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Everything posted by Toasty

  1. I've been married for 10 years. And my marriage sounded simarliar to yours. Sounds like your hubby is insecure. Leo has a good video on how to be attractive. In that video holds the key. My marriage is alot better now as both of us have grown. Kids from married parents are usually more successful However is better to come from a broken home than to live in a broken home
  2. I think they are mostly external factors and i definitely have limiting beliefs that I'm slowing weeding out. To do that i beleive i need a good understanding of the ego as i though it to be the same as the self image. If you have a good self image you should have few limiting beliefs.
  3. This happens to me too. People that dont even know me seem to really hate me and wont make eye contact. I get the feeling that they are feeling insecure around me which is so odd. Im a 5'6 white male, 150 pounds average looking. One thing I've noticed, people that are secure are very encouraging. But people that are insecure either about there appearance, education level... tend to put me down. I don't put anyone down. Why do you think this happens to you?
  4. I listen to the id, ego and superego. The way i understand the ego is that it is you conscious mind. Id is your primitive instincts. The super ego are the thought doing the self judgement. Am i on the right track?
  5. I'm 38 and have 2 young kids which are obviously my greatest treasure. Everything i do is based around them. I'm cautious all the time now which makes me worry more. I take care of my health, thanks to Leo's "How to stay healthy" video. But now i feel like im being overly cautious. Like i wont participate in things like kickball tag rugby I'm worried about injury. I'm wondering to survive if you do have to take some risk.
  6. Thanks Visual. That makes alot of sense. Do we need validation? Also, i can't seem to get a solid answer of what the ego is. Also, is the self image what we think others see us as or is it how we see ourselves?
  7. What is the ego? What does it mean when someone says "he has a big ego". My understanding of ths is the ego is that it is same thing as the self image. And someone with a big ego means he has created a self image that he believes is over confidence. Is the ego and self image the same thing?
  8. What do you do for protein?
  9. I watched oprah and the had a book advertized, happiness now by Robert holden. An okay self help book but leo videos are alot better
  10. Why did you kick the coffee habit? I drink 1 cup a day without sugar
  11. How about oatmeal? Good for protein.
  12. Blimey, I'm old. 38. Wish i had this information leo is posting at 17. My life would have taken a different route. However i have kids so i would not change anything.
  13. How to be attractive