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Everything posted by BadHippie

  1. @Preety_India That's basically a Rapture-Ideology (Jamie Wheal?). Me and my group will survive, while the rest will perish. Not a good / loving way to think about humanity if you divide us in your mind. Also feels like I need to post this over and over again here: "If there are whole chunks of populations that you only have pejorative strawman versions of, where you can't explain why they think what they think without making them dumb or bad, you should be dubious of your own modeling." - Daniel Schmachtenberger There are NO stupid people, that´s your mind not understanding someone.
  2. I wouldnt agree on that. We had to develop a lot of psychotechnologies (like language, literacy, mathematics, ...) and integrate them, in order to use our brain as we are able to use now. How would you be able to have complex ideas without literacy to imagine words and think in language? You wouldn´t even be able to exist as you, in the way you currently think, without these psychotechnologies, which most of us take for granted.
  3. Polygamy works for me Even though I am not a "Chad". You just need women who have a different take on love, relationship and marriage. In my personal experience it´s just about showing women you don´t just want them for their body, but you truly see them as a "soul". They will naturally "feel" that you aren´t just in because you want to "fuck" them. Most girls don´t really want to just be "fucked". They may think they want that, because they never had "spiritual sex" and also sometimes use "fucking" as a way to fill a deep whole in their own self-esteem with it. I also realized (for myself) that a lot of girls won´t even have "Sex" with me, because they have a deep fear of getting in a truly emotional-connection. Which "spiritual-sex", where you don´t threat each other as "objects" always is.
  4. There is an interesting experiment - that was done by a famous German neurobiologist: He basically took 6-month old babies and showed them different animations. In one animation there is a "yellow-man" climbing up a steep mountain. A "green-man" is helping him climbing up. In the second film the "yellow-man" is climbing up the mountain again, with the "green-man" trying to help again. But in this film there is a "blue-man" pushing down the "yellow-man". After watching these animations they are allowed to choose from two figures - a "green-man" and a "blue-man". Every baby with 6-month chose the "green-man" - the helper. Half a year later, he repeated the experiment with the same babies - now 1 year old. -> 10% of the babies now chose the "blue-man". He basically argues that those children "learned", in their environment (family), that someone enforced their own will, over someone else, and has success with it. That´s how the idea that "egoism" gives us faster success gets implanted in our heads. This idea gets passed on from generation to generation, even though it isn´t inherent inside us and we could act differently. Just a different perspective Maybe it helps to answer your question. He also argues that there are at least two inherent basic-needs in us. From the nine months in the womb, we learn that we are connected and allowed to grow at the same time. Later, we constantly experience that these needs come into conflict. In infancy, this already begins. Mother or father may tell us how to be. At school we are supposed to perform and we cannot always live up to them. In the worst case, we are punished. Such experiences hurt us in the truest sense of the word.
  5. How do you know trump isn't speaking his own truth?
  6. You should read some literature about rights and stuff. But maybe it´s just different in America. But you also have a constitution. At least here in the EU we have that right and a lot of other rights, which simply get disregarded. I already got reported a few times, but won all the time simply by knowing my rights. - Article 3 Right to the integrity of the person 1. Everyone has the right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity. 2. In the fields of medicine and biology, the following must be respected in particular: (a) the free and informed consent of the person concerned, according to the procedures laid down by law; (b) the prohibition of eugenic practices, in particular those aiming at the selection of persons; (c) the prohibition on making the human body and its parts as such a source of financial gain; (d) the prohibition of the reproductive cloning of human beings. Article 21 Non-discrimination 1. Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.
  7. This guys perspective is more funny
  8. How about trying some "techniques" to build an authentic-relationship? People love to talk about the topics they are concerned about, if you simply avoid it, it often turns into a bigger conflict - in my experience. A therapist I got to know over the last year showed me an interesting technique, which is quite fun to do especially with women. 1. You set a topic - can be anything 2. Set a time - e.g. 10 Minutes is fine 3. Then you discuss to your hearts content in that time - let your inner monster come out 4. Afterwards you set the timer for the same amount of time 5. Then you "discuss" again, but without talking This will probably sound pretty stupid and kinda impossible to have a discussion without words, but it really helps to come back to simply being-together in harmony For me this takes the division, that the discussion most likely will create (if you have a different perspective) out of the relationship and also allows you to reflect on your own ability to discuss.
