-7?c=53 Some people who have taken psychedelic DMT apparently reported that they had a similar experience with this hypnosis. Here he talks about the hypnosis audio:
    The DMT you release when doing a breathing exercise usually doesn't come close to psychedelic DMT trips. So how about you combine many of the above-mentioned points? That will increase the DMT release, though it will probably still not get close to a psychedelic DMT trip, unless you combine it with the Esdaile State or OBE technique.
    So once you are good at hypnosis, do as many of the ways to produce DMT as possible and then anchor it. Then you can instantly realease probably nice amounts of DMT. And doing that regularly will increase your baseline DMT level. I wonder whether there is a maximum amount of DMT your body can produce. Like if you did a 40 day dark room retreat, and spent the whole day doing breathing exercises , listening to DMT sounds and using your DMT anchor, will your DMT level just keep increasing? After a certain point it will probably get exponentially harder to produce more DMT. Is that ceiling below or above the level of DMT trips? Also, many people believe that we release huge quantities of DMT when we die or have a NDE (and at birth). So that means, it seems like the body is indeed capable of releasing huge quantities of DMT. If the body can do that upon death, then it can also do it after hard-core DMT practices. And then you anchor that
    Though I guess, even if you managed to firmly anchor the DMT production, the DMT release will probably get less and less, the more often you use the anchor, unless you are extremely good at hypnosis. That means, either become extremely good at hypnosis or just recharge your anchor every now and then.
    Btw, DMT trips, NDEs and Soul Travels are all somewhat similar.
    And, Marco Lorenz said that merely listening to his Epsilon frequencies can induce breakthrough experiences which are similar to psychedelic DMT trips. If you have well trained the epsilon frequencies, they can make it relatively easy to have an OBE, and as they also make you produce DMT, The OBE can be similar to a DMT trip (DMT trips can be considered a kind of OBE).

  11. Loud ass Club game
    I simply have no self belief in this domain
    You are treated like you don't exist because you haven't developed game. You are being too meek and so the environment overpowers you. The solution is to develop a more powerful approach.
    It is not too loud. I've been in some loud ass clubs. The solition there is to use lots of physical openers, physical game, very direct verbals, learn to project your voice more, and very powerful sexual eye contact. The louder it is the more you can caveman it. Literally grab girls by the arm and pull then into you. Some will bust but some will hook hard.
    Your height is not the problem. You just lack the strong game necessary for loud clubs.
    I def struggled with loud ass clubs.
    The way I dealt with it is by forcing myself to approach girls and by making myself just comfortable and relaxed in the club. The club has a way of overpowering you. You have to train yourself to ignore all the noise and distractions. You have to put yourself into a relaxed meditative state and then do lots of direct physical openers.
    A good way to start is by tapping her on the shoulder, smile, and if she gives you positive eye contact, grab her, pull her into you, and say something direct like, "I love you". Then eye-fuck her. Then plow with some verbals and lots of physical escalation. Then lead her to a quieter area to talk or lead her to dance on the dance floor. Or both.
    I know plenty of short guys who do great at the loudest clubs, better than me. It's not the height, it's your lack of game. Most of my wings were shorter guys who killed at the clubs. But they had very good game.
    It helps a lot to get some experienced wings and just watch them approach in such loud clubs. This will prove to you that it can be done.

  12. 1. Approach
    Approached the first girl ever in my life!
    So, I was at the gym a few hours ago and saw a cute girl there. I was kind of wanted to approach her, but also was really scared to do so. And I basically decided to do it for the sake of it, to get over my fear, without caring to much about the result. So I just went up to her and said: "Hi, this is going to be super random, but I wanted to ask you out on a date". 

    She was kind of surprised and it was a bit awkward, I guess, but it worked, and she gave me her number!

    I've just got back home and messaged her on WhatsApp. Idk, if it is going to be a success (meaning she responds and agrees to go on a date), but I just wanted to share my little victory here )

    Also, in case she does agree to go on a date with me, I don't mind some advice from you guys. Specifically:

    - what is the best place to go to?
    - if it's a cafe or other place that involves paying, should I pay for her?
    - should I bring her flowers?
    - how far should I go with regards to physical contact? Should I hug her, hold her hand, try to kiss her on the cheek, try to kiss her on the lips?
    - how do I not run out of things to talk about?
    - just some general advice

    Also, please don't push me too much and say stuff like: "you should definitely kiss her, and then you need to have sex on the first date or it is a failure". Keep in mind that this would be my first date ever, my skills with girls suck, and I have never had sex in my life so simply going on a date is a huge step out of my comfort zone and a success. Also, I don't like rushing things too much in general.

