Thank you for the thoughtful responses.
Tulpamancy looks interesting. I had no idea that was a thing. On some of my trips, entities would communicate with me. They felt more like additional streams of consciousness inside my own mind more than external beings. Might be a good starting point.
This is quite overwhelming, and I am struggling to process it. Perhaps I just need some time. Ego reaction is likely the case, but damn I don't know how to let it go. I feel like all of my comprehension is torn apart, and nothing makes sense any longer. Surrendering the ego during the come up on a trip is easy, but not so much during the aftermath for me. As Inliytened1 said, I think being in that transitional state between God and human is challenging.
Probably worth mentioning, I trip completely alone in the dark. As someone with Asperger's Syndrome, it's always been difficult to make friends. There is no one in my life I can speak to about such matters. This I imagine is even a problem for many other enlightenment seekers with large social circles.
Simply engaging with all of you here has helped with the feeling of loneliness, so I thank you for that.