  9. Interesting take. I see rage, fear, hatred being created on both sides, at least here in Germany - "Alternative-" and "Mainstream-"Media, right-wing / left-wing perspectives and so on. A lot of vaccinated people have a deep fear towards unvaccinated people and vice-versa. It´s hard not to get sucked into this, if you simply follow some authority and don´t do your own research. Fear towards other people has skyrocketed here in Germany. There are a lot of children (my mother works in a kindergarten) with really unhealthy manifestations of this fear. People seem to lose touch to each other because of all the fear. There are few things worse - in my opinion - than the inability to listen to other perspectives because you feel morally superior. It has gotten super hard to build authentic-relationships, between people who are divided by this "stupid" question of being vaccinated and a "sheep" or unvaccinated and "lacking in solidarity" or a "conspiracy-theorist". Even here on the Forum, with so many self-proclaimed "conscious"-people (myself included), throwing labels at each other instead of trying to make sense together. I´ve hardly seen any high-quality discussions in the last few weeks here.
  10. @PurpleTree Yeah I agree. I don´t really know how bad FoxNews is, I don´t really watch that much American News. "Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred." – Joseph Goebbels This I see in FoxNews and CNN though. They are both creating enemies. Maybe to a different degree, but they are still doing it. But if you are able to get the "truth" from different perspectives and don´t let yourself be divided by some narrative you are on a good way.
  11. It's all propaganda, whether it's Reuters or FoxNews or any other news source, just depends on the perspective. Read some Edward Bernays... It's so mind-boggling. People always assume their own news sources are "good" and all the sources, which disagree with their own news-source, are propaganda.
  12. Yeah obviously that´s a possibility. But one I think of highly unlikely. My friends / other people I know aren´t even able to view topics like the deforestation of the rainforest as a systematic problem, which can´t be solved by simply stating "just stop". Why would they stop? There are 9 countries which are doing it. If a president decides to stop, he won´t get elected in the next election, too many peoples survival depends on the deforestation of the rainforest. They are unable to talk about certain topics, get triggered by it and so on. Use name-calling and other low-conscious behavior. How do I explain this? Well most people live in their bubbles. Don´t have a grip topics like history (or only the history in school), consciousness, money as a system, systems thinking in general, psycho-technologies, ego, health, nutrition, bias, dogma, self-deception, and so on. Also our society "breaks" peoples self-esteem. I made a pretty interesting discovery regarding that. People who are "Stage Green" as you call it, are giving away their sensemaking to "experts" like the IPCC, Mailab (super deluded chemist, or she´s doing it on purpose), Mister Wissen2Go, ... They aren´t thinking for themselves. Whenever I talk about a certain topic and ask them to explain something further they can´t - because they don´t really understand what they are talking about. They are just pointing to some authority. How many people truly do their own research? Not that many in my opinion. Most peoples lifes are bubble-centric - meaning they have their topic - mostly what they´re studying. They are able to tell you a lot of "book-knowledge" about that certain topic, but are unconscious about the most basic things in life like nutrition and health. They never questioned who they are and so on, what society is, ... Basically what I see here in you again - you use this label "conspiracy theory" to explain why I think the way I think. Meanwhile I believe all "conspiracy-theory"-labeling is just because people don´t want to understand where someone else comes from, because it is dangerous for their own narrative. You basically argue I didn´t do my own Sensemaking, just bought into some "idiot" telling me lies without checking it for myself. I don´t do that. I am not certain with things I can´t be certain about. Even what I said about climate-change, shouldn´t be taken as Dogma, it´s simply what my current research showed me. Maybe it will turn out as wrong. But what I am sure about is that we won´t be able to "stop" climate-change by introducing a CO2-Tax or reducing our carbon-footprint to zero. That will just destroy mid-tier business, because the companies who are actually doing most of the pollution will simply be able to pay it. I don´t dismiss a side just because a certain person is on a specific side lmao. That´s really bad Sensemaking in my eyes
  13. Lmao This seems to me like dogma at it´s finest. Dogma always says it´s not dogmatic. I did my own research, e.g. reading the IPCC-reports which are pretty bad to be honest, other studies, perspective from physics, chemistry, and so on. If you check out how they work you will understand how they come to these conclusions. As you probably are following some autority, if you did you research on climate-change you would at least know it can´t be almost entirely man-made, if you take into account more of the probably infinite factors, which are affecting the "climate". Not being open for different perspective is also a strong sign for dogma. Why do you think so many people don´t buy into this narrative that humanity is 100% responsible for climate-change? Are they all deluded idiots? Or could it be that you are the deluded one?
