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Everything posted by Zeroguy

  1. Hello "my" brothers and sisters.You are all ME.
  2. That's my shit man. yours: Level 1 (At Their Best):Profoundly creative, expressing the personal and the universal, possibly in a work of art. Inspired, self-renewing and regenerating: able to transform all their experiences into something valuable: selfcreative. Create that video game.
  3. God=Death. Formless infinite love. But You should love that body to infinity. Body is temple of God. Your True Self. ❤️
  4. Hey Rap. I've done that with my own life. Like I am in real game and I want my character to win. Judo mode. With belts like leveling up system.
  5. Here we all are. God=Infinite Selflessness, Infinite Creation, Infinite Love
  7. It will take years.
  8. I do indeed have competence to teach this stuff .But it is all conceptual (understanding, what INTPs and some other types seeks).Not very fun to me. I am interested in Truth because of Truth itself.
  9. @Raptorsin7 All true. Resonated very well. Str8 to ❤️
  10. @Raptorsin7 Can you post 8w6 or 8w1 in my Leopard topic. Thank you.
  11. It is. Guys now go create your dream life because yes it is true God is death. You will experience yourself in formless. False fear, fear of death. Yes! Go dream guys. Body is temple of God. Just in case.