  13. Psychedelics
    Psychedelic Safety and Protocols Mega Thread
    Hey Everyone,
    I am opening up this Psychedelic Safety and Protocols Mega thread because It's apparent to me that many people using psychedelics do not have the tools or resources for proper safety protocols. It is important that as a community we put safety, protocols and mature usage first and foremost in our relationship with these substances. Many people likely have no idea what they are getting themselves into.
    Let's discuss risks and best practices.
    I personally have had a few strange experiences that I would not like to repeat. I may share these bad trips/ reactions on a future date so that others can know what to expect. Even with protocols or experience the deeper you go you never know what will happen. I do not think there is any shame in having a bad trip or having a strange reaction. What matters is that we avoid these types of potentially dangerous situations and become lighthouses for others who may repeat the same mistakes as us.
    There are basic overall protocols when it comes to using substances in general but each substance carries with it it's own unique set of precautions and considerations. I will make another post shortly listing what I have discovered personally works as good overall protocol and of course Leo has many videos discussing this subject as well.
    The days of psychedelics beings something that foolish young people do is coming to an end. At least within the actualized community. We are heading toward becoming good examples for anyone interested in pursuing psychedelics as a way of spiritual growth and personal development. 
    Some of these substances are so powerful that they can be terrifying and confusing. People around you who are not tripping will not know what is going on with you.
    Optics are really important at this stage as psychedelics already have a bad name in society. The only way we can change that is by being mature and grounded ourselves.
    This is a thread that is intended for mature conversation, sharing of articles, videos, online courses etc are proper psychedelic use, safety measures, integration tips, and other resources.
    A lot of people are likely going to be tripping by themselves which means that many people are vulnerable to harming themselves which is why I think it is very important people are doing as much research as possible. Every person will have their own unique set of reactions to these substances. 
    Let's turn this thread into a high quality resource to keep both us as individuals and others safe, and the name of these precious and amazing substances safe. 
    Let's be wise, mature, grounded and scientific in our approach. 
    Will post more soon.
    Personally I am only really experienced with 5meodmt but would like to hear more about other substances as each has their own unique risks.

  14. Sex/Dates etc
    Hurt a girl, what to do... ethical way of dating?
    Of course!
    The more a girl likes you and sees you as boyfriend material, the slower she will be in doling out the sex. Because in her mind she respects you so much that she wants it "to be special" and not cheap. The cheap quick easy sex is for the douche bag player who she will never see again.
    Girls are super counter-intuitive.
    This is otherwise known as setting the boyfriend vs the player frame. If you set the player frame, she will have sex with you on the same night. If you set the boyfriend frame, it will take 3 dates.
    I once was gonna have sex with a girl who really liked me in my car. But I had set the boyfriend frame. So she said, "No, I want it to be special". This is how girls think. Everything is backwards. You will not be rewarded for the boyfriend frame like you might expect, even though that's what she most wants.
    The other problem with just playing with her but not closing the deal is that very often she will flip her mood the next day and never call you back because she feels like a slut or just awkward. It's quite risky to not close the deal. If you got her half-naked, it's usually best to close the deal. The chances of future success after that situation drops quite a bit. My general rule of thumb is: don't get her naked or too horny unless you can close the deal. Because setting up the next date will be so awkward in her mind.
    If your plan is to court her over multiple dates, then the best move is to not push for sex the first date. Then you don't come off as cliche pushy guy and she will be excited for it on day 2.

  15. Clítoris etc
    ARS EROTICA: Pleasure is Truth
    SEX EDUCATION (THE CLITORIS): To add to the post above, a lot of the images I've found are fairly confusing visually. These were some of the better ones that I have found at the moment.
    What I find especially interesting is that when I came of age, I don't recall this information being available at all. I received mandatory sex education from Canadian public schooling (though it's worth noting that it does vary here from province to province), and it was never this detailed when it came to female genitalia. When I started to read quite a bit about sexual anatomy starting around 15-16 which was in the mid 2000s, I don't remember this information being available at all either. In fact, I think that there hasn't been that much widely information until within the last 10 years or so. Possibly it's more like the last 6-8 years?




    A 3d printed model, for size reference:

    Reading this was pretty disappointing. I guess I shouldn't be surprised: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitoris#17th_century–present_day_knowledge_and_vernacular
    A few more quick readings (from pop culture references, but nevertheless, quite succinct):
    https://www.glamour.com/story/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-internal-clitoris --The most important takeaway point from this article, and it answers to my above observations/ questions:
    This lines up with my own felt-in experiences in my own body, although I would say that there is something qualitatively different about a cervical orgasm (which is perhaps something I ought to write a bit more about in the future).
    When I was younger especially (around that mid 2000s time period), it was almost universally accepted that the cervix had no sexual sensation. At all. And that it played no role at all in sexual function (not just for some or most women, but all women), that all female sexual response and pleasure was experienced only externally and within the first couple inches of the vagina up to the g-spot (if that). Surprise surprise for me when I found out that there was so much more to it all.

  16. Fast healthy food
    Fast [healthy] food
    I'm full of **** (work).  I glad I finally became eating healthy. Most of my food is raw greens.
    I feel guilt when I spend 2hrs a day cutting the ingredients and washing the dishes - I eat 2 times a day. I work 6-7 hrs a day while should work 10. Big responsibility lays on my shoulders.
    Here are my ideas for a quick meal:
    Huel shake powder (europeans may know). Plant based powder from fruits and veggies. Just dillute with water and drink. However I don't sure it is nutritionally complete meal. Even they tell it is rather complementary snack. But the whole process takes less than 10 mins (including washing the shaker)  Seaweed. I've ordered few killograms of dried seaweed and I will be soaking and eating it. However soaking still takes time so I'll need to swing between kitchen and office which is not perfect Now is your turn: how would you solve this problem?

  17. Money online skills
    How to earn money online without much skills?
    So I want to start earning online but I don't have any skills right now. How do I begin earning? I will learn skills in the future, but that will take time.
    I need to start earning money now: Not much, I am talking about a decent 200 dollars a month to begin with. My finances are unstable, so I need to start earning ASAP.
    Do you guys have any ideas as to how can I earn this much(or somewhere near it) without any good skills in my hand? 

  18. Self help
    Is there still room for more self development/ self help/ spiritual youtube content
    I kinda like the idea of starting a Youtube channel, I see a lot of youtube content creators with self help and spirituality. In my opinion leo tops them all and some time I feel like dude cover up all topic and there is nothing more left to say. Is the industry saturated?