  14. As I said the AFD is ideological and dogmatic as well (maybe "some" was the wrong word). At least a big part of it. It´s jst super diverse if you listen to the people in the AFD there is actually some systematic thinking, which is pretty rare in other parties. You can only be triggered if you don´t understand something. Try to see the nuance in the AFD. They triggered me as well a few years ago. I really hated the AFD and got triggered whenever someone said something "not bad" about them, because I didn´t see the nuances. Yeah I noticed we have a completely different approach / perspective on Stage Blue. For me a lot of people who are fighting against climate change (friends of mine who go to these FFF-Demos and stuff) are doing it out of a strong dogma and subscription to a belief-system. Which is stage Blue to me. Climate-Change-Denial: They are not denying climate-change, they´re simply arguing that it´s not 100% man-made (which I agree on). They say it´s bullshit to "save-the-climate" we should rather focus on "saving-nature" in general, as that is what is smarter in that regard. Nationalism: Well yeah they´re nationalist, to a dogmatic degree, which I also don´t like. Though I see the partial truth in nationalism. The function of a nation is to protect it´s people and their desires from outside influences which want to force them to do something they don´t want. Anti-globalism including proposed EU exit: Yeah and I am for that as well. The EU in it´s current form isn´t really doing "politics" for the people anymore, but rather for big corporations. E.g. there are laws which forbids supplement-producers from doing advertisement in a meaningful way, there are EU-Laws which make it nearly impossible for farmers to survive without working themselves to dead. All in All: I am all for globalization is a conscious and smart way though. Yeah we could argue about all the other points as well, but I don´t really have the time right now maybe I will continue later.
  15. Interesting Take: Here's mine, as a deluded conspiracy theorist from Germany only the parties I researched CDU/CSU - Blue/Orange -> Virtue Signaling Green SPD - Blue/Orange LINKE - Blue/Green Die Grünen - Blue/Orange/Green - super ideological and deluded without any systematic solutions for the problems they frame for us; also super bad Sensemaking FDP - Blue/Orange VOLT - Green/Yellow - sadly deluded regarding climate change and the EU Die Basis - Green/Yellow - only viable option for me currently, as they are the only ones who truly see "humanity" as a value to fight for AFD - Blue/Orange/Green/Yellow - probably the most diverse party there is, even if there are some Dogmas Interesting perspective to see "Die Basis" as an alternative medicine party. I would really like to talk to you about how you came to that conclusion. Is that how most "normal" people see "Die Basis"?
  16. This is hilarious ? The sad truth is a lot of people here turned Actualized into a Cult for themselves... Everything can be turned into a cult it seems.
  17. Also this is quite funny to me. You mean those educated (= brainwashed by the social-matrix (as Leo calls it)) people? The people who critically-think? The same people who are just functioning? Eat unhealthy food all day? Don´t know shit about how society works? Want back their "old-lives" because they can´t be happy with what is currently going on? The people who believe the vaccine will give them back their "old-live"? The same people who don´t even understand why people aren´t taking the vaccine and simply call them stupid, conspiracy-theorist, trumpist and so on, because they can´t fully explain how they think what they think? Society hardly consists of conscious-people, sure there are some who are conscious (in some areas) and some people (like Leo) are conscious in a lot of areas, yet still believe the vaccine will safe us all. But "Main-Society" as a whole consists of maybe 1%-5% of conscious people and a whole lot of "Zombies" people who just "function as a machine" and live a life of reacting to the outside. This whole notion of something being wrong - always comes from the ego - the world is clearly exactly where it needs to be. If you need scapegoats who are "evil" to explain the world to you, you are clearly thinking a lot with your ego. You are the "conspiracy-theorist" and they are all acting out of love I never had a Q-tip shoved up my nose and I probably won´t need to in the future Enjoy your yearly (maybe even more often) booster-shots to stay "healthy" and go into fancy-restaurants and social-gatherings with your "normal"-people. Meanwhile I will party with my friends, maybe have an orgy with my vaccinated and unvaccinated friends and cook some nice feasts together - Namaste
  18. @hoodrow trillson Lmao, you clearly don´t understand anything about this counter-movement (at least how it is here in germany). People who won´t get vaccinated aren´t people who need "material-stuff" like cinemas, going to restaurants, travel, etc to be happy. The people who need that (being in the "in-group") are mostly already vaccinated here in Germany. Besides that - here in Munich where I live - the restaurants I like to visit are still open to unvaccinated and untested people as they´re the most conscious restaurant serving the best food. I wouldn´t want to go into a restaurant where I get served poison anyways. You can build your own social-matrix with your friends. Why would I go to a restaurant, when we can cook a better meal with my friends on our own? Why would I go to a party - where people need to wear masks - when I can make my own party with "chill" people I like? Why would I travel somewhere far, when I can "travel" better with my own mind? Travelling isn´t about seeing new places, it´s about a shift in your state of consciousness, which isn´t just possible with travelling far. Besides that most people who travel a lot do so because they search for "happiness" in the outside. ... Also here in Germany they´re already building up a whole "parallel society" - maybe it won´t work on the long run, as "society" will try to burn it down. But it´s about the people and you can´t "burn down" a connection between people who love each other. Also it´s not about studies or "facts", which can always be interpreted in infinite numbers of ways. It´s about different principles. Do you believe in humans being able to do the right thing "on their own"? Self-responsibility -> they you are clearly on the wrong-side, with trying to force people into taking something they don´t want Do you believe that we need some authoritarian-government to tell everyone how they should behave? What health, happiness, friendship, solidarity, tolerance,... means -> if yes then you are on the right side have fun there ”It is no measure of health to be well adjusted in a profoundly sick society.” - Krishnamurti Of course this is all my subjective experience And maybe I am all wrong and I will die soon because I don´t want this vaccine. But let me die on my own terms. I don´t need someone - who clearly feels morally superior - telling me what´s the best thing for me.
