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Everything posted by Zeroguy

  1. Hello.Let me introduce myself. Introverts get drained by communicating with other people unlike us extroverts.
  2. Best of luck. It might help.
  3. Doesn't matter.How you've been?
  4. @Raptorsin7 Thanks man,I like you too. See ,still can use both forums. Done with Leo when I saw his Vegas videos.
  6. @Michael Jackson Doesn't matter how my life is ,it would always and forever be Infinite Love.
  7. So many virgins when I die.Best religion ever. Where do I sign up?
  8. God is infinite selflessness and infinite Creator.So it would create everything. Sorry egotists.
  9. Yes we are.We even have teachers and seekers.
  10. There is no other.All you baby all you.
  11. So lets achieve it. 5 years.
  13. Useful tool for my Fi.
  14. Thank goodness on this forum I have INFPs false empaths to learn from. Kill me, please. Wish they disappear and their spamming journals(nutcake). Will learn only from INFP which has only one. Just emulate IRL.
  15. Like all desires in life have been stripped away from me. Like all joy just vanished.