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Everything posted by BadHippie

  1. Also interesting in the context of IQ. It's probably because of all the measures against Covid. Children need facial-expression, social contact, play and stuff to develop in a healthy way.
  2. @Carl-Richard Here in Munich people who are vaccinated are filling up the hospitals... I have friends working there. Do you really think people who get vaccinated can't get sick anymore? The vaccine hardly changes anything... It's all just wishful thinking that the vaccine will safe us all. But it's all for the higher good right?
  3. @Leo Gura Can you show me the proof that we "successfully" vaccinated much of the population? How do you measure what that means? For all I know in my personal environment my friends who got vaccinated as children are sick like a 100 times more than me... ? You can't measure whether vaccines are successful or not if there are no real placebo studies and stuff.
  4. @7thLetter I could say the same to all the people taking the vaccine. All the same talk for all the people who take the vaccine. I´m tired of it at as well... At least the people who are against the vaccine, don´t try to force their view onto other people. At least here in Germany. They just want to decide on their own what´s good for them.
  5. @Consept Well as someone living in Germany I can say one thing for sure... Learning about Naziism in school in such a one-sided manner teaches you nothing. We are currently heading down a road which has a lot of aspects in common with the beginning of how Hitler got to power. What people in Germany and I aswell learned in school was kinda that we should be ashamed to be Germans. I never considered myself a German, even though I was born here, but when I was younger that's what I believed as well. My take on critical race theory is that it depends on how you teach it. What this critical race theory is doing in most cases, is making people focus on race. At least that's what I see here in Germany from a lot of my friends. What would be more important is people starting to see each other as subjects, instead of putting labels on them. Like you don't even need to know the concept of race to love all people if you know that we are all human. Why not teach a theory that focuses on what we all have in common, instead of how we differ?
  6. Just ask him: "Are you open to talk about hinduism and exchange our perspektives?"
  7. Depends on how you interpret what a third world country means to you... It's all relative.
  8. A friend of mine just was to Kenia and he said they`re doing pretty good, even without the vaccine. Just shows that it's not necessary to vaccinate everyone. They aren't all dying on the street. Well at least from Covid, hunger and stiff is still a bigger problem for them. Instead of focusing on giving those people in Africa vaccines, how about instead focusing on getting them enough food and water, so that they can at least still their basic survival needs...
  9. @AtheisticNonduality Here in Germany there are a lot of severe cases even in vaccinated
  10. Didn´t Fauci (and the CDC) just say it´s the same viral load for vaccinated (
  11. Nice one how about stopping the deforestation of the rainforest... Climate Change is a problem, but I don´t think we are on the right path when the only thing everyone is talking about is CO2.
  12. With that mindset you could go by someone raping a women and not do anything. Sure there is no evil from an absolute sense. But you do have an ego, which has values and principles. And by those values there are things you consider "unjust". He probably meant that and not "evil" in the sense you mean it. Your whole channel is build upon your beliefs about what you think is "good" for humanity. You also consider people stupid who have different opinions than you. Which is also Ego Ego Ego. As "stupidity" doesn´t exist from an absolute sense...
  13. Did you ever consider that not everything written down is true? Just because the book says it´s based on science, doesn´t mean it´s true. Leo did a lot of videos on that. Science is full of shit. But you have to be good at finding the bullshit. You can´t give away your own ability to make sense of the world to a book (authority)... Exactly my point. All the calculations done in the beginning of 2020 were wrong and false... and there were already many experts telling us exactly that, but they were censored. And now that almost all "conspiracy-theories" regarding COVID and Vaccines came true. People use other ways to diffame other perspectives. Just like you do right now, by not even considering my point and simply saying I´m full of shit.
  14. Also to the people trying to coerce someone into taking the vaccine. What do you tell them if they have long-term consequences from the vaccine? Or someone who lost someone to the vaccine. You make it look like the vaccine is safe for everyone - which it isn´t - there is clear evidence that people die after the vaccine. (probably more than officially counted, because the bureaucracy for evaluating if someone died from the vaccine is different then when someone died "from" COVID) Like why does everyone count towards COVID-Deaths, who has a positive test, when dying? But when someone dies after taking the vaccine, they try everything to not make it count as vaccine dead... We should count both the same way. We need official numbers of people dying WITH the vaccine, just like we have official numbers for people dying WITH a positive test for COVID.
  15. How do you calculate something with so many factors? It´s impossible... Can you show me the study that says we need to vaccinate everyone?
