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Everything posted by Topspin715

  1. this conversation is similar to whether or not men and women are biologically identical. obviously not. the issue is whether you are highlighting those differences to heal and empower, exploit and abuse, or just try to understand the nature of things from a more objective framework.
  2. Who cares? If you compare any two groups of people, however arbitrarily defined, you will find group A has a genetic/cultural edge in some ways over group B and a relative weakness in others having good or bad genes doesn't make any human life intrinsically more valuable than another the reason why any person might want to label themselves as superior to another or another as inferior to them would stem from insecurity and one's own deficient self esteem
  3. this is great. i previously requested a video on special and general relativity. time of course is a huge aspect of that.
  4. I think it is useful but has a lot of problems and limitations to it A lot of it seems like BS. It is supposedly based on measured galvanic skin resistance levels in humans to determine where you are on the scale - i have no idea how that truly works - but then you can somehow apply it to non-physical things like text on a page or meditation techniques or people that you have never met in person i've learned from the concept and map and model but there are a lot of problems with it which i find to be totally unnecessary
  5. What I meant was what kind of developmental forces shape and create a person like Andrew tate? What would it take for somebody like him to evolve and care about more than just getting women and fame and money? Is he a psychopath? Was this all from maladaptive parenting that he experienced? there's a real deficit of male role models in today's culture that people like Jordan Peterson and Andrew tate are filling the vacuum. as imperfect as both of them are, they are very imperfectly filling an desperately unmet need.
  6. How does somebody become like Andrew tate? Both of the brothers lionize their father even though he cheated on their mother and got a divorce and he supposedly never had much money to financially support them. i guess he doesn't have so much respect for women if his father was kind of a degenerate but i wouldn't have expected this outcome from that.
  7. Do any of these videos have transcripts anywhere? Youtube has built in transcript function but the formatting is so bad that it isn't particularly useful. Some of the topics I would prefer to read/skim through in 30 min to an hour in case I am interested but would like to find highlights.
  8. i think the OP's criticism is valid and i generally respect and admire leo's self awareness and commitment to continual improvement while i am not at this point yet myself, i think as i progress along my journey, there may be a point where i am impartial to both the intelligent and stupid, the wise and the foolish, sinners and saints, and the conscious and unconscious leo seems to have a preference for the former and his ability to assess the difference is far stronger than it is for the vast majority of humans, but the latter exist in an imperfect world i am not at the point where i think the world or universe is 'perfect' bc there is so much that i don't like in it and would like to change, but i'm looking to very precisely figure out what i can and can't change and in what order it must be done i also sense a bit of a recurring bias in favor of elites in leo's work which is a bit simplistic bc many elites are really fucking crooked while many poor ppl can be quite virtuous and noble and a true victim of their circumstances - really depends on a case by case basis, I'm not sure if i feel that one group tends to be better than the other
  9. there is an optimal amount of govt interference and handouts and it is neither too large nor zero if you have too many safety regulations and procedures, you can actually undermine safety having too large of a government might make it less efficient, effective, and more vulnerable to corruption i am somewhat of a govt minimalist, certainly not a libertarian or anarchist, and believe that government should be made as small as possible but no smaller, and have built in mechanisms to prune natural overgrowth that will inevitably occur over time - like a self maintaining bonsai tree
  10. Business can be corrupting and oppressive, esp for artistic and creative pursuits I worked for other ppl's businesses for abt a decade to learn the skills i needed to go out and do my own thing and reduce risk for me
  11. You can reprocess old painful memories by learning a lesson abt them and what you would do differently you experienced the same challenge in the future. Once you consciously have a better adaptation to the same problem, the unconscious and emotional pain tends to dissipate. Easier to do for some memories versus others.
  12. I would be interested in this too but would maybe be fine w 30 min on each one
  13. I thought the two part series on quantum mechanics was a great look at the world beneath the veneer of materialism. Would love to see a similar thing about relativistic nature of energy, mass, space, and time. there was some brief discussion in the series on relativism but I'm especially interested in the physics and not the sociological or psychological or moral forms of relativism
  14. What's easy or hard is a personal thing But far fewer ppl can successfully run a 100k person corporation than can successfully bail hay
  15. How do you observe thoughts to create space between them and yourself? For the past two years, I have been observing and seeking to understand my emotions and it is easier to recognize them because you can physically feel them? How do you know when you are thinking? What is a thought and what forms can it come in? I am always thinking and I enjoy thinking but I am a bit curious to better understand the structure of how thoughts work now to get to that observer-witness state.
  16. How do these two irreconcilable concepts exist at the base of both Buddhist and Hindu thought respectively? What is so great abt the concept of the non-self? Is it the same as unitive consciousness? Regardless of whatever cosmic realization you have where you feel unified with everything. I am and presumably will always have a localized sensory experience of qualia nested in my bodymind. Everything is connected and causally dependent on one another but that seems like just a perspective and has nothing to do with living a good life or freeing yourself from suffering IMO.
  17. Why do people say that your body doesn't exist if your sense organs (eyes, skin, nose, tongue) are perceiving and translating stimuli in your environment into a subjective phenomenal experience?
  18. How does this realization differ from what most people consider to be enlightenment? Is it the same thing?
  19. Is it constructed to describe absolute truth or is there absolute truth in math? Are these maybe even the wrong questions?
  20. You could say the land of America was discovered by the Vikings and Columbus bc it was already there and they just found it and figured out what it was they found. the land itself was created by various physical forces that similarly created the entire Earth. so there are some things that can be both discovered and created. Accounting is a branch of math that I would say was definitely developed for human use. But is there any element of math that exists independent of human experience? the number pi was discovered I would argue and the fundamentals of geometry. Number systems were developed for human use but numerical properties would exist in any possible universe or alien civilization I would think Where do geometry and numerical identities and pi and the Fibonacci sequence come from? I couldn't even alter the universe in such a way that I would change those but I could imagine a universe where the laws of physics were totally different Leo says math is as real as a dog turd but is a dog turd not real?
  21. If math is discovered, at least in part, what is being discovered?
  22. People, especially intellectual people, don't understand what he represents at a primal and emotional level - there are real and important reasons our democracy is under a lot of stress and trump truly is a festering symptom though i do think that it is worth considering Beck as potentially having suffered from dementia to make it a bit easier to respect his life's work rather than how he presented himself towards the end they all took so much from clare grave's without giving sufficient credit IMO but both beck and wilber have put out work that was very valuable to me so i am grateful due to changing domestic and geopolitical landscape, the GOP has swung from neoconservatism to paleoconservatism in the past 6 years which very few people seem to understand yet and the transition has been ugly
  23. For whatever it's worth, and this might be wrong, I get the sense that he may have developed some form of dementia towards the end of his life which might explain his unusual behavior regarding certain things
  24. Leo - have you ever thought about making your videos considerably shorter? By condensing the length, you increase signal to noise ratio even further although you obviously lose some information I've spent the last nearly 2 years straight simplifying my mental filters and constructs so that they are more resonant and parsimonious. Needed to reset my training data aggressively before I move on to the next stage in my life.
  25. Don Beck is apparently doing some more work on stage coral with some guy Beecroft, with whom I'm not famliar. This seems to be much closer to the right track. They list stage coral as master chaos - Catalyzing whole system evolution, averting disasters and threats. Destabilise and destroy outdated and pathological ecosystems, creating newer, functional systems. High awareness, courage, and self-mastery. For the benefit of self and all. Minimize harm.