  19. @GoobyBooby I don´t think it´s about fear for everyone. This whole narrative of "war against a virus" / "war against the evil kabal" gives people, without a lot of meaning in life, a "purpose". They feel that they are doing the "right" thing. And it´s not even hard work. You can basically sit at home, eat chips and play video games and think of yourself as hero (some of the people who believe the mainstream narrative) or label everyone as "sheep" and feel superior / smarter (some of the so called "conspiracy-theorists") What I notices in my generation as well is blind-trust in the government, even though it wasn´t there before. I think that´s because of fear. People are more fearful that their worldview is wrong, than they have fear from covid / the vaccine / there being a secret Elite ruling everyone. What most people don´t get is that every narrative has some truth to it. Like it´s not hard to see why some people believe in some secret group of people ruling everything. Sure it has some truth, look at stuff like the Bilderberger, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the WEF ... They are developing narratives that they want people to believe in (like almost everyone else). But they are doing so "kinda" openly, so I wouldn´t call this a "conspiracy".
  20. Klaus Schwab wrote a book called "Covid-19: The great Reset", pretty interesting to read to get into the mind of Klaus Schwab. He has a lot of great ideas, but I don't think his vision will work. Well maybe it will, but it's not the way I want to get there. Like you can read his book and say "Yes", "Yes", "Yes",... for 12 statements. And then the 13th statement is "But we can only have have this if we completely monitor everyone 24/7" ... He grew up with Naziism, so he probably has a very bad perspective on humanity.
  21. They only failed if the goal was to bring peace and stability... Which never was the goal of any war. I have a friend from Afghanistan (refugee who came to Germany) who tells me how stupid this whole notion of America trying to help them is. Most of the people hated getting "help" from America. It wasn't even seen as help, but as America trying to destroy their way of life / culture. Imagine some Aliens coming to America and forcing you to become Homosexual, because they say Humans should only be incubated in machines? How would you react? Maybe it's a higher stage, but would you realize that from your current view? So it's no wonder many Afghans turn to the Taliban when America is gone and can't enforce their own ideology anymore. What would fighting against the Taliban do for them?
  22. @Blackhawk Enlighten me please. What do you define as "right" and "wrong" sources? And how would someone know?
  23. @Blackhawk And how do you know what are "right" and "wrong" sources? Sounds like a basic mistake in epistemology... There are no "right" or "wrong" sources. I can really recommend you listening to some Schmachtenberger or going through the basics of epistemology in some other way.
  24. @Johnny Galt Thanks for this quality post. It makes me quite sad how easily people dismiss what you post, simply believing they are right and the other side is simply wrong. There is a great quote from Daniel Schmachtenberger I think fits really well into this conversation: "If there are whole chunks of populations that you only have pejorative strawman versions of, where you can't explain why they think what they think without making them dumb or bad, you should be dubious of your own modeling." You can probably call me an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy-theorist and stuff. And it probably is true from the cultural definition of it so if you'd like to try to" reach me" I am open for some high quality discussion. What I get from this forum sadly isn't some high quality arguments why vaccines are good, it is simple name-calling and fear-mongering... A good example is Leo's post. He doesn't even understand the anti-vaxxer perspective and still tries to work with fear. Like most anti-vaxxers don't really believe that every case that's called Covid-19 is Covid-19. So they will simply dismiss Leo's argument if he argues with some severe Covid-Case. They will say: "How did they test if he had Covid-19? How many times did they amplify the PCR-Test?" and so on. This whole notion that anti-vaxxers are simply stupid is so sad on this forum. Where did all the consciousness and willingness to understand different perspectives go?