  16. There is nothing like "basic virology", it´s all subjective... (Not focused on viruses, but also some good perspectives) (don´t find it in english) (Everyone should read this who works in the medical-industrial complex, well basically everybody if I´m honest, not just about viruses) the other one I counted towards viruses was more on "pandemics" in general: (can´t find it in english) probably looks like I am biased now, but that´s fine ;D
  17. Can you show me the studies that proof what you say? All I read are assumptions over assumptions... Lethal with 0,15% CFR? Or how do you define lethal? In that sense going to McDonalds is also lethal, or smoking a cigarette... How many books on viruses have you read? I read like 6 over the past year, not just ones that underpin my own perspective but also ones that contradict my own perspective. How many self-experiments did you do with viruses? I could throw the same "insult" back at you. But that´s not the kind of discussion I want to have. So if you have arguments I´m open to listen, but this child-like behavior of name-calling is kinda boring and not what I expect from high-conscious people.
  18. Interesting Cool new concepts to understand what´s goin going on currently. And also explains why so many people on this forum turned to Dogma and Ideology.
  19. @Gesundheit2 How do you know that? If there is no proof for that, but tests that don´t actually show anything but some snippets inside your body. In my eyes COVID is just a bunch of symptoms thrown together because they think every symptom comes from what they tested for. There are no new symptoms with COVID, just old symptoms put into a new category "COVID"... Also as far as my own biology-knowledge goes - if I turn of my perspective about "viruses" - the viruses won´t mutate to kill more, but to be less lethal. Why would the virus want to kill it´s host, that would mean it will die together with it´s host. You can see this in almost any animal, where we have so called viruses. The animals (we as humans also) always live with viruses inside us. You can find them inside everyone, but they aren´t making you sick. (e.g. Epstein-Barr Virus (like 90% of people have them, just not "active"). IMO: The only way to stop this whole pandemic is by realizing that it´s stupid to test people who are asymptomatic and label them as "potentially infectious". As long we we continue testing we will always have new cases, even if no one would be sick (false positives). We need to go back to differential diagnosis, instead of testing everyone for COVID immediately when someone goes to the doctor. (e.g. check our Thailand, they´re doing it a bit differently and they don´t have such high numbers). Also we need to stop making COVID look like some Killer-Virus that could kill the whole population. It has a 99%+ Survival Rate for the majority of humanity. Also we need to stop this fear-mongering with "long-covid" and instead realize that this is nothing new. It´s just ICS (Post Intensiv Care Syndrom) and CFS (chronic fatique syndrom) reframed as "long-covid"...
  20. You mean 600.000 people died WITH a positive test, when they died. That´s not the same as dying from COVID. A tiny part dies BECAUSE of COVID (and even that can be questioned and should be questioned). What would they write on the death-certificate if we didn´t have a "COVID-test"??? You always talk about epistemology, yet your epistemology seems to lack in nuance.
  21. You guys are way to stuck on the words she uses. "Believe" is just a word, and she probably defines it differently than most of you guys here. You make it look like belief is something bad, but there is nothing bad. I also believe in God, but for me believe is more like having faith. It's not something dogmatic. But I have faith in my own experience of God.
  22. @Seeker531 Can you elaborate on how the PCR is reliable?
  23. @Windappreciator Im not saying I'm free of it. That's why I'm here talking with you guys. Listening to different perspectives and trying to make my perspective more nuanced. Sadly almost all of the posts here are just full-on name-calling without any value and no effort put into Sensemaking. @Mason Riggle Yeah it's crazy. We could do so much more if it actually was about health and human lives. There is this great book: It shows in a compelling way what would be possible, if it actually was about health and humanity, with just 75 Billion dollars, which is nothing compared to what we spend on tests, vaccines and lockdown-consequences.
  24. @Seeker531 Honestly I don´t know what to answer to that. Just shows that you didn´t get my point. I don´t want your interpretations for answering these questions. I have "better" - more nuanced - answers myself. But thanks for the work. These questions were just to show that this whole narrative - that our media and politics build up - is full of deception and falsehood. What are you trying to do? If you honestly want to change my mind, show me a proof that this so called "Virus" actually causes all those symptoms. It was never "proven" that a virus causes all these symptoms. That´s just societies interpretation and I have a different one. You can´t prove it to me. So this whole discussion is useless imo. I actually went and checked for myself if it is true. Did you do the same? Maybe it´s true for you that viruses cause those symptoms, but it´s not for me. Don´t take this video as if I take it as truth. You still have to do all the sensemaking for yourself. This is just as a pointer.
  25. @Windappreciator Stop assuming I am paranoid I think everything is perfect as it is It´s all happening because it has to happen this way