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Everything posted by Zeroguy

  1. I just have to bribe the Allah.That sounds way to catholic to me .I am allah so by default I can't bribe myself.Randomize 'til I get harem is the best way.???
  2. Yes I will reincarnate with 72 virgins around me.All I have to do is to switch religion on my deathbed from this new age/hinduism (You are God) c... to islam and I am all set.(no emojis want to sound masculine).
  3. Hope you are from United Arab Emirates then we have a deal.???
  4. God created everything.You are not alone. Maybe in this universe there are beings that can be conscious of multiple POVs.How you know?
  5. God is Infinity. So God's creation is Infinite.Why not Infinite POVs. You have yours I have mine etc.
  6. Yes it made me dispassionate for life. Solipsism is easy to debunk.
  7. To escape Middle eastern heaven,maybe? Don't destroy beleif systems of other people they may lash out on you. ???
  8. With whom aee you talking with?There is only your POV anyways. Why you needed to make thread about this.
  9. Hey! I exist too now it makes up to 3 minds. Wondered how many minds are out there? Solipsism debunked.
  10. False hope.
  11. Uhm ...well....Not.
  12. Where are the emojis? You ain't spiritual without them.Also to masculine. Hellhole is already a paradise.
  13. How it was?
  14. People who say they will commit suicide ussualy never do it. Suicidal ideation is just that a fantasy.
  15. Great advice. ENTJ 8w7
  16. No it's not.@Someone here