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Everything posted by Emir

  1. Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God Everything other than what is described in this video is your imagination and is not real. Trying the explain the "Isness" is one of the biggest spiritual pitfalls. And it will lead you to the spiritual ego (Zen devilry as Leo calls it) very easily. You are not alone. There is no "you" to be alone. There is no "aloneness". The self-deceiving, self-experiencing god is not real. Reality is not "solipsistic". These are just ideas, concepts, words, sentences.. which ALWAYS distracts you from the actual thing. Do not absorb any ideas, surrender every opinion. The Tao that is namable is not the eternal Tao. It cannot be measured, it cannot be divided, it cannot be named. It can only be felt as a feeling that cannot be named, has no conditions, a mixture of mystery, love, wholeness, excitement and peace. This feeling and senses accompanied by it, is all there is, nothing else.
  2. I suggest you to stop calling it distraction or anything. You are not focusing on the awareness itself. What you call distraction is a part of awareness, the awareness of the external (which you see as true awareness, thoughtless state) and the awareness of one’s own reactions to the external, and to be aware of the movement of this awareness is this movement of the outer and the inner, there is no division between the outer and the inner, awareness and distraction. If you think they are divided, then there will be a constant struggle to focus your energy, to the visuals to the sounds and so on, so there is a resistance, a struggle, trying to focus on a particular point. This is concentration. In concentration there is always the one who tries to concentrate, and in that concentration there is an effort and control, and that creates division and conflict. The thought, "i must be attentive all the time" is not the way to go. You are trapping yourself into the duality by dividing them and trying to avoid the other, instead of just watching it. There is no one to be distracted. Be aware of the WHOLE FIELD, not just a part of it. Accept the movement.
  3. Why would you care about words. Contemplate about why some kind of resistance happens in you when you read a "bad word". Instead of creating threads to get rid of "toxic language", you can contemplate about why that vulgarity upsets you. Why would you get triggered about some shapes created by pixels in your screen. Maybe if you could stop identifying yourself as a woman or man or whatever, such things will stop bothering you. Would it be better trying to destroy such things, or to make them your teacher, reminding you to be aware, instead of fighting with them?
  4. David R Hawkins ~ Handling Fear - YouTube
  5. When you "feel alone", do not identify yourself with the emotional feelings that occur in your body and the thoughts that arise in your mind. Stop resisting the state you are in and labeling that state with words and concepts like "loneliness", "pain", "boredom" etc. Imagine a child talking in your head who has the power to make you feel those emotions. Imagine yourself watching that child from behind. You are not that child, just observe. You can not solve your problems within duality, because there is always a tradeoff. Only solution is to raise your baseline awareness so you can catch that child everytime it speaks and pokes you with his stick. That resistance occuring in you is literally the child resisting the Absolute Love so it can exist.
  6. You should definitely check out Teal Swan's teachings. I have never seen a woman this articulate and intelligent anywhere else.
  7. or you could just chill and you know, laugh it off.
  8. do not identify yourself with the emotion and the concepts that comes with it. just watch the emotion and let it run through. you don't even have to call it "an emotion", or say "i'm feeling bad". just be with the feeling without labeling anything within you and around you.
  9. Beach House - Space Song - YouTube